Marrying my high school bully

Bad plans

Chapter 83



“Emilia,” I called her attention huskily, afraid of what was coming to my mind. “What are you doing here and how do you know Leonardo?” My heart thumped hard against my chest as I awaited a plausible response that would put my fear away.

She couldn’t be all that bad, could she?

She threw an amused glance at her father then chuckled. “You are yet to catch the memo, aren’t you? I just called him my father. What makes you think I’ll be here if we don’t share biological relations?” She replied sassily like I’d insulted her.

I shook my head vehemently, hoping that the growing headache would go away. “How’s he your father?” I whispered in a daze.

She tsked, giving me an angry onceover. “Because he slept with my mother and they formed me, duh. You are so dumb, Lorraine. Did you think you could have everything to yourself? My man and the inheritance. You don’t deserve anything good.” She lashed at me, taking a few steps away from Leonardo and traipsing towards me.

My hands were shaking with anger and I tried to clench my fists and maybe punch her, but I couldn’t get myself to do anything as a blinding realisation rode through me.

I sucked in air and braced myself for the next response I’d get to my question. “Were you behind everything that has been happening to me?”

She shrugged, then propped her arm against her waist, flashing a you’re-supposed-to-know look at me. “Took you so long to get it. I don’t know how you were able to survive the poisoning even though I’m happy that some of your vital organs might have ruptured. I actually wanted death for you.” She replied blankly.

My knees almost gave out, but something wasn’t clear at all. “You ate that pizza with me, yet nothing happened to you. How was that even possible?”

She snapped her fingers. “The wonders of science, baby.” The sarcastic endearment was repulsive because Dexter used to call me that and I enjoyed it.

I wish I could escape from here, but I needed to get all the answers first. “Meaning?” If she wanted me to play dumb, I’ll give her a show after all they all saw me as stupid.

“I took an antidote before poisoning it so that no one would trace your death to me since someone might guess that she saw you with me.”

I couldn’t hold back my temper as I flung myself on her, digging my fingers into her scalp. She was a weak little bitch so hauling her onto the floor didn’t pose any problem for me.

She yelped as I slammed her head on the ground, hoping to hear a crack. Her manicured nails clawed at my back but it didn’t deter me from throwing hard punches on all parts of her body.

Her face was a mess by the time I was hoisted away from her by her useless father who slapped me hard. I laughed amidst the pain, watching the weakling cry to her father.

“You don’t know what you’ve done, Emilia! You’ve destroyed my life because I can’t even have children. Dexter warned me not to have anything to do with you, but I didn’t listen because I felt he was too harsh and you had changed. I should have known that changing a serpent’s name won’t have any effect on its behavior.” I lashed out.

She whipped her disheveled hair backward and scowled at me. “Dexter is a big fool, and that’s why I’m going to make sure that I bring him down. He has caused me so much pain and refused me because of worthless trash like you.”

On hearing Dexter’s name, my protectiveness reared its head. “Don’t you dare hurt him, alright? If you didn’t cheat on him, you’d have been in my place by now.” I roared as she waved off my words with a scoff.

“And who told you that I was in love with him in the first place. He has a lot of money and I want it. I’ve been with Dexter for a long time and I know how to get him. He would have forgiven me if you didn’t come back into the scene, but once you’re out of the picture he’ll be all mine again.” She winked at me, her confidence soaring over the roof.

I was losing my courage because they were probably going to kill me and I wouldn’t be able to do anything. “What do you plan to do to him, Emilia?” My voice was showing my dread and I didn’t bother to cover it up.

Right now, I was ready to do anything for the people I loved and Dexter topped the list.

“Break him slowly, paint a bad image of you in front of him-” She slurred.

“He won’t believe you!” I argued.

She smirked, lowering her brows. “Are you sure about that?”

Then it hit me. Emilia was a manipulator, apparently she was the one who leaked our video at the party so that I could be embarrassed. If she could do that while I was still alive, how much more after my death?

I entered a dialogue mode. I was supposed to save my face and stand tall, but what use would it be when the people you care about are hurt?

“Look, Emilia, I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll sign the document and even talk to Dexter to settle you with a large sum of money but don’t hurt him.” My strong voice mellowed.

She picked up the document that laid on the floor and produced a pen. “I’m happy that you aren’t acting all bratty anymore so take it and sign.” She ordered.

I furrowed my brows as my fingers closed around the pen. “You won’t hurt anyone?”

“Just sign it!” She snarled.

Having no choice but to do as she wanted, I went ahead and signed it. “Now let me go.” I stated.

She stared at me like I was crazy then burst into laughter with her father joining her. My eyes darted to both of them as I discovered what I’d just done.

“What a dumb lady. She signed it so easily because she thought I’d agree to her terms and let her go.” She grinned and the door pushed open.

A tired and weary Victoria was pushed into the room with her hands tied up. My eyes widened as I made an effort to embrace her, but a strong grip on my arm restricted me.

“Not so fast.” Leonardo warned.

“Lorraine, what have they done to your face? I don’t even know where Stella is…” Her eyes averted towards Emilia and her lips fell agape. “You’re behind all of this? You’re supposed to be my friend!”

Emilia said nothing as she pulled out a shotgun from her black sling-over bag. She strolled towards me, her eyes darkened and her expression unreadable which was annoying because I could tell her next action.

She stretched her arm, silently asking me to take the gun.

“There’s no way I’m taking it.” I slanted a look at Victoria who was visibly trembling, shaking her head while at it.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

An evil smirk crawled to her lips. “You will take this gun and shoot her because if you don’t, she’ll still die and you’ll die as well.”

“But why don’t you want to kill her yourself?” I screamed.

“Because I have plans of painting you badly, remember? So take this and shoot her.” She ordered.

I snatched the gun from her and pointed it at Victoria who pleaded with her eyes that I shouldn’t go through with my plans. An idea was brewing in my mind and I just needed the right time to put it to action.

Even though I had a plan, my hands couldn’t stop shaking.

“If you can’t shoot, I can teach you…” Emilia offered as I took a cursory glance around, my heart skipping a beat as I realised that two other armed men were pointing their guns at me.

One of them even had a camera!

I couldn’t afford to make a mistake.

My finger closed around the trigger as I counted to ten in my mind. I’d rather shoot Emilia than kill Victoria.

One… Two… Three… A shot rang out but it wasn’t from me. Then the gun slipped from my grip when I saw Victoria drop to the ground, with blood gushing out from her chest.

A loud scream flew out from me as I ran towards Victoria who laid on the floor lifeless. “You killed her!” I yelled at the top of my voice as I glared at Leonardo who rolled his eyes.

“You were wasting time.” He grinned widely, like he had just won a lottery.

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