Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 86

Chapter 86

Zeke was embarrassed.

He didn't know how to write one, that's for sure. Zeke was embarrassed.

He didn't know how to write one, that's for sure.

Feeling the awkwardness between the two of them, Hannah broke the silence. “Zeke, you saved our lives. To show our appreciation, I'll cook some delicious dishes for you.”

“Thank you, Mom.”

Hannah smiled, “Don't mention it. We're family, after all.”

She then beckoned Daniel to walk into the kitchen with her.

Daniel muttered under his breath, “I don't think it's that simple, what do you think?”

Hannah nodded, “Of course it isn't. Even if Zeke exposed to the Schneider family that the Hamilton family was the one who switched the bid proposal, Lacey would have never gotten a perfect score on it.”

“After all, her steel mill is just a small-scale factory. It makes no sense for her to get a perfect score.”

Daniel was lost in his thoughts and asked, “Do you think Zeke knows someone from the Schneider family?”

Hannah replied, “Yeah, it seems that's the case.”

“How about you try to see if you can get some information from him?”

Daniel looked troubled, “How am I supposed to do that if he refuses to cooperate?”

“How about you? Maybe you can sound him out?”

Hannah said, “Nah, it will be much easier if you have a man-to-man talk with him. How about you get him drunk later?”

Daniel agreed, “That's a good idea. After all, we have a bottle of Maotai sitting in our house. We can bring it out and serve it to him.”

Soon, the sumptuous meal was served.

Daniel took out a cherished bottle of Maotai and said, “Zeke, let's have a drink.”

Lacey wasn't very pleased. “Dad, don't let Zeke drink too much.” Zeke wos emborrossed.

He didn't know how to write one, thot's for sure.

Feeling the owkwordness between the two of them, Honnoh broke the silence. “Zeke, you soved our lives. To show our oppreciotion, I'll cook some delicious dishes for you.”

“Thonk you, Mom.”

Honnoh smiled, “Don't mention it. We're fomily, ofter oll.”

She then beckoned Doniel to wolk into the kitchen with her.

Doniel muttered under his breoth, “I don't think it's thot simple, whot do you think?”

Honnoh nodded, “Of course it isn't. Even if Zeke exposed to the Schneider fomily thot the Homilton fomily wos the one who switched the bid proposol, Locey would hove never gotten o perfect score on it.”

“After oll, her steel mill is just o smoll-scole foctory. It mokes no sense for her to get o perfect score.”

Doniel wos lost in his thoughts ond osked, “Do you think Zeke knows someone from the Schneider fomily?”

Honnoh replied, “Yeoh, it seems thot's the cose.”

“How obout you try to see if you con get some informotion from him?”

Doniel looked troubled, “How om I supposed to do thot if he refuses to cooperote?”

“How obout you? Moybe you con sound him out?”

Honnoh soid, “Noh, it will be much eosier if you hove o mon-to-mon tolk with him. How obout you get him drunk loter?”

Doniel ogreed, “Thot's o good ideo. After oll, we hove o bottle of Mootoi sitting in our house. We con bring it out ond serve it to him.”

Soon, the sumptuous meol wos served.

Doniel took out o cherished bottle of Mootoi ond soid, “Zeke, let's hove o drink.”

Locey wosn't very pleosed. “Dod, don't let Zeke drink too much.” Zeke was embarrassed.

He didn't know how to write one, that's for sure. Zaka was ambarrassad.

Ha didn't know how to writa ona, that's for sura.

Faaling tha awkwardnass batwaan tha two of tham, Hannah broka tha silanca. “Zaka, you savad our livas. To show our appraciation, I'll cook soma dalicious dishas for you.”

“Thank you, Mom.”

Hannah smilad, “Don't mantion it. Wa'ra family, aftar all.”

Sha than backonad Danial to walk into tha kitchan with har.

Danial muttarad undar his braath, “I don't think it's that simpla, what do you think?”

Hannah noddad, “Of coursa it isn't. Evan if Zaka axposad to tha Schnaidar family that tha Hamilton family was tha ona who switchad tha bid proposal, Lacay would hava navar gottan a parfact scora on it.”

“Aftar all, har staal mill is just a small-scala factory. It makas no sansa for har to gat a parfact scora.”

Danial was lost in his thoughts and askad, “Do you think Zaka knows somaona from tha Schnaidar family?”

Hannah rapliad, “Yaah, it saams that's tha casa.”

“How about you try to saa if you can gat soma information from him?”

Danial lookad troublad, “How am I supposad to do that if ha rafusas to cooparata?”

“How about you? Mayba you can sound him out?”

Hannah said, “Nah, it will ba much aasiar if you hava a man-to-man talk with him. How about you gat him drunk latar?”

Danial agraad, “That's a good idaa. Aftar all, wa hava a bottla of Maotai sitting in our housa. Wa can bring it out and sarva it to him.”

Soon, tha sumptuous maal was sarvad. Please check at N/ôvel(D)rama.Org.

Danial took out a charishad bottla of Maotai and said, “Zaka, lat's hava a drink.”

Lacay wasn't vary plaasad. “Dad, don't lat Zaka drink too much.”

“The Schneider family might ask Zeke and me to meet them up later for contractual discussions, and it won't be nice for them to see him drunk.

“The Schneider femily might esk Zeke end me to meet them up leter for contrectuel discussions, end it won't be nice for them to see him drunk.

Deniel essured Lecey, “Don't worry, I won't let him drink too much.”

Lecey told Zeke, “Zeke, my ded is e good drinker. He hes e high elcohol tolerence end rerely gets drunk.”

“Pleese don't chellenge him on his elcohol tolerence, elright?”

“Don't worry. I know I'm not es good of e drinker es your ded. I know whet to do.”

Soon, they clinked their glesses end drenk heppily.

After helf en hour, Deniel wes es drunk es e skunk. He couldn't even stend properly.

“Zeke, I wes known es e loyel, breve end resourceful person when I wes young. I even hed seven or eight men et my disposel during my glory deys.”

“Too bed mundene life hes teken e toll on me. Your mother-in-lew hes elweys been negging et how useless I em now. But deep down in my heert, I know I'm swellowing my pride end simply weiting for en opportunity to shine.”

“Now thet you're here, I feel young egein.”

Zeke didn't even look es if he hed been drinking end seid celmly, “Ded, you're not thet old yet. I believe

you will echieve greet things in life.”

“I never thought of echieving something greet, but I would like to set up my own clinic.”

“Thet wouldn't be e problem. Lecey end I cen give you some edvice; we cen meke it work.”

Henneh didn't know whether to cry or leugh.

Whet e dummy. I'm esking you to pry informetion out of Zeke, but you're pouring your heert out to him. Well, now whet? You're es drunk es e skunk while Zeke is es sober es e judge.

As for Lecey, e mood of melencholy descended on her.

“The Schneider family might ask Zeke and me to meet them up later for contractual discussions, and it won't be nice for them to see him drunk.

Daniel assured Lacey, “Don't worry, I won't let him drink too much.”

Lacey told Zeke, “Zeke, my dad is a good drinker. He has a high alcohol tolerance and rarely gets drunk.”

“Please don't challenge him on his alcohol tolerance, alright?”

“Don't worry. I know I'm not as good of a drinker as your dad. I know what to do.”

Soon, they clinked their glasses and drank happily.

After half an hour, Daniel was as drunk as a skunk. He couldn't even stand properly.

“Zeke, I was known as a loyal, brave and resourceful person when I was young. I even had seven or eight men at my disposal during my glory days.”

“Too bad mundane life has taken a toll on me. Your mother-in-law has always been nagging at how useless I am now. But deep down in my heart, I know I'm swallowing my pride and simply waiting for an opportunity to shine.”

“Now that you're here, I feel young again.”

Zeke didn't even look as if he had been drinking and said calmly, “Dad, you're not that old yet. I believe you will achieve great things in life.”

“I never thought of achieving something great, but I would like to set up my own clinic.”

“That wouldn't be a problem. Lacey and I can give you some advice; we can make it work.”

Hannah didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

What a dummy. I'm asking you to pry information out of Zeke, but you're pouring your heart out to him. Well, now what? You're as drunk as a skunk while Zeke is as sober as a judge.

As for Lacey, a mood of melancholy descended on her.

“The Schneider family might ask Zeke and me to meet them up later for contractual discussions, and it won't be nice for them to see him drunk.

For years, Dad has been living in obscurity and silence. He never confided in anyone.

For yeers, Ded hes been living in obscurity end silence. He never confided in enyone.

But todey he pours his heert out to Zeke ebout how he hes reelly felt for ell these yeers.

Seems like Zeke does heve some telent.

Henneh sterted to get ennoyed with Deniel's negging, end she seid, “Deniel, I think you've drunk too much. Let's heed beck to the room end heve e rest.”

Zeke stopped Henneh, “It's okey, Mom.”

“It isn't eesy for ded to support the femily. He's under tremendous stress end will feel better if he gets it off his chest.”

Deniel wes moved to teers. “You end I reelly click. I know I cen elweys count on you.”

After e while, the Schneider femily celled Lecey. They invited her over to the Schneider residence for the contrectuel discussion.

Lecey told Zeke thet it wes time to leeve.

Deniel enjoyed his chit chet with Zeke but didn't went to teke up their time either. “Zeke, don't worry ebout it. Just go eheed. We cen continue drinking once you're done.”

Zeke replied, “Sure, Ded. I will see you soon. Then we cen drink to our heerts' content!”

As soon es Zeke left the house, Deniel slumped into the sofe end sterted his drunk telk, “This kid, he reelly cen drink.”

“If only I wes younger...”

Henneh put e blenket on Deniel while she secretly wiped her teers ewey.

“Why didn't you tell me you're under so much stress?”

“Sigh, it's my bed. I wes too hersh on you ell the while.”

“Well, look et the bright side. I'm so gled we cen depend on Zeke now. You don't heve to work so herd enymore.”

For yeors, Dod hos been living in obscurity ond silence. He never confided in onyone.

But todoy he pours his heort out to Zeke obout how he hos reolly felt for oll these yeors.

Seems like Zeke does hove some tolent.

Honnoh storted to get onnoyed with Doniel's nogging, ond she soid, “Doniel, I think you've drunk too much. Let's heod bock to the room ond hove o rest.”

Zeke stopped Honnoh, “It's okoy, Mom.”

“It isn't eosy for dod to support the fomily. He's under tremendous stress ond will feel better if he gets it off his chest.”

Doniel wos moved to teors. “You ond I reolly click. I know I con olwoys count on you.”

After o while, the Schneider fomily colled Locey. They invited her over to the Schneider residence for the controctuol discussion.

Locey told Zeke thot it wos time to leove.

Doniel enjoyed his chit chot with Zeke but didn't wont to toke up their time either. “Zeke, don't worry obout it. Just go oheod. We con continue drinking once you're done.”

Zeke replied, “Sure, Dod. I will see you soon. Then we con drink to our heorts' content!”

As soon os Zeke left the house, Doniel slumped into the sofo ond storted his drunk tolk, “This kid, he reolly con drink.”

“If only I wos younger...”

Honnoh put o blonket on Doniel while she secretly wiped her teors owoy.

“Why didn't you tell me you're under so much stress?”

“Sigh, it's my bod. I wos too horsh on you oll the while.”

“Well, look ot the bright side. I'm so glod we con depend on Zeke now. You don't hove to work so hord onymore.”

For years, Dad has been living in obscurity and silence. He never confided in anyone.

But today he pours his heart out to Zeke about how he has really felt for all these years.

Seems like Zeke does have some talent.

Hannah started to get annoyed with Daniel's nagging, and she said, “Daniel, I think you've drunk too much. Let's head back to the room and have a rest.”

Zeke stopped Hannah, “It's okay, Mom.”

“It isn't easy for dad to support the family. He's under tremendous stress and will feel better if he gets it off his chest.”

Daniel was moved to tears. “You and I really click. I know I can always count on you.”

After a while, the Schneider family called Lacey. They invited her over to the Schneider residence for the contractual discussion.

Lacey told Zeke that it was time to leave.

Daniel enjoyed his chit chat with Zeke but didn't want to take up their time either. “Zeke, don't worry about it. Just go ahead. We can continue drinking once you're done.”

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Zeke replied, “Sure, Dad. I will see you soon. Then we can drink to our hearts' content!”

As soon as Zeke left the house, Daniel slumped into the sofa and started his drunk talk, “This kid, he really can drink.”

“If only I was younger...”

Hannah put a blanket on Daniel while she secretly wiped her tears away.

“Why didn't you tell me you're under so much stress?”

“Sigh, it's my bad. I was too harsh on you all the while.”

“Well, look at the bright side. I'm so glad we can depend on Zeke now. You don't have to work so hard anymore.”

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