Mystery Bride's Revenge (Selina)

Chapter 254

Chapter 254

Selina was growing impatient. Just when she thought Sara might be changing and showing signs of normalcy, Sara made things worse again.

"Selina, I... I can't agree to this because I'm your mother. I know I've made mistakes, but if you expect me to just give up on my own daughter and pretend none of this ever happened. I'm sorry. I can't do that. I really can't!" Sala said.

Selina almost wanted to laugh. The hesitation in Sara's voice had already answered the question Selina had posed. She knew exactly what kind of woman Sara was deep down, and hearing this now felt like the ultimate irony. Anyone who did not know better might believe Sara had turned over a new leaf and become a devoted mother.

Just as Selina was about to respond, Viola's voice cut through the tension. I was wondering what all the commotion was about... Turns out it's some shameless woman pestering Selina, my daughter-in-law.

Viola moved to Selina's side, and Selina instinctively linked arms with her, affectionately saying, "Viola"

"It's nice to hear you call me by name like that, Viola said, her gaze shifting to Sara. Tim aware of the situation between Selina and the Harvey family. Given that Selima has indicated she wants to cut ties, even if you are her mother and have made mistakes, you should respect her wishes and stop pressuring her. Do you realize the extent of the trouble you're causing!"

"Viola, I don't want to argue with you. No matter what happened between Selina and me, she's still my daughter. If your daughter were in this simation, could you just stand by and do nothing!" Sara snapped, her anger Caring Sering Selina so close to Vinla male Sara feel as though the daughter she had brought into this world was being taken away from her.

nish junior high, who was never

Viola didn't miss a beat. "All right, let me ask you. If Selina had been just some small-town girl who didn't even finish j raised in the Harvey residence, would you still be so eager to play the good mother and try to win her back?"

"Of course! No matter what, she's still my daughter. It doesnt matter how many identities Selina has. What matters is recognizing my responsibility as her mother." Sara said, her voice firm with conviction. However, Viola responded with a cold, mocking smile. "Please. You're fooling yourself if you believe that. All these noble words are just lies. You won't win Selina back, and you probably wouldn't even notice if she were gone. It's only because of the powerful, successful Selina you see now that you're finally recognizing your mistakes. You only see them because Selina's strength made you admire her, and that admiration is what's making your realize how wrong you were, Vidla shot back

"I didn't." Sara tried to protest, but her voice faltered


didn't? When Selina returned to the Harvey residence, keeping her identity hidden and acting harmless, how was she treated' The moment someone threw out a false accusation, you all believed she was a thief. If Selina wasn't so strong, how would you ever realize you were wrong, that you had misunderstood her from the start? Viola pressed

Sara's face paled under the weight of Viola's words. She turned to Selina, her lips trembling. "No... Selina, you have to believe me. I truly realize now that I was wrong. Im sorry, please don't listen to Viola, Don't let her influence you

"It doesn't matter what you think anymore, Mrs. Harvey I'm not going back to the Harvey residence, so you might as well give up on that Viola, let's not waste our breath on her. Let's go, Selina said.

"Of course, talking to someone like her is a waste of time. It's like she doesn't understand plain English, Viola replied.

As Viola and Selim exchanged words, their closeness was evident, and their dismissal of Sara was clear. Something snapped in Sara A surge of intense jealousy and desperation overwhelmed her, clouding her judgment. In a sudden, wild motion, she lunged forward, aiming to slap Viola Her eyes flared with intense rage as if she believed that violence could somehow reclaim what she had log.

Viola was caught off guard, momentarily stunned by the unexpected attack. But Selima reacted quickly, grabbing Sara's hand mid-swing and Forcefully pushing her away. Sara stumbled, unable to regain her balance, and fell to the ground.

Nora had just emerged from the restroom and saw the scene unfolding. She quickly ran over Viola! Selina! Are you okay!"

Viola shook her head, trying to reassure her. I'm line.

But Selina wa

is far from calm. She turned to Sara, her voice slurp. "What the hell are you trying to do, Sara? Have you lost your mind?"

Sara's eyes met Selina's cold start, and suddenly, reality came crashing back, Sara thought. What was I just doing That wasn't like use at all: "Sara!" a worried voice called out. Quinton appeared, followed closely by Cora, who rushed to Sara's side. Quinton's face was filled with anxiety "Honry, are you all right!".

Kara looked enmpletely bewildered, her vore shaky as she responded. Darling, what what are you doing here!

Enja spuit kly explosed, "I called Quinson over because you were acting strange, Sara. Luckily, Quiron was nearby on business, and as soon as lie brand whid won happening, he rushed over. I never expected you to telline to go luk first, only or come here looking for Sebiti mi volt anti

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Chapter 254

truth, and I swear I won't let them get away with it!" His teeth were clenched in rage as if he were about to lash out at Selina. He thought, How could the Harvey family end up with someone like this? Helping outsiders and bullying her own mother.

Selina watched Quinton and Sara, disbelief evident on her face. It was a classic case of the guilty projecting their own faults onto others. She let out a cold laugh. "Go ahead. Sara. Let's hear what you have to say for yourself."

"I'm sorry, darling. It was me who made the first move, but I don't even know what came over me. It felt like when I lost Selina before, and I might've had another episode. Sara's voice trembled. The idea that her old illness might be resurfacing terrified her, but what scared her even more was that Selina had witnessed her in such a vulnerable state. "How can I ever win Selina back now! It's a wonder if she doesn't hate me even more, the thought.

"An episode!" Selina muttered, her brow furrowing slightly. This was new to her, and from what Sara was saying, it seemed like she had developed this condition after losing Selina

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