
Chapter 042

Hunter’s P. O. V

I was about leaving the office when Mason walked in.

I have never felt so late in my life. If only I had gotten ready five minutes earlier.

” Hunter. Hey how have you been?” Mason greeted with a smile on his face and I tried to mimick his gesture, but my facial muscles refused.

” I’ve been alright I guess. And as much as I would love to stay and chat, I know you aren’t here to see me”

He scratched behind his head, meaning I had caught him.

” Err- I’m actually here to see both of you”

Both of us? That’s a recent activity.

” Okay?, Wanna have a seat?” I gesture back to the room.

” Oh no. It’s brief”

That explains why I’m involved.

I nodded as a sign for him to carry on.

” My Dad invited you over for dinner next week Saturday, he said to discuss about the deal”

Okay, maybe it was profitable delaying a little.

” Thanks for the news, but where does my secretary fit into this?”

If I could go alone it’s duly preferred.

” My Dad said you can bring a plus one, so I assumed you’d bring her. You know, because she was who my Dad met”

Yes, and also because you guys want to go do rat play behind doors.

” Did your dad say I can or I should bring a plus one?” I asked him so it’ll hint at I’d rather not bring her.

” He said can, but you’ll need your secretary there right?”

” I’d prefer a private meeting”

Not like I plan on saying snything yet.

” Oh… Well it’s your choice”

Hmmph… Like you guys give me much choices to make.

” I’ll see what I can do”

His face brightened up after my slightly positive statement and I decided to walk away to where I was headed.

” Hunter?” He calls out once more.

What does he want this time? To make her show up in a bikini?

” Yes?”

” I’m sorry if dating your secretary is causing risk for your business, we promise to go under radar till you decide otherwise”

I expected many things, but not an apology.

” I’ve heard you” I told him and walked out to the meeting room.

Iris’s P. O. V.

” I highly disagree with you Mr Debonair” Hunter said with enough will power to discourage the men before us but they didn’t seem ready to back down.

We were currently in a meeting with the representatives of an upcoming company known as DeBonAir Fashion.

I must say, they do have a very big courage to seek for assistance from a huge industry such as Brooks and Shields.

And as the secretary, I sat at the extreme left end of the table recording everything that took place.

This is the most quiet I have ever been in a meeting.

And it’s really irking me.

Hunter never looked my way once through out and I suddenly felt very uncomfortable with his reactions towards me.

It’s not like I’m seeking his attention or something, but this is highly different from the usual.

At this point I’d appreciate it if he even sent me a glare.

” Mr McConnell I’d beg to differ. The business code states that companies like yours are meant to help little companies grow” Mr Debonair interjected.

Hunter is declining to offer assistance to their business and they don’t seem to happy about it.

I actually think they should be given a chance, but my opinion doesn’t matter anymore.

” That same business code also advices growing companies to invest with growing enterprises. And as we all know, Brooks and Shields is not growing”

” They advised, not stated a compulsory action” Me Debonair was very persistent.

” Well I’m advising you now, go find another company” Hunter was on the verge of exploding as his words came out seethed.

” Mr McConnell, I know this is your company and you have the right to make your choices but please give us a chance”

Please give it to them.

” Give you a chance then what? What am I to gain from you guys? Eight hundred dollars a month? I’m not ready to count losses by helping a lone Star”

That was particularly harsh but true.

In recent activity, Hunter has been lashing out on everyone around. Including the quiet Lily.

The poor girl only came to deliver the receipts I had sent for her to cross check to his table and forgot one of the leaflets in her office.

And Hunter whipped her with his words like she had committed a fraud of several millions.

Down at the coffee machine this morning everyone was talking about how he’d changed and is somewhat becoming uneasy to work with.

Some of the younger ladies even attributed his latest behavior to my working with him.From NôvelDrama.Org.

And in a way, I believed them.

He hasn’t given me a fair share of his anger that I feel he believes I deserve.

In fact, he hasn’t spoken to me at all.

When I say silence, I mean not even a reply to my good mornings. If I happen to drop off something in his office while he’s around, he’d either pretend not to acknowledge my presence or give me a simple nod.

Three days after the photo shoot and his cold shoulder keeps getting colder.

” I’m only giving you this deal Mr Debonair because I like your die hard attitude”

Wait what!?

” That’s the only thing that keeps a business man going”

They both had smile’s on their faces meanwhile I was too shocked to recover.

Hunter agreed?

My eyes went round the room and landed on the secretary of Debonair.

She was already watching me with her innocent grey eyes across the table, whilst trying so hard not to laugh at me.

I can tell she noticed my realisation of things a little too late.

She slid a paper to me and I opened it to see a little note on the discussion.

I mouthed a thanks to her before scribbling down a summary.

At least a way to save my head.

” I hope to see you more often Mr McConnell” Debonair stood and extended his hand towards Hunter for a shake.

” That, you will” came Hunter’s grim reply as he stood and matched the handshake.

I quickly squeezed up the paper and stood to greet them a goodbye.

As soon as they closed the door, Hunter spoke to me for the first time in three days.

” What did his secretary give to you?”

So he noticed the exchange.

His eyes were still trained on the door they exited even when he spoke.

” Uhm.. a little note on the meeting. I zoned out for a few seconds”

That was when he turned to look at me.

Also another thing he’s done for the first time in a while.

” If your job is becoming inappropriate for you just say it. I can have Lily do it more efficiently”

Now he’s planning to replace me?

” No. I’m sorry”

He doesn’t answer. Almost walking out the door but stops a few feet away from it.

” The Reid’s are inviting us for dinner next Saturday”

The Reid’s?

Before I could ask any more questions he was out the door.

And I had that something feeling again.

Only worse this time.

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