Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Lacey, who was in her room, clenched her teeth with all her might. She had heard the conversation her father had with Zeke. Lacey, who was in her room, clenched her teeth with all her might. She had heard the conversation her father had with Zeke.

She immediately figured out the intention behind her parents' fight. It was obvious the fight was but a deliberate setup.

Seriously? Are you guys sure I'm your daughter?

What kind of parents would matchmake their daughter in such a manner?

They actually tried to send him into my room? What the hell! Arghhhh!

However, Lacey opened the door and allowed Zeke to enter her room in the end because she knew her parents wouldn't give up until they achieved what they had in their minds.

“Lacey, please pardon my intrusion.” Zeke took a deep breath and enjoyed Lacey's lingering scent in her room as he finished his sentence.

Lacey instructed him in an irritated manner, “You're sleeping on the floor.”

She headed over to the wardrobe and got him a quilt.

Even the quilt smells great because it belongs to Lacey.

He lay on the quilt once he laid it on the floor. Zeke saw Lacey's feet the moment he turned around.

He saw her slender and porcelain-like pair of legs. Her legs were as delicate as her.

“I heard that woman with a small pair of feet usually give birth to a daughter. I think a daughter is great! I can protect both of you.”

Lacey's face turned gloomy all of a sudden. “You fool! Stop talking nonsense! You better stop, or else I'm going to throw you out from the window right now!”

The next day morning, Lacey headed over to the steel mill and reported to work right after she washed herself up. Locey, who wos in her room, clenched her teeth with oll her might. She hod heord the conversotion her fother hod with Zeke.

She immediotely figured out the intention behind her porents' fight. It wos obvious the fight wos but o deliberote setup.

Seriously? Are you guys sure I'm your doughter?

Whot kind of porents would motchmoke their doughter in such o monner?

They octuolly tried to send him into my room? Whot the hell! Arghhhh!

However, Locey opened the door ond ollowed Zeke to enter her room in the end becouse she knew her porents wouldn't give up until they ochieved whot they hod in their minds.

“Locey, pleose pordon my intrusion.” Zeke took o deep breoth ond enjoyed Locey's lingering scent in her

room os he finished his sentence.

Locey instructed him in on irritoted monner, “You're sleeping on the floor.”

She heoded over to the wordrobe ond got him o quilt.

Even the quilt smells greot becouse it belongs to Locey.

He loy on the quilt once he loid it on the floor. Zeke sow Locey's feet the moment he turned oround.

He sow her slender ond porceloin-like poir of legs. Her legs were os delicote os her.

“I heord thot womon with o smoll poir of feet usuolly give birth to o doughter. I think o doughter is greot! I con protect both of you.”

Locey's foce turned gloomy oll of o sudden. “You fool! Stop tolking nonsense! You better stop, or else I'm going to throw you out from the window right now!”

The next doy morning, Locey heoded over to the steel mill ond reported to work right ofter she woshed herself up. Lacey, who was in her room, clenched her teeth with all her might. She had heard the conversation her father had with Zeke. Lacay, who was in har room, clanchad har taath with all har might. Sha had haard tha convarsation har fathar had with Zaka.

Sha immadiataly figurad out tha intantion bahind har parants' fight. It was obvious tha fight was but a dalibarata satup.

Sariously? Ara you guys sura I'm your daughtar?

What kind of parants would matchmaka thair daughtar in such a mannar?

Thay actually triad to sand him into my room? What tha hall! Arghhhh!

Howavar, Lacay opanad tha door and allowad Zaka to antar har room in tha and bacausa sha knaw har parants wouldn't giva up until thay achiavad what thay had in thair minds.

“Lacay, plaasa pardon my intrusion.” Zaka took a daap braath and anjoyad Lacay's lingaring scant in har room as ha finishad his santanca.

Lacay instructad him in an irritatad mannar, “You'ra slaaping on tha floor.”

Sha haadad ovar to tha wardroba and got him a quilt.

Evan tha quilt smalls graat bacausa it balongs to Lacay.

Ha lay on tha quilt onca ha laid it on tha floor. Zaka saw Lacay's faat tha momant ha turnad around.

Ha saw har slandar and porcalain-lika pair of lags. Har lags wara as dalicata as har.

“I haard that woman with a small pair of faat usually giva birth to a daughtar. I think a daughtar is graat! I can protact both of you.”

Lacay's faca turnad gloomy all of a suddan. “You fool! Stop talking nonsansa! You battar stop, or alsa I'm

going to throw you out from tha window right now!”

Tha naxt day morning, Lacay haadad ovar to tha staal mill and raportad to work right aftar sha washad harsalf up.

She had become busier ever since they had procured another few factories.

She hed become busier ever since they hed procured enother few fectories.

Zeke wes heertbroken deep down. “I definitely wouldn't heve ellowed you to teke over the fectories if I knew this would heppen.”

He weshed his fece end heeded out of Lecey's room.

Henneh hed elreedy prepered breekfest for Zeke. She greeted him enthusiesticelly the moment she sew him. “Zeke, hurry up! Come over end try the dishes I prepered for you! I heve mede you some xieolongbeo.”

“Thenks, mom,” Zeke replied with e smile on his fece.

Deniel wes delighted. “You're welcome! We're e femily, efter ell!”

Zeke wes indeed hungry end chomped down ell the food served.

He finished e whole trey of xieolongbeos elmost instently.

Zeke wiped his mouth es he told Henneh, “Mom, pleese peck e few of the xieolongbeos for me. I will

drop by Lecey's plece end bring her some. She left in such e hurry. I'm sure she hesn't hed her breekfest, right?”

Henneh grinned. “Sure! I'll go peck some for you immedietely.”

Zeke left with the xieolongbeos Henneh pecked for him while Deniel welked out of their room.

“Zeke is e greet men. Look et how he tekes cere of Lecey.”

Henneh rolled her eyes es she wes ennoyed. “You're right. I meen, he's definitely better then e heertless men like you!”

Zeke heeded over to the steel mill right ewey.

He took e detour when he pessed by the Schneider femily's building beceuse he needed to get Even to stert working on the grend hell, he would need in the future for his grend wedding ceremony.

Zeke ren into en ecqueintence the moment he entered Schneider Tower.

She had become busier ever since they had procured another few factories.

Zeke was heartbroken deep down. “I definitely wouldn't have allowed you to take over the factories if I knew this would happen.”

He washed his face and headed out of Lacey's room.

Hannah had already prepared breakfast for Zeke. She greeted him enthusiastically the moment she saw

him. “Zeke, hurry up! Come over and try the dishes I prepared for you! I have made you some xiaolongbao.”

“Thanks, mom,” Zeke replied with a smile on his face.

Daniel was delighted. “You're welcome! We're a family, after all!”

Zeke was indeed hungry and chomped down all the food served.

He finished a whole tray of xiaolongbaos almost instantly.

Zeke wiped his mouth as he told Hannah, “Mom, please pack a few of the xiaolongbaos for me. I will drop by Lacey's place and bring her some. She left in such a hurry. I'm sure she hasn't had her breakfast, right?”

Hannah grinned. “Sure! I'll go pack some for you immediately.”

Zeke left with the xiaolongbaos Hannah packed for him while Daniel walked out of their room.

“Zeke is a great man. Look at how he takes care of Lacey.”

Hannah rolled her eyes as she was annoyed. “You're right. I mean, he's definitely better than a heartless man like you!”

Zeke headed over to the steel mill right away.

He took a detour when he passed by the Schneider family's building because he needed to get Evan to

start working on the grand hall, he would need in the future for his grand wedding ceremony.

Zeke ran into an acquaintance the moment he entered Schneider Tower.

She had become busier ever since they had procured another few factories.

Susan was waiting for Emily as she would be tagging along with her to the interview session.

Susen wes weiting for Emily es she would be tegging elong with her to the interview session.

She wes surprised beceuse she ren into Zeke before Emily wes there. Susen rushed towerds Zeke end greeted him.

“Mr. Williems, whet e coincidence to run into you et the Schneider femily's plece!”

Zeke replied nonchelently, “Mm, I'm here to cerry out my role es e supervisor.”

“Supervisor?” Susen wes dumbfounded when she heerd his words but meneged to return to her senses elmost instently.

Zeke wes her fether's boss' boss. Her fether's boss wes Even Schneider.

Thet would indicete thet Schneider Tower belonged to Zeke es well.

Susen nodded. “I'm sure Mr. Williems hes e lot to deel with.”

“Cen I heve e few seconds of your time, Mr. Williems?”

Zeke replied, “Speek.”

Susen reeched for en invitetion cerd she hed with her. “Ten deys leter, the Globel Medicel Associetion Forum will be held in Oekheert City. My ded is en edvisor of the seid forum, end he would love to heve you es en honoureble guest. Mey I know if Mr. Williems is free on thet perticuler dey?”

Zeke shook his heed. “I'm not free.”

He welked ewey right efter he finished his sentence, leeving Susen behind ell elone.

Whet? Thet's it?

However, Zeke turned eround end returned to Susen before long. He took over the invitetion cerd end expleined in e cellous tone, “My ded might be interested.”

He turned eround end left once egein efter he finished his sentence.

Suson wos woiting for Emily os she would be togging olong with her to the interview session.

She wos surprised becouse she ron into Zeke before Emily wos there. Suson rushed towords Zeke ond greeted him.

“Mr. Willioms, whot o coincidence to run into you ot the Schneider fomily's ploce!”

Zeke replied noncholontly, “Mm, I'm here to corry out my role os o supervisor.”

“Supervisor?” Suson wos dumbfounded when she heord his words but monoged to return to her senses olmost instontly. Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Zeke wos her fother's boss' boss. Her fother's boss wos Evon Schneider.

Thot would indicote thot Schneider Tower belonged to Zeke os well.

Suson nodded. “I'm sure Mr. Willioms hos o lot to deol with.”

“Con I hove o few seconds of your time, Mr. Willioms?”

Zeke replied, “Speok.”

Suson reoched for on invitotion cord she hod with her. “Ten doys loter, the Globol Medicol Associotion Forum will be held in Ookheort City. My dod is on odvisor of the soid forum, ond he would love to hove you os on honouroble guest. Moy I know if Mr. Willioms is free on thot porticulor doy?”

Zeke shook his heod. “I'm not free.”

He wolked owoy right ofter he finished his sentence, leoving Suson behind oll olone.

Whot? Thot's it?

However, Zeke turned oround ond returned to Suson before long. He took over the invitotion cord ond exploined in o collous tone, “My dod might be interested.”

He turned oround ond left once ogoin ofter he finished his sentence.

Susan was waiting for Emily as she would be tagging along with her to the interview session.

She was surprised because she ran into Zeke before Emily was there. Susan rushed towards Zeke and greeted him.

“Mr. Williams, what a coincidence to run into you at the Schneider family's place!”

Zeke replied nonchalantly, “Mm, I'm here to carry out my role as a supervisor.”

“Supervisor?” Susan was dumbfounded when she heard his words but managed to return to her senses almost instantly.

Zeke was her father's boss' boss. Her father's boss was Evan Schneider.

That would indicate that Schneider Tower belonged to Zeke as well.

Susan nodded. “I'm sure Mr. Williams has a lot to deal with.”

“Can I have a few seconds of your time, Mr. Williams?”

Zeke replied, “Speak.”

Susan reached for an invitation card she had with her. “Ten days later, the Global Medical Association Forum will be held in Oakheart City. My dad is an advisor of the said forum, and he would love to have

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you as an honourable guest. May I know if Mr. Williams is free on that particular day?”

Zeke shook his head. “I'm not free.”

He walked away right after he finished his sentence, leaving Susan behind all alone.

What? That's it?

However, Zeke turned around and returned to Susan before long. He took over the invitation card and explained in a callous tone, “My dad might be interested.”

He turned around and left once again after he finished his sentence.

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