My Brother's Best Friend Is My Mate

Chapter 4: Have you heard about the party?

Chapter 4: Have you heard about the party?

After a bunch of boring old lessons, lunch in the cafeteria, then more boring lessons, I am finally free. I

rotate my neck as I walk to the art room, listening to the satisfying crunch. I stand by the door, checking

my watch every two seconds until Spencer appears. When we were kids, it was always Spencer's

dream to be a painter/ artist. We would always paint together, mostly things of nature. We painted

trees, rivers and ponds and a lot more. There was this one painting though, that she loved a lot. It was

a painting of a black wolf. It's yellow orbs were like a pond you could venture into and never return. The

wolf was beautiful. Spencer brought it home and hung it in her room. When we were teens and I asked

what made her love that specific painting so much, she simply answered and said, " There are a lot of

things going on in this world that a lot of people don't know about; things you can't imagine. Things that

are different. Like me." I didn't understand what she was trying to say. I still don't.

"Earth to Emerald!", Spencer snaps. I laugh. "Sorry. I was lost in my thoughts."

"What were you thinking about? ", she asked eyeing me.

"I was thinking about us when we were in kidnagarten", I reply as we exit the school and statt walking

to the parking lot.

"Really?", she asked like an excited child. We both get in my car and I start to drive to Spencer's

neighborhood. Spencer and I talk a few more minutes before she slaps me on the arm.

"Ouch! What the fuck is wrong with you?", I ask looking at my hand where a red spot is now visible.

"I just remembered something. Now shut up before you make me forget it", she said, snapping her

fingers, which was a habit when she was thinking really hard about something. Which is rare.

"Is it important enough to possibly get both of us killed?", I tease.

Spencer rolls her eyes. "Have you heard about the party? Matt was telling me about it, this morning in

homeroom. It is going to be lit!", Spencer exclaims.

Matt Jones was the brother of a sexy, I mean, regular hot senior at our school. He was the definition of

a sexy greek God. Girls would through themselves at his feet. Eww..

Okay, okay. I'll admit it. I've drooled over him about one or two times. I think. But it's all in the head.

Spencer is the only one who knows that I have a big fat crush on him, although I know that he will

never, ever in a bitrillion years, choose me over all the pretty, slim blonde girls at school AND in the


"Nope. I haven't heard of it. Are you planning on going?", I ask curiously. We were parked outside

Spencer's house, but I doubt she was concious of this.

"Am I planning on going? Am I planning on going? Everyone's gonna be there! Plus I know that YOU

would rather die than miss a chance of seeing a glance of the Liam Jones", Spencer raises her

eyebrows suggestively.

"Stop it! ", I yell hitting her on the shoulder causing her to give me a dirty look.

"Hey Liam!", Spencer says waving at Liam.

And yes. He just so happens to be Spencer's neighbor. God, if you're listening..

When I look over to him, I see him drop a gadget he had in his hand, but it miraculously didn't fall to the

ground because he caught it. Damn, those muscular arms. I so want to lick his abs.

' Reel it in Emerald', I scold myself. Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

Liam waves back. "Hello ladies", he replies. And almost as quickly as he appeared, Liam disappeares.

Spencer, smacks me on my forehead. "Hello. What are you thinking about Isaac Newton?", she asks

with an exaggerated laugh.

"Nothing. Just some random thoughts."

Spencer grabs her bag, and gives me a quick hug, and jumps out of the car. "Bye. Remember to pick

me up for school tomorrow. My mom's gonna be working super early", she reminds me.

"Yea. Bye." I back out of her driveway and drive back home. On my way home, it starts raining really


Because I didn't bring my umbrella today, I have to face the concequence of running in the rain to my

front door.

I unlock the door with a spare key, take off my boots, and my soaking coat and walk to my room.

On my way upstairs, I can hear a voice. Actually more than one voices. In the living room is Damion

sitting on the couch. And beside him is the guy.

Yes, him.

Just incase your brain doesn't work as fast as mine, sitting beside my brother in my living room is Liam


He's my Brother's Best friend.

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