Rejected By My Mate

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

The beautiful young woman with two distinct eye colors is looking straight at me in the classic golden

mirror. Her hairstyle was made elegantly. Her face is also covered with a light make-up and nude

lipstick. A small, beautifully designed silver tiara lying on top of her head alluringly, describing her as a


I beam at my own reflection in the mirror; I saw a different Alexandria. The Alexandria I know has dull

appearance, messy curly brown hair that was always put in a bun, no make-up and most of all, didn’t

wear fancy clothes. A champagne silky satin gown perfectly hugged my body, showing my curves. I’m

glad it wasn’t tight like the princesses I see in the movie.

A knock on the door brought me back from my stupor. The gold metal knob twisted, and a beautiful

woman came in view. She wore an elegant silky satin gown in a shamrock colour designed only for the

Queen. She was smiling widely while scanning my entire appearance.

“You’re so gorgeous, my princess.” Mama said, her eyes sparkling. NôvelDrama.Org © content.

I smile widely, showing my pearly white teeth. “You as well , Mama,”

Checking my gown and make-up, she asked, “Are you ready?” I nodded, a bit nervous.

We both strutted out of my room with elegance and walked in the long hallway. Few knights were

behind us automatically. While walking, I heard a lot of noise outside, mostly from talking. I can tell that

there were a lot of people outside. My heartbeats quicken because of nervousness. This will be the first

time that I will be facing a crowd of people.

When we reached the big double door, we stopped and Mama looked at me with a smile, “You’ll come

in last when we call your name.”

I nodded, and Mama stepped outside, leaving me behind the door anxiously waiting.

‘You can do this, Alex.’

Thanks, Damona.

‘I hope you won’t faint there.’ Val said with a chuckle. I pouted my lips when everyone laughed in my


‘Hey, stop bothering, Alex.’ Willow said.

‘I’m so excited!’ Xandra squeaks.

I smiled and let out a deep breath, and relaxed myself. I can do this.

Few minutes later, I no longer feel antsy and I can hear Mama and Papa’s speech outside.

And finally, my name was being called. The double door made a noise and slowly opened. Letting out

one last deep breath, I stepped out gracefully with a smile. I almost gasped upon seeing the sea of

people which almost filled the wide plaza. They were cheering my name loudly. I walked towards my

little brother Angelo, Mama and Papa, who were both standing to acknowledge my presence.

On the other side of the stage, Azrael, Layla, Sabrina and Lucia were smiling at me widely.

Angelo and Papa kissed the back of my hand as a greeting while Mama and I do cheek to cheek.

Papa cleared his throat and introduced me again, “Ladies and Gentlemen, this is our one and only

Princess Alexandria Vermount.” The crowd cheered my name and welcomed me. I gave them a

gigantic smile while waving my hand.

Alexandria Vermount… I’m no longer a Gregory.

Those people in front who could clearly see my eyes gasped and their mouths hung in awe. And they

murmured about my eyes and it spread faster. All of them wanted to have a glance at my eyes up

close, but only a few could go near me.

The welcoming ceremony lasted an hour, and Papa revealed to everyone about the upcoming war.

Everybody was anxious because they hadn’t expected a war that would come so soon. And worst, it

will happen on the blue moon. The Moonlight Kingdom should celebrate when the blue moon comes

because everybody thinks that the Moon Goddess will bless them. The celebration will be cancelled.

I made my way to Azrael, Sabrina and Layla. I didn’t see Lucia, maybe she had other things to do. As I

was approaching, they gave me a warm smile. Layla stood up and greeted me.

“You’re so beautiful, Alex. You’re really a Princess.” I chuckled at her remarks.

Sabrina stood up while tidying her clothes and smiled at me, “Indeed. Now, you look completely

different. Where’s the old Alex we know?”

We all laughed, and I felt Azrael’s burning stare at me. His eyes were darkened while lusting over me. I

smiled at him and he looked away when I caught him. His cheeks and ears flushed red because of

embarrassment. I stop the urge to laugh out loud. I remembered the kiss we shared last night, and that

made me flushed red. Still, I didn’t let Azrael mark me yet because I think it is still not time. I don’t know

why I felt reluctant.

Since the ceremony was done, we walked back inside the palace to talk to my parents. Well, only

Azrael and I are going to talk to my parents about going back to Shepherd's pack. Sabrina and Layla

will stay here to start their training because we only have eight days to prepare for the war. Azrael and I

are going to check his entire pack.

We separated from Layla and Sabrina when we stepped inside the palace. Azrael and I go directly to

the King’s office. When the knights saw me, they quickly opened the door.

When we stepped inside the King’s office, Papa and Mama were talking to each other. They stopped

and looked at us with a smile.

“Mama, Papa, we have something urgent to say.” I started, and they ushered us into the guest chair.

“What is it?” Papa asked while staring at us.

I cleared my throat and let out a deep breath, “We need your permission. Azrael and I will go back to

his pack to check if everyone is fine. We need to get Lucian out of the pack house.”

Papa and Mama looked at us while thinking. “That is dangerous. Lucian is tricky, we were trying to get

him for years now, but he’s strong. He’s not an ordinary werewolf, he’s also a beast the Demon King

made.” Papa said in a worried tone.

Azrael and I looked at each other for a second, I looked back to my father, “I’m not afraid of him.”

“I know, Alexandria. You are brave and strong, but he wouldn’t touch you. What I’m worried about is if

you will go there, he might call for back-up. He had the beast’s trust and they are eager to get you. If

they learn you came back to the Shepherd's pack, there’s a possibility that they will kill everyone in that

pack like what happened to the Blueming pack.”

I couldn’t help but gasp. That explains the big footprint in the pack house before. It’s from the beasts.

“Don’t worry, Mama, Papa. I won’t let them get me. I have my four spirits in me and Azrael, and I

believe no one will get to touch me.” I reassured them.

“I will also protect Alexandria, Your Majesty, and Your Highness.” Azrael said in a serious tone.

They let out sigh and Papa spoke hesitantly, “I will let you two go but make sure to come back before

12 o’clock because the portal will close by that time.” we nodded while smiling.

“Please be careful, Alexa and Azrael.” Mama uttered worriedly. I smiled at them.

“Thank you, Mama, Papa.” I said, and stood up.

I walked towards them and hugged them both tightly. They kissed my forehead before letting me go.

We have the permission now and we need to talk to Sabrina and Layla.


“Alex, please let me come with you!” Layla begged, and I sighed.

“Layla, please stay here. I promise we will go back before midnight. We have to make sure everyone is

fine. Lucian is there and we have to do something before it’s too late.”

Layla frowned. “Okay, but please be careful. Alex, you are the only one I have and I don’t know what to

do if something bad will happen to you.” her face is now stained with tears. I sighed and wiped her

tears away, and hugged her.

I tap her back soothingly, “Layla, don’t you trust me?”

She looked at me intently, “Of course, I trust you, Alex. I’m afraid for every possibility that may occur

while you are out there.”

I smile, “Nothing bad will happen to me, Layla. I can assure you that.”

She slowly nodded reluctantly. I looked at Sabrina and she also had a look of worry. She sighed and

nodded her head. I smile at her.

Sabrina diverted her gaze to Azrael who was silently listening to us, “Azrael, please take care of Alex.

Don’t let anyone touch her. I trust Alex with you, Azrael. I hope you won’t disappoint us.”

Azrael nodded, “Don’t worry, Sabrina, Layla, I will take care of Alex.”

I rolled my eyes and smirked, “Are you sure? Or I’ll be the one who will take care of you? You all knew

too well what I’m capable of.”

They all laughed as realization hit them. “Sorry, Alex. We forgot who you are.” Sabrina mumbled while


Afterward, Azrael and I got ready for our departure. I teleported us to the forest where the gate is. Papa

told me the spell earlier, and I immediately chanted it.

The tall white gate opened, and we were almost blinded by the light. We quickly trotted our way out the

gate and after how many seconds, we were back in the Tibbertan Mountain and the tall white gate

closed itself, and vanished. Now that I have seen the Tibbertan Mountain in the daylight, it was actually

enchanting. The sunlight kissed my skin, which made my skin whiter and shining like the glass and the

warm breeze feel so nice.

“Are you ready?” I asked Azrael who was also scanning the whole mountain. He nodded anxiously and

let out a deep breath. He seems so nervous.

I smiled and held his arm. I closed my eyes and thought about the place where I was before. A force

pulled us and when I opened my eyes, we were already in front of the Shepherd pack house.

Azrael quickly trotted his way inside the pack house and forgot about me. I sigh and follow him.

“Alpha!!!” I heard Lucy squealed, followed by everyone.

I didn’t sense Lucian's aura. He’s not here? Good.

“Andrea!” I looked at the girl who called me. I smiled at her, “Lucy, how are you?”

“I’m fine! I’m so glad that Alpha is alive.” she said teary-eyed.

I smiled and said, “I told you, I’ll bring him back.”

“Alpha!!” we all looked at the top of the stairs where a man stood frozen.

“Beta,” Azrael mumbled while smiling. Matthew quickly made his way to him and hugged Azrael tightly

while smiling widely.

“I thought you would never go back.” Matthew said while wiping his tears. “Finally, I won’t be dealing

with those loads of paper works on your desk.” Matthew looked relieved upon saying those lines.

We all let out a chuckle. When Matthew saw me, he immediately acknowledged my presence.

Azrael, Matthew, and I made our way to Azrael’s office.

“Thank you for bringing our Alpha back, Luna.” Matthew said while smiling. I froze, he called me Luna.

But I am not Azrael’s Luna yet. I don’t know why, but I am still reluctant to acknowledge myself as

Azrael’s Luna.

“It’s nothing, Matthew.” I said.

When we reached Azrael’s office, we both sat at the black leather sofa. Azrael cleared his throat and

spoke, “Matthew, where’s Lucian?”

Matthew creased his forehead and said, “He disappeared when you didn’t come back. We can’t find

him so we stopped looking for him 3 days ago.” he said and let out a heavy sigh.

Relief washed over me. Thank God, he’s no longer here. I’m glad everyone is fine.

Azrael was also relieved. “Thank you, Matthew, for taking care of the whole pack while I’m gone.”

“It’s nothing, Alpha. As your Beta, it’s also my duty to help you. Don’t worry, everything was fine.

Except, a lot has happened lately. Should I discuss it now with your Luna?” Matthew said and glanced

at me.

“It’s okay, Matthew. Go on.” Azrael said, and he nodded.

“Okay,” he paused and let out a deep breath, “We received a letter from the Alpha King 4 days ago,

and ordered us to prepare for a war that will happen soon when the blue moon comes.”

Azrael and I looked at each other. Stephen ordered everyone to prepare for the war? Does this mean

that he is also part of the association now? Papa should know this.

What is the reason why Stephen joined the alliance? Is he also planning to kill me? Is he the one

behind the chasing when we were in his castle? I frown. Does Stephen know we were cousins?

“Did he state the reasons for the war?”

Matthew shook his head, “No, Alpha. But, he mentioned the Tibbertan Mountain. The war will take

place in the Tibbertan Mountain so we must prepare because we might encounter plenty of beast’s.”

So they are prepared. Stephen used his influence as the King to get everyone involved in the war.

Even the innocent one will be involved in the upcoming bloody war. For what? To kill me and my

parents? I can’t let them harm everyone in the Moonlight Kingdom.

“Azrael, you need to do something. They can’t get involved in the war. You can disobey the order


Azrael sighed and shook his head sadly. “I’m sorry, Alex. But, an order is an order and there’s no

exception. I must send all of my pack warriors.”

I frowned. Azrael’s pack warriors will be our enemy too? This is so f*ck up.

I have to come up with a plan.

A knock on the door interrupted us. “Come in,” Azrael uttered.

The doorknob twisted, and the door opened, revealing Lucy. She bowed her head, “Alpha, Luna, and

Beta, lunch is now ready in the dining area.”

“Thank you, Lucy.” Azrael said and Lucy smiled. Azrael looked at me and smiled, “Let’s go?” I nodded

and stood up.

We strutted out of the room and walked towards the dining area where the entire pack was already

seated and waiting for us. They greeted us when we entered. Azrael pulled a chair for me beside him

that made me smile. Such a gentleman.

“I know you’re hungry. Eat everything you want.” he said, and that made my eyes twinkling upon seeing

the food on the platters, tempting me to grab them.

We started eating and this time I ate slowly because I am not that hungry. The food tasted delicious,

and that made me eat more. I noticed everyone was staring at me, even Azrael and their plates with a

little food left untouched. My forehead creased in confusion.

“Why aren’t you all eating?” I was baffled.

They didn’t say anything back and looked away. I frowned and looked at Azrael, “Azrael? Is everything


He let out a sigh, and stared at me blankly and mumbled the words that made me dumbfounded and

broke my heart. “I’m sorry, Alexandria.” he murmurs, and my world suddenly started spinning. I

groaned when my head hurts so bad. My four spirits also whined inside my head.

My vision getting blurry while looking at everyone with a blank look. I looked back at Azrael even if I

couldn't see his face clearly. I held my head with my two hands when the pain got worse. It hurts like a

bitch. What’s happening?

The words of my deceased parents rang inside my head. ‘And don’t trust anyone.’

Tears streaked down in my face while looking at Azrael’s blurred face. It’s like my heart shattered again

into tiny pieces. I felt betrayed over and over again. I regret not reading his mind, and now I fell into his


“I trusted you, Azrael. You betray me.” I managed to murmur, even if I was struggling to say the words

out of my mouth. My vision became dark and everything turned black. I felt so weak.

Azrael, you’re a f*cking traitor.

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