Only vampire can love you forever (book 2)



“WELL, THESE HUMANS AREN’T MATED TO THE PRINCE” A boy now spoke as Alyssa, Luna, and

Juliet glanced at Alex who nodded his head as he pointed at the clutch while they understood what

Alex gave them.

“CANCEL THE MATING BALL AND THE CEREMONY” The first girl spoke again as she made sure to

hide in the crowd.

“THE HUMANS SHOULD GO BACK” The other girl spoke as she followed the steps her friend told her

and hid in the crowd making Jace quite angry as he tried to find them.

“THE PRINCE DESERVE SOMEONE BETTER THAN THEM” The third girl yelled as Jace rolled his

eyes while he got down from the stairs while he listened carefully and tried to find the girls and the boy

who was creating this mess.

“NO MATING” The boy yelled as Alex gave Alyssa a little push as she opened her clutch and took out

the bag. Alyssa gave the bag to Alex as she opened the box to see a ring as she glanced at Alex who

gave her a thumbs up.

“May I have your attention everyone...My future daughter wants to say something” Victoria spoke as

she knew that Alex prepared the rings if anything happened.

Alyssa, Luna, and Juliet noticed the boys were quite angry because it was true and a vampire rule that

if your mate gives you a ring, you should give one back as a symbol that you are mated and you are a

human as your mate is turning you into a vampire. The ring also represented the life force of the mate

where it would stop glowing if one dies and would flicker if one in trouble.

Alyssa took a deep breath as she grabbed Loukas’s hand and walked forward while she let his hand

go. She stared deep into his eye as he stared back confused.

“I wouldn’t be here without you nor I would know the meaning of life. You brought the smile I lost so let

me be by your side and always make you smile how you make me” Alyssa spoke as she opened the

box and took out a red and black ring that she made Loukas wear as she backed away seeing

Loukas’s body in flames.

Alyssa glanced at Draco and Loukas scared as they smiled at her when she looked back to see the fire

calming down.

“Thank you, my love. Your confession made the fire in me stronger and I can feel the power run in my

body.” Loukas whispered as he kissed her cheek while they walked back making Victoria and Michael

feel proud.

Luna gestured for Juliet to go next remembering how Ronin was so desperate to go before Draco.

Luna innocently smiled at Juliet who sighed knowing she had to go next even though she was nervous.

Juliet opened her clutch as she took out the bag while Alex held it from her and gave her the box that

was inside.

Ronin suddenly held Juliet’s hand as all her nervousness vanished away in a second while they walked

up to the front hand-in-hand.

Juliet turned her body around as she took a deep breath calming herself down. “uh...the moment you

left whole world changed all I saw was darkness everywhere. You are the only one I need all

my life...I need you to be there in everything I do. So please stay with me forever because without

Romeo there is no Juliet” Juliet shyly spoke as Ronin pulled Juliet in for a hug as he nodded his head.

“I will always be there for you Juliet and I will always be your Romeo” Ronin whispered in Juliet’s ear as

he pecked her forehead making her giggle. Juliet took out a ring that was in the color of a sea.

Ronin smiled at Juliet as she smiled back and slipped the ring on his ring finger while she back away

seeing all the water around him.

The water suddenly vanished away as Juliet saw Ronin smiling yet again at her. He felt more powerful

than he was as Draco took a step back and went to his dad.

Ronin and Juliet went back as they stood back in their place while Luna glanced at Draco who stood

next to his father.

“Dad I got my powers yet again on the red full moon which was on human and supernatural kingdom at

the same time also Luna confessed that made my power triple so what if when she slips that ring on

my finger, I get more power and maybe too much power will make me go insane” Draco whispered to

his dad who was with Gavin and Jace.

“Nothing will happen. I am a hybrid and my powers tripled when Alex made me wear the ring. It was

hard to control but Alex helped a lot and I am sure your mate will help you too so go on she is waiting

for you” Jace chuckled out as he gave Draco a little push.

Draco held Luna’s hand as he smirked winking at her. “Are you okay?” Luna whispered out as Draco

hummed nodding his head. “Whatever happens just don’t be scared of me” Draco whispered back

confusing Luna as they now stood in the front.

Luna turned her body around as she opened the box taking out the ring. “When I first saw you, I

remember being so afraid of you and when I got to know you, I was afraid of being with you but now

when I am with you, I am just afraid to lose you because I love you. You were right at the beginning I

really do belong to you” Luna spoke as Draco quickly stole a peck making her face turn red.

“I love you to the moon and back also I only belong to you” Draco whispered as he caressed Luna’s

cheek while she smiled showing him the black ring as he laughed nodding his head.

Draco closed his eyes ready for the power he would be getting as Luna slipped the ring on his ring

finger. “Draco” Luna whispered as Draco opened his eyes while his eyes met Luna’s orbs when he felt

the wind blow all around him.

Draco looked around as he saw everything holding onto something as Luna was on her knees just like

the others. Draco tried to control but it was getting hard as he yelled while his eyes turned pitch black

and no pupil could be seen which scared Luna.

Luna took a deep breath as she stood up while she held Draco’s hand. “Draco” Luna spoke as he

glanced at her all worried.

“I-I can’t make it stop” Draco spoke as he tried his best to stop the wind from blowing. Ronin and Jace

quickly used their powers to protect everyone in the room.

“Luna, get back” Loukas yelled as he tried to Luna back as shook her head and pushed Loukas’s hand

away while she quickly hugged Draco.

“Dragon, you can do this. I believe in you just concentrate on me and calm down” Luna spoke as Draco

did what Luna said but nothing happened which scared him more so he pushed Luna gently.

“SOMEONE CALL THE ELDERS...HE IS GOING INSANE” A boy yelled as Draco saw the fear on

everyone’s face while he looked back at Luna who was trying to balance herself.

“Might hurt you...go away...stay away” Draco spoke as he took a step back while the wind got stronger

but Luna just shook her head while she bravely yelled “NEVER” and quickly hugged Draco again.

Draco hugged Luna back as he took deep breaths. “I love you and I know you can do this. I know you

would never hurt me no matter what” Luna whispered as the wind started to calm down.

“You not afraid?” Draco now whispered back making Luna laugh. “Why should I be afraid of my mate? I

love you idiot” Luna whispered to Draco who now smiled when he felt a smack on his head.

“You fucking scared us” Jace cursed out as Draco looked around to see everything was now calm. “I

guess you were right Jace” Draco spoke as he kissed the crown of Luna’s head who helped him calm

his power down.

Luna pulled Draco as they went and stood next to everyone as Ronin smacked Draco’s arm while

Loukas did the same as well.

“You scared us” Ronin spoke as Loukas hummed agreeing.

“Brother Draco please don’t scare me like this again” Alex spoke as Draco nodded his head humming

because he was now tired.

The king and queen glanced at each other as they nodded their heads. Michael stood in the front as he

looked at the crowd while he spoke “To those people who thought the vampire rule wasn’t being

followed...I forbid you from ever stepping in this castle again” as he saw people whispering as walked

back when Alex sighed as he looked at the crowd.

“I know who planned this so I maybe can help to catch them” Alex spoke as he hugged Jace’s arm

while Draco glanced at his brothers who nodded their hand.

“I will handle this matter with Alex while you guys relax because you have a mating ceremony later”

Jace spoke as he walked away with Alex.

Alyssa and Loukas sat back at their place while Ronin and Juliet did the same as well.

Luna slowly made Draco walk to their place as she helped him sit. “You need anything?” Luna

questioned as Draco nodded his head as he held her wrist while he pulled her making her sit on his


“I need you” Draco whispered as he hugged Luna making her smile while they saw everyone enjoy the


“Thank you for this and sorry we wanted to surprise you so we forgot about the rule,” Loukas spoke

sadly as Alyssa rested her head on his shoulder. Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

“No, it’s okay” Juliet spoke as she intertwined her hand with Ronin.

“No, it’s not” Ronin spoke making Alyssa giggle.

“Ronin, you guys wanted to surprise us so it’s ok” Alyssa now spoke as Luna hummed agreeing.

“besides we never knew about this plus we didn’t know this would happen. It was all Alex’s planning”

Luna spoke while Alyssa and Juliet hummed agreeing.

“You need to thank him not us” Alyssa now spoke as Loukas, Draco and Ronin nodded their head

understandingly while they noticed Jace bring four people with him while the guards took them away.




All the guests were going home while Alyssa, Juliet, Luna, Ronin, Loukas, and Draco were led into a

different room where the mating ceremony had to happen.

Michael, Victoria, Gavin, and Elena left everything on Jace and Alex as they knew it was mating time

so the kids would feel less awkward if the same age people were around.

“This is the mating room and you have to follow the symbol above the gate so if it shows the fire

symbol that means Loukas and Alyssa would go first so best of Luck” Michael explained as he walked

away with his wife and friends to a different room.

“I am really nervous” Alyssa spoke as Loukas shook his head and made her sit on the sofa while he sat

next to her.

“There is nothing to be nervous about. I will be next to you till everything is over” Loukas tried to calm

Alyssa down as she bit her bottom lip nervously.

“I agree with brother Lou, mine was so hard. I had to mate in a wolf way and a vampire way” Alex

giggled out as he sat on the other sofa while Luna sat next to him.

“Was it painful?” Juliet now questioned as she sat next to Loukas as it was a four-seater sofa so Ronin

sat with her.

“I won’t like so it was but Jace helped a lot” Alex smiled at his mate who was sitting on the arm of the


“Hey guys” Mia spoke as Luna rolled her eyes at Adrian who was with Nathan. Luna rested her head

on Alex's shoulder since she liked him and Jace more than all the other friends of Draco.

“When will we know?” Luna suddenly questioned pointing at the door as Draco sat on the floor while he

crossed his legs shrugging.

“Well anytime soon” Jace spoke as Adrian, Nathan, Isabella, Noah, Layla and Mia sat on the empty

chairs while they also waited.

“Our parents discussed with you parents that after the mating we all can rest but later we all can take

Luna, Alyssa, and Juliet out and show them around” Adrian rambled excitedly.

“Well, that’s great news” Alex cheered happily when the gate symbol changed into a water symbol so

Luna pointed at it as everyone looked in the direction Luna was pointing at all shocked when Juliet

turned around as her face paled.

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