Loving My Brother’s Best Friend

26• My Kiddo

Next day

Reyna came downstairs after hastily getting ready. She was already getting late for college because she had slept late the night before and thus awoke late.

Her face lit up as she saw Cole sitting with Ethan. They exchanged a furtive glance, smiling slightly. He examined her from head to toe. Her pink short dress, which reached her mid-thigh caught his attention because it was so cute. When he saw her in this outfit, only one word came out of his mouth ‘MY KIDDO.’

“Sweetie, have breakfast, and then go to college,” Ethan said sternly.

“Ethan, I’ll have it in the college because I’m already late.” She gave him a quick hug, looking at Cole. He made a sad pout because he also wanted a hug from his Kiddo.

She found him super adorable and felt a sudden urge to kiss his pout, but she couldn’t do it.

“Now, bye.” She rushed out of the house.

Cole had only come to meet her because he was free and wanted to spend time with her. As an idea popped into his mind to go behind her, his lips curved into a smile.

He immediately rang the fake bell of his phone. “Ethan, I just come. It’s an important call.” He made an excuse before dashing out of the house to stop her.

He pouted after reaching outside as she drove off in front of his eyes. He quickly hopped on his bike and rode after her.

He overtook her car and came to halt in front of her to block her way. Her eyes dilated as she saw him, and she immediately applied the brake. Her car stopped just a few inches away from his bike. She quickly stepped out of the car and rushed to him.

“Thank God, you’re fine, Cole. Why did you stop your bike like this? What if my car hit your bike?” She chided him, anxious for him.

‘Damn! I’m seriously behaving like a lovesick teenager. What spell is she casting on me?’ He wondered, gazing at her when she was scolding him.

“Answer me, Cole. Why did you come in front of my car?” She asked him, glaring at him.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Because I wanted to stop you from going to college.” As he answered her, her brows narrowed in confusion.


“Because I’m free today and want to spend time with you.” As he told her, her eyes twinkled with delight.

‘Wow! I just can’t believe it, he came behind me and stopped me by risking his life just because he wants to spend time with me. I only have one heart, Cole, how many times would you steal it from me?’ She wondered, staring at him incredulously.

“So would you like to spend time with me?” He asked her, intensely gazing at her.

“I would love to.” She replied to him merrily.

She had an important theatre play in college but still, she agreed to go with him because she didn’t want to miss this golden opportunity of going out with her hottie Biker.

“By the way, My Baby Doll, you look super adorable in this outfit, just like a doll.” He moved closer to her face and gave a quick peck on her nose. Listening to his compliment, she smiled broadly, and the way he kissed her nose made her heart sing and butterflies flutter around her.

” Let’s go.” He squealed merrily like a kid, and she beamed at him.

“Let me bring my bag and park my car.”

“Okay, my kiddo.” He slightly pulled her chubby cheeks, and she giggled.

“I think he’s obsessed with my chubby cheeks because he always pulls them.” She muttered and turned around, but he grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to himself, and she was taken aback by his actions and stared at him, arching her brows.

“Yes! I’m obsessed with them, and I enjoy playing with them.” He left her waist and replied before clasping her face and pressing her chubby cheeks while she just stared at him with her innocent eyes.

“Oh god, you have the appearance of a small baby. Seriously, ‘my Kiddo’ is the perfect name for you.” He stroked her cheeks before pulling them hard.

“Cole! Leave them because they are my cheeks, not a soft toy.” He chuckled and left her cheeks when she became irritated like a child.

“Oh, they’re hurting.” She caressed them and pouted at him.

“I’m sorry, baby, but what can I do? I just couldn’t control my hand to play with them.” He tried to touch her cheeks again, but she ran away, terrified. He chuckled at her.

She hurriedly parked her car and came back to him, hanging her small backpack on her shoulders.

She sat behind him, smiling after switching off her phone because she didn’t want any disturbance. This time she slipped her hands into the pocket of his leather jacket before snuggling up to him with a contented smile stained on her face. She always desired to do this and finally, she did it.

He was delighted to see that she was getting comfortable with him, and he adored the way how she put her hands inside his jacket’s pockets. Her every sweet gesture was touching his heart.

While he was riding the bike, she was utterly engrossed in him, and the breeze was caressing her body and fluttering her silky long hair. Her face was gleaming with profound happiness. Her innocence and pure love for him were the things he admired most about her.

Like last night, he moved his hand back, but this time he slipped it inside her dress and stroked her thigh. Her body shivered and an electric current passed directly between her thighs because of his touch. His rings caressed her skin, driving her insane and awakening her desires. She closed her eyes, completely engrossed in his magical touch.

This moment was special for both of them because they were together. She was snuggling up to him more and more, giving him a wonderful sensation.

‘God, I’m just loving this movement. Riding on his bike, hugging him and slipping my hands in the pocket of his jacket is like dream comes true moment as I had always imagined this earlier. I’m on cloud nine and don’t want this soothing moment to end. I’m just in love with this precious moment.’ She wondered with a smile on her face, and contentment was etched into every line of her face.

But then he abruptly came to a halt, bringing her back to earth.

“What happened?” She asked, moving away from him, but her hands remained in his jacket pocket.

“My phone is ringing continuously. Let me see.” He told her, and when she was about to take her hands out of his pocket, he stopped her by holding her hands.

“Keep them like this because I like it.” A serene smile appeared on her face as he spoke.

“Okay!” She replied merrily, hugging him again. He beamed and took his phone out of his jeans pocket.

“It’s Ethan.” He told her.

‘Why is he calling me continuously?’ He wondered, staring at the phone’s screen bemusedly.

“Hello.” He answered after placing the phone over his ear, and then he heard Ethan’s anxious voice from the other side.

“Cole, Reyna hasn’t reached college yet. I got a call from college because today is her play. Her phone is coming switched off. I’m so tensed for her.” Cole’s eyes widened a bit in shock after knowing this.

He couldn’t figure out how to tell Ethan that Reyna is safe and well with him.

“Ethan, relax, she will be fine. You just keep trying to call her.” He reassured him

Reyna instantly understood everything after listening to Cole’s words. She scolded herself, ‘shit! I shouldn’t have switched off my phone. I made Ethan so worried.’

“Okay, I’m trying again. Where are you?” Ethan asked him.

“I had to leave for urgent work. I’ll meet you in the evening and don’t worry, Reyna will be fine.” He comforted him.

“Okay, I’ll call you.” Ethan hung up.

“Today is your play in the college, why didn’t you tell me, Reyna?” He frowned at her and questioned her after turning his face towards her. She lowered her lashes in guilt, taking her hands out of his jacket pockets.

“Ethan is so worried for you. Now first switch on your phone and talk to him.” He instructed, disappointed with her.

“Kiddo!” He muttered and shook his head in disbelief.

She slightly nodded at him before taking her phone out of her bag and switching it on.

As her phone switched on, it started ringing because Ethan was constantly calling her, anxious for her.

“What will I say to him?” She asked him.

“You should have thought about this before doing all this.” He chided her, and her lips drew down in sadness.

‘Everything was going so perfectly and smoothly. I spoilt everything.’ She wondered dejectedly, feeling like crying.

He took a deep breath to compose himself after noticing her sadness. He didn’t mean to scold her, but he lost his cool when he came to know Ethan was worried about her.

Then he calmly told her, “tell him that your car stalled and your phone got dead.”

She gave him a slight nod before answering the call. “Hello.”

“Where are you, Reyna? And why was your phone coming switched off? I was so worried for you. Are you alright?” His questions flooded in.

“Ethan, relax. I’m fine. Actually, my car stalled and my phone got dead too. Then I borrowed someone’s phone and called the mechanic. Now everything is fine, I’m going to college.” She explained to him.

“Okay! So you reach college and call me after your play. Take care.”

“Bye.” She hung up the phone and looked at Cole with regret in her eyes.

She apologised, “I’m sorry.”

“Why didn’t you tell me, Reyna, that you have a theatre play in the college today?” He asked her.

“Because I don’t want to miss the chance of going out with you, Cole. You don’t know how important your presence is to me, and I am willing to sacrifice anything for it.” She truly told him, melting his heart.

“You don’t have to miss important things to spend time with me, Kiddo. I’m not leaving you now. I’m always there for you. We can spend time together when we are both free. Please inform me if something important comes up in the future because I don’t want you to miss it because of me.” He placed his hands on her face and explained to her lovingly, caressing her cheeks with his thumbs.

“I’m sorry.” She apologised, genuinely feeling guilty.

He blinked his eyes. “It’s okay. I can understand.” He clasped her hand and kissed her knuckle, making a lone tear of joy stream down her cheek.

“No more tears, Kiddo.” He gently wiped her tear and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. She closed her eyes and smiled contentedly. She was so fortunate to have him.

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