Return Of The Bad Boy Alpha

Return of the Bad Boy Alpha Chapter 19


I wake up the next morning and rise from the bed. Magnus is snoring loudly, and I leave him to sleep. 'Kairos gave him a bit of strength, Ruby interrupts my thoughts.

'Right, I respond, remembering the conversation. 'Still, he needs rest. So we are going to take care of image is of the full moon with what looks like Ruby and Kairos intertwined together. 'It suits you,' Ruby snickers.

I ignore my wolf and go about showering and getting dressed. I put on my usual simple outfit of jeans and I go to the kitchen to make us breakfast and find it almost entirely bare of any food. There is only som Sighing, I decided to see if the kitchen downstairs would give me some food. I didn't know where the around while holding her hand. Dulce's mate Joanna smiles at me as Dulce eyes me.

"Good morning, Naomi," Joanna says to me. "Have you met Elliot?" She gestures to the little boy. He a "No, I haven't," I look at Elliot, who looks like Dulce. "Hello, Elliot," I smile at him.

He leans against his mother and waves at me. Joanna nudges him. "Elliot, this is Naomi, Uncle Magnus Elliot smiles at me. "Hi." He waves.

I laugh. "Hello."Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

"So, I see you are marked," Dulce grumbles. "I thought Magnus was supposed to take it easy."

I snort. "Yeah, supposed to," I made air quotes. "His wolf helped," I smirk. "Anyways, I wanted to make "They should. Just tell them who you are," Joanna tells me.

"That mark should help prove who you are," Dulce laughs.

"I'm hungry," Elliot whines.

"Anyways, I'll come visit Mag later, if that's alright," Dulce asks.

I nod. "Yeah, it's alright."

ds to rest to heal from his wounds. I worry that our lovemaking last night may set his recovery back.

an sense Ruby's goofy smile that I have come around on having a mate. I walk into the bathroom and stare at the mark on my neck. It's like a tattoo. The

t-shirt. I pull my curly hair into a ponytail. Magnus is still sleeping. I lean down and kiss his forehead, and a smile forms on his face, but his eyes stay closed. and chips. store was, and I didn't want to leave Magnus. I head downstairs and run into Dulce and her family on the way down. Her little boy, Elliot, is waving a truck to be about the same age as Emery.


breakfast, but there is no food in the apartment. So I was going to see if the kitchen would give me some."

"We'll see you later then," Dulce takes Elliot's hand. "We have to get this one fed and off to school before we both go to work."

"We'll show you where the kitchen is," Joanna touches my arm.

"Thank you." I follow them towards the cafeteria. Joanna shows me the door into the kitchens, and we part ways. I walk into the bustling kitchen, and people are running around preparing food and various other activities. A thin older-looking woman approaches me. "The cafeteria is out there, miss," She snarks.

"Oh, no. I am here to ask for food to cook," I tell her.

She lets out a sarcastic snort. "Does this look like a grocery store?"

"No," I mumble. "I just want to cook for my mate, and there is no food in the apartment."

"Then go find the grocery store," The woman rolls her eyes and starts to walk away.

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. I walk behind her. "Sorry if I didn't make myself clear," The woman stops and glares at me. "My name is Naomi Monroe, and my mate is Major Magnus Bowie."

The woman looks me up and down and inhales. "I see."

"Yeah, I'll go to the store later, but for now, I want to make him something. He is still recovering," I explain.

The woman nods. "We can whip you up something."

"I would like to cook it myself." I sigh. "I'm sorry for bothering you," I start to walk away.

The woman grabs my arm. "Wait," I turn to her, and she releases my arm and walks over to a younger woman. "Suzie, will you help Ms. Monroe gather some ingredients so she can cook for Major Bowie." Suzie is a thin omega with red hair. She looks me up and down. Then looks at the other woman. "What do I get her, Diana?"

"Whatever she wants," Diana winks at me.

Suzie sighs and brushes past me. I nod at Diana. "Thank you." I then rush after Suzie.

"What do you want?" Suzie asks with sarcasm.

I sigh. "I just want some like eggs and bacon, stuff like that." I don't understand Suzie's attitude.

She hands me a box and points. "The fridges are there, and the pantry is there," She explains and walks away.

I shake my head and gather some eggs, bacon, bread, and a bunch of other stuff. Other kitchen staff eyes me, and I have to explain what I am doing several things. I then carry the food out of the kitchen and back up to the apartment. I hear Magnus snoring when I walk in. I set the food down and check on Magnus. He is on his back with his hands on his chest. I go back to the kitchen and make him a nice breakfast, and thankfully by the time I am done, he is awake. I carry the food into the room on a tray.

He eyes me and smiles. "There's my beautiful, Naomi."

"Good morning, Magnus," I say as I carry the food over to him. "Are you hungry?"

"Starved," He eyes the food. "I didn't think I had any food here," He laughs as he slowly sits up. He hisses.

I set the tray on the dresser. "Are you in pain?" I ask him. "Do you need your pills?"

"No," Magnus grumbles.

"Honey, you look like you are in pain," I state and run into the bathroom and grab his pills.

"Naomi, I'm fine," He calls.

I walk out of the bathroom and put my hands on my hips. "You are not fine, Magnus," I argue. "You are clearly in pain. It's okay to admit it. I won't think any less of you." "Fine, I'm in pain," He folds his arms.

"Was that so hard?" I snort and grab the tray. I made him some scrambled eggs with onions and cheese and bacon with toast. I set the tray in front of him.

"This looks delicious." He licks his lips.

"I got the food from the kitchen. I'll go grocery shopping later. But for now, I am nursing my mate back to health," I kiss his cheek. "I'll go get you coffee," I walk towards the door.

"I like my coffee black," He responds.

I get his coffee poured, and there is a knock on the door. I answer the door, and it is Suzie from the kitchen. She has a large box in her arms.

"Hi, what's all of this?" I ask her.

"Uh, food?" Suzie replies with a snort.

I sigh. "I see that."

"Diana asked me to bring it up here," She explains with attitude.

I take the box from her and carry it to the kitchen. "Naomi, where is my coffee?" Magnus calls from the bedroom.

"Well, thank you for the food. I have-"

"May I say hello to Major Bowie?" Suzie's eyes light up. "He and I are friends."

I shrug. "Sure, he is in there." I point to the bedroom. I grab the mug of coffee and follow Suzie into the bedroom.

"Suzie," Magnus greets her with a mouthful of eggs. "How are you?"

She walks over to the bed with a huge grin on her face. "I am doing great. I just got accepted into nursing school." She touches his bare shoulder.

Magnus is still naked, but luckily a blanket is covering his naughty bits. I hand him the coffee and walk out of the room. I grab my own breakfast and return to the bedroom and sit on the edge of the bed to eat. "I'm happy that you finally made it into nursing school," Magnus says to Suzie.

Suzie sits on the bed beside him. Ruby is in my head, growling at how close she is. I have to push her back to prevent her from coming out. "Yeah, my mom told me to keep trying, and you helped too, sir."

"When do you start?" Magnus asked

"In a few months," Suzie announces. She keeps touching his arm, and like a typical male, he doesn't say anything.

I quickly finish my food and see his pills are still on the tray. "Magnus, you have to take your pills," I say to him while he is talking to Suzie.

He huffs. "I will."

I roll my eyes and walk out of the room. I go to the kitchen and unpack the food Suzie brought up. After I put the food away, I start cleaning the kitchen. I have to keep my jealousy at bay and remind myself that Magnus is allowed to have female friends. 'Dulce is his best friend, and she's female.'

'She's a lesbian, Ruby responds. 'And she is mated.'

I sigh and continue with the dishes. I hear someone approaching and turn to see Suzie. "Thank Diana for the food."

"I know you are his mate, but I am the one he is meant to be with," Suzie sneers at me.

I sigh heavily. "Oh, geez, you are one of those," I mumble. I remember females throwing themselves at Max and my brother back home before finding their mates. "Look, whatever you and Magnus did in the past needs to stay there. You can leave now." "I will be back," Suzie tilts her head. "He loves me."

"Just leave," I point to the door. I may not be much of a fighter, but I know I am stronger than this omega. Ruby is in my head, snarling like a mad dog.

Suzie rolls her eyes and walks out of the apartment. I lock the door and then go into the bedroom. Magnus is finished with his food. "All done?" I ask him, and he nods.

"I even took my pills," He smiles. "It was good, thank you."

"So, when did you have sex with Suzie?" I ask just as he is gulping down his coffee. He spits it out and coughs.


"You heard me," I fold my arms.

"Naomi, what the hell? That was in the past," He sighs.

I shake my head, grab the tray, and carry it out of the room. I set it in the kitchen and start to clean up the dishes. I hear Magnus groan and see him limping out of the room. He is wearing just a pair of shorts.

"Want to tell me what that was all about?" He leans on the counter.

"Oh, just Suzie was staking her claim to you, so I had to surmise that you two slept together," I explain.

"We never slept together. We went out a few times, but she told me she wanted to wait on s*x. I respected that," He explains.

"According to Suzie, you two are in love," I face him with my hands on his hips.

Magnus wipes his hand down his face. "We are just friends, Naomi. But I'll have a talk with her."

"Whatever," I go back to the dishes. Magnus wraps his arms around my waist and presses himself against me.

"You are the one I am in love with," He whispers in my ear. He places a few kisses on my neck, and I lean into him.

"Ugh, why do you have to be so hot?" I snort.

"That's the way the Goddess made me," He kisses my shoulder and just holds me.

I feel him trembling. "Honey, are you in pain still?" I ask.

"I'm fine." He mumbles.

"Magnus," I turn myself, so we are facing each other. I look into his green eyes and see the pain he is in. "Honey, let me get you back to bed," I say and help him back to the bedroom. I help him lie down. "I am calling the doctor." "No, I don't need the doctor." He protests.

"Magnus," I fold my arms.

"Just lay with me for a bit. It will ease the pain, especially when the pills kick in." He smirks.

"Okay, let me finish the kitchen, and I'll come lay with you." I lean down and kiss him. I finish the kitchen, and he is snoring by the time I return. I strip down to nothing and lay with him. I fall asleep for a bit before being woken up by knocking on the door. I look at the clock, and it's nearly noon.

I answer the door, and it's Phoebe and Brutus. "Hey, Naomi," Phoebe hugs me, and then her eyes widen. "You finally let my brother mark you?" She points at my mark.

"Yeah, I did, and I marked him," I say. "Did your parents come too?"

Phoebe nods. "Yeah, Max and Charlotte came too. They are talking to the King."

"Max left Chance and Greyson by themselves?" I laugh.

"They will be fine," Phoebe laughs. "We just wanted to say spend some time with Mag."

"He is sleeping right now, but you can hang out for a bit," I pull her to the couch. "Oh, hi Brutus," I say to her giant mate.

"Hello, Miss Naomi," Brutus responds and sits on a chair that he dwarfs.

"So, I moved into Brutus's place. It's so cute. I can't wait to make it all girly," She winks at Brutus.

"You do whatever you want to it, sweetheart," Brutus responds. "How is the Major?"

"He is in pain but won't admit to it," I reply.

"It's not easy for men like us to admit to being in pain," Brutus tells me. I hear a phone ring, and Brutus pulls his out of a pocket. "Hey, Dulce." He stands up and walks away.

"So, do you want to go shopping with my Mom and me later?" Phoebe asks. "Daddy and Max can stay here with Mag."

"I hate to leave him," I sigh.

"Naomi, he'll be fine. And since you are marked now, you'll sense if anything is wrong."

"Baby," Brutus walks over. "Dulce needs me. So tell Mag I said hi and have fun shopping." He kisses Phoebe and waves at me before leaving the apartment.

Phoebe and I watched TV for a bit. Then I hear a groan and look up to see Magnus standing in the doorway of the bedroom. "Hey, Pheebs," He greets his sister.

Phoebe stands up and runs over to him. "Mag, you look like crap."

"Thanks," He grumbles as she hugs him.

I get up to help him to the couch just as his parents arrive. I let them into the apartment, and his mother runs over to him. It feels crowded with so many people in it. "Oh, Mag," Janice kisses his forehead. I smile at Max and Charlotte. "Hey, Alpha, how are things at home?"

"Good. Busy," Max replies.

"How are things here?" Charlotte asks, and I see her eyeing my neck.

I touch the mark. "Pretty good," I smirk.

"Hey, Dad told me that you are going to be moving here permanently, so I found someone to run the Archive," Max tells me.

"Really, who?" I ask with concern.

"You remember the old school librarian, Mrs. Helfer? She worked in the Archive years ago, so she is going to take over," Max explains. "Oh, that's great, I guess," I mumble. "I'll be there to get my stuff soon."

"Don't worry about it. Mrs. Helfer has her own house and wants to stay in it," Charlotte laughs.

"Hey, bro, aren't you going to come say hi?" Magnus says from the couch to his twin.

Max walks over to the couch and sits beside Magnus. Janice walks over to me. "Phoebe says that you want to come shopping with us."

"I just need groceries," I tell her.

Janice looks around. "And a few other things for the apartment," She winks.

"I hate leaving him-"

"Oh, Darryl and Maximus will be here," She waves her hands. "We won't be more than a few hours. Then we all have to go home. We can't leave Chance and Greyson alone for too long," She laughs. Everyone sits around to chat for a bit. Then I get ready to go shopping with the ladies. "I won't be away for long," I tell Magnus. We are back in the bedroom, and he is lying on the bed.

"Pops and Max are here, don't worry about it, Baby." He says to me.

I lean down and kiss his lips. "I won't go too nuts."

"See you later, Baby." He smiles.

I go into the living room where the others are waiting. "Okay, I am ready," I say to Janice and Phoebe.

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