Owned By a Greek god

Chapter 36

**** JASON P. O. V ****

I asked my mom, “Mom, why are you here? You didn’t tell us you were coming,” and she smiled.

She told me, “I was bored at home and wanted to see my two sweet sons.” I smiled.

“Mom, I’m so sorry for everything,” I told her, and she took my hand and smiled.

She said, “I know. I can see it in your actions and in your eyes.” I smiled.

“Melina is the key mother, and she is gone for good. I chased her away by myself,” I told her, and she nodded.

“You didn’t. You did the right thing. You showed me that you’re more mature than I thought,” she said. “If she loves you, she will come back.” I sighed.

Sad, I said, “I don’t think that would happen.”

She asked, “Why?”

I told her, “She was willing to stay, but I asked her to leave.”

“For her own good, Jason. For her safety, she will never forget how selfless you are,” she said.

“But mom, to be honest, I’m not selfless when it comes to her. I’m selfish, and I regret letting her go with Harrison,” I told her. She sighed.

“Jason,” a voice I didn’t expect to hear said.

When I turned around, I was shocked to see Melina standing at the door with a smile on her face.

“Melina?” I asked with a huge grin. She nodded, and I ran to her, swept her off her feet, and gave her a tight hug.

I said with joy, “You’re back!” In fact, it was the best time of my life.

She told me, “I couldn’t let go. I couldn’t leave you, Jason. I love you,” and I pulled away.

“Really?” I asked with a smile.

“Yes, and I wouldn’t leave you again. No matter what happens, I’ll always be here,” she said, making me laugh so hard that tears started to come out of my eyes.

I hugged her again and told her, “I love you, Melina. I love you so much.”

“Finally, he can feel better,” Mother said as she came up to us.

She said, “Good morning, Ma’am,” and her mother smiled.

She looked at me and said, “You don’t know how happy I am to see you. Jason has been talking about you all day.”

“You do?” she asked, and I quickly looked away.

Ryan called out in surprise, “We are… Melina.”

“Hey Ryan.” She said happily hugging him. He was so surprised to see her, and when he looked at me, he gave me a wink, which made me laugh.

He said, “You came back for him,” and she agreed.

She said, “I couldn’t just let him go. I can’t.” The more I smiled, the hotter my eyes got.

Agnes started to say, “Ryan the…” but stopped when she saw Melina.

She called out, “Gracie!”

“Agnes!” she yelled back, and they both happily hugged each other.

She said, “You’re back!” and Melina nodded.

“And you came back, too,” she said, her eyes getting narrow.

“Don’t worry, Melina, we’d have a lot to talk about, but I need to go get Ryan right now because we’re not done in the kitchen,” she told her. Melina looked at him.

He walked up to them and said, “She is my new friend.” Before he walked away with her, he looked at her.

I said, “Let’s sit,” and she agreed. She started to walk, and then I saw her jump.

“What happened to you, Melina?” I asked as I looked at her.

She said, “Oh, it’s nothing, Jason. It’s just a scratch.” I shook my head and bowed down in front of her.

I told her, “No, it’s not just a scratch. It’s swollen because you twisted your ankle,” and she looked at me.

She said, “Yes, I did. The ship was about to leave the dock, so I had to jump down.” I looked up.

I asked her, “Did you jump?” and she said, “Yes.”

“The only thing I could think of was that I needed to get out as soon as possible,” she said, and I let out a breath.

I said, “We should fix this,” and then I picked her up and made her laugh.

Mother said, “Don’t worry, I won’t be bored,” and I laughed. I took her up the stairs to my room right away.

She told me, “Jason, you don’t have to carry me around like a baby. I can still walk.” I shook my head.

“This is how I should have treated you when I first met you, but I didn’t, so now is the time to make things right. I’ll start by treating you like the baby you are,” I told her, and she put her face in my chest to hide her shyness.

She told me, “The new you is so romantic,” and I smiled.

“You made the new me, and if you don’t like it, I can…” I started, but she put her finger on my lips to stop me.

She told me, “I love the new you,” and I smiled.

“Then this is me for you,” I told her as I opened the door and gently put her on the bed.

She said, “Actually, I loved you before you changed, but it sounded crazy to me, so I kept saying I hated you.” I bowed my head.

“After all, Ryan was right, but I deserved it,” I told her, and she nodded.

She said, “Yes, you did, and now you deserve to be happy,” and I agreed.

“Thank you, Melina. Right now, we need to fix your beautiful feet,” I said, smiling as I walked to the closet to get the first air kit.Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

So you didn’t tell me what happened with Harrison. I know he wouldn’t have let you go easily, so I knelt down in front of her and carefully put ointment on her leg.

She told me, “It wasn’t easy at all. I broke his heart.” When I looked up, she was staring at me.

I said, “I’m sorry, Melina.” She shook her head.

“It’s not your fault. You shouldn’t always think it’s your fault, okay? He loves me, but I only see him as my best friend. I couldn’t go with him because I would never feel the same way I feel for you for him, and that would break him even more. So I came out on time,” she said, and I wrapped a bandage around her leg.

“I can’t believe you left Harrison for a murderer,” I told her as we sat next to each other on the bed.

She said, “I left him for a murderer who is trying so hard to stop being a murderer.” I smiled.

I looked into her eyes and said, “Thank you for coming back. I don’t know what would have happened to me if you hadn’t come back.”

“I love you Jason. I had to be sure of it when you asked me to go with Harrison to keep me safe, even though you knew it would hurt you. You are amazing,” she said, and I smiled while staring at her lips.

There was a weird pause between us, and we just looked at each other. I moved my head and put my hand on her face.

“You don’t kiss,” she said with a smile.

I told her shyly, “That rule was broken when I knew I loved you. It’s just that this is my first and I don’t know how to do it.” She laughed.

She grabbed my face in her hands and moved her mouth to mine as she said, “You watch movies, right? That’s the way to do it.”

She kissed me on the lips and then left. It felt like she plucked my lower lips with hers.

We had a small space between our lips, and I went ahead and kissed her again. This time, it was more intense. I could feel my tongue on hers, and that gave me a great head start.





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