Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Sage Miller

Slowly I forced my eyes to open. My first mission was to find out where the hell I was. That is top


My eyelid were heavy like they were suddenly made of concrete. Relief washed over me as I realised

the room was completely dark because my eyes were hurting like hell.

I looked around and realized I had no clue where I was and most importantly how I even got here.

I tried to get up, key word try. Everything part of my body was hurting. Moving felt like torture. I don't

know what happened last night but it was brutal.

The voices that woke me up weren't in my head anymore. I realised that they were coming somewhere

in the house.

I lifted my head off the bed only for it to fall back down on the bed. At that exact moment, a full on

blown headache started. It felt someone was drilling into my skull.

I groaned and forced myself to get up, finding out where the hell I was is still my first priority.

I wasn't even sure this was a house, it could've been a hotel because it was huge and luxurious.

My brain cells were having a hard time corresponding with my body.

I looked around the room and spotted a door which was opened ajar, it looked like a bath room. I know

I should've been more worried about the lack of knowledge about my location.

I barely remember what happened yesterday but I knew it was awesome. My amnesia is testament to

that. It is legit proof that last night was the best night of my existence.

I tried to think back to the last thing I remember doing which was a bust because the more I about it,

the more my head hurts buy I do remember drinks, girls and a whole lot of dancing.

I stumbled towards the slightly opened door with the thought of splashing my face with water so I could

think just a bit more.

After washing my face I drank the water to hydrate the desert that has become my throat.

The water tasted horrible, I gagged like i was gonna puke but nothing came out.

I raided the cabinets for some aspirin or advil for my headache. Finally I found a box of aspirin. I drank

them before stepping outside the room.

The hallway seemed familiar but I couldn't figure out how I knew that. Even the atmosphere and the

scent of the whole place felt familiar.

I followed the sound of the woman shouting, The further away I got from the room I was in the closer

the voice seemed to get but the house was huge. I was even confused how I heard the voices because

of how far away the room I was in was.

I finally saw a staircase and it clicked to me where I was. I was at Wren's house and now I recognized

the voice of the woman as Wren's voice.

The back of my mind told me that I knew this house.

I descended the stairs listening in on the conversation below. Wren was scolding Zac about last night.

When I got yo the middle of the stairs I realise I could see the living room from there and not wanting to

join the lecture downstairs, I sat down.

Zac and Mason, I think, were sitting on the sofa enduring Wren's scolding. They could barely keep their

eyes open much less pay attention but that didn't discourage Wren in any way.

Wren had her back on me so she couldn't see me. I was safe.

"My God Zac. You're suppose to the big brother and be responsible. I'm suppose to give you my

company in a few years but clearly you are never going up." Wren exclaimed waving her hands


"And you Mason. I expected more from you." She turned to Mason. "You took a seventeen year old to a

club to get drunk."

She then back to Zac again.

"I leave for three days and you take your sister to a club and not only that you dragged a sixteen year

old with you and how in God's name did you all get in?"

She asked and I could hear the pure curiosity in that but neither Zac or Mason where planning on

answering her.

I felt bad for her but it was just too amusing not to listen in.

"Oh Lord. Help this kids." She inhaled as if trying to calm herself. "Not only did you drag two under age

kids to a club but you two are also under age.."

She paused a little then her voice immediately went up an octave. "You see what you did to those kids.

Evernly looks dead. She was sick the whole night. Puking her guts out."

Both Zac and Mason flinched at the tone of her voice. I even winced. It was high, too high like she did it

on purpose.

"Mom." Zac groaned covering his ears which in return Wren scoffed.

"Oh! Cry me a river. Build me a bridge and get over it." She exclaimed and I snorted gaining Mason's


He looked up and I smirked at him which he gave me a small nod in return.

"Now go clean up I'll fix you something you something for the hangover. You smell." She said in disgust

before adding. "And see if Sage and Eve are up yet."

They both stood up at the command while Wren disappeared into what I assume is a kitchen. When

Zac noticed me on the stair his eyes widen.

They approached me and stop a step below to where I was sitting.

"How the hell are you up?" He asked me and I shrugged not really knowing what to tell him.

"You heard the Mrs, go clean up and meet us downstairs." Mason said to me as he was dragging

himself upstairs.

"I take it you remember the way to the room you were in." Zac added and continued to give me

instructions. "Mom and Eve put a few clothes in there for whenever you stayed over."

I nodded not sure if I still had a voice to begin with.

"I'll check on sis." He said before leaving.

I scoffed in my heard making a note to check on her myself.

When Zac told me they put few clothes for me I thought he meant a few pants and few tees that

belonged to him or something.

Oh boy was I wrong. All of this clothes where new and not just a few but the whole walk-in closet was


It had everything. From boxers to socks. Even shoes. Not just any shoes, expensive shoes. In fact

everything in here is expensive.

I smirked as I looked at everything. Mmm I mused as I chose black sweatpants and a grey tee.

I exited the room and searched for Eve's room. I still can't get over how huge this house is. The few

times that I've been in here, I've only just seen a few rooms, the living room and the room that were on

the way to Eve's room.

Eve once told me it has 22 bedrooms upstairs. A library, two offices, 12 quarters for workers, two

kitchens, 26 bathroom. A game room, a theatre, an inside pool and I think I'm forgetting most of the


It's was long walk from my room to Eve's. Especially since I was hungry and hangover with zero


When I got to her door, I didn't knock since it was basically opened.

I popped my head inside and I was stunned when I saw Mason of all people inside.

What the fuck is he doing? I waited to see what he was gonna do.

"You're so sweaty." He said pulling the duvet off her. "I can't believe Zac let you sleep in that, it looks

super uncomfortable."

He took off her shoes. I feel anger boiled inside me. I'm very protective of her.

I then remember what Zac said, Mason and Eve are pretty close and I saw that last night.

Eve is not comfortable around around most guys but yesterday I saw how comfortable they looked her.

But.... He could be another Styles. He will break her heart just like he did. But I won't allow it. This time

I'll protect her more than I did last time.

Just as I was about to burst in, Zac yells for his friend.

I was quick to open the opposite room and hide before he saw me.

I heard his foot steps as he walked out of Eve's room. I waited a few seconds before going downstairs.

As I neared the kitchen I could hear that Wren was still scolding them and they groaned. Or more so,

Zac groaned.

"Serves you right." She said as I walked inside.

They were sitting on the kitchen island and Wren standing on the other side dishing up three plates.

I noticed three glasses of water in front of each stool with what I assumed were Advil.

Wren finally noticed me and her face broke into a huge grin.

"Oh good, you're up." She said. I was still not used to her caring. In a motherly way.

"Come have breakfast and get rid of that nasty hangover you're feeling." She suddenly frowned which

made me frown too. "Are you okay?"

I was taken aback by her concern. It was...It was too much.

"Eh.. um.. I'm good?" I stuttered.

"I don't approve with what they did. Taking the two of you to a club. It was reckless and careless of

them. I apologize on their behalf."

My eyes flickered to them. The moment went from uncomfortable to amusement.

I secretly smirked to them deciding to have some fun. I turned to Wren, Mason already realised what I

was about to do.

"Yes it was. Especially Eve." I said fighting the urge to laugh.

Zac looked horrified with my response and Mason was just amused.

"My one and only daughter. She could've gotten hurt or worse." She exaggerated. She turned to Zac

and gave him a hard look. "Do you realise that I could've lost her? For good this time. What if she's got

alcohol poisoning. I mean she hasn't moved since you put her there."

She stopped and I realised how worried she was but that didn't stop the situation from being funny. I

had to bite my knuckles so I wouldn't laugh and Mason was holding his laugh too.

What was actually funny was Zac's face. He looked horrified and scared. She was putting the blame on


"I'm very disappointed in you." She said low exiting the room but not before saying one last thing. "I'm

going to check if she's alive."

We waited till Wren was out of earshot to laugh at Zac.

"Not cool dude." Zac said. "And it wasn't even my idea."

"I know." Mason said laughing.

"It was her idea and I'm blamed for it." He complained.

"We know." I said trying to smother my laugh.

"And you made it worse." He gave me a pointed look and I bursted out laughing again.

After we ate Zac and Mason left to do spmething. I didn't ask and they didn't tell me. After all we ain't NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.


I was still waiting for Eve to wake up and Wren insisted I stay since I never stay in her house.

She even blackmailed me saying she thinks I don't like her since I never spent time at her house.

"Pete went to get your car." I was startled by the voice.

I turned around and saw that it was Wren.

She chuckled nervously when she saw that I was startled.

"I'm sorry I scared you." She said and I brushed her off.

"It's nothing." I breathed a laugh and saw that she was coming to sit down.

I immediately got uncomfortable. It's not that I don't like her. I like her, to much but it's that we never sat

down, together. So this was new.

I can sense that she wanted to say something or ask but she was hesitant.

I suddenly had an idea to get out of this uncomfortable situation. I'm not very good with awkward

tensions. I wasn't a fan of them.

"Hey Wren." I called and she turned to me. "Could you please tell me about my father."

I asked. I've always been curious to know more about him. How he was growing up. Aunt Lauren never

said much about him and they when they were both alive, they didn't talk about our grandparents or

how they grew up.

They always told us our grandparents died.

Suddenly Wren chuckled and I frowned a bit.

I realised that this might've been a bad idea but before I could say anything her face lit up.

"Where should I start?" Wren beamed surprising me. "He was a good man with boyish looks, everyone

fell for him and his boyish charm. Like you."

I was surprised when she said that. My brows shows that.

"You look just like him, you know that." She told me. I knew I looked like him, I saw pictures before

Clara burnt all of them. "I can't get over how alike you two are. Not just looks but your personalities


She brushed my left cheek and I pulled back feeling uncomfortable. Her eyes widen little and retracts

her hands mumbling a sorry.

She waited for a few seconds before continued.

"He was a true gentleman. A born gentleman. You'd swear he was British sometimes."

I remember that. Dad always taught me to be a gentleman. Even from a young age. He'd make me

practice with Eve.

Maybe that's why I'm protective of her. I've been looking after her for as long as I can remember. I

learnt to lookout for her from a young age, it was forced into my DNA.

"So you're saying I'm a charmer?" I mused throwing her a little smirk.

She surprised me when she bursted out laughing.

"Yes. Yes, I'm saying you are." She told me with a little blush on her cheeks. My own cheeks turned


The tension between us suddenly felt non-existent.

I smiled at her. She said she can't get over how much I look like dad but I can't get over how much she

looks like Eve.

She's identical to my sister. Maybe that's why I like her. Even her laugh sounds like Eve's.

I can't seem to understand why dad left her for Clara. She's way nicer and more beautiful than my own


"Do you have any pictures of him?" I asked hesitant. I didn't want to open up old wounds but the last

time I saw his face was when I was 11 years. Even a picture of him.

Clara burnt everything that reminded her of dad. She erased his existence and I hated her for that. I

was resentful to her for that and I still am.

Wren seemed confused then understanding flashed in her eyes.

"Yes I do." She said. "They're very old though but I can get them for you if you want."

"Yes I'd like that but can I ask you a question first. If you don't mind that is." I said to her very cautious.

"You can ask anything?"

"Can you please tell me what happened between you and dad because Eve is younger than Zac which

means you had her after you got married. I don't mean to be noisy I'm just curious that's all and of

course you don't have to tell me if you don't want. I was just wondering but if you mind about me asking

I'll shut up and never ask again but if you don't mind I'd like to hear the story."

I vommitted everything as I was getting nervous because I realized that my question was out of line

and it suggested she cheated on her husband which I think she did or how else-.

"Sage." Suddenly Wren called me and chuckled. At first I was confused but I then gave her a nervous

laugh rubbing the back of my neck.

"I don't mind. I'll tell you." My head snapped towards her. I didn't think she'd tell me just like that.

"Have you ever heard that high school sweethearts never last?" She asked and I shook my head. "Well

your dad and I were just that, high school sweethearts. Of course I'm still a little bit bitter that he left


I gave her my full attention. I wanted to hear the story. I would've been her child if they didn't brake up.

"As you know that your dad played college football. He was a do it all. He managed to play football and

study law. He excelled at everything."

"Of course he had fan girls and some from high school. I won't deny that I've always been one of those

fan girls and of course your mom was one too but unlike all his fan girls I was never one for parties and

I was stupidly shy so I never went to his games, I didn't attend parties with him, I always had my nose

buried in the lasted novel and I think that's why he loved me so much. I wasn't too much like all the

other girls and in high school it was fine that I was like that but then college came around and his

football career took off, he never indented to go to the NFL but he liked football so he played it in

college and that's when the strain started in our relationship. I didn't suppose him the was I should've."

"Your mom on the other hand did for him what I couldn't. She supported him and a long the lines

support turned to gratitude, gratitude blossomed to love and I was left alone."

"I'm no saint. Of course I was stupid and heartbroken, my confidence was shattered but I think we

could've fixed everything but I foolishly started dating his rival, Zac's father. To show everyone that the

woman left by the linebacker can move on."

"As time went on we resented each other and never talked through our issues. Years went by and I had

Zac with Brian, I married him. There was no turning back from that but months after I had Zac, Brian

and I were separated."

Sho took a shaky breath making me realise how hard it was for her.

"Then I met your dad again and after all those years our love never faded it too late. He was married so

was I. I knew I would go back to Brian eventually for Zac but that day I thought it would be good to have

drinks and catch up and one think led to another and Zac's dad apologized but I was pregnant with

Eve. When he found out he was furious but he wouldn't let me go, he didn't want me going to his rival

so he gave me an ultimatum, if Eve stays with us, Mike can never go near her and if I leave I will never

see Zac again. So after a few months after I gave birth to Eve, I gave her to Miranda, Mike's mom."

"Then you were born. I would visit Eve everyday after work then one evening I came around and you

were all gone. Miranda told me she didn't know where you all were."

"At first I didn't believe her but as time went by I saw the desperation in her eyes. She blamed your

mom for it. Never did it crossed my mind that they crossed the border."

"Years went by and I was devastated, desperate to see her even if it's just one time. Then I had the

twins and I divorced their father and moved here. I didn't even think she'd be here."

Tears were flowing down her cheek and she was sobbing uncontrollably. I didn't know what to do.

She buried her face in her hands and I suddenly felt guilty that I opened up old wounds for her.

I should've stayed away from her. I remind her of dad. I reminded her of what could have been. She

said it herself, I don't just look like dad. I'm his miniature.

I stood up and knelt in front of her. I pulled her to me and hugged her.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "I didn't mean to make you cry."

I don't like it when a lady cry. My dad told me never to let a lady cry and right now all I want is to calm

her down.

"I looked for her. I swear I did." She sobbed.

"I know." I said.

"It's hard sometimes. She makes me think I didn't try hard enough. We were living in the same town for

three years for goodness sake."

At this point I didn't know what say to her.

"I know I didn't do right with her but I feel like she hates me. Every time she calls me Wren I'm

reminded that I chose a man over her."

She started sobbing harder than before and I didn't think it was possible for her to do so.

"What I would give to hear her say mom even if it's just once. Maybe i wouldn't feel like she hates me."

I heard the desperation on her voice.

Her breaking heart was overwhelming.

"She doesn't hate you. If she did she wouldn't be here." She might resent her but she doesn't hate her

but I didn't tell her that. "We didn't have it easy growing up. So it's sort of hard for her to let you in but I

assure you. She doesn't hate."

"What's so bad because I don't understand. She blames me for it but I don't know what she's blaming

me for."

"It's not my place to tell you." I rubbed her back trying to soothe her and by her sniffs I could tell she

was slightly calm.

"At least tell me something about her. She never tells me anything." She begged and I felt bad.

I thought for a moment on what to tell her then remembered something. It's one of our happiest

memories. Before dad died.

"Well..... growing up she wanted to be a princess. While every girl on our street wanted to be Cinderella

she wanted to be Bella. And of course dad treated her like a princess and bought her princess dresses,

shoe, tiaras. Everything to match a princess."

I chuckled remembering something.

"Of course she'd make me a prince and whenever I didn't want to play she'd tell on me and dad would

always make me play with her. Boys my age would tease me and I didn't care because I loved seeing

her happy was all I cared about."

I frowned as unwanted memories escape the grave I buried them in. Memories when dad died and

when I tried my hardest to make my big sister happy but fail.

Memories of Clara burning her toys. Memories of her crying in my arm. Memories when I'd find her

curled up in a corner after a nightmare. Memories when she'd crawl in my bed at night because she

was scared.

I shook my head to get rid of those memories but their strong.

"I guess that's why we're close. We've always been together. We've always had each other. Good or


After those words Wren seemed to understand my mood. She didn't ask anything else. I held her in my

arms, suddenly she wrapped her arms around me.

I stiffened not used to the kind of affection. Never in my life had Clara hugged me. Not even when dad

was alive. She was never affectionate.

After a few seconds, I forced myself to relax in her arms.

She realised that I've relaxed a little and she pulled me to her giving off more positive energy.

"Thank you." She unwrapped herself from me and stood up. I was still baffled by the affection.

"Pleasure." I whispered into the thin air.

"I'm trying to locate Miranda. The last time I talked to her was five years ago. She moved from where I

last saw her." I nodded. "I think she'd love to know I found art of you."

She stood up and left.

A couple of minutes later Zac said down where Wren was sitting. I jumped a bit startled.

He stared at the blank screen. His mood seemed to be as worse as mine.

He didn't say anything and I appreciated the silence.

"Thank you." He suddenly said as my brain didn't catch on.

"For what?" I asked. He stayed silence for a few seconds.

"I got here a while ago." He told me like I was suppose to know the meaning behind his words.

He took my silence as indication that I didn't understand a thing he meant.

He sighed in relief.

"I could never find the right words to cormfort her." He started. "So appreciate you being here,

comforting her. It's hard for her you know and it kills me when she's like this."

His statement made it seem like he went through a lot with his mother. Just like Eve and I.

I nodded in understanding and went back to staring at the staring at the blank screen.

Somehow I felt his pain. I felt it radiating from here.

Is it possible that he was hurting just like everyone of us? I stole a glance at him.

He leaned back on the sofa and closed his eyes.

My answer was yes, he was. In some fucked up was, he was just as messed up as us.

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