Chapter 31: Denying His Mate

As Derrick stared out the window, his mind churned with confusion. Why had he felt compelled to inquire about Ortega’s well-being? The question echoed in his thoughts, stirring a sense of unease within him. He struggled to pinpoint a rational explanation for his sudden interest in someone he rarely acknowledged.

Merrick asked some deep questions that made Derrick feel uncomfortable. It was like Merrick hit a sensitive spot that made Derrick face a truth he didn’t want to admit. Maybe Merrick was just trying to reach out to someone, to escape from feeling all alone with his own feelings. Even though Ortega’s situation wasn’t like Derrick’s own struggles, it gave him a chance to understand and care for someone else, bridging the gap between his own troubles and the outside world.

But Derrick found it hard to admit he was feeling vulnerable. He grew up in a place where showing emotions wasn’t encouraged, where being tough and not showing any feelings was what people respected. He got used to hiding how he felt behind a mask of not caring. Just the thought that he might actually care about someone else’s feelings risked breaking down the walls he built around his heart.

So Derrick stayed quiet, staring out the window as the scenery passed by, torn inside. Should he accept that he cares about Ortega, or should he go back to pretending not to care to protect himself?

As the limousine continued its journey towards their destination, Derrick wrestled with his inner demons. And amidst the tumult of his thoughts, one question lingered, unanswered and unsettling: Why had he asked Merrick about Ortega? Why was he caring about her?

As the limousine approached its destination, the towering skyscraper of Goldstar Corporation loomed ahead, a testament to its status as the second-largest enterprise in the world. Founded by six influential individuals, including the presidents of four countries and Derrick and Merrick themselves, it held immense power and influence on the global stage. Today, Derrick and Merrick, the highest shareholders, arrived for a crucial meeting that could shape the future of the corporation.

As the sleek limousine glided into the garage, their guards sprang into action, swiftly opening the doors for Derrick and Merrick. The sound of the engines hummed softly as the brothers stepped out, greeted by the bustling atmosphere of the underground parking area.

Derrick emerged first, his tall frame clad in a pristine white tuxedo, the epitome of elegance and sophistication. With practiced ease, he adjusted his jacket, ensuring every detail was immaculate before stepping forward. Merrick followed closely behind, his presence equally commanding as they made their way towards the entrance of the building.

The cool air of determination surrounded them as they walked, flanked by their loyal guards who remained ever vigilant. The weight of responsibility hung heavy in the air, a reminder of the stakes involved in the upcoming meeting.

As they approached the entrance, the imposing glass doors parted, revealing the bustling lobby beyond. With purposeful strides, Derrick and Merrick crossed the threshold.

As Derrick and Merrick entered the lobby of Goldstar Corporation, they were greeted by a man of considerable stature, Mr. Nicholas, one of the most influential figures within the corporation. With a warm smile and a firm handshake, Mr. Nicholas welcomed them graciously, his demeanor radiating both respect and authority.

“It’s a pleasure to have you both here, gentlemen,” Mr. Nicholas said, his voice carrying a tone of genuine admiration. “Your presence is always appreciated, especially on such important occasions.”

Derrick and Merrick reciprocated the gesture, exchanging pleasantries with Mr. Nicholas before following him deeper into the corporation’s vast interior. As they walked, the bustling activity around them seemed to momentarily pause, workers halting in their tasks to bow respectfully as the brothers passed.

The atmosphere was charged with a sense of reverence, a testament to the immense respect held for Derrick and Merrick within the corporation. Despite their casual attire, their presence commanded attention, evoking a sense of awe and admiration from those around them.

With Mr. Nicholas leading the way, they navigated through the labyrinthine corridors of Goldstar Corporation, the steady hum of productivity guiding their path. Each step brought them closer to the heart of the corporation.

As they followed Mr. Nicholas deeper into the corporation, Merrick couldn’t help but marvel at the sheer size of the place. The corridors stretched on for what seemed like miles, lined with offices and meeting rooms, each filled with busy employees focused on their tasks.

Everywhere they looked, there were signs of the corporation’s success and influence. Plaques adorned the walls, commemorating past achievements and milestones, while the sound of ringing phones and clicking keyboards filled the air.

As they passed through the various departments, Merrick couldn’t help but be impressed by the sheer number of staff employed by Goldstar Corporation. From the bustling call centers to the sleek executive offices, it was clear that this was a well-oiled machine, with each employee playing a vital role in the corporation’s success.

Derrick wasn’t in the mood to admire the surroundings. His mind was filled with various thoughts. And surprisingly, Ortega was at the center of his thoughts. He just couldn’t get her out of his mind.

Finally, they arrived at the boardroom, the nerve center of Goldstar Corporation. The room was spacious and elegantly furnished, with a long mahogany table taking center stage. Plush leather chairs surrounded the table, each bearing the insignia of the corporation, while floor-to-ceiling windows offered panoramic views of the city below.

Taking their seats at the table, Derrick and Merrick couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride and responsibility. As two of the highest shareholders in the corporation, they knew that their decisions would have a ripple effect that would be felt throughout the organization and beyond.

As Derrick settled into his seat at the boardroom table, his mind remained preoccupied with thoughts of Ortega. Despite the grandeur of the surroundings and the gravity of the meeting ahead, she occupied his thoughts like an unshakeable presence.

He couldn’t quite understand why Ortega’s image lingered in his mind so persistently. Perhaps it was the memory of her distressed state, or the urgency with which Merrick had rushed her to the clinic that morning. Whatever the reason, Derrick found himself increasingly drawn to the enigmatic human maid, her presence stirring something within him that he couldn’t quite define.

As the meeting commenced and discussions turned to matters of strategy and finance, Derrick struggled to focus. His attention kept drifting back to Ortega, her face haunting him like a lingering ghost. Try as he might to push her from his thoughts, she remained stubbornly entrenched at the forefront of his mind, her presence casting a shadow over the proceedings.

In the midst of the heated debate and rapid-fire decision-making, Derrick found himself longing for a moment of respite, a chance to unravel the mystery of his fascination with Ortega. Was it merely curiosity, or something deeper, something he couldn’t yet understand?

Feeling overwhelmed by his thoughts, Derrick excused himself from the boardroom, his departure unnoticed amidst the fervent discussion. As he stepped into the corridor, he made his way swiftly towards the restroom, his mind consumed by a relentless whirlwind of confusion and frustration.

Entering the restroom, Derrick splashed cold water onto his face, hoping to quell the turmoil within him. Leaning over the sink, he gazed at his reflection in the mirror, his eyes reflecting a storm of emotions.

“Why can’t I stop thinking about Ortega?” Derrick muttered to himself, frustration creeping into his voice. “What the fuck is going on with me?”

As he stared at his reflection, his features contorted with anguish, something unexpected occurred. His reflection began to shift and warp, transforming before his very eyes. In place of his own face, the visage of a werewolf emerged, its piercing eyes locking with his own.

“Derrick,” a deep voice resonated within his mind, “you’re thinking too much about our mate, Ortega.”

Startled by the sudden intrusion, Derrick recoiled from the mirror, his heart racing with a mixture of fear and confusion. “Rufus,” he growled, addressing the wolf whose image now stared back at him in the mirror. “Ortega is just a slave, not our mate.”NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

But Rufus’s gaze remained unwavering, his eyes filled with a knowing wisdom that Derrick couldn’t ignore.

“Derrick,” Rufus’s voice echoed in his mind with a solemn intensity, “you can deny it all you want, but you know the truth. Ortega is your mate. You felt the connection when you mated with her.”

Derrick’s fists clenched at his sides, his jaw tightening with frustration. He couldn’t bear to acknowledge the truth that Rufus spoke, the undeniable bond that he had shared with Ortega. Yet, deep down, he knew that Rufus was right.

In a fit of anger, Derrick lashed out, his hand slamming against the faucet with a resounding thud. “Ortega isn’t my mate,” he growled through gritted teeth, his voice filled with defiance. “She’s just a human, a slave. Nothing more.”

But even as he spoke the words, doubt gnawed at the edges of his mind, a nagging reminder of the undeniable connection he had shared with Ortega. Try as he might to deny it, the truth lingered like a shadow.

Rufus’s dark chuckle reverberated within Derrick’s mind, sending a shiver down his spine. “You’re scared, Derrick,” Rufus remarked with a knowing tone. “Scared of accepting Ortega as your mate.”

Derrick remained silent, his thoughts swirling with conflicting emotions. He knew that Rufus was right, but admitting it to himself felt like an admission of weakness, a betrayal of everything he had worked so hard to uphold.

“I’m not scared of anything,” Derrick retorted, his voice tinged with defiance. But even as the words left his lips, he knew they rang hollow. Deep down, he couldn’t shake the fear that had taken root within him, the fear of accepting Ortega as his mate.

Rufus’s next words struck a chord deep within Derrick’s soul. “You’re scared of what it would mean for your pride and reputation as the alpha,” Rufus explained, his voice somber. “You know that accepting Ortega as your mate would tarnish your reputation among the pack. And the fact that she’s human only adds to your fear.”

Derrick let out a low growl, his frustration boiling over. He knew that Rufus spoke the truth, and that realization only fueled the turmoil within him. Despite his best efforts to deny it, he couldn’t escape the undeniable truth staring back at him in the mirror.

Derrick’s gaze narrowed with anger as he stared at Rufus’s reflection in the mirror. The wolf’s eyes gleamed with a knowing intelligence, a wolffish grin playing at the corners of his mouth.

“Accept her, Derrick,” Rufus urged, his voice reverberating within Derrick’s mind. “She’s your mate, whether you like it or not.”

Derrick’s fists clenched at his sides, his nails digging into his palms as frustration coursed through him. He couldn’t bear the thought of accepting Ortega as his mate, couldn’t bear the idea of relinquishing control over his own destiny.

With a primal roar of anger, Derrick lashed out, his fist connecting with the mirror with a resounding crack. Shards of glass scattered in all directions as the mirror shattered under the force of his blow, but Derrick paid no heed to the pain that bloomed in his hand.

“I won’t accept that weak human as my mate,” Derrick growled, his voice filled with a mixture of defiance and self-loathing. “I refuse to make a human my Luna.”

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