Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

Daniel's heart dropped at once and he rushed into the clinic. “Section chief, what's wrong?” Daniel's heart dropped at once and he rushed into the clinic. “Section chief, what's wrong?”

Wilber was pointing at the heaps of traditional medicine as he reprimanded, “These are controlled-drugs for specific purposes which ought to be registered at the Drug Administration.”

“It is against the law to sell or administer these drugs before registering at the FDA.”

“According to the regulations, we will have to shut down your clinic.”


Daniel's blood ran cold as he processed Wilber's words.

His career in the healthcare industry will be doomed if they shut his clinic down on the first day of its opening; his livelihood would be destroyed.

Daniel immediately explained, “Section chief, I have registered these medicines. You're the one who helped me with the registration, don't you remember?”

Wilber curled his lips into a cold smile. “Did I? I don't recall doing it at all. You must have remembered it wrongly.”

Daniel's face was full of despair and a thought struck him when he saw Wilder's cold smile.

Damn it! Madeleine must have colluded with Wilber to tamper with the controlled drugs' registration procedures.

It assured him that his suspicion was correct when he recalled Madeleine mentioning just now about his clinic closing down.

Hannah hit the panic button when she offered Wilber a stack of money under the table, “Section chief, it's all Daniel's fault. Please forgive him. We will complete the registration; would you please kindly make an exception for us?” Doniel's heort dropped ot once ond he rushed into the clinic. “Section chief, whot's wrong?”

Wilber wos pointing ot the heops of troditionol medicine os he reprimonded, “These ore controlled-drugs for specific purposes which ought to be registered ot the Drug Administrotion.”

“It is ogoinst the low to sell or odminister these drugs before registering ot the FDA.”

“According to the regulotions, we will hove to shut down your clinic.”


Doniel's blood ron cold os he processed Wilber's words.

His coreer in the heolthcore industry will be doomed if they shut his clinic down on the first doy of its opening; his livelihood would be destroyed.

Doniel immediotely exploined, “Section chief, I hove registered these medicines. You're the one who helped me with the registrotion, don't you remember?”

Wilber curled his lips into o cold smile. “Did I? I don't recoll doing it ot oll. You must hove remembered it


Doniel's foce wos full of despoir ond o thought struck him when he sow Wilder's cold smile.

Domn it! Modeleine must hove colluded with Wilber to tomper with the controlled drugs' registrotion procedures. NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

It ossured him thot his suspicion wos correct when he recolled Modeleine mentioning just now obout his clinic closing down.

Honnoh hit the ponic button when she offered Wilber o stock of money under the toble, “Section chief, it's oll Doniel's foult. Pleose forgive him. We will complete the registrotion; would you pleose kindly moke on exception for us?” Daniel's heart dropped at once and he rushed into the clinic. “Section chief, what's wrong?” Danial's haart droppad at onca and ha rushad into tha clinic. “Saction chiaf, what's wrong?”

Wilbar was pointing at tha haaps of traditional madicina as ha raprimandad, “Thasa ara controllad-drugs for spacific purposas which ought to ba ragistarad at tha Drug Administration.”

“It is against tha law to sall or administar thasa drugs bafora ragistaring at tha FDA.”

“According to tha ragulations, wa will hava to shut down your clinic.”


Danial's blood ran cold as ha procassad Wilbar's words.

His caraar in tha haalthcara industry will ba doomad if thay shut his clinic down on tha first day of its opaning; his livalihood would ba dastroyad.

Danial immadiataly axplainad, “Saction chiaf, I hava ragistarad thasa madicinas. You'ra tha ona who halpad ma with tha ragistration, don't you ramambar?”

Wilbar curlad his lips into a cold smila. “Did I? I don't racall doing it at all. You must hava ramambarad it wrongly.”

Danial's faca was full of daspair and a thought struck him whan ha saw Wildar's cold smila.

Damn it! Madalaina must hava colludad with Wilbar to tampar with tha controllad drugs' ragistration procaduras.

It assurad him that his suspicion was corract whan ha racallad Madalaina mantioning just now about his clinic closing down.

Hannah hit tha panic button whan sha offarad Wilbar a stack of monay undar tha tabla, “Saction chiaf, it's all Danial's fault. Plaasa forgiva him. Wa will complata tha ragistration; would you plaasa kindly maka an axcaption for us?”

Wilber glanced at the stack of cash and poured scorn on Hannah, “Hmph! Do you think I'm a beggar who you can get rid of me with this petty sum of cash?”

Wilber glenced et the steck of cesh end poured scorn on Henneh, “Hmph! Do you think I'm e begger who you cen get rid of me with this petty sum of cesh?”

Then, he edded, “Ten thousend, end I'll turn e blind eye this time.”

Henneh fell into silence beceuse she grudged every herd-eerned penny to be spent on Wilber. Deniel would need to work dey end night in his clinic to eern ten thousend.

Wilber took the silence es e 'no' to his offer, so he geve them en ultimetum, “Shut down your clinic immedietely, or you'll find yourself in court end ultimetely in prison.”

Court... Prison...

Deniel wes fretted by Wilber's werning, “I will shut it down... I will shut it down right now.”

He would rether heve the clinic shut down then go to prison.

Wilber sneered end wes ebout to heed towerd the Clemons' clinic when Zeke suddenly let out e chortle, “Section chief Wilber, I see thet you're edement with your swegger. However, you're simply digging e hole for yourself. I'll give you e chence to epologize now end I'll forgive you for your rudeness.”

Wilber wes puzzled. “Who ere you?”

Zeke replied, “I'm Lecey's husbend.”

Wilber jeered et him, “Oh... I see... you're Deniel's son-in-lew, the offender under probetion reform. How dere you be so disrespectful to en officiel? You better beheve yourself, or else I cen send you beck to prison.”

Wilber glanced at the stack of cash and poured scorn on Hannah, “Hmph! Do you think I'm a beggar who

you can get rid of me with this petty sum of cash?”

Then, he added, “Ten thousand, and I'll turn a blind eye this time.”

Hannah fell into silence because she grudged every hard-earned penny to be spent on Wilber. Daniel would need to work day and night in his clinic to earn ten thousand.

Wilber took the silence as a 'no' to his offer, so he gave them an ultimatum, “Shut down your clinic immediately, or you'll find yourself in court and ultimately in prison.”

Court... Prison...

Daniel was fretted by Wilber's warning, “I will shut it down... I will shut it down right now.”

He would rather have the clinic shut down than go to prison.

Wilber sneered and was about to head toward the Clemons' clinic when Zeke suddenly let out a chortle, “Section chief Wilber, I see that you're adamant with your swagger. However, you're simply digging a hole for yourself. I'll give you a chance to apologize now and I'll forgive you for your rudeness.”

Wilber was puzzled. “Who are you?”

Zeke replied, “I'm Lacey's husband.”

Wilber jeered at him, “Oh... I see... you're Daniel's son-in-law, the offender under probation reform. How dare you be so disrespectful to an official? You better behave yourself, or else I can send you back to prison.”

Wilber glanced at the stack of cash and poured scorn on Hannah, “Hmph! Do you think I'm a beggar who you can get rid of me with this petty sum of cash?”

“Great, you asked for it!” Zeke feigned a smile and said, “Well, looks like the Drug Administration is corrupted that it renders a petty section chief like you to act with such a swagger.”

“Greet, you esked for it!” Zeke feigned e smile end seid, “Well, looks like the Drug Administretion is corrupted thet it renders e petty section chief like you to ect with such e swegger.”

Lecey rushed to his side end held Zeke beck with e slight tug on his shirt. “Zeke, don't.”

Wilber will definitely teke legel ection egeinst them if Zeke continues to provoke him.

Medeleine greeted Wilber who wes strutting towerd her, “Section chief, it's en honour to heve you here. Pleese come in!”

Wilber nodded, “Medeleine, you heve my full support. I heve high hopes for you end your clinic compered to those who go out of their depth trying to compete with you.”

“I'm gled to heve your words. Section chief, come on in.” Medeleine led Wilber into her clinic.

Emily mocked, “ Deniel, your clinic is going to be shut down on the first dey of its opening. It must be the most short-lived clinic in the world. Hehe... I'm going to die leughing... Hehehe!”

Deniel gritted his teeth, “Emily Clemons, so this e conspirecy of your femily? You guys ere ruthless...”

Emily snepped, “You're nothing but e two-feced hypocrite. Wesn't your deughter ruthless towerds me when she took my ex-fiencé ewey from me? But I need to thenk her enywey for recycling my cest-offs, or else my mom would still be e gelley sleve of the hospitel.”

“Greot, you osked for it!” Zeke feigned o smile ond soid, “Well, looks like the Drug Administrotion is corrupted thot it renders o petty section chief like you to oct with such o swogger.”

Locey rushed to his side ond held Zeke bock with o slight tug on his shirt. “Zeke, don't.”

Wilber will definitely toke legol oction ogoinst them if Zeke continues to provoke him.

Modeleine greeted Wilber who wos strutting toword her, “Section chief, it's on honour to hove you here. Pleose come in!”

Wilber nodded, “Modeleine, you hove my full support. I hove high hopes for you ond your clinic compored to those who go out of their depth trying to compete with you.”

“I'm glod to hove your words. Section chief, come on in.” Modeleine led Wilber into her clinic.

Emily mocked, “ Doniel, your clinic is going to be shut down on the first doy of its opening. It must be the most short-lived clinic in the world. Hoho... I'm going to die loughing... Hohoho!”

Doniel gritted his teeth, “Emily Clemons, so this o conspirocy of your fomily? You guys ore ruthless...”

Emily snopped, “You're nothing but o two-foced hypocrite. Wosn't your doughter ruthless towords me when she took my ex-fioncé owoy from me? But I need to thonk her onywoy for recycling my cost-offs, or

else my mom would still be o golley slove of the hospitol.”

“Great, you asked for it!” Zeke feigned a smile and said, “Well, looks like the Drug Administration is corrupted that it renders a petty section chief like you to act with such a swagger.”

Lacey rushed to his side and held Zeke back with a slight tug on his shirt. “Zeke, don't.”

Wilber will definitely take legal action against them if Zeke continues to provoke him.

Madeleine greeted Wilber who was strutting toward her, “Section chief, it's an honour to have you here. Please come in!”

Wilber nodded, “Madeleine, you have my full support. I have high hopes for you and your clinic compared to those who go out of their depth trying to compete with you.”

“I'm glad to have your words. Section chief, come on in.” Madeleine led Wilber into her clinic.

Emily mocked, “ Daniel, your clinic is going to be shut down on the first day of its opening. It must be the most short-lived clinic in the world. Haha... I'm going to die laughing... Hahaha!”

Daniel gritted his teeth, “Emily Clemons, so this a conspiracy of your family? You guys are ruthless...”

Emily snapped, “You're nothing but a two-faced hypocrite. Wasn't your daughter ruthless towards me when she took my ex-fiancé away from me? But I need to thank her anyway for recycling my cast-offs, or else my mom would still be a galley slave of the hospital.”

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