My contract love story

Chapter 39

Ashleigh’s jaw clenched tight. “Absolutely not,” she gritted out, her voice barely a whisper above a growl.

Adrian met her gaze, his expression unreadable. “Then consider this conversation over,” he finished, his voice devoid of emotion as he redirected his attention to the paperwork littering his desk.

Silence descended upon the room, heavy with tension. Ashleigh forced herself to take a deep breath, her anger simmering just beneath the surface. “With all due respect, Mr. Cagliari,” she began, her voice calmer this time, “I fail to see how firing me or my friends will solve anything.”

Adrian leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers before him. “On the contrary, Mrs. Cagliari. From the beginning, we’ve been at odds over you working here after our marriage. Between your household duties and your workload, it all contributed to your breakdown.”

Ashleigh’s temper flared. “That was because-” she started, but Adrian held up a hand, silencing her.

“Yes, I know,” he conceded, his voice laced with a hint of begrudging acceptance. “Because I exacerbated the situation. But beyond the strain of dual responsibilities, it has come to my attention that you may be influenced by certain individuals here within the company.”

“If this is about the trip,” Ashleigh interjected, her voice laced with defiance, “James and Fiona had no idea about it until after the fact!”

Adrian scoffed. “And why should I take your word for it? First, I’m told you’re at your aunt’s. Then, upon arriving there, I’m informed you’re staying with ‘innocent’ friends. Yet, upon reaching their place, you’re nowhere to be found.” With each accusation, Ashleigh felt a pang of guilt twisting in her gut.

“Why shouldn’t you trust me?” she countered, her voice rising with each word. “I trust you, even though your promises remain unfulfilled!”

The tension in the room crackled as Adrian locked eyes with her, his gaze heavy with unspoken emotions.NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

“By the way you’re speaking, Mrs. Cagliari, it seems you have a firm grasp on the situation. Therefore, I’ll leave you to contemplate the consequences for you and your aunt if you choose poorly.”

A ghost of a smile played on Adrian’s lips as he continued, his voice devoid of warmth. “By the time the disciplinary board meeting concludes, the news of James and Fiona’s dismissal will circulate freely throughout the company. I’ve authorized the release of a statement detailing the reasons behind this executive decision. I’m sure you can connect the dots.”

Ashleigh stood frozen, the weight of his words settling heavily upon her. The terrifying picture he painted brought a stark realization. Her continued employment would not only damage her own reputation but would smear her aunt’s as well. The fabricated sick leave covering her disappearance would paint a picture of blatant favoritism.

As she stood lost in thought, the door creaked open, revealing Mr. Turner. “Sir, the meeting will begin in ten minutes,” he announced, his voice cutting through the thick tension.

Adrian turned to him, issuing a flurry of instructions, effectively dismissing Ashleigh’s presence. Left alone with her swirling thoughts, Ashleigh watched the clock tick down, each passing minute pushing her closer to a corner. Fury bubbled within her, directed at both Adrian’s manipulation and her own impulsive actions.

Finally, with a defeated sigh, she forced out the words, her voice thick with resentment, “I’ll do it!”

Adrian glanced up from his conversation with Mr. Turner, a flicker of something akin to satisfaction crossing his features before he dismissed his assistant.

Defeat colored Ashleigh’s voice as she choked out, “I’ll do it!”

Adrian finally tore his gaze from Mr. Turner, a hint of satisfaction flickering across his face before he dismissed his assistant with a curt nod.

“I don’t understand,” Adrian pressed, his voice devoid of warmth. “What exactly are you agreeing to?”

Ashleigh lifted her chin, her defiant gaze locking with his. “I’ll resign, Adrian. Just don’t fire James and Fiona.” Her voice trembled, and she clenched her fists to stop the tears stinging her eyes.

Adrian leaned back in his chair, a sly smile playing on his lips. “Resignation is acceptable, Mrs. Cagliari. However, there’s one more condition.”

“You said resign, and I agreed,” she countered, her voice ragged.

“Indeed,” he conceded. “But your resignation will come with a full disclosure. We’ll announce the reason for your departure publicly. You’ll then be given a two-week notice to finalize your contract termination. During this period, you’ll be working exclusively on this floor.”

Just as Ashleigh opened her mouth to protest, Mr. Turner piped up, a quick glance at his watch preceding his words. “Sir, the meeting starts in two minutes.” He stood stiffly behind Adrian, a silent witness to their tense exchange.

Adrian’s voice dripped with a cruel amusement. “Deal or no deal, Mrs. Cagliari?”

The weight of her choices pressed down on Ashleigh. Images of James and Fiona losing their jobs flashed in her mind.

With a resigned sigh, she gritted out, “Deal.”

A satisfied smirk played on Adrian’s lips. “Wise decision,” he said, gesturing to Mr. Turner, who presumably knew what to do. He then rose from his chair and headed towards the door.

“This isn’t fair,” Ashleigh mumbled, tears blurring her vision as she watched him leave.

As if sensing her despair, Adrian stopped and turned back. His imposing figure seemed to fill the room, suffocating her. All she wanted was to escape this office, to escape him. Just as she contemplated a desperate dash for the exit, she felt his hand reach for her chin, gently tilting her face upwards. Instinctively, she resisted, but his strength overpowered hers.

“I hate you,” she spat, tears streaming down her cheeks as she glared at him with a burning fury.

A flicker of something unreadable crossed Adrian’s eyes. Before she could react further, he surprised her by pulling her close, his thumb brushing away the tears staining her face.

Adrian’s gaze swept over Ashleigh, lingering on the tear streaks that painted her face with a strange vulnerability. Her lips, bitten raw from nervous anticipation, seemed fuller somehow. A dark memory flickered in his mind Ashleigh, intoxicated at the resort, leaning carefree against another man. The audacity of it so carefree in someone else’s arms while she was so determined to flee him at every turn, and now, the raw hatred burning in her eyes.

His fingers, unconsciously tightening around her waist, betrayed the storm brewing inside him. He forced himself to remember her feelings were irrelevant.

“Hatred serves no purpose, Mrs. Cagliari,” he said, his voice a low murmur. “Actions have consequences, and this is yours to bear. Hold your head high. I’ll see you at home.” His eyes held hers for a moment longer, then he released her and strode out, leaving her alone in the opulent office.

Ashleigh stumbled towards the couch, collapsing onto the plush cushions. The weight of the situation pressed down on her. She had moments to compose herself before facing the aftermath of the meeting. When she finally rose, her steps were heavy as she made her way back to her desk on the executive floor.

As she walked, she felt the scrutiny of her colleagues. Whispers followed her like a shadow. Some stares were accusatory, others laced with pity. Each one felt like a brick added to the invisible wall closing in on her. Reaching a breaking point, she sought refuge in her aunt’s empty office, the familiar space offering a temporary escape.

Tears welled up again, spilling over as she gave in to the overwhelming emotions. The sobs came in waves, each one a release of the anger, frustration, and fear swirling within her. When the storm subsided, she sat numbly, the remaining hours of her workday dragging by in a blur. Finally, the clock struck the end of her shift. With a defeated sigh, she gathered her belongings and trudged towards the parking lot, the whispers echoing in her ears even as she drove away.

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