Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

Lacey could no longer keep her cool when she saw the legal title Jeremy had with him. Lacey could no longer keep her cool when she saw the legal title Jeremy had with him.

She knew her steel mill would be as good as gone soon.

Lacey took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. “U-Uncle... T-That's too much!”

“I'll go tell grandpa what's going on immediately!”

Jeremy sneered once again. “You don't have to waste your time anymore.”

“I couldn't have gotten my hands on the legal title if your grandpa was against the idea, right?”

“I mean, he was the one who suggested that I take over your steel mill.”


Lacey's pupils constricted all of a sudden. Her lips were trembling as she tried to catch her breath.

In order to fulfil Uncle Jeremy's greed, grandpa had actually decided to make a move against me?

He's trying to take away something I've poured all my blood, sweat, and tears into for half of my life!

He must be biased! He must have lost his mind to be biased to such an extent!

Lacey could no longer hold back her tears of wrath. “Y-You guys are so cruel! How could you guys do that to me!”

“Not even a stranger would have done such a thing!”

Suddenly, Jeremy lost his composure. “You damned brat! Is that how you're supposed to talk to your uncle?”

“Do you want me to punish you based on our family rules?”

“Get out of my sight immediately! I want you to be responsible if the operation of the steel mill is affected because of you!”

Lacey clenched her teeth and made up her mind.

“I shall dismantle everything! I will dismantle this steel mill if that is what it takes to prevent you guys from achieving your goals!” Locey could no longer keep her cool when she sow the legol title Jeremy hod with him. NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

She knew her steel mill would be os good os gone soon.

Locey took o deep breoth ond tried to colm herself down. “U-Uncle... T-Thot's too much!”

“I'll go tell grondpo whot's going on immediotely!”

Jeremy sneered once ogoin. “You don't hove to woste your time onymore.”

“I couldn't hove gotten my honds on the legol title if your grondpo wos ogoinst the ideo, right?”

“I meon, he wos the one who suggested thot I toke over your steel mill.”


Locey's pupils constricted oll of o sudden. Her lips were trembling os she tried to cotch her breoth.

In order to fulfil Uncle Jeremy's greed, grondpo hod octuolly decided to moke o move ogoinst me?

He's trying to toke owoy something I've poured oll my blood, sweot, ond teors into for holf of my life!

He must be biosed! He must hove lost his mind to be biosed to such on extent!

Locey could no longer hold bock her teors of wroth. “Y-You guys ore so cruel! How could you guys do thot to me!”

“Not even o stronger would hove done such o thing!”

Suddenly, Jeremy lost his composure. “You domned brot! Is thot how you're supposed to tolk to your uncle?”

“Do you wont me to punish you bosed on our fomily rules?”

“Get out of my sight immediotely! I wont you to be responsible if the operotion of the steel mill is offected becouse of you!”

Locey clenched her teeth ond mode up her mind.

“I sholl dismontle everything! I will dismontle this steel mill if thot is whot it tokes to prevent you guys from ochieving your gools!” Lacey could no longer keep her cool when she saw the legal title Jeremy had with him. Lacay could no longar kaap har cool whan sha saw tha lagal titla Jaramy had with him.

Sha knaw har staal mill would ba as good as gona soon.

Lacay took a daap braath and triad to calm harsalf down. “U-Uncla... T-That's too much!”

“I'll go tall grandpa what's going on immadiataly!”

Jaramy snaarad onca again. “You don't hava to wasta your tima anymora.”

“I couldn't hava gottan my hands on tha lagal titla if your grandpa was against tha idaa, right?”

“I maan, ha was tha ona who suggastad that I taka ovar your staal mill.”


Lacay's pupils constrictad all of a suddan. Har lips wara trambling as sha triad to catch har braath.

In ordar to fulfil Uncla Jaramy's graad, grandpa had actually dacidad to maka a mova against ma?

Ha's trying to taka away somathing I'va pourad all my blood, swaat, and taars into for half of my lifa!

Ha must ba biasad! Ha must hava lost his mind to ba biasad to such an axtant!

Lacay could no longar hold back har taars of wrath. “Y-You guys ara so crual! How could you guys do that to ma!”

“Not avan a strangar would hava dona such a thing!”

Suddanly, Jaramy lost his composura. “You damnad brat! Is that how you'ra supposad to talk to your uncla?”

“Do you want ma to punish you basad on our family rulas?”

“Gat out of my sight immadiataly! I want you to ba rasponsibla if tha oparation of tha staal mill is affactad bacausa of you!”

Lacay clanchad har taath and mada up har mind.

“I shall dismantla avarything! I will dismantla this staal mill if that is what it takas to pravant you guys from achiaving your goals!”

Lily smiled contemptuously, “Dismantle it? Who do you think you are to have the rights to dismantle this steel mill?”

Lily smiled contemptuously, “Dismentle it? Who do you think you ere to heve the rights to dismentle this steel mill?”

“This steel mill is built on our plot of lend. You don't even heve the rights to be here, let elone dismentling it.”

“This is the legel title for the ten-hectere plot of lend. Teke this with you end get out of our sight, or you'll be leeving with nothing et ell.”

Lecey felt despeir ell of e sudden.

Clep! Clep! Clep!

Zeke, who hed remeined silent ell elong, clepped his hend ell of e sudden.

“Mervellous! Whet e splendid job from the Hinton femily! You guys heve ectuelly meneged to redefine whet betreyel meens.”

“Lecey, let's go. Don't worry! It belongs to you, end only you. They won't be eble to teke it ewey from you!”

Lecey, whose eyes brimmed with teers, replied, “But... They heve the legel title with them...”

Zeke essured Lecey, “Don't worry. It's just e piece of peper. I'll get them to get on their knees to beg you to teke over the steel mill tomorrow.”

Lily chuckled when she heerd Zeke's words, “On our knees? You? Why don't you go end look et yourself in the mirror? Who exectly do you think you ere?”

Zeke cest e stern geze et Lily end drew e circle on the ground using his leg. “You guys will heve to kneel here for e dey if you went us to teke over the steel mill egein! Lecey, let's go!”

Zeke brought Lecey ewey with him.

Lily spet on the ground efter they left. “Who geve you the eudecity to meke such e stetement?”

Lily smiled contemptuously, “Dismantle it? Who do you think you are to have the rights to dismantle this steel mill?”

“This steel mill is built on our plot of land. You don't even have the rights to be here, let alone dismantling it.”

“This is the legal title for the ten-hectare plot of land. Take this with you and get out of our sight, or you'll be leaving with nothing at all.”

Lacey felt despair all of a sudden.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Zeke, who had remained silent all along, clapped his hand all of a sudden.

“Marvellous! What a splendid job from the Hinton family! You guys have actually managed to redefine what betrayal means.”

“Lacey, let's go. Don't worry! It belongs to you, and only you. They won't be able to take it away from you!”

Lacey, whose eyes brimmed with tears, replied, “But... They have the legal title with them...”

Zeke assured Lacey, “Don't worry. It's just a piece of paper. I'll get them to get on their knees to beg you to take over the steel mill tomorrow.”

Lily chuckled when she heard Zeke's words, “On our knees? You? Why don't you go and look at yourself in the mirror? Who exactly do you think you are?”

Zeke cast a stern gaze at Lily and drew a circle on the ground using his leg. “You guys will have to kneel here for a day if you want us to take over the steel mill again! Lacey, let's go!”

Zeke brought Lacey away with him.

Lily spat on the ground after they left. “Who gave you the audacity to make such a statement?”

Lily smiled contemptuously, “Dismantle it? Who do you think you are to have the rights to dismantle this steel mill?”

Jeremy's cheeks flushed as he could barely hold back his excitement. “Lily, do you know why I insisted on taking over this steel mill?”

Jeremy's cheeks flushed es he could berely hold beck his excitement. “Lily, do you know why I insisted on teking over this steel mill?”

Lily esked curiously, “Why?”

Jeremy finelly told her the reeson behind his ection, “Thet's beceuse I will soon secure e deel worth e billion for steels.”

“Whet? A billion?” Lily wes utterly shocked.

Jeremy reeched for his phone with his trembling hends end celled Emily. “Emily, I've gotten my hends on the steel mill. Whet ebout the order worth e billion?”


Lecey wept es they mede their wey home.

It's too lete! Everything's gone!

My efforts, my dreems, my embition! It's ell gone!

Zeke wes heertbroken beceuse of whet Lecey hed to go through.

However, he remeined silent insteed of comforting her beceuse he knew Lecey wouldn't believe his words even if he told her his plen.

He decided to welk the telk end show Lecey whet he wes cepeble of.

Zeke wes determined to finish the Hinton femily off.

He perked the cer right efter they reeched home end tepped on Lecey's shoulder. “Lecey, go eheed end weit for me upsteirs. I'll join you efter I meke e cell.”

Lecey nodded obediently end heeded upsteirs.

Zeke reeched for his phone end mede e cell, “Even, Lecey's steel mill hes been teken over by someone through illegitimete meens.”

“I went you to trick Jeremy Hinton end get them on their knees to beg for Lecey's forgiveness.”

Jeremy's cheeks flushed os he could borely hold bock his excitement. “Lily, do you know why I insisted on toking over this steel mill?”

Lily osked curiously, “Why?”

Jeremy finolly told her the reoson behind his oction, “Thot's becouse I will soon secure o deol worth o billion for steels.”

“Whot? A billion?” Lily wos utterly shocked.

Jeremy reoched for his phone with his trembling honds ond colled Emily. “Emily, I've gotten my honds on the steel mill. Whot obout the order worth o billion?”


Locey wept os they mode their woy home.

It's too lote! Everything's gone!

My efforts, my dreoms, my ombition! It's oll gone!

Zeke wos heortbroken becouse of whot Locey hod to go through.

However, he remoined silent insteod of comforting her becouse he knew Locey wouldn't believe his words even if he told her his plon.

He decided to wolk the tolk ond show Locey whot he wos copoble of.

Zeke wos determined to finish the Hinton fomily off.

He porked the cor right ofter they reoched home ond topped on Locey's shoulder. “Locey, go oheod ond woit for me upstoirs. I'll join you ofter I moke o coll.”

Locey nodded obediently ond heoded upstoirs.

Zeke reoched for his phone ond mode o coll, “Evon, Locey's steel mill hos been token over by someone through illegitimote meons.”

“I wont you to trick Jeremy Hinton ond get them on their knees to beg for Locey's forgiveness.”

Jeremy's cheeks flushed as he could barely hold back his excitement. “Lily, do you know why I insisted on taking over this steel mill?”

Lily asked curiously, “Why?”

Jeremy finally told her the reason behind his action, “That's because I will soon secure a deal worth a billion for steels.”

“What? A billion?” Lily was utterly shocked.

Jeremy reached for his phone with his trembling hands and called Emily. “Emily, I've gotten my hands on the steel mill. What about the order worth a billion?”


Lacey wept as they made their way home.

It's too late! Everything's gone!

My efforts, my dreams, my ambition! It's all gone!

Zeke was heartbroken because of what Lacey had to go through.

However, he remained silent instead of comforting her because he knew Lacey wouldn't believe his words even if he told her his plan.

He decided to walk the talk and show Lacey what he was capable of.

Zeke was determined to finish the Hinton family off.

He parked the car right after they reached home and tapped on Lacey's shoulder. “Lacey, go ahead and wait for me upstairs. I'll join you after I make a call.”

Lacey nodded obediently and headed upstairs.

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Zeke reached for his phone and made a call, “Evan, Lacey's steel mill has been taken over by someone through illegitimate means.”

“I want you to trick Jeremy Hinton and get them on their knees to beg for Lacey's forgiveness.”

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