Miss Popular ( She’s Everyone choice)

Chapter 51

“Now the competition start,” The MC said and call the first school.

Ten different schools have performed. My heart skips, beating faster wondering what will happen at the end.

Why is he, my father?

I keeps asking myself different questions I couldn’t get an answer to.

“We have two schools left, which are St Louis, and St Patrick, Now guess who’s turn is it” The make MC said.

I look at Owen from where he stands, he smiles at me.

But I didn’t smile back. he winks at me and gives me a signal to check my phone.

I have already dropped it in my bag. I quickly went to where I locked my bag.

I bring it out and check the message. it was already minutes ago.

“Don’t be scared, I can see you are worried because your parent is here.

Just forget about them now, and do your best. Don’t think if he will fail you or not.

Just enjoy yourself to the fullest either you win or not buddy” I read.

“Thanks, buddy” I texted back and smiles.

He’s always a real brother.

“Romeo, why do you look worried?” Pamela asked.

“Nothing, am not worried, not at all, just feeling shy” I lied.

“I know you are lying the Romeo I knew, has never been shy,” She said.

“Am okay now, it’s okay, let’s join others?” I said and she nod her head.

“Okay, I want to ask you a question and I will be happy if you answer me sincerely,” Pamela said.

“What’s, I will answer you so truthfully,” I said.

She walked closer to me.

“Now is St Louis” The MC shouted.

“What! Vicky” She shouted and we rushed out of there.

Vicky waves at me and smiles. I blew her a kiss.

Pamela looks at both of us and smiled.

Why is she acting soft today? this strange. And what did she want to say to me?

“Wow! I jumped happily seen my friends performance

Pamela and her friends clap. Others fumes.

Maybe because they didn’t have a friend in the school.

Authoress POV

“Why are you shouting like is our school” One of our school students asked.

“Guys you know what, let’s Que sera sera whatever will be will be.

we are the last to perform. Enjoy yourself to the fullest. Don’t feel disturbed, be happy. Forget about others’ performance” Romeo said.

“Yes, everyone here performs well, you know they have been practicing before us, so let’s forget about the media. and focused on being happy. we lose, we win the fact remains that we should be happy” Pamela said.

“I support you,” Kiles said.

“We support that” They rest chorus.

St Louis’s performance comes to an end.

Now is the turn of the Patrick’s.

“Hi guys, everything has been booming, I mean everyone has been performing brilliantly, now is the last school for this year’s competition.

And one more thing these people are the ones who composed their songs.

They didn’t choose any music we give out. When we asked, they makes us realize that it wasn’t in our rules and regulations that they can’t compose songs by themselves.

That’s true, so we think they have to make another rule

And the tilted of their song is Got me down.

Let’s watch out for the school that has chosen to tackle us in making our rules.

Now let the Patrick’s, come on stage”‘ The MC shouted, but where are they” the MC asked when he couldn’t see them where they were standing.

The other MC came to him to leave the stage and watch out for what they had to do.

The stage light goes off, and the curtain falls.

“One, two, three go” Annie shouted and the curtain was slide to both sides by two different people.

There aren’t in the same outfit.

Everyone focused on them.

“WOW, am loving their starting” Vicky shouted.

James, Nicklaus, and Kiles somersault to the front and stood with action.

?”Gin Gin Gin” Joyce hit the drum. Then a voice follows from the background

?When the rain started, it started as a drop of tea.

?Every night I think about someone

I thought my health never wanted

?I tried to pound off the feeling

but it seems like am deeply In love

?I keep asking myself so many questions

?that I couldn’t find an answer to

?only thing that came to my mind is love

it gets me down

it makes me worry

Am feeling something special I never felt before (2×)” Pamela sings in a cool and emotional voice. ????

?”oh! oh oh oh oh oh!!!!! (2x)” The girls chorused.

?”Once I saw a moon goddess, who I think owes nothing to my heart.

Steadily, slowly I fell in love with beautiful snow. Every time I look at the moon, I always wish she was here around.

Then she appears on the moon and smiles at me, I feel on top of the world.

I feel lonely whenever she’s not around me

I feel jealous whenever I saw her with that Jerk

I thought it a jokes

but what I took for granted made me feel nothing but a looser

She’s made with a golden store

her skin shine like a star at night

She’s the light to my darkness

the Truth to my lies

the strength to my weakness” Romeo rapped.

?it gets me down

it makes me worry

am feeling something special I never felt before (2×)

?”0h! oh oh oh oh!!!!” The guy’s chorused.

? “Sometimes she acts like she doesn’t care, treating people like a slave.

But still love by everyone

With all the bad attitude, how come my heart stood so low, to allow her In my heart.

She will never love me

like I will never stop loving her

She might be stubborn

but to me she like a cool water

That makes my weather brighter ” Angela rapped.

“it’s got me down

it makes me worry

am feeling something special I never felt before (2×)

oh oh oh oh oh oooooooh oh ” They all chorused.

They start rapping one after the other.

Their performance finally comes to an end, and they bow their head and blew everyone a kiss.

People start clapping continuously.

Romeo smile blowing everyone a kiss.

While Pamela and the other were waving.

Pamela was about to fall due to her heel shoe.

Romeo held her right away.

They share eyelock. People start clapping. Kile’s fumes.

“Common buddy”Owen shouted.

“Let’s leave the stage,” Kiles said and tapped Romeo.

They both come back to their senses.

Romeo smiles. Pamela wanted to stand on her feet but couldn’t.

“Do your leg hurt?”Romeo asked, and she nod her head positively.

Romeo carried her in his hand, and walked from the stage with Pamela smiling, she placed her head on his chest.

“Bravo, see true love”Vicky shouted clapping.

Kiles was very angry but didn’t show it.

“We aren’t on the stage again, drop me, “Pamela said.

“I saved your life and you won’t appreciate me, you are too arrogant,” Romeo said without dropping her.

“I think you enjoy carrying me in your hand, and you are calling come arrogant.

You should appreciate the fact that you were able to carry a girl like me in your hand, you silly brat” Pamela said still resting on his chest.

“And you are also happy and at the same time blushing that you are resting on a cute guy’s chest.

And you are relaxing on it like it is your bed” Romeo said.

“You are so rude, drop me now” Pamela shouted.

“Do you mean I should drop you?!”Romeo asked.

“Yes drop me”She replied with a pout.

“Okay, sorry, “Romeo said shaking his head and dropped her.

Pamela shouted as she fell on her butt.

“Are you out of it? How can you drop me like that? You should have just asked me to put my legs down.

But you drop me just like I am some kind of object”Pamela fumes rubbing her butt.

“Miss, I did actually what you asked me to. Don’t you know you should put your leg on the floor when you asked me to drop you “Romeo said and leave her there.

Joyce, Annie, and Vicky have been watching them run to Pamela.

Who was trying to get up but couldn’t.

“WOW! MEME, you are too much, you rest on his chest, I love you for that”Vicky said smiling.

“She didn’t do it properly, if it was me, I will hold him tightly and would tell him not to drop me again.

Even if he wants to drop me maybe In his room” Annie added.

“Goodness, both of you are birds of a feather. Instead of we to help her up, you both are talking rubbish” Joyce said trying to help Pamela up.

“Why are you bothering yourself, don’t you know that was a pretense, she only practiced what she saw in my movie, she saw that in my movies.

she watches that scene and she’s just trying to put it to practice’ Vicky said.

“What are you saying, do you think I can do that intentionally. I hurt my leg.

But Is not something deep, I can’t walk myself, I can stand well” Pamela said and stand up.

“I see, Vicky was right, that’s was just your plan,” Annie said smiling.

“I didn’t fall Intentionally but the rest were intentional,” Pamela said and walked out of there.

“You see, I know she was pretending, “Vicky said and run after her.


Romeo was smiling, thinking of what happened, how it happens, and how it ends.

He laughed when he remembered dropping her.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“What did she think, I love following instructions, I followed the instructions she gave me, “Romeo said to no one in particular.

“I see, Lover boy, “Owen and Alina said.

“Buddy, I love your performance, that’s so brilliant of you. I am very sure, we don’t stand a chance of winning where you are, don’t forget you are our boss.

You taught us those things we did.

But yours a boom” Owen said and pull him into a hug.

“Tick Tack,” Kiles said right Infront of Romeo.


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