PHB 13

“Pa… are you sure about introducing Lucas to all the staff and executives at Quantum Tech today?”

“What’s wrong? Aren’t you ready?”

Before heading to the office, Lucas made a deliberate stop at his father’s residence. Today, as instructed, he would be introduced for the first time as the new leader.

According to the agreement of the company executives and commissioners, Lucas was chosen to replace Andreas Morales and take over the leadership of Quantum Tech, which was a subsidiary of the Dalton Group.

Actually, as the youngest son and the most competent heir, Lucas was destined to be chosen as his father’s successor sooner or later. Moreover, the leadership position at Quantum Tech had been vacant for the past year.

However, Lucas did not expect it to happen so soon. It’s not that he was unprepared. Lucas just thought that there were still many important tasks that he had not yet taken responsibility for or completed.

“It’s not about being unprepared or unwilling. It’s just that the task you gave me to clean up Quantum Tech from the mischievous rats is not finished yet. Almost there, I promise everything will be clean without a trace.”

Andreas, who had just finished his breakfast, simply smiled. He got up from his seat and moved to the car, then invited Lucas to get in and head to the office together with him.

“I purposely asked you to be present at Quantum Tech to make your job easier, Luc.”

“What do you mean, Pa?”

Andreas smiled, looking at his son.

“If you’re there and with your current position, you’ll have easier access to everything. Besides, sooner or later, you have to be introduced to all the staff, right? Moreover, I can’t keep on stalling the commissioners who are pressing for a new leader for Quantum Tech.”

“Can’t it wait for three or four months, Pa? Let everything be clean first.”

A heavy sigh escaped Andreas’s lips. The middle-aged man smiled while shaking his head.

“You don’t know, they’ve been pressuring me all this time. Some even threatened to propose other candidates if I didn’t prepare one soon. And I think it’s better for you to step up instead of someone else leading.”

Lucas took a deep breath. He was now torn and conflicted.

“And what about Lucas’ disguise? How could Lucas, the regular staff, just disappear like that? People will be suspicious.”

This was also the haunting question that troubled Lucas. From the beginning, he had suggested to his father to change his name and assume a new identity.

However, fearing that he might not be responsive to a new name, leading to suspicion, his father asked Lucas to keep using the same first name. The old man argued that there were many people with the same name in the world and even in the same place.

“Just manage it as you see fit, Luc. You can promote him or, if necessary, transfer the regular staff Lucas to another head office. Or make up a reason that Lucas resigned because he got a much better job. Just be smart about it.”

This time, Lucas sighed deeply. As expected, complex problems like this would eventually arise.

However, there was no other way. Everything had already happened. Instead of running away from the issue, it was better to slowly resolve it while praying that no one would recognize him when he assumed the position as the leader of Quantum Tech.

After a satisfying conversation along the way to the office, Lucas was asked to get ready. Exactly ten minutes later, the car he and his father were in finally arrived at the Quantum Tech building.

From the car window, Lucas could see several staff members gathering in the lobby. As he stepped out of the car, he was warmly welcomed and guided to the meeting room.

Once inside the meeting room, with his gaze sweeping across the room, Lucas could see how many managers and division heads had already assembled there.

Among the many people present, Lucas suddenly stopped at one point. At the same time, a woman was looking at him with a surprised expression.


Lucas pursed his lips slightly, deliberately giving her a smile before shifting his gaze and walking straight ahead. It wouldn’t be appropriate for him to show any rude expressions. Deasy might start wondering.

While Lucas took his seat, Andreas opened the meeting. He spoke briefly and then gave Lucas the opportunity to introduce himself to the executives, managers, and various division heads who were gathered.

“Thank you for the time you’ve given. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Lucas Morales. Starting today, I will be taking over the previous leadership to lead Quantum Tech towards a better and more successful future. As the new leader, I am open to constructive criticism and suggestions from executives and colleagues to work together in creating the prosperity of the company. Therefore, with humility and respect, I seek your cooperation.”

A round of applause resounded as Lucas finished his brief introduction. Many people in the meeting room were impressed with what he had said.

Meanwhile, Deasy couldn’t take her eyes off him. She couldn’t even blink as she looked at the man she had dreamed of, who was now working in the same office and sitting so close to her. What shocked her even more was finding out that Lucas was the son of the company’s owner.

“Oh… so your boyfriend from yesterday is Mr. Andreas’ son? No wonder his face looked familiar.”

Daniel, who purposely took a seat next to Deasy, immediately commented. Turning to her, he had a facial expression that was hard to interpret – it seemed mocking, annoyed, or envious.

“I’ve told you, Daniel, that I am beautiful. I’m more suitable as a companion to a corporate leader like Lucas.”

“If you’re dating a rich and handsome big shot boss, why didn’t you publish it? You usually like to show off everything.”

Deasy fell silent for a moment. Daniel’s question actually made sense. Usually, when girls like her get a partner, especially one who is exceptionally good-looking, they’d flaunt it everywhere.

“I intentionally didn’t show off. I didn’t want people to be envious and heartbroken.”

Deasy looked relieved. Finally, she could give a reasonable explanation to Daniel and put an end to his questioning.

“Your reason is so cliché, Des. Just admit that you didn’t want to lose to me.”

“Why would I need a reason? It’s the truth. Besides, it’s not difficult to find someone better than you, Daniel. I’ve said it multiple times, dating you was just a momentary lapse.”

Deasy continued to boast. Instead of feeling embarrassed, especially if it turned out that she had no connection at all with their new boss, she preferred to show off. Whether it was true or not, she would deal with it later. What mattered now was not to be belittled by her ex-boyfriend, Daniel.

“A momentary lapse, but why were you so upset when I broke up with you? According to the others, you were frustrated and started drinking heavily at the bar because you couldn’t handle me getting married.”

“Come on, who said that?”

Deasy frowned. Daniel, trying to act all smart, was mocking her and claiming that she was frustrated because of the breakup.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“People who saw you, that’s who.”

“That’s an exaggeration,” Deasy tried to deny.

But to be honest, she was hurt when he broke up with her and, on top of that, she discovered that he had been cheating on her. However, no matter how painful it was, Deasy was determined not to lose. She vowed never to be belittled by a guy like Daniel. Not a chance!

“I was drinking because I was stressed about work,” Deasy continued their conversation. “Why would I be frustrated over you getting married? You’re just one guy in the world. Besides, after thinking about it carefully, it seems that the office gossip about me being under some spell when I dated you might be true.”

“What do you mean?” Daniel whispered, looking intrigued.

“Well… the gossip is that I actually dated you because I was under a love spell.”

Daniel stared, ready to retaliate with equally cutting words.

However, seeing that the meeting was over and people were starting to stand and leave the meeting room, both Daniel and Deasy quickly got up and followed the new leader, who was exploring the room before heading to the main executive office.


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