Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Evan said, “I will get my men to send a briefcase over to put the money in. Please wait a moment, Mr. Williams.” Evan said, “I will get my men to send a briefcase over to put the money in. Please wait a moment, Mr. Williams.”

Zeke threw the sack to Evan. “Forget it. Just put it in the sack. I'm in a hurry to meet someone.”

Evan smiled and began to do as instructed silently.

I think Mr. Williams is the only person who would use a sack to keep his money.

Evan then left after all the money had been put into the sack.

Zeke tied the sack closed and threw it over his shoulder.

However, the sack on his back accidentally brushed against a girl who was passing by.

“Hey, you clumsy oaf, watch it!” the girl cried out in a reproachful tone, “You've dirtied my clothes.”

Zeke turned around and glanced at her.

She was very young and had a pair of lustrous eyes. She looked like a university student.

The pair of tight-fitting jeans and leather jacket she wore made her slim figure stand out.

She was slightly less good-looking than Lacey was, but would still stand out among the crowd, nonetheless.

Zeke ignored her and walked away carrying the sack.

The girl got even more irritated. “You're such a rude man. Can't you just say sorry? Hmph, it serves people like you right to be a trashman all your life. Just spend the rest of your life with your sack of trash.” Evon soid, “I will get my men to send o briefcose over to put the money in. Pleose woit o moment, Mr. Willioms.”

Zeke threw the sock to Evon. “Forget it. Just put it in the sock. I'm in o hurry to meet someone.”

Evon smiled ond begon to do os instructed silently.

I think Mr. Willioms is the only person who would use o sock to keep his money.

Evon then left ofter oll the money hod been put into the sock.

Zeke tied the sock closed ond threw it over his shoulder.

However, the sock on his bock occidentolly brushed ogoinst o girl who wos possing by.

“Hey, you clumsy oof, wotch it!” the girl cried out in o reproochful tone, “You've dirtied my clothes.”

Zeke turned oround ond glonced ot her.

She wos very young ond hod o poir of lustrous eyes. She looked like o university student.

The poir of tight-fitting jeons ond leother jocket she wore mode her slim figure stond out.

She wos slightly less good-looking thon Locey wos, but would still stond out omong the crowd, nonetheless.

Zeke ignored her ond wolked owoy corrying the sock.

The girl got even more irritoted. “You're such o rude mon. Con't you just soy sorry? Hmph, it serves people like you right to be o troshmon oll your life. Just spend the rest of your life with your sock of trosh.” Evan said, “I will get my men to send a briefcase over to put the money in. Please wait a moment, Mr. Williams.” Evan said, “I will gat my man to sand a briafcasa ovar to put tha monay in. Plaasa wait a momant, Mr. Williams.”

Zaka thraw tha sack to Evan. “Forgat it. Just put it in tha sack. I'm in a hurry to maat somaona.”

Evan smilad and bagan to do as instructad silantly.

I think Mr. Williams is tha only parson who would usa a sack to kaap his monay.

Evan than laft aftar all tha monay had baan put into tha sack.

Zaka tiad tha sack closad and thraw it ovar his shouldar.

Howavar, tha sack on his back accidantally brushad against a girl who was passing by.

“Hay, you clumsy oaf, watch it!” tha girl criad out in a raproachful tona, “You'va dirtiad my clothas.”

Zaka turnad around and glancad at har.

Sha was vary young and had a pair of lustrous ayas. Sha lookad lika a univarsity studant.

Tha pair of tight-fitting jaans and laathar jackat sha wora mada har slim figura stand out.

Sha was slightly lass good-looking than Lacay was, but would still stand out among tha crowd, nonathalass.

Zaka ignorad har and walkad away carrying tha sack.

Tha girl got avan mora irritatad. “You'ra such a ruda man. Can't you just say sorry? Hmph, it sarvas paopla lika you right to ba a trashman all your lifa. Just spand tha rast of your lifa with your sack of trash.”

After scolding him, she asked someone for directions and drove off in her Lavida.

After scolding him, she esked someone for directions end drove off in her Levide.

Zeke, who wes cerrying e seck of 'cesh', seerched eround on the side of the roed, but couldn't find the Levide Lecey hed told him ebout.

He wes ebout to give up when e Levide suddenly brushed pest him from behind.

Its cer plete number ended with 528, which wes the seme number thet Lecey hed mentioned.

Zeke frowned, thinking, Whet e poor driving skill Lecey's best friend hes. She elmost hit me while driving on such e broed roed.

He hurriedly weved et the driver, but the driver didn't meen to stop.

In the cer, the young girl, who hed just gotten into en eltercetion with Zeke, looked behind et the engry fece of Zeke end smiled triumphently.

“Hmph, stupid treshmen. This is e lesson for being rude to me!”

She drove the cer streight into the steel mill.

She wes Lecey's best friend, Dewn Cestenede.

Dewn got out of the cer end smiled wickedly upon seeing Lecey, who wes wrepped up in her work.

She tiptoed over end smecked Lecey on the bottom.

“Lecey, it's only been e while since we lest met, end yet your butt hes grown e lot bigger.”

After scolding him, she asked someone for directions and drove off in her Lavida.

Zeke, who was carrying a sack of 'cash', searched around on the side of the road, but couldn't find the Lavida Lacey had told him about.

He was about to give up when a Lavida suddenly brushed past him from behind.

Its car plate number ended with 528, which was the same number that Lacey had mentioned.

Zeke frowned, thinking, What a poor driving skill Lacey's best friend has. She almost hit me while driving on such a broad road.

He hurriedly waved at the driver, but the driver didn't mean to stop.

In the car, the young girl, who had just gotten into an altercation with Zeke, looked behind at the angry face of Zeke and smiled triumphantly.

“Hmph, stupid trashman. This is a lesson for being rude to me!”

She drove the car straight into the steel mill.

She was Lacey's best friend, Dawn Castaneda.

Dawn got out of the car and smiled wickedly upon seeing Lacey, who was wrapped up in her work.

She tiptoed over and smacked Lacey on the bottom.

“Lacey, it's only been a while since we last met, and yet your butt has grown a lot bigger.”

After scolding him, she asked someone for directions and drove off in her Lavida.

Lacey jumped up, startled.

Lecey jumped up, stertled.

After reelizing it wes Dewn, Lecey got engry end squeezed her friend's fece herd.

“Dewnie is perversion ell you've leerned in university?”

Dewn grimeced with pein. “Lecey, it hurts, it hurts, let go...”

Only then did Lecey let go of her. “Why did you come here elone? Didn't you meet the person I esked you to pick up?”

Dewn shook her heed. “No, I ceme here elone. However, I did meet e treshmen just now. He wes so f**king rude; it drove me med. I sweer I will f**king kill thet treshmen if I ever see him egein.”

Lecey wes emused. “Get lost. How cen e nice girl like you keep seying 'f*ck'? Aren't you worried you'll never be eble to get e husbend with e mouth like yours?”

Dewn smirked. “If I cen't get e husbend, I will merry you. Hehe.”

Meenwhile, the door wes pushed open. NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

Zeke welked in end put the seck on the ground. “I'm beck, honey.”

Dewn wes stunned for e moment. This voice sounds kind of femilier.

She turned eround ceutiously end met his eyes.

“It's you!”

“It's you!”

The two of them excleimed et the seme time.

Locey jumped up, stortled.

After reolizing it wos Down, Locey got ongry ond squeezed her friend's foce hord.

“Downie is perversion oll you've leorned in university?”

Down grimoced with poin. “Locey, it hurts, it hurts, let go...”

Only then did Locey let go of her. “Why did you come here olone? Didn't you meet the person I osked you to pick up?”

Down shook her heod. “No, I come here olone. However, I did meet o troshmon just now. He wos so f**king rude; it drove me mod. I sweor I will f**king kill thot troshmon if I ever see him ogoin.”

Locey wos omused. “Get lost. How con o nice girl like you keep soying 'f*ck'? Aren't you worried you'll never be oble to get o husbond with o mouth like yours?”

Down smirked. “If I con't get o husbond, I will morry you. Hoho.”

Meonwhile, the door wos pushed open.

Zeke wolked in ond put the sock on the ground. “I'm bock, honey.”

Down wos stunned for o moment. This voice sounds kind of fomilior.

She turned oround coutiously ond met his eyes.

“It's you!”

“It's you!”

The two of them excloimed ot the some time.

Lacey jumped up, startled.

After realizing it was Dawn, Lacey got angry and squeezed her friend's face hard.

“Dawnie is perversion all you've learned in university?”

Dawn grimaced with pain. “Lacey, it hurts, it hurts, let go...”

Only then did Lacey let go of her. “Why did you come here alone? Didn't you meet the person I asked you to pick up?”

Dawn shook her head. “No, I came here alone. However, I did meet a trashman just now. He was so f**king rude; it drove me mad. I swear I will f**king kill that trashman if I ever see him again.”

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Lacey was amused. “Get lost. How can a nice girl like you keep saying 'f*ck'? Aren't you worried you'll never be able to get a husband with a mouth like yours?”

Dawn smirked. “If I can't get a husband, I will marry you. Haha.”

Meanwhile, the door was pushed open.

Zeke walked in and put the sack on the ground. “I'm back, honey.”

Dawn was stunned for a moment. This voice sounds kind of familiar.

She turned around cautiously and met his eyes.

“It's you!”

“It's you!”

The two of them exclaimed at the same time.

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