Mr CEO’s Little Bride

Oh, no! Michael

Chapter 4

Oh, no! Michael!

Ruby’s Pov;

” Who’s this crazy bitch?” One of her friends asked.

I scoffed, pointing my index finger to myself.

Did…did that psycho just call me a bitch?.

” What did you just say?” I let out with fury.

They stared at me awkwardly.

” Come on girls, let’s just leave her and go our way. I don’t think she’s okay” another said, and that angered the hell out of me.

I walked to their car and towards the one that had said it.

” I dare you to repeat what you just said…to my face” I challenged, burning with anger and fury.

” I dare you”

” Come girl, she’s not worth it. We are rubbing late already” the first girl from earlier spoke up.

” Actually, she does. Can’t you see this bitch…” I didn’t let her finish her statement, before landing a very hot slap on her cheek.

She held it immediately, as she winced in pain.

The others rushed out of the car immediately, two held the one I had slapped, whiled the last one – the one driving, marched towards me.

My angry gaze met hers, as we interlocked for few seconds.

” What the hell was that? We both were at fault; but no, you wouldn’t let it slide. Who the fuck do you think you’re dealing with, huh?” She rasped in anger, spitting the venom in her.

” Oh, Ella! I don’t get why you’re still there exchanging words with this mother fucking, Godforsaken bitch. Just let us teach her a lesson” one of the girls said.

I grew mad with rage.

” Who did you just call Godforsaken? Who?! You uncircumcised lunatic” I fired back.

She scoffed and let go of her friend, immediately coming to meet me.

The Ella girl tried to hold her, but she pushed her arm away and walked to meet me still.

” Bitch, repeat what you just said” she thundered.

” You’re an uncircumcised, lowlife…” she attempted to slap me but couldn’t, because I was faster and smarter.

I caught her hand in mid air and threw it bact to her, ending it with a slap of my own.

She staggered back a little bit and almost fell if not for the timely intervention of Ella.

Passersby were already stopping to watch, and I realized I was causing a scene – we actually.

” Gosh, girl! I want to know what exactly your problem is. Are you demented or you lack self control?” Ella threw insultive words at me.

I clenched my fist tight in anger, shut my eyes close and very tight and tried to get over all the insults.

” You’re just a psychotic bastard” I retorted.

” I don’t think you have any idea who you’re talking to? But not to worry, I won’t stand here engaging in a word fight with you, because it’s very obvious that’s what you want. You can go do that with the people in your neighborhood, because it’s obvious you all are uncivlized and uncultured” she unleashed in anger, and instead of me getting angry and pissed off, I found myself smiling.

Smiling for no reason.

” At least, they didn’t teach us how to be a weakling” I said with a smirk.

She gasped and I grinned.

” How dare you…”

” Can you believe this girl right now. What, huh? You think so highly of yourself but guess what, you’re nothing” one of her lowlife friends said.

” Really? If that’s the case, then why do you all look so scared and…” I stopped when I remembered.

Oh, no!!! Michael!!.

Holy heavens!!.

I had been so carried away that I had forgotten all about him. I was actually going to get him.


I glanced at my watch and saw I was already thirty minutes late.

Not sparing the girls even a glance, I ran like a possessed kid into my car, reversed and zoomed off in speed.

I know they were all surprised by my actions. It’s so evident in the way they were looking at me, their mouths wide agasped, but I’ve got no time to think about that right now.

Getting my brother safely was most paramount to me now.

Ella’s Pov;

The psychotic girl’s sudden behavior left us all in a state of shock.

The crowd gradually began dispersing. They all got back into the car, boiling with rage and anger.

I was the last to get in and I started the car immediately I entered – reversing.

” This isn’t the way to the karaoke centre” Gen said.

” Yeah…I know that. I’ve changed my mind – no longer in the mood” I said lowly.

I could see the look of disappointment on their faces, but I cared less.

I just wanted to get home and have a good rest, after taking a cold bathe.

I need to erase this incident from my head, because it’s really eating me up.

Jeez!! That girl has got some guts!

Imagine the audacity…the effrontery.

I won’t blame her, she didn’t know who she was dealing with.

I dropped the girls off at their respective houses, apologizing and promising them another get together before school resumes.

How that girl has ruined our almost perfect outing.

It’s been long I did it with my friends and decided today was the day. She just had to come from nowhere and ruin it.

What a girl?.

I drove into the compound, parked my car and came down, not even bothering to take what we had brought from the mall.

I should have even given it to them.

I hurried my footsteps into the house and came face to face with mom

” Ella!” She beamed when she saw me, but my face held no sign of excitement or happiness, which immediately drained down hers.

” What’s it? Why’s your face like this? Didn’t the outing go as planned?” She asked so many questions, staring at me all over .

I heaved and slumped on the couch close to her, then rested my head on her shoulder.

” What happened dear?” She cooed softly.

” A certain girl ruined our day” I replied.

She turned to stare at my face on her shoulder.

” What girl is that? Huh? Tell me who had the guts to make my daughter unhappy” mom thundered.

Gosh!! Why did I even say that?.

I know how mom gets – she can be really creepy.

I should have just kept shut about it.

” Don’t worry about it mom, it’s not something you should get worked up for” I said and forced out a smile, hoping that will convince her.

” Where’s Dad?” I asked her, before she could say something else.

” In his room” she replied, looking at me suspiciously.

” Is he sleeping?” I asked, pretending not to see the way she was looking at me.

” Why did you divert?” Se asked.

I heaved deeply.

That’s Mom for you. She doesn’t let go of things.

” I’m hungry mom” I whined.

” Ella!” She called, giving me that suspicious look

” What mom?” I mumbled.

” Tell me what happened. Who’s this girl you mentioned?” She muttered.

Oh!! Here we go again.

I rolled my eyes and jumped off the couch.

” I’m hungry. Lemme get something to eat first” I said, running towards the kitchen.

I know that’s the only way I can escape – not full escape though, because she might bring up the issue again, when you least expect her to.

I got to the kitchen and told the maid I saw there to cook me what I wanted to eat, while I went to the dinning to wait.



Ruby’s Pov;

I drove like a lunatic to Michael’s school.

Oh, Lord! Help me.

I promise never to get into trouble again.

I got there in less than thirty minutes, thanks to my reckless driving.

I ran into the building like a person possessed by a demon. I’m sure I look so crazy right now.

I got to his class and almost fainted when I found it empty.

Oh, no! No, no no!.

I’m so dead. I just pray nothing happened to him. I just pray he’s alright.

I searched the whole place but saw no one still.

It was quiet and lonely.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

What do I do? Where would he have gone to?.

Who do I call now?.

Yess!! I have the teacher’s number.

I scurried out of the class, running to my car. I opened the door and picked up my phone, dialing the teacher’s number.

She picked up at the first ring.

” Hello.. Goodday ma’am. This is…”

” Ruby” she completed.

My heart was beating so fast, with my left hand on my chest, while the rest was on the phone.

” Yes, yes. This is Ruby” I said hurriedly and in fright.

” Where have you been? Why didn’t you come to get your brother on time? She asked rather raucously.

I swallowed hard.

” Please, tell me he’s okay. Where’s he?” I asked with fear.

My head was pounding and I couldn’t think straight.

Tears was already threatening to drop down anytime soon.

” He’s here with me” she said and I staggered backwards a little, leaning my back on the wall, as I took in deep heavy breaths.

” Hello, hello. Are you still there?” The teacher’s voice came up again.

” Yeah, I’m here. Where do I get him?” I asked, thanking my stars for saving me.

I would have been in hot soup.

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