Mr CEO’s personal assistant


“Well that’s a rather strong opinion Elizabeth, but thank you,” Daniel said, slightly confused. Normally she would be amazed by the fact that even now he didn’t seem to feel the tension in the room. But at that very moment, it felt like she had a stare down with James. What was he playing at?

“I think a kids room is a good idea. It doesn’t have to hold anything in it yet, but it’s nice to have the space available just in case.” James said, finally breaking his gaze away from Elizabeth and looking at Daniel.

“Well spoken, well spoken. Alright, that settles it.” Daniel said putting his hands together, “Next week the build will start and then my friend, within no time you will have your mansion.”

Feeling that the meeting had ended Elizabeth started gathering her stuff. She didn’t want to talk to James right now, in fact, she didn’t want to see him at all. When she looked at him all she could see was that spoiled brat she saw years ago.

So quickly and quietly she left the conference room. She knew she had other meetings, and other responsibilities, but right now she needed a moment.

It didn’t take long for James to notice her absence. Daniel, on the other hand, seemed to be preoccupied with a story about him and his wife. James knew that he had to go after Elizabeth now, so he quickly excused himself and nearly ran out of the room.

He looked around for a moment, trying to spot her. She was not in her office or the breakroom, so he ran to the elevator.

All he saw was a glimpse of her face as the door closed on him. He knew that it would be a long way down by stairs. But he also knew that he had to talk to her now and that he couldn’t risk losing her, so he started the long descent.

In their time together the two of them hadn’t had that many fights. Sure there had been minor ones, small disagreements. But never had she looked at him like that. Well not since they started dating at least.

He had felt betrayed when he saw the article. Was that the reason why she didn’t want him to come? Was she seeing someone else?

He trusted her with all his heart. But he had done so once before, and it had gotten shattered into a million pieces. He wanted to trust her so badly, but he also did not ever again in his life want to feel so broken as he did then.

But he loved her, so he ran. He ran after her. He ran down all those flights of stairs in his Boss suit.

God this was a bad day to wear a three-piece suit.

Once he finally reached the ground floor he saw a glimpse of her hair right as she left the building. He ran after her and grabbed her by the arm. “Elizabeth! Stop.” He said turning her around.

It was only then that he noted that the hair was too light and that this wasn’t Elizabeth.

“I’m sorry, I… I thought you were someone else.” He said looking at the startled women in front of him.

Without saying anything the woman sped of, leaving behind an out of breath billionaire.This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

Once Elizabeth stepped into her car she didn’t know what she wanted to do. All she knew is that she needed to get some air. So that’s what she decided to do, she decided to drive. She put the car in gear and sped out of the parking garage and into the streets of New York.

James tried calling her several times but to no avail. Defeated he looked down not sure what to do at this point. That was when he saw her car round the corner onto his street. He knew that she wouldn’t stop for him, but he knew he had to go after her.

Thanking God that he had found her so quickly he stepped into an empty cab waiting for a stop sign.

“Woah buddy, what do you thi-” But James cut the driver off. “Follow that car and I’ll pay you triple the amount that you should get from me.”

The cab driver held up his hands. “Alright, whatever you say, you’re the boss.”

Soon the cab started following her car as it rode through the streets of New York. But then it did something that James didn’t see coming, it left the busy part of the city and went into the suburbs.

What really surprised James that she was headed to a place he knew rather well. A place that he in fact owned.

When he was sure he knew where she would go he told the cab driver to stop. There he paid the man and walked the last part.

As he rounded the corner in the street he saw her. She was standing right there.

“Who’d have known you’d come here?” He said in a soft voice walking over to her.

Right in front of the two of them was the piece of land, they had talked about only a minutes ago.

“I needed air,” Elizabeth said wiping away tears from her eyes.

“I understand, but we also need to talk.” He said soflty.

“I know.”

“Where are we going?” James said looking at the place were soon his mansion would stand.

“I don’t know.”

“Where do you want to be going?” He said turning towards her.

“That I don’t know either.” She said looking down.

“What do you mean?” James said surprised at her reaction.,

“I mean that I don’t know James. I don’t know what I want. I know that I love you and I know that I love being with you, but I don’t know if I can.” She said looking at him intently. “It’s just the life that I’m not sure about. The working hours, the paparazzi, the traveling and the list goes on. I love you James, but I don’t know if I can do that. If I can take it to be followed around by strangers only to see my picture in a magazine. I don’t know if I can take it that every time you’re with any other girl then me, they print that as well. And I don’t know if you can take it to see me photographed with some guy.”

James was about to respond when Elizabeth continued talking.

“Look I trust you, I trust you with all my heart, and I know you weren’t dating all of those girls. But you’ve got to trust me too.”

“I do trust you,” James said quietly as he felt his heart slowly break. “And I don’t wanna lose you.”

“And I don’t wanna lose you,” Elizabeth said looking away. “Where do you see us going?”

James sighed and looked away from her as well. “Here.” He simply said looking at the piece of land in front of him. “To the mansion.”

“What?” Elizabeth said looking back at him. “I don’t understand, was that your plan for the mansion?”

“What did you think it was?”

“I didn’t know, I could’ve asked, but it didn’t feel like my place to ask.” She said.

“You could’ve just asked, but I should’ve just told you, but I was afraid you’d run.” He said looking up at her.

“I almost did when you started talking about that kids room.” Elizabeth chuckled. “We should have talked about this sooner.” She added

“We should’ve…” James sighed. “What do you want in the future?” he said.

“Like I said before, I don’t really know what I want. I just need to get my head straight.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that I need time. I’m sorry James.”

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