Painful Smiles

Chapter Eight Painful Smiles– A crush?

Who said anything about a crush.

‘Well, now mon ami, a young lad like you, innocent and naïve, may not know when those silly feelings start kicking in. My advice to you is forget her and think of all the other pretty French girls your money can get you. American girls are well over rated anyway!’ Tom ended with pushing his long brown hair backwards.

Michael sighed. Tom wasn’t getting his point at all. Puppy love? Whatever.

Tom judged people based on their wealth and nationality. Like a rich spoilt kid would. But those weren’t what Michael’s mom thought him. Arguing with Tom, who seemed much more exposed to these stuffs, may prove futile so Michael ignored it.

Their drivers came to pick them up from the playground they’ve sent them. It wasn’t like Tom wanted them to play there. He just wanted to watch the girls playing around. And watch them swim with their slim clothes. He was a real jerk sometimes.

‘So think less of that girl, and when we’re older, I’ll hook you around my round cousin, Jennie’ Tom winked at Michael before getting into his car. Tom’s driver smiled at Michael before moving away.

Michael just stayed rooted. What did ’round’ mean?

It sounded dirty though. Wasn’t Tom twelve?

He pushed everything to the back of his head and went over to his driver. He was new as he had just met him only at France. The man had a frown on his face. ‘Gee, sir. I just wanted to send Tom off. Did I spend so much time?’

‘You didn’t spend time Michael. Just your company with that pervert soul is my problem’ his driver answered.

Michael smirked, pervert? Tom did have a name for himself in France.

That night, Michael thought of all possibilities of going back to America. Honestly, he shouldn’t be thinking of going there but he was.

Bad things happened to him there, His father’s kidnap case, His grandma’s death and then his mom’s. No great event happened unless, his grandad’s remarriage which pissed his father off as the man was already too old to remarry.

Still, Michael felt like returning to that same place with all the bad and chaotic memories. Maybe it was because of Clara. Maybe her good deed had him stricken with something. But it had nothing to do with any puppy love.

Spare him!

Stepping down from the car, Mrs. Peniel came dancing her way towards him. He frowned. Good news for her was always bad news for him.

‘Guess what, CEO Michael?’ her tone matched her joyful expression.

She had already sold her secret by calling him ‘CEO’. His frown got deeper, his father must have finally done what he had been meaning to do. Making him the executive officer of Bleu Cristal company. Why? When they’re so many people qualified?NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

‘He doesn’t listen, does he?’ he mumbled. He nearly tripped on the first staircase, he wasn’t yet used to this mansion yet. He looked up to view the three-storey building. Just like the hospital he had been admitted in, only smaller in length. He still wondered why people wasted money like this.

‘This is great news, you get to learn the family business’ Mrs. Peniel continued.

Mr Louis appeared in front of the door. He wore a leather jacket on top an ox blood coloured trouser.

‘How was your playday?’ mock was in his tone.

His dark hair was backwards in messy waves, his emerald eyes, a plus to his features but his cold face still made him look fearsome.

‘It was Tom’s idea!’ Michael said in defense. Mrs. Peniel smiled at them as they all walked in.

Michael frowned at a painting on the wall. It looked like a woman, barely wearing anything, holding a basket.

‘It’s a great idea. I’m sure you’ve heard’ his father sat at the dining in front of some steaming plate of soup.

‘You’re not asking my opinion, are you? From what I think you’ve already made me your executive?’ Michael sat at the table, opposite his father.

Mr. Louis shook his head before speaking, ‘I am asking your opinion. I made it sound like I had already done it so you won’t revolt but I haven’t. Last time I imposed by own will, you attempted suicide as response’ his voice was raised in the last part.

True, Michael had always tried stopping his father from making rash decisions about his life, suicide was the peek of it.

‘I want to return to the US. I don’t want to be an executive officer. I don’t even want your company’ Michael quickly sipped some soup.

‘Ouch, a multi-million company! You’re the first person I know denying such an offer’ Mr. Louis laughed, it sounded dry and without humor.

‘I’m honored to be’ Michael said simply and went on with the soup.

They stayed in quietness till they finished eating.

Mrs. Peniel came in from time to time to help clear the plates. She was basically the nanny, baker, cook, cleaner, homeschool teacher and house keeper. Her pay was well and she was a widow so she never complained.

She was used to the cold and quiet environment Michael and his father had so she didn’t bother. She just added another side dish and left them.

On the other hand, the newly employed French driver, Steve, was feeling very uncomfortable with the silence between the two. Even his stomach rumbling, to the aroma of the delicious food they’re eating, could be heard.

Michael finished his food and stood up to leave.

‘Let’s negotiate’ Mr. Louis declared halting Michael. The drivers eyes widened. Negotiate? Where they business partners or what?

‘What are your terms? It must be really good. I don’t want any executive stress’ Michael back to his chair. Steve rumples his face. The two meant business.

‘You’ll return to the US to finish have your university. You’ll go to a normal school and not be homeschooled. I’ll increase your allowance. How’s that? Coupled, of course, you’ll get paid as executive and you can send money to the girl. I am quite aware that you want to return to the US because of her.’ His father ended with the humor less laughter again.

Michael narrowed his eyes. The offer wasn’t worth it, his father’s offers never were.

‘I’ll return for my final year then university. Of course, I’ll be no more homeschooled. I don’t need the salary. Use it to add to the salaries of Mrs. Peniel and my new driver and pay off properly, my old driver who you’ve been ignoring. Then, I’ll be promising to be a good boy’ Michael decided.

Mr. Louis nodded, ‘Agreed!’. He stood and left his plate, ‘Agreed!!’ he said again before leaving for his chambers. Michael sighed, so he’ll be going to the company tomorrow?

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