My contract love story

Chapter 42

A surreal sense of accomplishment washed over Ashleigh as she sat in her room, surrounded by mountains of clothes. Susan, her ever-reliable assistant, meticulously folded them into a large suitcase, a team of helpers bustling around her. The news of her acceptance into Robin College had arrived a week ago, yet the memory of jolting awake from the couch, sleep forgotten in a surge of joy, remained vivid.

Back home, she’d found the official letter nestled amongst her mail, a crisp confirmation that she was to report to campus for a mandatory freshman orientation that very weekend. The news had been met with ecstatic reactions her aunt and friends bursting with pride, the latter particularly curious about the sudden turn of events. Sharing the news with Larry and Susan had set off a joyous chain reaction, with Susan spreading the word amongst the other staff members. The week since had flown by in a whirlwind of excitement. “Madame,” a familiar voice cut through Ashleigh’s daydream, startling her. She looked up to find Susan standing before her, an exasperated look etched on her face.

“Apologies, Susan, it won’t happen again. What was your question?” Ashleigh stammered, a sheepish grin spreading across her face as muffled chuckles erupted from the other staff discreetly observing the exchange. Susan sighed dramatically.

“Mrs. Ashleigh, you’ve said that four times now, only to forget a minute later.”

“I understand, Susan. I truly am excited, but don’t you think three days’ worth of clothes is a bit excessive?” Ashleigh questioned, her gaze flitting skeptically towards the overflowing suitcase.

While the college letter had stated a week-long orientation, Adrian had taken it upon himself to ensure Ashleigh’s return within three days. His explanation to her was the prevention of “a repeat of previous events,” while to the school administration, it was a matter of security concerns surrounding his high profile. Ashleigh was secretly grateful he hadn’t elaborated further, particularly on the events of that day in his office the memory still sent a blush creeping up her cheeks.

“Mrs. Ashleigh, packing everything is absolutely necessary!” Susan countered, her voice laced with gentle insistence.

“This is your first time living away from home for an extended period. Remember, Robin College is an elite institution, which means it will be filled with sophisticated individuals. You’ll want to make a good impression, wouldn’t you?” Ashleigh couldn’t help but laugh at Susan’s well-meaning concern. With a playful smile, she walked over to the suitcase and began extracting select items, much to Susan’s dismay.

“Absolutely essential to pack everything, Mrs. Ashleigh!” Susan declared, her voice laced with concern as she wrestled with a mountain of clothes.

“This is your first time living away for an extended period, remember? Besides, Robin College is an elite institution, bound to be filled with sophisticated individuals. You’ll want to make a good impression, wouldn’t you?” Ashleigh chuckled at Susan’s well-meaning anxiety.

“Elite minds, Susan,” she clarified, approaching the overflowing suitcase.

“I imagine a prestigious university like Robin College attracts students more focused on academics than fashion. I plan to make a good impression with intellectual conversation, not a designer wardrobe.”

“Half of these clothes should suffice for this trip,” she instructed, gesturing towards the overflowing suitcase.

“Comfortable and casual wear will be best, considering I’m unsure of the orientation venue.” The other staff members observing the exchange nodded in agreement and resumed their packing duties. Susan paused, her lips pursed in a silent argument before finally conceding with a nod.

“As you wish, Mrs. Ashleigh. But don’t come back pouting if things don’t go according to plan,” she warned playfully, returning to her packing.

Ashleigh’s smile faltered, a teasing glint entering her eyes. “You seem awfully neutral about my departure, Susan. Don’t you care about me at all?” she inquired, flopping dramatically beside her assistant, who rolled her eyes in response.

“Mrs. Ashleigh,” Susan sighed, “you know I’m probably the happiest person in this building right now.”

“Your face doesn’t exactly scream overjoyed,” Ashleigh countered, peering at Susan’s impassive expression.

Since Ashleigh considered Susan a younger sister, she found amusement in teasing her. Susan’s composed outward demeanor often masked a sea of emotions simmering beneath the surface. It also amused Ashleigh that despite constant reminders, Susan still addressed her formally. This didn’t prevent a few informal remarks from slipping through occasionally.

“No wonder Mr. Cagliari seems more adept at keeping you quiet,” Susan muttered under her breath, not realizing Ashleigh had caught it. Ashleigh’s cheeks flushed a crimson red.

“What was that supposed to mean, Susan? Are you stepping out of line?” she sputtered, the sly smile on her assistant’s face doing little to ease her irritation.

Though anger flared, she couldn’t entirely blame Susan. In a moment of emotional vulnerability, Ashleigh herself had recounted the events of that day in Adrian’s office. Her voice hardened.

“You’ve been dragging your feet with this task, Susan. See to it that it’s finished within the next half hour.” Susan, clearly aware she’d crossed a line, simply nodded and picked up the pace.

“So, any updates on the preparations for tonight’s karaoke night?” Ashleigh asked after a moment of silence, hoping to shift the conversation.

“Everything’s set for a seven o’clock start, Mrs. Ashleigh. Chef Larry’s been busy in the kitchen all afternoon,” Susan reported, and Ashleigh acknowledged her with a grateful nod.

Inspired by Chef Larry’s suggestion, Ashleigh had decided to host another karaoke night for everyone. This time, it was a celebratory affair for her college acceptance, and the announcement had been met with joyous anticipation from the staff. She’d even informed Adrian about it at work, and after some playful back-and-forth, he’d agreed to attend on the condition that he joined the festivities. With the plan cemented, they’d settled on a beach theme, encouraging everyone to wear casual attire. Ashleigh couldn’t wait for the evening to unfold and the singing to begin.

Susan, having meticulously reorganized the suitcase according to Ashleigh’s instructions, finished her task and headed off to join Mr. Atkinson in setting up the event hall. Ashleigh, with the upcoming guest of honor in mind, decided to personally oversee the culinary preparations in the kitchen.

“Hey, Chef Larry! How’s everything coming along?” she greeted, stretching on her tiptoes to peek at the tantalizing array of food on the counter. Chef Larry, surrounded by his diligent assistants, looked up and offered Ashleigh a curt smile.

He barked out a few instructions before striding towards her, where she strained to see over the counter. He reached for a tray, bringing it down to her level. Her eyes widened at the sight of juicy meatballs, and she instinctively grabbed a skewer.

“Preparations are almost complete. I made sure to incorporate Mr. Cagliari’s preferences, just like you requested,” he declared, puffing out his chest with mock pride. Ashleigh couldn’t help but smile at his playful demeanor.

Popping a meatball in her mouth, she closed her eyes, savoring the flavorful explosion. “Mmm, this is exquisite! Compliments to the chef,” she proclaimed, her taste buds dancing with delight.

Chef Larry beamed with genuine pride.

“Why don’t you head upstairs and get ready, Mrs. Cagliari? After all, Mr. Cagliari will be home soon,” he suggested, gently guiding her towards the door by placing his hands on her shoulders.

“What do you mean?” Ashleigh stammered, her cheeks flushing a rosy pink.

“Don’t I dress up every day?” “Of course you do,” he chuckled.

“But tonight’s different. You need to look absolutely stunning! Now go on, shoo!” Ashleigh left the kitchen with a shy grumble, leaving Chef Larry behind.

As he watched her retreat, his bright smile gradually faded into a deep frown. The current joy swirling around Ashleigh wouldn’t last the night. By nightfall, that jubilation would transform into a crushing despair.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

Editor – AlphaNovel Writer

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