Mysterious Mrs. Pansy

Chapter 1115: All the Answers

The body was exhausted now, so how could Patrick raise questions about the quality of sleep during rest?

Little did they know that while they cared for each other here, something else was happening online.

The voices of netizens on the internet were constantly fermenting, and the second article by the gossip reporter had already been released.

Since the response to the first article was quite good, she decided to strike while the iron was hot.

“April’s condition improved because of Jane’s care, but did Jane lose her child because of April? Is this speculation true? Please read the detailed report!”

“Did Jane’s child offend April? Our answer will tell you, and if you have any other answers, you can participate in our discussion!”

“Today, we will reveal the answer to the puzzle of the ongoing discussion among netizens. Please read our exclusive report on Jane and April’s relationship!”

If the previous report was like a stone thrown into the water, causing one wave after another, this time it was like throwing a bomb. All the netizens were in an uproar, and their focus was entirely on April.

Previously, there had been various speculations and discussions, but when they saw the report and its headline, everyone thought it must be solid evidence.

Otherwise, why would the topic be repeatedly mentioned in the report?

The gossip reporter deliberately guided the discussion, using ambiguous language to direct the attention of the netizens in that direction.

And she never used definitive statements, so even when the time came to hold someone accountable, she wouldn’t bear any responsibility.

This was one of the tricks she had learned during her many years as a gossip reporter.

April sat by the bedside, holding her phone and searching for information. She felt that she needed to look up some information on the computer.

When she opened the computer, several entertainment news articles popped up. Despite being away from the entertainment industry for a long time, April still paid attention to these news pieces and absentmindedly clicked on one.

As April read the report, her face turned pale when she came across the part about Jane.

It was because she saw the implications in the report, subtly hinting at her. April quickly logged into the forum and read the comments from the netizens.

“Jane has already taken on too much blame for April. If April is still a person with a conscience, she must take responsibility for this and sincerely apologize to Jane!”

“I used to not believe in fate and conflicts, but now I do. No matter how you look at it, April has even caused Jane to lose her child. What more is there to say?”

As April read these comments, she felt deeply aggrieved. Although Jane had been the primary caregiver at the beginning, April had been extremely attentive.

Moreover, she knew how hard Jane had worked, but the doctors had already determined the cause.

The doctors had explained why the child had left, but these netizens used such words to slander her, leaving April feeling sorrowful and indignant.

She no longer cared about searching for more information. April sat in front of the computer and directly debated with these netizens on the forum.

“People who can distinguish right from wrong will consider the outcome and process of a situation based on the actual circumstances. Why did Jane lose the child despite the authoritative explanation from the hospital? Is there some other deviation here?”

“I don’t care how you believe in feudal superstitions, but since it is a condemned behavior, it proves that your beliefs are wrong. You must change your ways!”

When netizens saw Jane’s comment, they immediately launched a counterattack, especially some abnormal netizens. They were not ordinary people.

They were deliberately hired by gossip editors to hype up this post to a certain level of popularity. Perhaps those who let go were paid.

Now that they have encountered opposing voices, they are naturally more pleased with this phenomenon.

This way, they can earn more money after responding.

“This matter is April’s responsibility. Regardless of the doctor’s report, it is a conclusion made by the doctor based on the current situation, and she cannot consider every detail.”

“The concept of destiny has always existed in this world. The concept of destiny still holds true, so the fate between April and Jane is one of mutual generation and mutual restraint. There is no doubt about this.”

April became even angrier when she saw this comment. She argued with these netizens, but how much can one person say? How many water armies can she compete with?

She was definitely inferior to them, so no matter what April said, soon there were many voices overwhelming her.

They were all accusing April, but of course, they didn’t know that April was the one behind it all.

But no matter who comes forward at this time, they will all be treated with the same attitude.

Facing the unanimous accusations of these netizens, April felt extremely powerless, but she couldn’t sit still.

She knew she had to do something, so the next day, April went to the company.

There was a group of gossip reporters and netizens blocking the door of the company.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

They had all seen the news online these past two days and wanted to come here for some excitement.

Some gossip reporters wanted to get further information, hoping to get even bigger news.

So how could they give up such an opportunity?

“I’m a journalist from Doghead Entertainment News. I want to interview you about Jane’s situation. Do you have any comments?”

When the entertainment journalist handed the microphone to April, the netizens behind her started to curse.

“It’s because of her bad luck that Jane had problems. What other explanations do you need? Even if all her explanations are just cover-ups, it’s just to let herself escape.”

“Jane treated her so well, but now she’s showing her true colors. Such a person is truly rare in the world. If it were me, I would have smashed my head and died a long time ago. I wouldn’t even stay in this world.”

April heard the comments from the netizens and tried to explain loudly that she had nothing to do with this matter.

She also mentioned the reasons why Jane terminated the pregnancy, but these netizens simply didn’t listen to April’s explanations.

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