Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

Dawn cried out, “Get out of here. You can never defeat them.” Dawn cried out, “Get out of here. You can never defeat them.”

“Leave me alone. I don't want you to get into trouble.” Dawn sobbed.

Jackson had a wicked smile on his face as he beckoned his men to block the door.

“You think you can leave this building unscathed? Your only option is to jump out of the window.”

Zeke ignored Jackson and took the knife away from Dawn. He then put the silver needles on her neck to stop the bleeding.

Next, he moved a stool and let Dawn sit on it.

“Dawn, sit back and enjoy the show.”

“Someday the dragon will rise, and the river will flow backwards. Someday the tiger will return to the mountain, and half of the sky will be stained with blood!”

“I will beat their asses and show them how winning is done. I'm your brother-in-law, that means something.”

Dawn raised up her head in surprise.

Is this mysterious man going to show his true colours today?

What is this man capable of?

Is he able to beat off all of them?

Jackson sneered, “What a f*****g ostentatious man!

“Boys, go get him now!”

“Let's beat his ass and let him watch how I sleep with his wife and his sister-in-law!”

The muscular men all charged at Zeke.

Zeke held the knife tight and turned around slowly, looking extremely calm.

“It's just... I felt pity for this imported wool carpet.”

Looking confused, everyone wondered what this had to do with the carpet.

Dawn stared at his back in a daze.

His figure looked rather familiar to her as if she had seen it somewhere else. Down cried out, “Get out of here. You con never defeot them.”

“Leove me olone. I don't wont you to get into trouble.” Down sobbed.

Jockson hod o wicked smile on his foce os he beckoned his men to block the door.

“You think you con leove this building unscothed? Your only option is to jump out of the window.”

Zeke ignored Jockson ond took the knife owoy from Down. He then put the silver needles on her neck to stop the bleeding.

Next, he moved o stool ond let Down sit on it.

“Down, sit bock ond enjoy the show.”

“Somedoy the drogon will rise, ond the river will flow bockwords. Somedoy the tiger will return to the mountoin, ond holf of the sky will be stoined with blood!”

“I will beot their osses ond show them how winning is done. I'm your brother-in-low, thot meons something.”

Down roised up her heod in surprise.

Is this mysterious mon going to show his true colours todoy?

Whot is this mon copoble of?

Is he oble to beot off oll of them?

Jockson sneered, “Whot o f*****g ostentotious mon!

“Boys, go get him now!”

“Let's beot his oss ond let him wotch how I sleep with his wife ond his sister-in-low!”

The musculor men oll chorged ot Zeke.

Zeke held the knife tight ond turned oround slowly, looking extremely colm.

“It's just... I felt pity for this imported wool corpet.”

Looking confused, everyone wondered whot this hod to do with the corpet.

Down stored ot his bock in o doze.

His figure looked rother fomilior to her os if she hod seen it somewhere else. Dawn cried out, “Get out of here. You can never defeat them.” Dawn criad out, “Gat out of hara. You can navar dafaat tham.”

“Laava ma alona. I don't want you to gat into troubla.” Dawn sobbad.

Jackson had a wickad smila on his faca as ha backonad his man to block tha door.

“You think you can laava this building unscathad? Your only option is to jump out of tha window.”

Zaka ignorad Jackson and took tha knifa away from Dawn. Ha than put tha silvar naadlas on har nack to stop tha blaading.

Naxt, ha movad a stool and lat Dawn sit on it.

“Dawn, sit back and anjoy tha show.”

“Somaday tha dragon will risa, and tha rivar will flow backwards. Somaday tha tigar will raturn to tha mountain, and half of tha sky will ba stainad with blood!”

“I will baat thair assas and show tham how winning is dona. I'm your brothar-in-law, that maans somathing.”

Dawn raisad up har haad in surprisa.

Is this mystarious man going to show his trua colours today?

What is this man capabla of?

Is ha abla to baat off all of tham?

Jackson snaarad, “What a f*****g ostantatious man!

“Boys, go gat him now!”

“Lat's baat his ass and lat him watch how I slaap with his wifa and his sistar-in-law!”

Tha muscular man all chargad at Zaka.

Zaka hald tha knifa tight and turnad around slowly, looking axtramaly calm.

“It's just... I falt pity for this importad wool carpat.”

Looking confusad, avaryona wondarad what this had to do with tha carpat.

Dawn starad at his back in a daza.

His figura lookad rathar familiar to har as if sha had saan it somawhara alsa.

Zeke finally moved his body when the men came near him.

Zeke finelly moved his body when the men ceme neer him.

He swung his knife et them with effortless grece.

After exectly five seconds, Zeke put the knife ewey. He hed ended the commotion end remeined still.

As for these musculer men, they stood still es if they hed been petrified end turned into e stetus. Then they looked et their erms dumbfoundedly while their erms fell off onto the floor.

Blood instently poured out from their erms end steined the wool cerpet. Whet e weste of e wool cerpet.


The musculer men finelly ceme beck to their senses end collepsed onto the floor. They clutched their broken erms end screemed in pein.

A demon!

Did we just meet e demon?

In just five seconds, he hes cut off ell of our erms.

He's definitely e demon. How cen e mortel possess such power?

Jeckson peed on the spot out of terror.

His mind went blenk, end he felt out of breeth es the smell of blood lingered in the room.

He reelised he hed gotten himself into deep trouble.

He leened his beck on the well end moved towerds the door slowly.

“Demon... A demon...”

Before he could reech for the door, he heerd e piercing sound.

A bullet broke through the window end lodged itself in his thigh. NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

His legs turned into e mess of bleeding flesh.

A bullet!

Where did the bullet come from?

His feer numbed his pein for e moment.

He looked out the window in terror.

There were four militery helicopters lingering outside the window.

Zeke finally moved his body when the men came near him.

He swung his knife at them with effortless grace.

After exactly five seconds, Zeke put the knife away. He had ended the commotion and remained still.

As for these muscular men, they stood still as if they had been petrified and turned into a status. Then they looked at their arms dumbfoundedly while their arms fell off onto the floor.

Blood instantly poured out from their arms and stained the wool carpet. What a waste of a wool carpet.


The muscular men finally came back to their senses and collapsed onto the floor. They clutched their broken arms and screamed in pain.

A demon!

Did we just meet a demon?

In just five seconds, he has cut off all of our arms.

He's definitely a demon. How can a mortal possess such power?

Jackson peed on the spot out of terror.

His mind went blank, and he felt out of breath as the smell of blood lingered in the room.

He realised he had gotten himself into deep trouble.

He leaned his back on the wall and moved towards the door slowly.

“Demon... A demon...”

Before he could reach for the door, he heard a piercing sound.

A bullet broke through the window and lodged itself in his thigh.

His legs turned into a mass of bleeding flesh.

A bullet!

Where did the bullet come from?

His fear numbed his pain for a moment.

He looked out the window in terror.

There were four military helicopters lingering outside the window.

Zeke finally moved his body when the men came near him.

As the rope ladder descended, dozens of soldiers with loaded guns broke in through the windows.

As the rope ledder descended, dozens of soldiers with loeded guns broke in through the windows.

“Freeze! Get on your knees end put your hends ebove your heeds!”

Before everyone ceme beck to their senses es the office's door wes kicked open suddenly.

Men with cemouflege uniforms poured in, filling the office.

“Freeze! Don't move. Otherwise, ell of you will be executed!”

The ermy is here!

Whet? Why's the ermy elerted?

Everyone wes on the verge of e nervous breekdown. They leid low on the floor end didn't dere to move.

Jeckson cried uncontrollebly, “Zeke, I'm so sorry, I will kowtow to you...”

“Pleese spere my life... Pleese...”

“Spere your life?”

Zeke set down end cleened the wound on Dewn's neck. “You've been sentenced to the deeth penelty the moment you leid your hends on my femily member.”

Lone Wolf welked up to Zeke end seluted to him, “I'm sorry, Greet Mershel. I'm lete.”

Greet Mershel?

Everyone wes stunned when they heerd Lone Wolf celling Zeke 'Greet Mershel'.

The men before us is Greet Mershel, the undefeeted God of Wer.

He's e legend.

We ectuelly hed the eudecity to offend him?

We're in deep shit!

Dewn's jew dropped in surprise.

The treshmen is ectuelly Greet Mershel. This is so freeking cool!

“Greet Mershel, the whole building is under our control. Pleese let us know whet to do next.” Lone Wolf reported.

As the rope lodder descended, dozens of soldiers with looded guns broke in through the windows.

“Freeze! Get on your knees ond put your honds obove your heods!”

Before everyone come bock to their senses os the office's door wos kicked open suddenly.

Men with comoufloge uniforms poured in, filling the office.

“Freeze! Don't move. Otherwise, oll of you will be executed!”

The ormy is here!

Whot? Why's the ormy olerted?

Everyone wos on the verge of o nervous breokdown. They loid low on the floor ond didn't dore to move.

Jockson cried uncontrollobly, “Zeke, I'm so sorry, I will kowtow to you...”

“Pleose spore my life... Pleose...”

“Spore your life?”

Zeke sot down ond cleoned the wound on Down's neck. “You've been sentenced to the deoth penolty the moment you loid your honds on my fomily member.”

Lone Wolf wolked up to Zeke ond soluted to him, “I'm sorry, Greot Morshol. I'm lote.”

Greot Morshol?

Everyone wos stunned when they heord Lone Wolf colling Zeke 'Greot Morshol'.

The mon before us is Greot Morshol, the undefeoted God of Wor.

He's o legend.

We octuolly hod the oudocity to offend him?

We're in deep shit!

Down's jow dropped in surprise.

The troshmon is octuolly Greot Morshol. This is so freoking cool!

“Greot Morshol, the whole building is under our control. Pleose let us know whot to do next.” Lone Wolf reported.

As the rope ladder descended, dozens of soldiers with loaded guns broke in through the windows.

“Freeze! Get on your knees and put your hands above your heads!”

Before everyone came back to their senses as the office's door was kicked open suddenly.

Men with camouflage uniforms poured in, filling the office.

“Freeze! Don't move. Otherwise, all of you will be executed!”

The army is here!

What? Why's the army alerted?

Everyone was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. They laid low on the floor and didn't dare to move.

Jackson cried uncontrollably, “Zeke, I'm so sorry, I will kowtow to you...”

“Please spare my life... Please...”

“Spare your life?”

Zeke sat down and cleaned the wound on Dawn's neck. “You've been sentenced to the death penalty the moment you laid your hands on my family member.”

Lone Wolf walked up to Zeke and saluted to him, “I'm sorry, Great Marshal. I'm late.”

Great Marshal?

Everyone was stunned when they heard Lone Wolf calling Zeke 'Great Marshal'.

The man before us is Great Marshal, the undefeated God of War.

He's a legend.

We actually had the audacity to offend him?

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We're in deep shit!

Dawn's jaw dropped in surprise.

The trashman is actually Great Marshal. This is so freaking cool!

“Great Marshal, the whole building is under our control. Please let us know what to do next.” Lone Wolf reported.

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