
Chapter 018

It’s a Tuesday morning and I’m counting one week with my life as my bullies secretary.

It feels like a month.

The time is a few minutes past nine and I haven’t seen a sign of my boss.

Well you actually didn’t look.


But we have a fixed meeting with Ying and Shang in less than an hour so I expect him to be around somewhere.

I was by the cabinet locating contract booklets and a notepad that would be necessary for the meeting when my door was effortlessly opened.

And there’s only one person who would step into my office without knocking.

” You ready for the meeting?” Hunter asks as he takes a seat on my chair that’s behind the desk.

Still locating the files I need I gave him an answer.

” As you can see, I’m preparing.”

Aha! found them.

” You know Iris, anytime I think back to Saturday I’m still surprised that the man agreed”

He will never give up on calling me Iris would he?

And he’s been saying how shocked he is that Mr Reid completely accepted his deal without stress or strain.

” If you had so much doubts about him accepting in the first place why did you bother presenting it to him?”

Spinning on my feet, I see him seated cross legged on my meant to be official chair.

” What’s the use of being a businessman if you don’t take risks?” He shrugged and swirled around on the seat.

His happy mood is literally the strangest thing I have ever seen.

” From the way you’re acting, it’s like your probability of getting this deal was a ninety nine to one percent chances” I stepped towards the table and placed the papers with me on it.

” Do you know what it means for Mr Reid to say yes? It’s a miracle!”

So he does believe not all things can go his way.

” Yeah, yeah and you better don’t mess this up cause that man is putting a ton of trust in you. And I feel trust is his major headache in partnerships ” I flopped down on the cushion that is towards the opposite end of the room.

” How could I possibly betray his trust?”

” Oh I don’t know, maybe by shagging and planning to get married to his daughter only to have a family member on your side” My honest shrug is meant to tell him more than I’m letting on if he’s been attentive to the person he’s working with.

” How did you know? And for Christ sake that isn’t the reason Michelle and I are in a relationship ” So he does pay attention.

” That’s what it will look like when he gets to know ”

” How did you know about this?”

” The fact that you and Michelle were smutting? I think I was an eye witness on one occasion ” Is he really asking me such a useless question?

” I mean about the marriage. How did you know?”

” I’ve been hearing all along, I’m not deaf you know.”

” But you asked me and I didn’t give you an answer. Plus the only person who knows the girl I intend on getting married to is Chance. So how did you find out?” His tone becoming analytical.

” I put two and two together. The girl you are having sex with during the period of rumors about your proposed marriage looked like the girl you’re gonna give a wedding ring to ”

” So. You… Iris Shawn, believes that I cannot cheat even a few days to my wedding ”

Dammit, he knows I see him as a nitwit.

” Fine. Mason told me ”

” What!?” Every color drained from his face leaving a guy who wasn’t expecting the answer he received.

” You heard me. Mason knows and considering his relationship with his father I don’t know how much longer this would be a secret”

He ran his hands down his face and blew out a little air.

” Look, we’ll handle this after the meeting ” Next he gets off the chair and marches out of the room with a rigid stance.

My question is what am I handling?


Hunter’s P. O. V


” We’ll like to put it on a seventy-thirty percent share” Mr Sangh, the representative from Ying and Shang finalised.

Honestly I’ve been zoned out through out this entire meeting and this is all I heard so far.

The fact that Mason is aware of Michelle and I is quite disturbing, especially when you know he’s the heir to the business you’re in pursuit of.

I always knew he played quiet for a reason. He had known all along and just one night with Iris all information was spilled.

Imagine a week with his dad.

” Mr McConnell? What do you think?” Professor Xiao, the graduate of Oxford University with a bachelor degree in medicine.

I wonder what he’s doing here.

I give a look to every single person seated here, all five men waiting for me to respond to what I’m not sure they were talking about.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Dad was truly correct when he said I’d screw up this meeting.

I glanced to my left and Iris was seated with her pen and paper quietly like a secretary should. No interruptions, just taking down information.

But I need more than that at this hour.

She was staring at me like I had gone mad with one brow lifted and her lips slightly ajar, she waited for my words to Ying and Shang’s associates.

” I see. Uhmm.. Iris, what do you think?” She is the only one present in our company with hundred percent attention to detail.

” You’re asking your secretary?” Mr Yangon asked and the irritation in his voice couldn’t be hidden either.

I never liked him personally.

” Yes. Yes I am. Any issues?” If judging by the look on his face, I’d say he accords his secretary with very little respect.

” Sir, our secretary Mr Heoung has been present since the beginning of this meeting, and we never asked him to contribute anything ” Mr Yangon continues.

” You decided to sideline yours but I insist on giving mine a chance. Iris?”

Iris was fully convinced at this point that I am definitely insane. She only spoke on events in which my dad asked her to, but he also said she will be useful in this meeting and I’m sure the usefulness ain’t just writing down.

She cleared her throat and faced our audience squarely, her expression of uncertainty was gone and now she boomed the aura of confidence and had that ‘you’re going down’ look in her eyes.

I smiled inwardly at what I assumed to be the outcome of this.

” Mr Hyung-mi, you spoke on the advantages of this proposal?”

The man in question shared uncertain looks with his other colleagues and only gave a reply after he had received nods of go ahead.

” Yes, which benefit do you want me to explain again?” He started mauling through an envelope in search of something.

” Nooo. Your benefits were good. I admire your products ” They seemed happy with her statement and a smile managed to crawl onto each of their faces.

I hold the laughter that threatens to escape from me when she continues with the part I was expecting.

The ‘but’ part.

” But. Gentlemen, Ying and Shang is a company that produces toys for children. And as we all know, children tend to get bored and tired of things easily, they can’t focus on one thing for long but these children are the only sources of income to your company. So here’s my question, after your popularity fades, which of course must definitely happen, your income would drop to a minimal level. How do you intend to give us our profit? Still by the thirty percent? Because at that point it becomes penniless”

I never reasoned it that way, even though my attention span was incredibly short this was a fact I would never had thought of.

And to the Ying and Shang company members, this was a question they weren’t aiming for even in their afterlife.

” Pardon me uh… Miss?” Professor Xiao spoke

” Jules” She sent him a smile that means ‘ don’t worry, I don’t bite’

But to me that smile meant ‘ go on, keep trying to deceive us’

” Miss Jules, I assure you that our products won’t fade out. We’ll keep producing new things to pique their interest if that’s all it takes ” Mr Xiao definitely doesn’t know who he is currently conversing with.

” Okay. Fine, you keep rejuvenating but put for instance a production error or mishap. Agreeing to this deal with you also means we become inclined to assist you in such situations and the money for such assistance will definitely cost us more than a thirty percent gain.”

Everyone went dead silent, including their secretary had stopped recording.

Iris had the entire floor to herself .

She observed the men in suits and one kimono before her then carried on.

“Now I’m not here to point that the money allocated to us is little despite the fact it is, I’m here to make you see that you only informed us of the profits and benefits of working with you. But as a good businessman you should know how to make analysis on your pro’s and con’s, which you duly failed to deliver on this meeting ” She sat back into her chair and folded her arms across her chest.

I’ve confirmed it’s a habit.

” Until you give us a valid explanation on what sort of agreement we are venturing into, I don’t think I approve of my boss signing anything ”

That was the end. And she really left every soul in the room tongue tied.

Every soul except mine though.

” Well Ying and Shang associates, we can call this meeting a day and reschedule for another one the day you feel ready ” I couldn’t hide my smile. I stood to my feet to signal them on their departure.

Dad says the Koreans were mischievous, then I think Iris has a Korean heritage.

The men grudgingly got up, obviously feeling ashamed of their defeat. I exchanged handshakes with all of them, whereas only their secretary was inquired to acknowledge Iris for her job well done.

All five men filed out of the office and professor Xiao’s kimono looked just as frustrated as he is.

Better luck next time.

” So that’s your latest plan? After zoning out for an entire meeting you call me to make the deals?” She stood with both hands on her hips and narrowed eyes.

If only she wasn’t putting on heels, her forehead is basically below my nose, but now the heels make our eye levels almost equal.

I smirked at her statement and walked away, leaving her alone in the conference room.

I knew I was proud of her this afternoon but I’m not going to say it.

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