My Evil Husband

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

Anna POV

I snapped out of my daze when he called me 'Mrs Miller'. I gulped and took some deep breath to calm

my racing heart.

When I met him for the first time, Jack forced me to suck him off. The next time I met him, Jack beat

the shit out of me.

I started to tremble when I remembered that scenario and black dot started to appear in vision and

engulfed in their trap.




Third Person POV

Anna was about to fall and both brothers forwarded their hands to hold her.

Carson was quick so he held her before she can fell. He removed her hair from her face and looked at

her angelic face.

His heart skipped a beat when he noticed her feature. She is so young and not to mention, beautiful.

"Shit. What happened to her?" Daniel said and moved closer to her

She is like a sister to him. So he doesn't want her in any problem.

"What the fuck. What have you done with her?" They heard a familiar voice

Both turned their face toward the voice and saw that this voice belonged to none other than Charlotte


She walked toward them and lightly shook Anna but she was not responding.

She started to panic and said, "we have to take her to the hospital."

Carson nodded and scooped her bridal style in his arms. She was light as a feather.

He laid her down on the backseat of his car and sat on the driver seat. Charlotte sat on the back seat

and put Anna's head on her lap.

Daniel too sat in the passenger seat then Carson started driving to the hospital.

They reached the hospital and now they are waiting outside. Charlotte was pacing outside the room

and was thinking something.

Her phone rang and she looked at the number in worry. It was from Jack. She sighed then picked it up.

"Hello, Jack. How are you" she asked him her usual question

"I am okay. Waiting for this to over so that I can come back home. How is she?" Jack answered then

asked her his usual question

Charlotte looked at the room and sighed then said "She is fine. Busy in college life."

After talking for 10 minutes about Anna and the babies, he cut the call.

That was the time limit they gave him to talk to anyone else. But still, it was not enough as most of the

time he talked about Anna and babies.

When he told her about his problem, her heart started to pain. She had already lost her mothers but

now she doesn't want to lose him as well.

Her brother was suffering but she didn't have any idea about it. Now she knew the reason behind his


Mr Williams was handing his business. That reminded her that she has to call him about Anna.

She called him but he didn't pick up. But after a minute, she got the call from him.

She picked it up and said "hello"

"What happened Charlotte. Are you alright?" She could hear the concern in his voice

"I am alright but Anna fell unconscious in the university. So we brought her here to the hospital." She

answered him.

"What? Is she ok?" He asked her

Charlotte sighed then said "I don't know. The doctor hasn't said anything yet."

"I will reach there in 5 minutes." He said then cut the call.

She walked toward the room and saw that a doctor had come out. The doctor looked at them and

asked: "Are you related to the patient."

Charlotte moved forward and said "I am her sister in law. Is she alright? What happened to her?"

"Well, she had a panic attack. I have injected her so she would be out for some time." The doctor told

them with a serious face.

Then continued "she is suffering from PTSD"

[Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder that can occur in people who have

experienced or witnessed a traumatic event such as a natural disaster, a serious accident, a terrorist

act, war/combat, rape or other violent personal assault.]

"What" Mr Williams shouted when he heard the doctor.

His daughter is suffering from that. He had really failed as a father today. He couldn't give his daughter

a good life.

"Who are you?" The doctor asked him

"I am her father." That was all he could say.

In inside, he was feeling like a failure. He should have come earlier in her life.

He should have taken her with him when he got the chance at the party.

"She will wake up after some time. In the meantime, if you wanted to meet her, you can. But one

person at a time. Excuse me." With that doctor went from there.

Mr Williams noticed Carson and his brother after a few minutes and asked: "What are you both doing


"Richard, after watching me she fell unconscious. So I brought her here. And Daniel is her classmate."

Carson answered his business partner.

Carson didn't know that Mrs Miller was his daughter as he always saw his spoilt brat daughter with him.

But somehow she was his brother friend which he totally didn't approve.

But he didn't meddle in their friendship. He always had some doubts regarding both Jack and Mrs

Miller relationship.

He was lost in her green eyes when he saw her for the first time. She was looking like an angel in the

disguise of a human.

But he got disappointed after learning that she is married and the person is none other than his

business partner.

So he controlled his feeling as he didn't want to be the reason for their fight or anything.

But if she is not with Jack anymore then he will let her know about his feelings.




Anna POV

I woke up when I felt a caress on my cheek, I opened my eyes and saw that it was none other than my


I gasped and tried to move away from his touch but was unable to do.

"I missed you so much. Can't wait to see you again. I love you." He said then leaned down to kiss my

head. NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

I wanted to push him away but my body was not moving. He bit my lips softly and I screamed.

"Oh, God. What is happening? Nurse Janet please call the doctor." I heard someone saying this.

I opened my eyes and saw that Jack is nowhere to be found. There are two nurses who were looking at

me with worry.

I must be dreaming but it felt so real. The doctor came inside and asked "oh you are awake. How are

you feeling Mrs Miller?"

"I am fine. But what I am doing here?" I asked him with confusion

I tried very hard to remembered and got to know that before falling unconscious I saw Mr Walker.

"Your sister in law brought you here. You had a panic attack. Did you know that you were suffering from

PTSD?" The Doctor said

What? PTSD. But before I could say something he continued "I have told this to your father. You have

to see a psychiatrist. "

I just nodded my head and said "oh okay."

He smiled then said "Great. Now rest."

With that, he left me alone. I laid down on the bed again and wondered what the doctor had just told


Later Mr Williams came and hugged and said "I am so sorry honey. I am a bad father. Please forgive


When he pulled away, I can see those unshed tears shining in his eyes and that made me feel bad.

I hugged him which was a surprise for both of us and said "No you are not. You are a great person."

He looked at me with a sad face but masked it with a smile and said: "Come We have to go to meet the


I bit my lips and asked, "Am I mentally ill?"

He looked at me in shock then said "No honey, you are alright. PTSD is a common problem. Don't take

the stress. Come."

I got out of the bed and grabbed his hand which he held out for me. We walked out of the hospital.

Now we are standing outside a cabin. Mr Williams knocked on the door then we heard a 'come in'.

I took a deep breath then entered inside. The doctor was in her mid-40s. She gave us a smile and said

"Hello again Richard. How are you? And you brought a beautiful girl here too. Your name Sweetheart?"

So she knew him. Mr Williams hugged her and said, "I am fine Laura."

She then held out her hand and I shook her hand with a smile and said: "Hello my name is Anastasia


She looked at with wide eyes then looked at Mr Williams and said "Miller as in Jack Miller's wife."


Authors Note

Hello guys

Hope you liked it

Till then

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