Rejected Little Secret by Lisj

Chapter 84

Chapter 84 


With every step closer to the hospital, a growing sense of trepidation weighs heavily on me, like a knot of nerves constricting my insides. 

My eyes shift downward, landing on the tightly wrapped bandage around my leg, serving as a constant reminder of the close call I had. The pain is a persistent presence, a dull ache that radiates through my entire body, intensifying with each step. Despite my bist efforts to ignore it, the wobbling sensation in my leg becomes increasingly difficult to ignore, threatening to give out at any moment. 

As I struggle, Axton’s observant eyes catch my distress, and he extends his hand to steady me, his touch a comforting blend of gentleness and strength. 

“Are you okay?” he asks, his voice laced with concem. “Do you want me to carry you?” 

I force a shaky smile, my face contorting with the discomfort caused by my throbbing leg. 

“I’ll be fine,” I reply, my voice barely above a whisper. “Just a little sore, that’s all.” 

But Axton’s perceptive eyes cut through my disguise, fixating on the tightly–wrapped bandage encircling my injured leg. 

“Maybe we should get you a wheelchair,” With a touch of worry, he suggests in a gentle tone. “You shouldn’t be walking on that leg in yo 


For a moment, I hesitate, feeling a surge of unease at the thought of being confined to a wheelchair. My leg throbbed with unbearable pain, and I acknowledged that I would need someone’s help to get through the hospital. 

Reluctantly, I nod my head in silent agreement, conceding to Axton’s suggestion. With his guidance, I make my way towards the entrance of the hospital, where a staff member is patiently waiting, wheelchair in hand. 

“Here you go,” she says kindly, offering me a reassuring smile. “Let me help you with that.” 

As I lower myself into the wheelchair, a sense of defeat overwhelms me and I take my place in the seat. Holding onto the handles, Axton’s touch is gentle as he guides me towards the hospital entrance. 

I can’t help but feel a pang of embarrassment as we make our way through the bustling corridors of the hospital, the eyes of the other patients and staff members following us as we pass by. I attempt to lower my gaze, hoping to avoid their inquisitive looks, but it’s impossible to disregard the sympathetic glances directed at me. 

Blackacre members because of me. It’s not common for a werewolf to be hurt to the point where they have to use a wheelchair. Those who tend to use them are werewolves who have lost limbs or are pregnant Thomholde members might be seen as vulnerable in the eyes of cert 

As Axton pushes me down the sterile corridors of the hospital, the wheels of the wheelchair emit a soft, rhythmic squeak that echoes through the empty hallways, Restlessly, I adjust my position in the seat, feeling the constant pressure of the tightly wrapped bandage on my leg, a tangible reminder of the pain I endure. 

Suddenly, Axton’s voice shatters the silence, jolting me back to reality. His question hangs in the air, his tone tinged with curiosity. 

“Why do you want to visit Nadia?” 

I pause briefly, my mind racing to find the right words. Honestly, I’m not quite certain why I feel this overwhelming urge to see her, especially considering everything that has transpired. However, a lingering discomfort gnaws at the depths of my stomach, a pressing need to engage in conversation with her, to ascertain whether she possesses any information regarding the bear trap that came perilously close to maiming 

19:22 Sat, 22 Jun RO 

Chapter 84 

  1. me. 


“I need to talk to her about the bear trap,” I finally reply, my voice barely above a whisper. “I need to know if she saw anything else, if she can give us any more clues.” 

With a thoughtful expression, Axton nods in understanding, his eyes focused intently on me. His concerned expression was evident as he asked, furrowing his brow. 

“And you think she’ll tell you?” 

With a shrug. I acknowledge my lack of expectations and prepare for whatever may come. 

“I don’t know,” I admit, there was a touch of frustration in my voice. My eyes flicker to my leg, and 1 absentmindedly wave a hand over the bandaged portion. “But it’s worth a shot. Maybe if she sees me like this, she’ll feel sorry for me and be more willing to talk.” 

My words elicit a chuckle from Axton, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he asks. 

“You really+ 

“You really think Nadia has a heart?” 

to be 

“Hey,” I reminisced, “She used to be my friend in the past.” 

“People change, Chesnut.” 

I roll my eyes at his teasing tone, which is filled with playful sarcasm, but deep down, a nagging curiosity lingers, making me wonder if there’s truth in his words. Nadia has always been guarded with her emotions, but lately, she has become even more distant, creating a cold and indifferent aura around her. But maybe, just maybe, there’s a part of her that still cares, hidden beneath the surface, like a forgotten treasure. 

As we continue down the hallway, the tension between us palpable, I can’t shake the feeling of unease that settles in the pit of my stomach. What if Nadia refuses to talk? What if she knows more than she’s letting on, and she’s just waiting for the right moment to strike? 

I take a deep breath, letting go of my doubts and fears, and directing all my attention towards the task in front of me. 

I need to find out what Nadia knows, no matter the cost. 

The hospital corridor is eerily quiet, amplifying the sound of the wheels of the wheelchair as Axton pushes me towards Nadia’s room. The closer we get to the door, the more my heart pounds in my chest and the thicker the tension becomes in the air. Just as we’re about to enter, the hallway is filled with the reverberating sound of voices shouting and the hurried patter of footsteps. 

Axton’s body stiffens beside me, his muscles tightening as he abruptly pivots, his eyes sweeping the corridor for any indication of a threat. Acting on pure instinct, he swiftly moves in front of me, creating a protective barrier against any oncoming threat. 

With a tight grip on the arms of the wheelchair, my heart races in fear, heightened by the mysterious sounds emanating from the distant hallway. The volume of the shouting increases, blending with the rapid rhythm of footsteps, and I sense a tight knot forming in the depths of my belly. 

A voice calls out, its echo reverberating through the sterile halls of the hospital. 

“Alpha! Alpha!” 

Axton’s jaw clenches, his expression hardening as he recognizes the voice of one of his pack members – a mix of annoyance and frustration evident in his eyes. Without a moment’s pause, he fixes his intense gaze on me, his words spoken with conviction. 

19:22 Sat, 22 Jun 

Chapter 84 

“You okay?” he asks, his voice firm. “Goddess, they know better than to surprise me like this.” 


With each step, the shouting figure’s pale face becomes more visible, sweat glistening on his forehead as he gets closer. He gracefully bows towards Axton, and to my astonishment, he extends the same gesture towards me as soon as he spots me behind Axton. My confusion evident, I return the gesture as Axton steps in front of me, protecting me from the pack member’s view. 

“What is it?” Axton asks, his voice firm, 

The pack member straightens up, his eyes flickering anxiously back and forth between Axton and me. 

“Alpha,” he begins, his voice trembling slightly. “There’s something you need to see.” 

Concern etches across Axton’s face, his brow furrowing. His words echo in the hallway, his tone filled with sharpness. 

“Why? What is it?” 

Hesitating, the pack member’s eyes briefly flick towards me before settling back on Axton. Finally, his voice escapes in a barely audible 


“It’s better if you see for yourself.” 

I can sense Axton’s reluctance to leave me alone as he glances at me, his furrowed brow revealing his worry. I notice his gaze darting bandaged leg, and the concern is evident in the creases on his forehead. But I am aware that duty comes first, and as the Alpha, he n fulfill his responsibilities 

“Chesnut…” With a heavy tone of concern, he starts speaking. 

With a mix of sadness and determination, I reach out to touch his arm, mustering a small smile as a sign of support. 

“It’s okay, Axton,” I say softly. “You need to go take care of your pack. I’ll be fine here.” 

My words seemed to have an effect on Axton, as his face softened, yet the worry in his eyes was still apparent. Just as he starts to protest, I interrupt him with a firm shake of my head, preventing any words from leaving his lips. 

“I mean it,” I insist, my voice firm. “Til be okay. You don’t need to worry about me.” 

Sighing heavily, Axton’s shoulders droop in resignation. 

“I just don’t like the idea of leaving you here alone,” he admits, his voice filled with frustration, “Right now, my wolf is adamant that you come with us. Sort of feels like he thinks we should be together right now, Chestnut.” 

I give him a sympathetic smile, understanding his concern but knowing that he has no choice but to go. 

“Come on, don’t be silly,” I reply softly. “But your pack needs you. And besides, I’m not completely defenseless. I can take care of myself.” 

With a brief pause, Axton locks his gaze with mine, silently questioning the honesty of my words. After much contemplation, he finally nods, his expression conveying a sense of resignation., 

“Fine,” he says, his voice heavy with reluctance. “But promise me you’ll call for help if you need anything. Let the staff know, they can all just track me down or have someone call me. I’ll also be telling Axel to come here to keep an eye on you.” 

A chuckle escapes my lips as I offer him a reassuring smile. 

Chapter 84 

“You don’t have to do that. I’ll be fine,” I say earnestly, “Now go, before things get any worse.” 

With one last lingering look, Axton turns and heads down the hallway, his figure gradually fading into the distance. With a heavy heart, 1 watch him walk away, the weight of his absence already settling in. 

Feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on me, I let out a heavy sigh, the air escaping my lungs in a slow, defeated exhale. Try as 1 might to appear brave in front of Axton, I can’t help but be plagued by a nagging feeling of unease. 

Despite the overwhelming feeling, I disregard it and compel myself to concentrate on the task at hand. Even though I may be alone, I will not allow fear to immobilize me. I’ve encountered more challenging situations in the past, so I’m confident that I can deal with anything that 

comes my way

With a determined nod, I push myself up from the wheelchair, feeling the strength surge through my muscles, and approach the door of Nadia’s room. Despite my injury, I am determined to push forward and not let it hinder me. I have burning questions that demand answers, and I won’t find peace until I uncover them. 

I cautiously push open the door to Nadia’s room, the knob turning with a gentle click. But as soon as I step inside, a wave of shock washes over me, freezing me in place as I take in the unfolding scene before my eyes. 

In the dimly lit room, two figures wearing dark hoodies and masks stood ominously near Nadia’s bed. A rush of panic courses through m see them silence her pleas for help by placing a cloth over her mouth. My heart races and my breath quickens as the realization hits me punch. 

The moment our eyes connect, Nadia and I exchange a wordless understanding 

In an instant, the figures abruptly shift their attention towards me, their eyes remaining hidden behind the masks. I feel a rush of adrenaline as fear takes hold, leaving me frozen in fear. My attempts to scream for help are in vain as the cloth pressed against my mouth muffles any sound that escapes. 

The cloth had a strange, pungent odor, and within moments, I lost consciousness. Ccontent © exclusive by Nô/vel(D)ra/ma.Org.


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