My Bully’s Love

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

Chapter 86 – Red isn’t My Color

There is a summer carnival going on with rides and games, along with food stands and street merchants. Tons of people are walking the streets, having a good time. Regardless of the two men following us, me Jace and Elise are having the time of our lives. It’s like Jace and I are getting a second chance at being young high schoolers once again. We blend in so well with them, that for one day we can pretend that we don’t have a care in the world.

“How about this one?” Jace asks as he stops at the ham mer game.

| stand and watch the person at the helm take their turn lifting the huge sledgehammer and swinging it, hitting the metal plate and making the lever move up, but not ring the bell at the top. The prize for ringing it three times in a row is a teddy bear that is half my size.

“Only if you think you can hit it all three times. I wouldn’t want you making yourself look bad by not being able to hit it.” I tease him.

Jace takes it as a challenge and pays the carnival worker his money. Picking up the hammer, I can see the muscles in his arms and back working overtime, and it turns me on. I notice that other girls are watching him as well, but I really don’t pay

them any attention. Standing back and giving him enough room, Elise and I watch as he swings the hammer down. A ringing noise sounds as the level hits the bell and he lifts the hammer for a second time.

All three times, the bell rings and me and my sister jump in excitement. Jace picks a tan and white bear and hands it to me as he kisses me in front of everyone.

“Looks like you have a fan club, Jace.” Elise giggles.

We both look in the direction of where my sister is looking and see a group of high school girls gawking at my man. One of them is actually looking at him in a seductive way; she can’t be older than seventeen.

Loud enough for all of them to hear, he kisses my head and then states, “Let them look. I’ve only got eyes for one and she’s already right here in my arms.” If I thought that my panties couldn’t get any wetter, I was so wrong after that statement.

When we start walking off, the girl that was staring seduc tively at him says to her friend, “What does she have that I don’ t? I mean, look at her!”

Without missing a beat, Jace glances her way, “My girl has class, something you will never have if you don’t change that attitude of yours.”

Book 2 – Red isnt My Color

“Damn…Jace, that was harsh!” Elise laughs.

“Well, the girl needs manners, and maybe her eyes checked, because your sister is way hotter than she is. I could have insulted her more by stating that fact.”

| lean in and whisper, “Remind me to give you a mind blowing blow job when we get home later.” I wiggle my brows at him.

Licking his lips, he grins, “I will definitely remind you of that.”

I lose track of time, as we have been having so much fun, but I know it’s been hours and now I’m needing to use a re stroom. There is a row of porta potties along a fence line, only about fifteen feet

away from where we are standing in line at for a ride. Since the ride is just starting, I have plenty of time to go release my bladder and return before they let us on.

“Jace, do you mind if I use the porta potty? It’s just right there.”

He checks out the distance and sees that Malik and Owen are both close by and so he nods, “Sure, go on. I will watch from here and the guys are close.”

With Elise with us, I didn’t want to leave her unattended in

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line, so I’m glad, Jace agreed to let me go. I can feel his eyes on me, so I shake my back side just a little extra. Turning, I walk backwards, so I can smirk at my man, and see that he is grinning from ear to ear. Just as I go to turn back, I see his ex pression change drastically to a look of terror and he calls out my name. I spin around and suddenly, there is a sharp pain in my side and then a slicing pain on my cheek.

Stunned, I bring my hand to my cheek first and see blood as I pull it away, but it doesn’t compare to the pain in my side in which I place my hand and feel wetness. Suddenly, I feel a bit woozy and drop to my knees just as Jace gets to me, catch ing me before I fall.

“Ella! Oh, my God, no!” He’s frantic, “Talk to me baby!”

“W-What h-happened?” | stutter. I hear my sister on the phone giving directions to where we are at, but I can’t see where she’s at.

“Some motherfucker in a baseball cap and hoodie came up behind you. I couldn’t see exactly what they did at the time, but I see now that they stabbed you on the side of your stom ach and then cut your cheek.” He tries explaining without los ing it, but I can faintly see the concern in his eyes.

“H-how bad i-is it?” Not really wanting to know but need ing to know.

“You will be okay as long as we can get you to the hospital and get you stitched up.” He explains as he pulls off his shirt

Book-Red isnt My Color line, so I’m glad, Jace agreed to let me go. I can feel his eyes on me, so I shake my back side just a little extra. Turning, I walk backwards, so I can smirk at my man, and see that he is grinning from ear to ear. Just as I go to turn back, I see his ex pression change drastically to a look of terror and he calls out my name. I spin around and suddenly, there is a sharp pain in my side and then a slicing pain on my cheek.

Stunned, I bring my hand to my cheek first and see blood as I pull it away, but it doesn’t compare to the pain in my side in which I place my hand and feel wetness. Suddenly, I feel a bit woozy and drop to my knees just as Jace gets to me, catch ing me before I fall.

“Ella! Oh, my God, no!” He’s frantic, “Talk to me baby!”

“W-What h-happened?” | stutter. I hear my sister on the phone giving directions to where we are at, but I can’t see where she’s at.

“Some motherfucker in a baseball cap and hoodie came up behind you. I couldn’t see exactly what they did at the time, but I see now that they stabbed you on the side of your stom ach and then cut your cheek.” He tries explaining without los ing it, but I can faintly see the concern in his eyes.

“H-how bad i-is it?” Not really wanting to know but need ing to know.

“You will be okay as long as we can get you to the hospital and get you stitched up.” He explains as he pulls off his shirt

Hook2. Red isn’t My Color

and holds it against my side, “Malik and Owen went after the person, but I don’t know if they were close enough to gain ground on them.

“There is an emergency team here at the carnival and they are heading our way,” Elise informs us as she drops to her knees beside me. Tears stream down her face as she reaches into her bag for a package of tissues. She then holds a few over my cheek and tries her best to smile at me.

“Hey, don’t be thinking that you are going to get rid of me little sis, I’m not going anywhere.” I try to chuckle, but it hurts too much.

“You better not, I still have years of torture left for my big sister, and I’ve yet to borrow any of your clothes.” Trying to keep the situation light, I can’t help but love my sister even more.

“Well, you can wear this outfit anytime you want.” | smirk.

She pulls a face, “I don’t thing red is really my color, Ella.”

“Oh, God…don’t make me laugh please!”

“I’m sorry!” Elise looks horrified. Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

“Here they come!” Jace nods towards the EMT heading our way with a stretcher.

Before I know it, I’m being lifted onto the stretcher and moving away from the crowd as one EMT pushes me towards the ambulance while the other starts bandaging up my side and face. They refuse to let both Jace and my sister ride with us, so Jace lets Elise go with me while he drives himself.

Elise is still crying as she holds my hand while the EMT at taches an IV to me, “By what I could see,” the guy speaks soft ly, “both are just flesh wounds, and she should be okay after getting stitched up, but I’m not a doctor, so don’t take my word for it.”

I don’t think he is really supposed to tell us this, but I think it was more for my sister’s sake then anything, and I won’t hold him responsible if he’s wrong. When I notice him push some liquid from a syringe into my IV, I only wonder for a moment what it can be before I start feeling pretty good and can barely feel the pain anymore.

I turn to my sister and smile goofy, “So, who’s going to call dad?”

She scoffs, and then presses her finger to the tip of her nose and says, “Not me!” I follow suit, “I guess Jace is the lucky caller.” She chuckles and I smile before letting sleep take hold of me.

What do you think? Will Malik and Owen capture the per son, or will they slip through their hands once again? Please

Book 2 – Red isn’t My Color

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