Now and Forever

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

P.S: I must say, that last chapter had a crappy ending so this chapter is still Alexander's POV.


Monday morning...

"I want all of the financial records of the company from the-"

"Past two weeks on your desk by 2:00 yes I know, I know! Now go or else your going to be late!" Leila

urged and tossed me my jacket.

"You should also-"

"Read through all the files and documents that need your signature for approval, you're going to make

them wait for you! Now move move move!"

"Yes but-"

"Mr Knight? Amelia's here." Charlotte popped her head through the door to inform me but her face

turned sour when she saw Leila standing next to me.

"I'll be just a minute." She nodded her head and closed the door behind her.


"I promise I'll answer all your questions when you come back later but you actually have to go now." I

rolled my eyes mentally but obliged and walked out of my office.


"I still want a job you know." Amelia spoke up after 10 minutes, breaking the comfortable silence.

"What?" I asked even though I heard her.

"I want a job."

"And the answer is always going to be no."

"But why not? Do you expect me to sit at home all day and the only times I go out are for shopping for

things I would never use like those trophy wives? I'm sorry to disappoint you but no." She crossed her

arms and turned away and looked out of the window.

Why is she in such a bad mood??

"No, but I told you, I don't mix my-"

"Private and work life together, yeah I know, I've heard that a million times." She mumbled the last part

but I caught onto it.

Okay, I'm now convinced she's not okay.

"Are you okay?" I asked, confusion dripping from my voice and parked at our destination.

"I'm fine, why do you ask?" She took off her seatbelt, opened the door and got out of the car without

even waiting for me to reply.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked again when the waitress led us to our reserved table.

"I'm fine." She leaned back in her seat and drummed her fingers on the table, not sparing me one look.

"Okay, you're being child-" she looked up at me as if daring me to finish my sentence but her sully

expression was quickly replaced with a polite smile when she saw who had just walked into the


I also looked up but was immediately engulfed in a huge bear hug only for my mother's homely scent

immediately attacking my nostrils.

"Hi mama." I hugged her back when I had finally processed what was happening.

My dad and I just nodded at each other as they both sat down, huge grins never leaving their faces.

"So... what was so important you had to come here?" I went straight to the point.

"What, do you have more important things to attend to than have lunch with your parents?"


"Don't answer that, anyways..." my mom cut me off and looked at me, then Amelia.

"For the love of god would you just spit it out already!" My dad urged on.


"For what?" I looked at both of them with pure confusion stretched across my face and I bet Amelia had

the same facial expression.

"Well duh!"

"Okay mum, you're not making sense, congratulations for-"

"The baby of course!" I froze. Amelia froze. The whole world froze.

"What are you talking about?" Amelia asked and laughed nervously.

"Well aren't you pregnant?" My dad asked as he and moms faces twisted into confusion.

"No of course she isn't pregnant! Where did you even get this information from?!" I stared at them in

horror as Amelia just blushed out of embarrassment.

They both broke into a hysterical laughter that caused people to look at our table like we had run mad

or something.

"You.. should.. have.. seen.. the look.. on.. your.. faces! You were all like-" my mom said in between

laughter and imitated some who looks like they've just seen a ghost.

"Are you done? Because I have-"

"-somewhere else to be yeah yeah, we know, we know. But we actually came all the way this way for

something important." My dad immediately turned serious it was scary.

"The company needs an heir." My dad jumped straight to the point without sugar coating it, it was

almost as if he was cracking a business deal..

"The company needs a what?" I stared at them, waiting for them to break out hysterically laughing


"An heir." Yeah, I heard you mum, just wanted you to change what was said.

"But I'm still here-"

"And for how long? And besides, I won't hand over the company knowing you don't have anyone to

take over for you."

"And besides, I want a grand baby before it's too late." My mom added on like it wasn't the most absurd

thing she can say.

"But I.. I- that's what you said before! You said I had to get married in order to get the company and I

did, now I have to get a.. a.. a child too?"

"So you only married Amelia to get the company?"

"What?! No! Of course not! I.. I.. I *ahem* love Amelia, you just happened to say that when I was about

to propose to her." Okay, that was really uncomfortable to say..

"Well then, now that I happen to say you have to have an heir you should have started planning it

already." Did he just play the uno reverse card on me?!

"But we just got married no more than two months ago and you expect us to already have a child?"

"Alexander, you're 29 turning 30 not so long from now and Amelia is 25, it's the perfect time to have

your first child." I guess my mom wanted to see the 'silver lining' in all of this.1

"What are you talking about 'first child'?! I don't even want kids and-"

"What do you have to say about this Amelia dear? I mean, you want kids don't you?"

For the first time since my father brought this up, I looked at Amelia who had been quiet the whole time.

"I.. well I.. *ahem* I would love to have kids yes," is she fucking kidding me?! "But I don't think I'm ready

to have kids yet and besides, Alexander and I haven't talked about you know, *ahem* extending the

family tree."

We have gotten so good for lying we probably deserve awards for our amazing acting skills.

"That's a shame dear, I really wanted grand babies." Oh I see what my mom's doing and I don't like it

one bit!

"I mean we can talk about it?" Aaand there goes Amelia falling for my mother's tricks..

"What do you mean we'll talk about it?! There's nothing to talk about because my mind's already been

made up!" The smile my mom had put on her face immediately disappeared, leaving a frown behind.

"Why is it so difficult for you to have a child with the woman you love?" Cue in the awkward tension

radiating off of me and Amelia right about now..

"You say it like it's that easy to have a child; having a child comes with a lot of responsibility you know."

Good save!

"I'm sure you two will find a way to work-"

"Dad, have you been listening to a single I've been saying?! We're not having a child!"

"Well then you're not getting the company." Is he serious?! That's blackmail!

"But-" Amelia put her hand on my arm which stopped me from talking and made me look at her,

"Well there's no need for that because we're going to have a conversation and think it over when we

get home, how about that?" I stared at her like she had run mad in which case she had, we'll think it

over?! I think the fuck not!

"No we would not-"

"That's wonderful! Now, who's hungry?" My mom interrupted and waved the waitress over.

"Are you serious?! Of course I'm not hungry! Not after what you just told me!" I stood up, grabbed my

keys and walked out of the restaurant, towards my car with the intent of just driving anywhere.


"What?" I said into the phone when Amelia's ID showed up.

"I'm really really sorry to bother you," she said into the phone sarcastically, making me roll my eyes,

"but you do remember you were my ride to the restaurant, right?" Oh shit! I totally forgot!

"Yes and?"

"And... This is a 'rich' neighborhood and in case you have forgotten, there are no cabs on this part of


"Why don't my parents just take you home?"

"Because they're staying on the other side of the city and I didn't want to trouble them so I told them

you were going to pick me up."

"But I'm busy right now." I said, which by the way, was the truth!

She scoffed and chuckled as if she knew that's what I was going to say, which to be honest, was really


"Well I don't care if you're busy! At least send someone to come pick me up!"

"Okay okay, calm down, I'll be there in-" she hung up before I could even finish my sentence. That's

right, hung up on me!


The car ride was silent. No one saying a single thing from the moment we left the restaurant. The weird

part? Amelia's never quiet.

"Okay, are you mad at me or something?" I broke the ear piercing silence when it was getting too


"No, why do you ask?" Okay, the tone in her voice literally asked 'what do you think?"

"Well because-"

"Hold that thought- hello?" Why do I feel like she planned that phone call?

"Hold on, let me just put it on now..." she turned on the radio and scrolled through the channels then

stopped on specifically the gossip channel.

"-that billionaire Alexander Knight and wife Amelia Knight expecting? Don't forget to tune in because

special guest stars Bethany Kingsley and Rita Garcia would be joining us-" okay wait a minute, rewind..

billionaire Alexander Knight and wife expecting?! Expecting what, a baby?!

"Where the hell did they even get that information?!" She screamed into the phone.

"Of course I'm not pregnant! I mean where did they get those rumors from you idiot!" Oh how I'd hate to

be the person at the other end of the line right now...

"I think I'd know if I was pregnant Bella!" ... "no of course we didn't- you know what? I cannot have this

conversation with you right now." She hung up the phone and looked at me like I was the one who had Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

run mad.


"How are you not mad? Your usually the one with the anger issues." Anger issues?! Okay I do not have

anger issues!

"First of all; I do not have anger issues and second of all; it looks like you're already angry enough for

the both of us." I parked in the parking spot I usually park in and unbuckled my seatbelt.4

She rolled her eyes and someone got a little excited I had to get out of the car before she noticed.

"Yeah well this should make you more angrier than me since you made it pretty clear to your parents

that you don't want a baby." I locked the car when she had stepped out and we walked towards the

elevator side by side.

"Well that's because I don't want to have a child! Besides, who am I going to have it with?" I pressed

the top floor button and Amelia pressed the lobby button.

"First of all; you do not call a baby 'it' and second of all; you can always have one with Leila." Okay, I

swear to god I heard a little venom coming out of her voice when she said the second part.

"Why would I have a baby with Leila?" I was honestly confused.

"I don't know, why don't you ask her?" With that said, she walked out of the elevator leaving me


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