My Bad Boy's Gang

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

"Oh my God, Rain! Please just answer him, because he keeps bugging me"! Leah said.

"Me too" Liz added.

Leah, and Liz dragged me out to the mall; and promised me food, so I came.

Ryker and I haven't spoke in 3 days, and he's been angry with me for 3 days!

He's finally come to his senses, but now keeps calling and texting me.

I refuse to answer so now he's trying to get a hold of me threw Liz and Leah.

My phone started to vibrate in my back pocket and I took it out and saw it was the jackass.

"Ryker, what do you want"?! I answered.

"Goddamn it was about time you answered" He muttered.

"I don't have time for this" I stated.

"We need to talk " He said.

"I'm busy" I said as I set the phone between my shoulder and cheek as Liz and Leah asked me to help

them find some shirt.

"Rain" He said aggravated.

"Bye Ryker" I said and hung up, then putting my phone in my back-pocket.

"I've never seen Ryker chase a girl to apologize" Liz said shocked.

"I've seen Ryker apologize" Leah stated and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, I need something from Victoria's Secret" Liz perked, as she grabbed my hand and started to pull

me towards the store.

I whined "I hate this store"!

"Aren't you modeling for VS soon"? Leah asked as she rose an eyebrow.

I nodded slightly "Yeah, but it still makes me uncomfortable".

They rolled their eyes and started to look at some lingerie.

* * * * * * *

I laughed as we walked into the warehouse as Leah said something.

We came to the main floor/rook and walked in where all the guys were.

I became silent when Ryker's eyes met mine.

Liz and Leah set the millions of bags they had down and I took a seat next to Vince on the couch.

"How was school"? Craig teased and I rolled my eyes "It was great; I only got sent to the principal's

office 3 times today".

They all rolled their eyes and I looked to see Ryker and right when I looked at him he looked at me; and

I quickly looked away.

"Alright, that's it!" Neil said "We can all feel the sexual tension!"

"Good I'm not the only one" Will said as he waved himself with his hand to blow air at him.

I tensed up and bit my lip in response.

"I got it! Force them to go on a date" Liz suggested happily.

My eyes widened "What?!?"

"You know, at this point I think it's a good idea" Craig said.

We all looked at Craig in shock and Ryker yelled "What the hell, Craig"?!

"What!? You two are just avoiding each other, and it's bringing conflict into the gang" Craig stated and I

buried my face in my hands.

"Okay, problem solved! Ryker and Rain are going on a date"! Liz and Leah grinned ear to ear.

"This cannot be happening" I muttered as I rubbed my temples.

* * * * * * * *

"Ha, not funny Alex!" I scoffed as I sent her a glare, and a cheeky smirk grew on her face.

Alex was sitting on my bed, as I walked in and out of my closet as I got changed; since I'm being forced

to go on this stupid date.

I grabbed my combat boots and tied them multiple times, quickly. I ran a hand threw my hair and

looked in the full-length mirror.

I was simply in a white band t-shirt, black skinny jeans, a gray denim shirt that was left unbuttoned, and

black combat boots.

My brother's were not happy about the fact of Ryker and I going out....alone....even though we could go

with security guards and they still wouldn't be happy about it.

"So..." Alex trailed off and asked "Do you like him"? with hope in her voice.

"No" I stated narrowing my eyes at him.

Why do I feel like I was lying to myself?!

Alex frowned then muttering "He's better then Monroe".

I rolled my eyes in response "I'm sorry: I didn't know Blake was in a gang, and needless the Crusades

rival gang! He didn't mention that when he asked me out".

There was a ring at the doorbell, and I picked my phone up and put it in my back-pocket.

I quickly walked out and Alex followed, and I ran then sitting on the railing and sliding down the railing

of staircase to the bottom.

I came to the end and got off, as my brothers, Alex, and dad all came in the main entry. I haven't

spoken to my dad, since the incident.

And quite frankly I'm still mad, and don't intend on talking to him anytime soon.

I opened the door, and Ryker stood their with his signature white plain t-shirt, jeans, and leather jacket,

with a bored expression on his face.

"Rain" He smirked, and my brother's all tensed up and Alex was basically holding all of them back, and

I quickly walked out and Ryan yelled "Rain Eliza, be back by midnight or you're dead!"

I grabbed Ryker's hand and pulled him down the driveway; and he fixed his fingers so they were

intertwined with mine....

Blush crept on my cheeks and I looked down at the ground, as I bit my lip trying to ignore the

butterflies, racing of my heart, or the electricity shooting threw me.

He walked to the passenger side of his truck and opened the door for me and I gave him a shocked


He rolled his eyes and a smirk appeared on his lips and leaned closer to me "If I have to do this date,

I'm going to do it right" then picking me up and setting me on the seat, and shutting the door leaving me

their dumbstruck.

He walked around the truck and got in the driver's side, and turned the keys in the ignition and backed-

out of the driveway, and headed towards the streets.

My phone buzzed, and I quickly took it out.

Liz: Have fun ;)

I rolled my eyes at the text and put my phone away, and sat up straight and put my head back against

the seat, as I stared ahead at the streets.

We came to a parking lot, and Ryker parked. I raised an eyebrow "Where are we"?

He opened grabbed a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to me. My eyes widened and I said

"O my God! You did not"!?

"I did, Thompson" He smirked and I saw a slight smile.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you"! I exclaimed, then something came over me and I leaned across the seat

and hugged him.

He seemed little taken off by me hugging him, but then hugging me quickly and I pulled away.

"Well come on, we have to grab the tickets the can head over" He said, and I nodded then getting out

and so did Ryker.

He took my hand and nodded "This way". NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

We walked down the streets and I couldn't help but smile. I really thought Ryker didn't know anything

about me..but turns out he knows more then my brothers..

He bought two tickets to a drive-in movie for Creature from the black lagoon; which was an old film.

It was already about 8 o'clock and getting dark, we walked to the ticket booth then Ryker answered

almost every question the lady had and she handed us paper wrist bands that we had to around our


Ryker pulled me to the side, so other people could pay for their tickets and he took my left wrist and put

the wrist band around my wrist.

"You knew I was-" I started. "Left handed"? He finished and raised an eyebrow "I've seen you write,

and I know you hate things on your right wrist".

"How do you know all this about me"? I asked pursing my lips.

"I listen when you talk Rain" He said looking up from my wrist to my eyes "It might be a shocker, but I


I stared at him shocked; I mean you would too if you just found out the city's Bad Boy knows small

details about you that even your own brothers can't answer!

"Not funny" I smacked Ryker's chest as his signature Ryker Anderson smirk grew on his face. We were

almost done with the movie, and couples were making out; most having sex in the back-seat of their


"Very funny" Ryker stated, then I started to fix the pillow wall I have built between us.

Yes, I built a pillow wall. We set blankets down in the bed of the truck and I took all the pillows and put

them between us; which Ryker thought was the stupidest thing ever.

But I can't take my ovaries exploding anymore...i mean what if I want kids..

Ryker grabbed a pillow and put it behind his back and I scoffed "My pillow wall"!

"Really Rain? Are you that attracted to me, where you have to use pillows to keep yourself from doing

anything"? He asked with amusement and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes" I said and my eyes widened at what I just said.

Ryker's smirk grew wider, if that's even possible.

He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me over to him and into his lap.

My whole face was hot from embarrassment, and my cheeks were no doubtfully bright red.

"Is that so"? Ryker asked as he pressed his forehead to mine.

"N-no" I stuttered.

Damn it Rain! You're bad at lying!

"Then why'd you build the pillow wall"? He asked knowingly.

"I was bored" I lied.

He nodded "Right....and that's why you've been blushing the whole night if I said anything to you".

My eyes grew wide, to the point I thought they'd pop out if my head and I exclaimed "You noticed"?!

The smirk never left his face, and I groaned and buried my face in my hands.

"Rain" Ryker chuckled and took my hands away from my face, then tucking a loose strand of hair

behind my ear.

"Why can't I just die in a whole? My life is just a montage of embarrassment"! I exclaimed.

Ryker chuckled and his eyes met mine.

I blinked slowly a few times and his eyes narrowed to my lips.

I leaned over and kissed his lips quickly, then I pulled back and blinked a few times.

I just kissed Ryker!??!?!

Ryker looked shocked, and I saw the credits of the movie roll in.

"W-we should probably get g-going" I stuttered and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and got out of

his lap, then jumping out of the truck and landing on my feet on the ground.

Ryker got out effortlessly and shut the tailgate.

A group of girls came up and giggled then handing Ryker a piece of folded up paper and saying "Call

me" then walking away.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Such whores" I muttered.

Ryker looked at me and quickly grabbed me by the waist and brushed his lips against mine.

My breath faltered and he said against my lips "Don't do that to me again".

Then he smashed his lips into mine.

I uncrossed my arms and wrapped them around his neck as he put a hand to my lower back; pushing

my up against him.

The kiss was wanting and hungry with passion.

He pulled away and smirked "Still want a pillow wall"?

"We're here"? I asked as Ryker pulled up to a apartment building.

Ryker actually invited me over to his apartment; which surprised me.

He nodded "Yeah, it's not anything big or something you live accustom too.."

I shook my head "Ryker, it looks fine".

We got out of the truck and walked up to the front door of the building.

Ryker opened the door and held it open for me and I said "Thank you" and walked in.

The lobby was dark as all the lights were out.

Ryker took my hand and pulled me upstairs and to the 3rd floor and to the 7th room on the left.

He grabbed his keys and unlocked the door, then opening the door and I walked in.

He whirled me around and smashed his lips into mine.

I smiled against his lips, and placed my hands on his chest.

He backed me up and pushed me up against the wall.

His tongue slid across my teeth.

I slipped my shoes off my feet, and his hands were tight around my waist.

He slipped my denim shirt off and threw it to the side.

I kept my eyes closed and tugged on his shirt.

He broke the kiss then grabbing his shirt and pulling it off and throwing it to the side.

I loved the feeling of this...the feeling of being so close to Ryker.

His hands snuck under my shirt, and I stood up straight and he pulled my shirt up with his fingers

tracing circles on my bare skin.

I pulled away and he pulled my shirt over my head, then dropping it to the ground, and smashing his

lips back to mine.

We both stood their top-less and I know where this was leading too.

I pulled away to catch my breath, and Ryker pressed his forehead to mine and said breathlessly "You're


I blushed and he kissed my neck, as I caught my breath and I bit my lip to hide a moan from escaping

my mouth.

I pressed my lips back to his and he picked me up and carried me into his room then placing me down

on his bed.

He was over top of me and my lips never left his.

His hands went to the button of my jeans and unbuttoned them then pulling then down with his lips still

on mine.

My heart was racing to where I was scared of getting a heart-attack.

I unbuttoned his jeans and he pulled on my upper lip.

We were both just underwear now, and I felt tears prick my eyes.

No Rain! You can't do this! Don't cry over this!

Ryker's hands roamed my body and went to the back of my bra clasp.

I pulled away quickly and Ryker pressed his forehead to mine.

Our breath was both heavy, and I looked down.

Tears were pricking my eyes and I tried blinking them away.

"Rain? What's wrong"? Ryker asked concerned.

"I-I-...." I stuttered and couldn't say anything.

He sat down on the bed next to me and pulled me into his lap.

"I was sexual harassed by my Ex Boyfriend" I blurted.

Ryker's eyes widened and jaw clenched "Damn it Rain, I fell like an ass now! Why wouldn't you tell


"I-I-I....."I stuttered and looked down at my lap and pressed my lips in a thin line.

"Hey" He said softly "Don't be embarrassed it's just me".

I stayed silent for a few moments and he tilted my chin up with his index finger to make me look at him.

"Rain, if you don't want to tell me that's fine" He said.

I nodded slightly "I-I don't w-want to talk about i-it".

He nodded and clenched his jaw, then sliding me out of his lap and standing up, then slipping on his

jeans and starting to walk out.

"Ryker" I spoke up.

He stopped and turned around to faceme.

"T-Thank Y-You" I stuttered.

He walked up to me and kissed my forehead then walking out.

* * * * * * *

I walked out into the kitchen where Ryker was was.

I scanned over the kitchen then saying "I didn't know you had a apartment".

His head whipped up to meet mine and he scratched the back of his neck "Uh...yeah I just got it...I had

to pay off a bunch of loans and we're extra hours.."

I raised an eyebrow "I didn't know you had a job"?

"Yeah, I'm a mechanic..." He trailed off.

My mouth formed an 'O' shape.

I looked over the kitchen that was decorated and cleaned nicely.

Ryker's apartment had a kitchen, living room, bathroom, regualr bedroom and master bedroom.

There was few moments of awkward silence.

"Look Rain-...if you want to go home- I get it...I'll take you..home" Ryker broke the silence.

I looked up at him, and sighed "Ryker-".

"Rain, I don't want you to feel like you have to be here-" He started and guilt was in his voice.

I walked up to him and stood a bit on my tip-toes pressed my lips to his and gave him a quick kiss.

He pulled on my upper lip as I pulled on his bottom lip.

I pulled back and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

He pressed his lips to my forehead and kept his lips against my forehead "Rain, I want you to know that

you weren't some bang. I wanted to sleep with you...and if you don't want to....I get it. Just please don't

think of yourself as one of my one-night stands".

I smiled and looked up at him and joked "For a Bad Boy you're a huge softie".

"Only for you princess" He said and pecked my lips.

* * * * * *

I chuckled as Ryker gave me an annoyed look.

We were laying on the couch, and I was in Ryker's lap as we watched movies.

I loved his living room; it had a gentle and welcoming feeling. With the fireplace and the decorations;

that Ryker said Leah and Faith hung up.

Ryker continued to skip threw movies and I whined "I wanted go watch that"!

"We are not fucking watching Clueless" Ryker stated.

I frowned "Clueless is a classic".

He rolled his eyes and the door opened.

Faith walked in and gasped then freezing in her place.

With her eyes widening and jaw dropping.

"Are you two-......together"?!? She exclaimed.

"No" We both said in unison.

"B-but" She said and stared at us.

I stood up and Ryker did to and said "Don't even try to avoid the subject; of where you been all night".

Faith bit her lip and said "Uhhh...."


I turned to him and said "Hey. Calm", and turned to Faith.

"Alright where we're you"? I asked her.

"At my friend's house" She said.

I narrowed my eyes at her "Faith...I was 15 once...where were you"?

"At a friends house!" She exclaimed.

I placed my hands on my hips "Faith....don't lie to me. And if you're anything like I was; you were at a

football game making out with guys".

"You what"?! Ryker yelled, but directing more towards me.

I rolled my eyes at Ryker and turned to Faith.

"Ok! I was at a football game and we headed over to a party afterwards, I didn't drink"! She put her

hands in surrender.

"Faith Barbara-" Ryker gritted.

"She's fine. She's 15, she's going to long as she didn't drink, she's fine" I explained to Ryker.

He stared at me dumbfounded and Faith smiled "Thank you, Rain" then hugging me and walking to the


"You partied? And made put with guys you didn't know"?! He exclaimed.

I narrowed my eyes at him "You drank, and slept with girls that you didn't even know their name

"I'm a guy"! He defended.

"A sexist one" I pointed out.

He scoffed "Sexist my ass."

I stuck my tongue out childishly at him and he grabbed me by the waist then pushing me back onto the


A shriek escaped my mouth and he was over top of me.

He tucked a piece of my hair behind my hair and smiled "Hello beautiful".

I chuckled as my cheeks blushed.

"You're cute when you blush" Ryker said.

"I am not cute" I scoffed.

"Yeah, whatever" He rolled his eyes then pressing his lips to mine.

I smiled against his lips and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down closer to me.

"Ryker, where are the towels-" Faith's voice said and footsteps approach.

Ryker groaned and pulled away from me and yelled down the hall "In the closet"!

I sat up and grabbed my phone to see a million text from everyone in the gang.

I rolled my eyes and a pair of arms wrapped around me loosely from behind.

"Do you want something to eat"? Ryker asked and nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck.

"What do you have"? I asked as I put my phone down on the coffee table.

"Food" He smirked.

"Well I'd hope so" I rolled my eyes.

"Come on" He said then grabbing my hand and pulling me to the kitchen.

He picked me up and set me on the counter, then started searching threw the cabinets.

Faith came out with her hair damp and in running shorts and a hoodie.

She headed towards the freezer and opened it up the grabbing two ice-cream containers out.

"Oh God...Its 3're not going to get hyper at 3 a.m" Ryker groaned.

"Calm, I won't, I'm on my period, I don't want to be doing anything active" Faith laughed.

I facepalmed and Ryker rolled his eyes and stated "See, told you I hear about it all the time".

I laughed "Well I'm sorry... I'm the only girl and have 3 older brothers".

"3?!?" Faith exclaimed "I can't handle the 2 I have, and I'm not the only girl".

I shrugged "It's not that bad..."

"B-but...where do you go to talk about your future boyfriends"? Faith smirked.

"Ryker" I said sarcastically.

Ryker raised an eyebrow and smirked "You're going to talk to me about me"?

I scoffed and smacked his arm.


"I have friends Faith" I stated.

She laughed and Ryker handed me a spoon.

We all started to eat out of the containers.

Ryker handed me.his spoon and said "Try, you like watermelon".

I took his spoon and ate the watermelon sherbet off it and put my head back and closed my eyes.


Ryker placed his hands on my thighs and kissed my cheek.

"H-how a-are you t-two n-not to-

together"?! Faith asked.

We both shrugged and avoided the question.

Ryker's phone rang and he answered it "What Reece"?

There were a few moments of silence, then Ryker sighed "Fine".

He walked out and over towards the front door.

Faith and I looked at each other and raised eyebrows.

"So...." Faith trailed off then looking to make sure Ryker wasn't there "Do you like Ryker"?


She narrowed her eyes at me "Rain...what happened between you two"?

I bit my lip and mumbled "We only kissed".


"Liar! I can tell you two almost had sex!" She accused.

My eyes widened "How'd you know"!?

She smirked "I didn't until just now....."

My jaw dropped "You tricked me"!?

"Hey! I'm an Anderson, what do you expect"? She deafened.

"Faith, you can NOT tell anyone! Do you got it"!? I exclaimed.

"Yes" She rolled her eyes "I'm not 5 Rain...I wouldn't tell anyone. Especially Liz or Leah...because well

if they know....the rest of New York will..."

I rolled my eyes and Ryker came back in and was holding Melanie. Melanie looked like she had been

crying but grinned when she looked at me and chirped "Rain!"

* * * * * * *

"Rain it's 4 a.m. go to sleep" Ryker said.

We were on the couch, since Faith and Melanie claimed Ryker's bed. Ryker didn't seem to care, but

then was worried that I cared; which I didn't. So I convinced him we could just sleep in the living room.

Ryker's back was to the couch, as my back was up against his chest and his arms wrapped around my


I grabbed my phone off the coffee table and saw it was 4 a.m. and had a few missed texts from Neil

and Vince. I put my phone back down and Ryker turned me in his arms so I was facing him.

"Why aren't you going to sleep"? He asked and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Because.." I trailed off.

I didn't really have a reason..I just couldn't fall asleep.

"Princess, you have school tomorrow. Go to sleep" He said and I groaned at the thought of school.

"I can't go to sleep" I muttered, and he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear as his eyes bored into


I loved his eyes. I could stare at them all day. His eyes spoke a million words and had so much hidden

in them.

"I love your eyes" I blurted out.

His lips tugged into a smile "Thanks; I have my mom's eyes".

"Where are your parents..? You never talk about them...." I asked curiously.

Now that I think of it; Ryker has never mentioned his parents once.

"Go to sleep, Rain" He said and kissed my forehead, and avoided my question.

* * * * * * * *

"Rain! Rain! Rain!" Melanie's voice repeated, and I felt tapping on my shoulder.

My eyes flung open, and I looked to see Melanie standing there innocently.

"Can you put my hair in a bun"? She asked.

I nodded and sat up, then she handed me a hair-tie and turned around. I combed my fingers threw her

hair quickly and put her hair up in a messy bun.

She was in blue jean shorts, a black jersey/t-shirt, and sneakers.

"Melanie" Ryker's voice said as he walked in and I turned to look at him, and he ran a hand threw his

hair "Melanie, I told you not to wake Rain up".

Melanie gave a guilty look, and I said "It's fine" as I ran a hand threw my hair "I had to wake up


"Mel, go tell Faith we're leaving in a minute" Ryker nodded towards the bathroom door. Melanie ran off

to get Faith.

Ryker sat down next to me on the couch and I asked "What time is it"?

"9 o'clock. I figure'd I let you sleep, since you didn't last night" He said.

I nodded slightly and bit my lip then looking at him, and he said "Good morning, princess" as he tucked

a piece of hair behind my ear.

I smiled a slightly "Good morning".

"Do you want to go to school....or...."? He trailed off and I shook my head "No, not today".

He leaned closer to me and said "Fine with me". I chuckled then he pressed his lips to mine.

I smiled against his lips and he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me closer to him with my wrist still

in his hands.

"Alright, I'm ready to go-" Faith's voice said as she walked in and Ryker and I quickly pulled away from

each other.

I bit my lip and wiped my lips gently with the back of my hand as Ryker did the same. Faith stood there

with a smirk "Not together...huh"?

"No Faith" Ryker sent her a glare and stood up.

* * * * * * * *

Faith screamed lyrics of songs that played on the radio at the top of her lungs.

"Goddamn it Faith! Shut the fuck up!" Ryker said annoyed and she laughed "What? My singing is


He rolled his eyes, and I laughed.

We had to drop Faith, and Melanie off at school then we were heading over to the warehouse.

Melanie asked "Rain"?

"Hmm"? I responded as I looked quickly back at her. She was sitting in her car-seat and asked "Have

you ever had a boyfriend"?

I nodded "Yes..".

"Ryker says I'm not allowed to have a boyfriend until I'm 53..and you're 18..." Melanie said with

confusion. I looked at Ryker and narrowed my eyes at him.

Faith grumbled "And it's annoying".

I said to Faith "I know the feeling. And honestly you're not missing much, boys are idiots".

"Hey!" Ryker pretended to be hurt and put a hand over his heart.

"Oh sorry, I mean Jackass" I rolled my eyes and Faith and Melanie laughed.

"Oh please" Ryker rolled his eyes "You love me".

I put a hand over my heart and said sarcastically "Deeply".

"Oh, Ryker you have to come in with me, because you have to sign something...since you didn't go to

the parent-teacher meeting" Faith.

I got Melanie out of her car-seat and picked her up. I placed her on my hip and she rested her head on

my shoulder.

"Mel, don't make Rain carry you-" Ryker started.

I said "Ryker it's fine", and he raised an eyebrow "You sure"?

"Yes, I'm sure. She's fine" I stated.

"Alright people! Let's go!" Faith hollered and we followed her into the school. High School students

flooded the halls.

Faith was a freshmen at a public school called East County.

I felt self-conscience as guys eyes traveled my body, and then I saw girls giggling at Ryker which made

me roll my eyes.

We followed Faith into a classroom and she said "Ms. Briggs I brought my brother!"

Everyone's heads whipped up to all of us, and I put Melanie down and she stayed right by me, clinging

on to my leg.

A lady about her 30's smiled "Hi Ryker", and handed him a paper.

Faith took a seat at a desk between a group of girls.

I heard people whisper "You know Rain Thompson"!?

The lady 'Ms. Briggs' turned to me and asked "Are you Rain Thompson; the sheriffs daughter"?

"Yeah, she is" Ryker clenched his jaw as he continued to fill out some form of paperwork.

"Oh, well it's nice to meet you Miss Thompson" She offered a friendly smile, and Melanie tugged on my

leather jacket.

She put her hands up; asking for me to pick her up. I picked her up again and she buried her head into

the crook of my neck, and Ryker handed the lady the papers.

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