MEILIN’S REBORN (Battle Of The Heart And Throne)

Chapter 39


The bright early morning sun kissed Gianna good morning.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked everywhere confusedly.

This place doesn’t look like a room, it looks like… She doesn’t even know.

The sweet scent of something made her open her eyes clearly, what is smelling this way…. It smells like sweet shampoo.

“Bestie you’re awake”…

That voice made her eyes widened and she immediately looked up to see Angie coming out of the bathroom with just a towel on.

She immediately blocked her eyes with her hands and he smiled.

“How did I get here?” She asked.

“You were drunk at the party, you fell asleep on the floor and I brought you to my hostel room” he replied.

“Oh okay, can you please go back to the bathroom?” She asked and he moved closer.

“Why?” He asked.

“I wanna leave” she said.

Angie smiled and brought his hands to her face then forcefully removed her hands from her eyes.

“Hey!!” She yelled and shut her eyes tight.

“Open your eyes,” he said.

“It’s inappropriate, we are not dating so I can’t be caught looking at your body” he replied.

“Oh really, should we date then?” He smirked and her eyes widened.

“What??, No please”  she replied immediately.

“Why no, am I that bad?” He frowned and she shook her head.

“Open your eyes or else I’ll kiss you right now” he said and her eyes went open instantly.

“That’s more like it” he smiled and sat down on the bed.

Gianna cleared her throat a little, she was putting on a huge white T-shirt and long stockings.

She saw her cloth in a laundry basket, she must have vomited on it and he had changed her.

“Thank you for bringing me here last night” she muttered and cleared her throat.

“It’s normal, hey look at my tattoo, remember I told you I’ll get one” he said, showing her his arms.

It was a written tattoo that says ‘Gianna’ on his arms.

“Woah” she smiled, staring at it.

“When did you draw it?” She asked.

“Last night at the party, I saw some people that were doing theirs so I joined them” he smiled.

Gianna’s gaze moved to his face and she began staring.

He had such pretty eyes and cute dimples.

“Smiling looks good on your face,” she said.

“Thanks” he smiled again.

“Cute dimples too” she added and he blushed.

“Oh m gee you’re blushing, I made a guy blush” she laughed and he shook his head at her childishness.

Despite having an ancient spirit living in her body, she’s still acting so childishly.

Gianna stopped laughing when she saw him staring at her.

“Why are you looking at me like that, is something on my face?” She asked and he nodded.

“Oh my gosh!, Where?” She asked and he suddenly pecked her right cheeks.

“There” he replied.

Her cheeks went all red and she shyly took her lips in.

“Now I made you blush” he smiled and she immediately hid her face with her palms.

Angie made to remove her hands from her face but someone knocked on the door, making him stop.

“Who’s there?” He asked.

“Highness, it’s me and Rick, we have arrived with breakfast” Elvis shouted.

“Come in” Angie sighed and Elvis stepped in with Rick.

“Drop it on the table” Angie ordered and Elvis dropped the takeaways on the table.

“You can leave,” Angie said.

“Yes high.. I mean Angie… Let’s go” they both left while pushing themselves out and murmuring some things as they tried not to stare at Angie and Gianna.

“How can you order your roommate to do stuff for you?” Gianna asked.

“They aren’t my roommates,” he smiled.

“Then what are they?” She asked and he cupped her cheeks.

“I don’t think there’s any need in keeping all these from you again…” he started and she stared at him quietly.

“Remember when I told you that I’ll explain everything that’s happening to you?” He asked and she nodded.

He smiled and released her cheeks.

“Now is the time,” he said.


ROOM 150**

Zachary kept shaking his book but it won’t open or do anything.

Ever Since that drunk guy bumped into him and poured the beer on his book, his book had refused to open or do anything.

“What’s this!” He said frustratedly and threw the book on the table then sat on the bed.

“It won’t open, I’m not really used to living here” he muttered and closed his eyes as he recalled the last thing his book told him before it stopped working.

He slowly stood up and walked closer to the dressing mirror.

Maybe his book is right, maybe he should find out about himself first, he doesn’t even know if he’s going the right way or not.

He sighed and slowly took off his shirt and began staring at the dragon tattoo on his chest.

“Where did I come from?” he muttered.

He doesn’t remember much about himself, all he knows is that he grew up as an army man in the Ouze palace.

Because he was the most progressive one among all of them, the crown princess Chuyun decided to make him the leader of the generals but who was he really??

His head began hurting again and he held it tight as he began seeing some blurry images of a palace burning.

He could hear the cries of a small boy but he didn’t know what was happening, the more he tried figuring it out, the more his head continued hurting.

Shaking his head, he went back to the bathroom and turned on the shower, allowing the water to drip on his body.



Gianna stared at Angie without blinking as he narrated the whole story to her.

“Are you saying that you’re supernatural, a prince from Jade heavens and your roommates are your bodyguards?” She asked and he nodded.

“Then I was chosen to be a spirit recanalization so that means, the Xia Meilin I do read about in books was real?” She asked and Angie nodded.

“That means the historical princess I’m always seeing in the mirror is Xia Meilin, she’s living in my body and she’s trying to take control of my mind?” She asked.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes, not just your mind, your body and soul too… Her body got destroyed when she got betrayed by her sisters so she’s looking for a way to take control of her own body and when that finally happens, you’ll no longer be Gianna Dawn anymore” he explained.

Gianna gasped and covered her mouth slightly.

“But you don’t have to worry, that’s why I’m here, I’ll make sure to train you so you let that happen” Angie added.

“But I’m scared, how can I send her away from my body? I don’t want to be her,” Gianna muttered and Angie sighed.

“That, I don’t know yet but I can assure you that you’ll be fine as long as you try to control yourself, try to be more of yourself. If you notice that you’re trying to act out of your way then call me” he said.

Gianna looked at him and pouted.

“I want to be myself, I don’t want to be controlled by a spirit, maybe if I haven’t gone to that forbidden zone then I’ll still be me” she muttered.

Angie smiled and moved closer to her then hugged her tight.

“I understand you a lot but don’t worry you’ll get used to it” he said softly.

Gianna slowly hugged him tight and relaxed her head comfortably on his shoulders.

Weird how she feels so comfortable beside him.

“Anna” he called slowly and she hummed softly.

“I know I shouldn’t be saying this but I think I….

Angie didn’t even get to complete what he wanted to say when the door kicked open and Rennie stepped in looking furious.

“Ancient prince, we already told you that you can’t…

Rick tried talking to him but he used his powers to push him back and walked closer to Angie.

He waved his hands and a strong force separated both Angie and Gianna far away from each other.

Then he used his powers to pull Gianna closer to himself and hugged her waist tight.

“Den!! How dare you touch my woman!!” He growled angrily.


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Love, Rhema (^^)

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