Love Redux: Fated to the Handsome Doctor

Part 18 # Empty Threat

The sky was getting darker, yet Seno was nowhere to be seen to pick Lara up. How could he even come? Even her calls were rejected by his voicemail, inviting her to leave a message.

She didn’t know who else to contact.


Lara sighed deeply. She was truly confused.

The orange hues added to the anxiety in her chest. She didn’t know what to do. She gazed blankly at the fountain in the garden. For a moment, she suddenly remembered her mother.

Back when she was a child, Lara was also in a dilemma like this. After school, her mother never came to pick her up.

She kept calling her, but she couldn’t be reached. Fortunately, Lara still had her father-before he ran away with another woman.

She then called her father, and that brave man promptly picked her up. Who else could be relied upon in tough times like that, if not your parents? She felt very fortunate at that time.

Her school-when she was still in elementary school in Canada-was located in the city center, quite far from home. She attended the school of her mother’s choice, who wanted her child to mingle with more children from diverse backgrounds.

She was known to be very quiet. Her mother just wanted to help her be more sociable and have many friends from various backgrounds, especially friends from Indonesia.

At that school, Lara indeed had many friends from various backgrounds, as her mother hoped.

Unfortunately, only classmates. She wasn’t interested in making them her friends. She preferred being alone. She found it difficult to socialize.

That’s why she often went to the library. Besides catching up on lessons for the upcoming weeks, she also deliberately went there to avoid her friends. They were very noisy.

Who would have thought? Lara met Andre and his sister for the first time there. It turned out they were neighbors.

For a child who didn’t like to leave the house like her, being neighbors didn’t make her and her friend become close. She felt uncomfortable always having to be nice to everyone.

Contrary to her thoughts, Andre and his sister were very polite. They also didn’t want to know about other people’s business.

Gradually, Andre, Lara, and his sister became close friends. They often played together. Of course, before the terrible incident that tore apart the family’s unity happened.

Lara regretted that.

It was very difficult to find someone like Andre and his sister, who were polite, handsome, and kind-hearted. But, for some reason, all of that turned out to be mere pretense.

This time, Lara really didn’t want to form friendships with anyone, after her heart was shattered by the betrayal of those closest to her.

She finally gave up waiting for Seno. She decided to go back to the room.


Again, she could only sigh deeply. Her thoughts were tangled. Her heart was in turmoil. She really wanted to go home. However, her husband still didn’t pick up her calls. She was truly desperate.

“Darling, how do you feel?”

“I’m feeling better.”

Gradually, Lara heard the voice of a married couple who seemed to have been married for a very long time.

They looked old and wrinkled. The skin’s elasticity seemed to have been consumed by age. However, their eyes were very tender and symbolized a love that seemed never to be worn out by time.

The elderly couple in front of her now looked romantic. Even, she reconsidered returning to her room immediately when she heard their sweet voices.

The pair had just arrived at the hospital garden. They also seemed to be enjoying the sunset like her.

The warm atmosphere from the orange hues of the sun, illuminated the two people who were falling in love beautifully.

In her little heart, she felt jealous for a moment. If, when she’s old, will Seno be like that to her?

She really looked forward to something that shouldn’t have been. Let alone being old. At her age, which hasn’t even reached 30 years old yet, Seno has cheated on her.

How could she pursue his loyalty when they are both old? She might be content with an unbroken marriage status, for the sake of their child. Moreover, Seno has promised to change his ways. She hoped Seno would keep his promise.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Beautiful, aren’t they?” said a woman’s voice that suddenly surprised her.

She reflexively turned to the source of the sound and was surprised by the presence of Doctor Miriam who was already beside her.

“Doctor,” Lara greeted with a smile. She didn’t expect to meet Doctor Miriam in the garden like this.

“Hello, Mrs. Lara,” Doctor Miriam responded kindly. There was a dimple that suddenly appeared between her cheeks, although faintly. Lara just noticed the dimple that looked beautiful this evening, she hadn’t paid attention to the doctor’s face in such detail before.

“Do you know them, Doctor?” Lara asked curiously. Doctor Miriam seemed very familiar with the elderly couple who warmed their hearts.

“Yes. They are one of my patients. It’s beautiful to see them like that…”

The doctor seemed to be daydreaming while deciding whether to continue her story or not.

But, of course, she had to continue. Lara was too curious to know many things. Doctor Miriam managed to pique her curiosity. She wanted to know more about the story behind the very harmonious couple.

“Tell me. What’s their love story, Doctor?”

“Well… actually, the wife has just recovered from surgery due to ingesting insecticide,” said the doctor, trying to force a smile so that her story wouldn’t be too frightening for her.

Lara wasn’t scared at all. Just…

“W-what? How is that possible?” She widened her eyes, as if not believing her words. But Doctor Miriam didn’t seem to be joking.

Doctor Miriam took a deep breath before continuing the story of the couple.

“Her husband was caught cheating on their 49th wedding anniversary. The wife was very shocked. Even though she didn’t see it with her own eyes, the wife couldn’t hold back. She drank insecticide and almost died.”

“Oh my!” Lara covered her mouth with both hands. She didn’t expect such a tragic incident before the beautiful panorama in front of them was created.

“An-and then?”

“Well, her husband rushed her to the hospital. After a long operation, she finally regained consciousness. The husband was truly remorseful, and he promised not to do it again behind his wife’s back,” continued Doctor Miriam with a deep look.

Lara was actually imagining a similar situation that she experienced herself. It’s tragic indeed, knowing that your husband is not faithful. She had experienced it.

Unconsciously, she shed tears. Doctor Miriam seemed surprised, but she immediately wiped them away and forced a smile so she wouldn’t worry.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I’m fine. It’s just painful, isn’t it?”

“True. I also can’t imagine if that happened to me. My fiance also has someone he loves very much, and unfortunately, it’s not me.”

“Really? How is that possible?”

“Well, that’s how it is. He’s trapped in the past. I also want to know, what kind of girl has captivated his heart for so long.”

“Have you found out?”

“Well… I’m… investigating,” Doctor Miriam said softly. Lara even had trouble hearing her words.

“Um… just show your sincere love. Don’t be influenced by unclear rivals, Doctor,” Lara gave her encouragement.

She could see Doctor Miriam’s face turning slightly red.

“Thank you for your support,” she said politely.

Doctor Miriam was very beautiful and sincere. Her fiance would be foolish if he wasted such a good woman.

“I-I,” Doctor Miriam seemed to want to speak again.


“Um. I… actually…”

Before the doctor could finish her sentence, the shrill voice of someone disturbed their tranquility.

“Lara! Where have you been! Mom has been looking for you everywhere, and here you are hiding!”

Lara was astonished and didn’t expect her mother-in-law to come to this hospital.


“Yes! Come here! Quickly! You said you wanted to go home?”

Lara nodded and quickly said goodbye to Doctor Miriam next to her.

“Doctor, sorry, I have to go. Let’s talk again sometime. See you,” she said politely and then hurried to her mother-in-law.

She was afraid she would be furious if she didn’t get there soon.

“Yes,” Doctor Miriam replied somewhat stiffly.

Lara could hear her coughing, as if trying to expel something that was haunting her. Was that true? What’s wrong with that doctor?

But, she didn’t have much time. She had to hurry to her mother-in-law. She’s a transformed demon. Just a little misunderstanding, and her peaceful days would be ruined by endless scolding.

“Ugh! Why are you like this! Always getting sick! Like a cat!”

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