MEILIN’S REBORN (Battle Of The Heart And Throne)

Chapter 44

Rennie’s eyes widened as the ball came back to him, he immediately used his powers to block himself.

By the time he looked up, Nevaeh was already out of sight.

He raised his hands and looked at it.

His attack actually backfired back to him and there’s only one thing he could think of.

“No it can’t be” he shook his head and shifted backwards.

“She’s long dead so it can’t be” he muttered and disappeared off to know one knows about.



“We have arrived” Angie smiled the moment he stepped in with Gianna.

Gianna just sighed and looked around.

“This place is too big, I bet the training would be very hard” she muttered.

“Really but we’ll start with basic” he smiled and stretched his palms out and two lite hand weights appeared on it.

“Cool” Gianna smiled.

“I know, now I want you to hold it and give me ten hand push ups as warm up” he said.

Gianna rolled her eyes and collected the weight from Angie then she started moving it up and down.

She did up to five and she was already sweating.

“What did you add in here, it’s so heavy!” She complained as she tried to lift the sixth one but couldn’t.

Angie sighed and collected the weight from her.

“The problem with you is that you don’t have any single muscle” he said.

“I’m a girl, how am I supposed to have that” she pouted.

“If you wanna take full control over that spirit on your body then you’ll have to start fixing everything you lack” he replied.

“I don’t lack much, I don’t just know how to carry weight and…

“Lies you actually lack a lot of things” he cut her off.


“Stamina, strength, agility, toughness, composure, defense, one on one sparing, thickness, tallness.. there are so many” he listed with a straight face.

“You!” Gianna raised her hands to hit him but he cought it.

“You don’t have to worry about nothing, I’m here to help you with everything you lack” he smiled and tapped her nose.

She twitched her lips and free her hands from his grip.

“Let’s start with your composure, you’re familiar with yoga right?” he asked and she nodded.

He smiled and closed his eyes then whispered somethings and two yoga mat appeared.

“Let’s start with taking a deep breath, sit” he said and sat down with his legs folded together.

Gianna sat opposite him with her legs folded together and he took her hands.

“Close your eyes” he said and she slowly did.

“Now take a deep breath” he added and she did.

FEW MINUTES LATER**Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

They were both running and Gianna was already breathing heavily.

She was far behind him and she had already stopped running to catch her breath.

“Angie, can we take five” she shouted.

Angie stopped running and waited for her, finally she cought up with him and held his shoulders for support.

“That was super hard, I’m gonna faint” she breathed.

“Just thirty minutes of exercise and you’re already panting?” He asked with crossed arms.

“It’s not my fault, I’ve never done an exercise before, let’s sit please” she pleaded and he sighed.

He took her hands and led her to a stone then they both sat on it.

“I’m hungry” she muttered.

Angie shook his head and spread his palms then an apple with a bottle water appeared on it.

“Thanks” she smiled and collected it then took a bite.

“Angie” she called and he looked at her.

“How many days would I have to exercise to be strong?” She asked.

“Are you in a rush?” He replied with a smile.

“Hmm” she nodded and took another bite then chewed on it.

“Don’t worry you’ll get there” he said and patted her head gently.

She nodded and what followed next was silent before she slowly looked at him again.

“Angie” she called again.


“What about Zachary, It’s getting to 5pm and he hasn’t been back to the school yet?” she asked.

Angie slowly frowned and looked down.

“I’m just worried what if…

“Anna, if I suddenly go missing the way he is then will you worry about me like this?” He asked, cutting her off.


“Why do you love talking about him, what is so good about him” he added with a tiny scoff.

“Sorry” she muttered and took a piece of her apple.

Angie sighed and made her face him.

“I’m sorry for talking that way, it’s just that I didn’t know when this feelings started, I just find myself thinking about you everytime, I find my heart beating anytime I see you plus I find myself smiling when I’m with you, I just find myself eager to see you the everytime and it only means one thing” he said and she stared at him slowly.

“What thing?” She asked.

He smiled shortly and cupped her cheeks.

“I love you” he confessed.

Gianna just stared at him without blinking. Did she just heard that right??, Did he just said that he loves her??

So many thoughts were going through her mind now but she got distracted when she felt something soft on her lips.

It was Angie, he was actually kissing her again.

She blinked repeatedly and slowly pulled away.

“What’s wrong?” He asked.

“It’s getting late.. Nevaeh must be so worried.. I have to go now” she stuttered and stood up then ran out of the field immediately.

Angie sighed sadly and ruffled his hair. He slowly looked up at the birds there are already flying to their home.

“This wasn’t what I was asked to do, what is wrong with me?” He muttered.



Gianna opened the door and slowly entered, she looked around and couldn’t find Nevaeh in the room then she slowly sat on the bed.

She couldn’t stop thinking about what Angie said to her earlier.

He said he finds himself thinking about her everytime, he finds himself smiling when he sees her, he finds his heart beating when he sees her plus he finds himself eager to see her every day.

All these are the signs she feels whenever she sees Zachary.

Eversince she went to collect her book from his room, when he threw her on the bed and havored her, when he stared at her with those red eyes, when he almost kissed her.

She couldn’t stop thinking about it, she has been so eager to see him but he doesn’t spare her a single glance, sometimes when she thinks about that she finds her heart beating so fast, especially they very first day she saw him, when he had cought her from falling.

She couldn’t stop thinking about it, his face, his shirtless body.. his tattoo. Even now her heart was already beating really fast and Angie said it means only one thing.

That means she had fallen in love with him, but he was the bad guy, he was the enemy, Angie said that he wanted to kill her, he hates her.

“Will he really kill me?” She thought.

The door slowly opened and Nevaeh stepped in with two plates of takeaways and two canned coke.

“Anna, there you are… Let me guess you went out with Angie again right?” She asked.

“Hmm” Gianna nodded slowly.

Nevaeh dropped the food on the table and moved closer to her.

“So why are you looking somehow sad and quiet?” She asked, sitting beside her.

Gianna faced Nevaeh and hugged her tight.

“What?” Nevaeh asked.

“He said he loves me” she replied.

Nevaeh smiled widely and pulled away.

“Really?” She asked.

“Hmm, but I don’t love him I thought he said we were friends” she muttered.

“You don’t love him?” Nevaeh asked and she slowly nodded.

“I just realized that I love someone else” she sighed.

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