Mafia Desire

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Chapter 59 Ava"s POVContent provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

I did my makeup with a simple brown smokey eye, knowing that I need to stand out but not too much. I added some deep red lipstick too match my outfit tonight and stepped back from the mirror admiring my work.

I took my hair and decided that I shouldn"t leave it completely down but its best too leave at lest of it down. I took the curling iron and curled the bottom layers of my hair in a light curl. I placed the other half of my hair into a small bun behind my head and added a simple hair accessory too it

A black rose hair clip.

I emerged from the bathroom and put my undergarments on, as well as a gun holder on my thigh and a knife holder with both guns and knives attached.

I opened my closet and took the dress I had bought off the hanger, admiring it before I slipped it on. The dress was perfectly designed and fit my measurements too the inch. The dress was a deep red, that had a thigh slit too show enough cleavage too provoke but not enough so I looked like a slut. The dress was strapless and made my boobs look perky enough for my targets liking.

I slipped on some gold heels and just as I had finished, I naturally placed my hand on my neck searching for the necklace Andrew gave me with my hands. Ever since he had placed it on me that one day, my body always involuntarily searched for it even though I had only wore it for a few hours. before it was stripped off of me.

I shook the thought out of my head and double checked that my guns and knives were in place before exiting my hotel room. I slipped into a taxi and gave him the address of the event that I was attending

Every year certain people host a charity ball which is just a front for a bunch of criminals to get together and do criminal things together. In the criminal world it is known as the biggest event for Mafia"s to get together, besides the Mafia ball and they normally change locations every year but this year it is in Portugal.

When we got to the hotel, I tossed the taxi driver a couple of euros without looking at the amount and exited the taxi, walking onto the crowded sidewalk filled with paparazzi.

"Great" I thought to myself.

Over the past year I had learned ways to hide my face from the cameras due to the tricky business I am in. I make sure people don't have enough proof that I am the Scarlet Shadow or I would either be dead or out of business and I couldn't afford either.

I ducked inte a small alleyway close too where the main entrance for the ball was, knowing I would be able to find a side door without any cameras near it. I walked down the dark street and stopped when I spotted the rusted metal door. I opened it and walked inside it, only to be greeted with another dark place.

I walked down the dark hallway until I heard the light music and chatter from a door. I opened the door and strutted into the ballroom filled with all the notorious criminals from across the world.

"Please don't let Andrew be here.” I wished to myself.

I scanned the ballroom, looking at all of the older men who had many young girls attached too their arms. I scoffed, the girls were most likely after the mens money and the guys just wanted s.e*. The ballroom was gigantic and glistened with gold accents, a orchestra played in the background, there was a food bar on the other side of the room and there was a bar further in the back.

I suddenly felt a grasp on my wrist and instantly whipped my body around to see who the culprit was, while yanking my wrist out of their hand. I faced him and while my body relaxed, knowing that he wasn't going to hurt me, my heart clenched at the sight of him.

I gathered all the strength I had not too run into his arms and said, "What do you want?” "Why are you here?" He said, whispering so no one around us could hear.

"None of your goddamn business.” I hissed, annoyed at him.

"There are dangerous people here Ava. Come with me now." He said, grabbing my arm again

My annoyance rose at his comment and movement and before he could nudge me anywhere I grabbed his wrist and twisted it inward but stopping right before the point where I would break it.

"Get this through your thick skull. I do what I want and I would rather spend time with every man in here then go somewhere with you. Get away from me and don"t ever come back. or I will kill you." I hissed as I released his hand and walked away from him, not bothering to look back.

I walked over to the bar knowing that Carlos would be there. From what I had heard from my sources he was a womanizer and he had a certain love for alcohol. Even though he had dashing looks he trafficked every girl he slept with and would then proceed to beat them until the day they were sold.

I pushed back the sight of Andrew and what had just happened knowing that I couldn't compromise the mission. "What could I get you?" The bartender asked. "Whiskey, neat.” I said, raising my voice just a little bit as the bartender nodded.

"Now why would a beautiful women like yourself be ordering whiskey much less by yourself?" I heard a deep voice say from beside me.

I looked over too the voice and examined the man standing in front of me. He had blonde hair that was slicked backNbut still had a few stands peaking out, his eyes wereaé deep blué but I could see what was behind them, his structure was-built and could see his muscles fom under his suit but his suit was obnoxiously tight, probably so he could look more built then he was. His presence made me unsettled and his demeanor was too confident.

He was Carlos Hernandez.

I put on a fake smile and batted my eyelashes. From his stance I could tell he liked women who were easily conquered. "It's been a rough night.” I exclaimed, raising my voice a few octaves.

"And why is that?" He asked, shooting me a smile and leaning over towards me.

All I wanted to do was shoot him in the head but I had too wait and seduce him before I could kill him.

"I haven"t been able to dance this whole night." I said, putting on a fake pout and twirling my hair.

"Ug God I feel like a middle school girl."

"Well let"s change that. Would you like te dance?" He asked, putting down his drink and extending a hand for me

I giggled and slipped my hand into his as I stared into his blue eyes. batting my eyelashes. As soon as my hand touched his all I wanted too do was to retract it due to the fact that his touch made my blood run cold and didn"t leave sparks like Andrew"s used too.

“Fuck, don"t think about him." I mentally scolded myself

He led me to the middle of the dance floor and wrapped his snake like arms around my waist, pulling me closer into his embrace. I was revolted when all I smelt was alcohol and I could feel hot breath on my neck.

I slowly got the shivers down my spine when I could feel a pair of eyes on me. I looked around the room, searching for the pair of eyes as I continued to dance with Carlos until my eyes finally landed on a pair of familiar raging green ones. My body lightened when I saw Andrew but he looked the opposite of how I felt.

His body was stiff, his fists clenched and his eyes fad mixture of furious and disappointed inthem. I finally realized what ne was so worked up about and I wanted to tell him that he was the only pair of arms I wanted to be around but myhit was raore important and I stillwas trying too hate him for what he did to me.

I softly shook my head, breaking my gaze and returned my focus onto Carlos. I stroked my hand up and down Carlos's bicep, and pulled away just enough to look at him in the eyes.

"What's your name beautiful?” He whispered, leaning down to my ear.

"Dalia." I said, fake giggling while internally gagging.

"Well you are beyond beautiful." He said with a smirk, swirling me around on the dance floor. “Alright pervert time to die.”

In a few seconds I was back in his embrace and I knew I needed to speed up my timeline if I wanted to get out of there unnoticed. I got onto my tiptoes and brung my lips near his ear as I let my hand travel across his chest. I heard a low rumble from his chest and I internally laughed, on how easy it was.

"I know a place.” I whispered, nibbling on his earlobe before looking back at him. I watched as his face goes from small shock too desire in a matter of seconds.

"Lead the way." He said, smirking. I grabbed his hand and started too drag him offthe dance floor and into the dark Rallway from where! _< entered..T turned back to him when I felt hie start to get uneasy and’ unstire about where we were going. I lagked up at him and smashed my lips onto his and pushed fim into the wall making him groan. Content belongs to

His mouth starts taking over the kiss and I let him, knowing that he will be so blinded by his lust that he will fall right into my trap.

He started searching the wall, looking for a door handle. When he finally found it he opened the door and pushed me into the room, his lips never leaving mine. He pushed me against another wall inside the room and started trailing his kisses from my mouth too my neck.

I faked moaned, trying to sell my pleasure so he would continue.

I felt his hand get dangerously close to my gun halder on my upper thigh and just as I was about to stop him I heard a door slam opened. Carlos stopped what he was doing and looked over at the door.

I stabled my breath and started bending down too get my weapons ready for use as I looked over at the door as well.

Both the room and the hallway were pitch black so I was unable to see the culprit of the noise but something inside of me was telling me that whoever it was, wasn"t dangerous.

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