Love Beyond Control

Ella On The Ladder To Greatness

“Ella, you brought this upon yourself so you shouldn’t blame anyone for your own issues. This has nothing to do with you nor your husband so cut the crap.” Elion said indifferently and Liza, who was already tense, suddenly calmed down and smiled cheerfully.

During the Board meeting, Liza who was sitting next to Elion suddenly intervened one of the shareholders who was talking and despite the fact that he got angry, he managed to compose himself because he knew that going against Liza means going against Elion.

“Ella, go make two cups of coffee. One for Elion and one for me.” Listening to Liza’s orders, she felt a sharp pain in her heart and without a word, she walked out of the conference room to make the coffee. When she was about to make the coffee, she looked at her hand and went to the emergency room to meet the doctor. When she got there, the doctor was shocked to see the degree to which her hand was burnt. He gently cleaned the wound and wrapped a bandage round the burnt hand. Ella smiled with tears running down her cheeks and thanked the doctor genuinely.

She went back to the coffee room and after making two cups of coffee, she placed them on a tray and took it to the conference room. When she approached the door, she gently knocked and entered. She placed Liza’s coffee in front of her and went up to Elion to drop his own coffee. As soon as she got there, she gently placed the coffee cup in front of him and just then, his eyes fell on Ella’s bandaged hand and he unconsciously looked at her pale face before balancing on his seat in a guilty manner. Ella bowed in respect and was about to walk out of the office when Elion’s question stopped her.

“Are you going to leave this coffee cup here?”

Ella stopped and turned to look at Elion who was looking directly into her eyes in a very lustful manner. Liza saw this and was filled with rage but didn’t dare to interrupt the meeting. Ella walked back towards Elion, took the coffee cup and was about to leave when Elion angrily stopped her.

“You are going to be my side stool.”

Liza smiled triumphantly and sipped her coffee while Ella, who was very weak because she hadn’t eaten for two days nor slept the previous night, stood beside Elion reluctantly. Elion took the coffee cup from the tray on Ella’s hands, took a sip and gently placed it back on it. He repeated the same thing throughout the meeting.

“Master Elion, we really need a new neutral project to invest in as soon as possible. If not, our competitors will overtake us.” One of the shareholders suggested and everyone nodded in agreement.

“That’s exactly why we are all here. We need a very good project but the question now is, how can we get a good one.” Henry responded on behalf of his boss. Everyone was really disturbed because Elion became visibly furious and before the meeting was over, he stood and walked out of the meeting room without altering a word.

Back in his office, he sat down quietly but was very worried. Henry and Liza later joined him in the office and sat opposite him. When Ella got out of the conference room, all she wanted was to have some rest. Instead of resting in the company, she decided to make her way home in order to avoid anyone disturbing her sleep but Elion declined.

In the evening, as soon as Eliot, Henry and Liza returned from the company, Elion retired back to study and shut the door while Ella went straight to the back corridor and slept off. Ella woke up around 8:00 PM and went looking for Elion. After making him a cup of coffee, Ella went to the living room and ignoring Liza, she asked Henry for the whereabouts of Elion.

“Sir Henry, please where is Master Elion?NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“Do not disturb him, cleaner, he had a very bad day and doesn’t want to be disturbed.” Liza responded arrogantly.

“Miss Liza, I am only doing my job in which I might get into serious issues if I fail to do so.”

Ella responded with so much disdain.

“Master Elion is in his study.” Henry responded with a frown and Ella noded with a smile. She walked upstairs and gently knocked on the door to the study but there was no response. After knocking without a response for a good number of times, Ella gently pushed open the door and tried to peep in only for her eyes to be met with the angry face of his boss looking directly at her. Seeing Ella, he suddenly calmed down without knowing why but his appearance was still the same but his heart was at ease. She ignored the angry man and entered with the coffee and shut the door as she entered.

“Master Elion, your coffee is ready.”

After placing the coffee on the table, Ella turned to leave but turned back towards Elion and made a request to him. “Master Elion, I have a great project that can save your company but If I have to give you the project, then you will have to grant my request.” Ella said and waited for a response but Elion seemed to be uninterested and she left in disappointment.

Just as she was about to open the door, Elion’s sarcastic words took her by surprise and she confidently disproved him.

“What great project can come from a low life like you?” Elion asked with an indifferent voice and Ella turned and took short steps towards him as if she was afraid to face him.

“Master Elion, the rich can afford anything they want while the poor like me at times, due to the circumstances of life, we don’t even own our lives but the truth is, both the poor and the rich do dream. Great ideas are meant for anyone that can dream big whether rich or poor. Great ideas don’t discriminate. The only thing that can limit a poor man with great ideas is capital or greedy rich men who are envious or threatened by the growth of others. Master Elion, if you really want to keep your company at the top, then you really have to give me the chance to present my project tomorrow.”

“Why would you want to help me of all people?” Elion asked mockingly.

“I will tell you tomorrow during the board meeting.” Ella said and left the study confidently. As soon as she left, Elion gave Henry a call.

“Master Elion.” Henry greeted in respect as soon as he placed the phone on his ear.

“Call for an emergency meeting tomorrow morning.” Elion said and dropped the call and Ella who just walked into the living room from Elion’s office smiled victoriously and walked towards Henry.

“Sir Henry, please can you lend me $500?”

Ella pleaded and Liza laughed out and said mockingly. “You are borrowing $500? Isn’t this the height of poverty?”

Henry was shocked but responded calmly.

“Of course Ella.”

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