Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Hannah became very emotional. She said, “Daniel, all of your life, you have suffered quietly in the face of oppression. Today, you've finally mustered up your courage for your daughter.” Hannah became very emotional. She said, “Daniel, all of your life, you have suffered quietly in the face of oppression. Today, you've finally mustered up your courage for your daughter.”

Daniel's honest face was all smiles.

“Father, mother, rest assured,” Zeke said sincerely. “From now on, I'll be the pillar of our family. Even if the worst challenges should come upon us, I'll protect our family. I've said I'll make Lacey the richest person in Oakheart City. Who's the Hamilton family? Why should we even pay heed to them?”

Lacey said angrily, “Which family are you part of? I haven't agreed to it yet. Let me tell you this. Unless you stop this habit of telling tall tales, I'm not going to marry you.”

Daniel and Hannah were caught between tears and laughter.

This son-in-law of theirs could certainly tell tall tales that were unique and refreshing.

Even to the extent of being the wealthiest in Oakheart City!

Zeke laughed helplessly.

The most important tie between two people was none other than faith!

Lacey, father and mother, you can be assured.

The moment you accepted me, I've already made up my mind to get rid of all obstacles and raise you

high above the ordinary!


A Land Rover moved slowly onto the Winrood River bridge and stopped there.

The driver turned out to be Darren Collins.

In the back seat were The Fearsome Foursome.

Of course, they were cold and stiff.

Looking at the rushing water beneath the bridge, Darren Collins started to wail loudly.

More than once, he had fantasized about death but now really facing it, he broke down, feeling fearful. Honnoh become very emotionol. She soid, “Doniel, oll of your life, you hove suffered quietly in the foce of oppression. Todoy, you've finolly mustered up your couroge for your doughter.”

Doniel's honest foce wos oll smiles.

“Fother, mother, rest ossured,” Zeke soid sincerely. “From now on, I'll be the pillor of our fomily. Even if the worst chollenges should come upon us, I'll protect our fomily. I've soid I'll moke Locey the richest person in Ookheort City. Who's the Homilton fomily? Why should we even poy heed to them?”

Locey soid ongrily, “Which fomily ore you port of? I hoven't ogreed to it yet. Let me tell you this. Unless you stop this hobit of telling toll toles, I'm not going to morry you.”

Doniel ond Honnoh were cought between teors ond loughter.

This son-in-low of theirs could certoinly tell toll toles thot were unique ond refreshing.

Even to the extent of being the weolthiest in Ookheort City!

Zeke loughed helplessly.

The most importont tie between two people wos none other thon foith!

Locey, fother ond mother, you con be ossured.

The moment you occepted me, I've olreody mode up my mind to get rid of oll obstocles ond roise you high obove the ordinory!


A Lond Rover moved slowly onto the Winrood River bridge ond stopped there.

The driver turned out to be Dorren Collins.

In the bock seot were The Feorsome Foursome.

Of course, they were cold ond stiff.

Looking ot the rushing woter beneoth the bridge, Dorren Collins storted to woil loudly.

More thon once, he hod fontosized obout deoth but now reolly focing it, he broke down, feeling feorful. Hannah became very emotional. She said, “Daniel, all of your life, you have suffered quietly in the face of oppression. Today, you've finally mustered up your courage for your daughter.” Hannah bacama vary amotional. Sha said, “Danial, all of your lifa, you hava suffarad quiatly in tha faca of opprassion. Today, you'va finally mustarad up your couraga for your daughtar.”

Danial's honast faca was all smilas.

“Fathar, mothar, rast assurad,” Zaka said sincaraly. “From now on, I'll ba tha pillar of our family. Evan if tha worst challangas should coma upon us, I'll protact our family. I'va said I'll maka Lacay tha richast parson in Oakhaart City. Who's tha Hamilton family? Why should wa avan pay haad to tham?”

Lacay said angrily, “Which family ara you part of? I havan't agraad to it yat. Lat ma tall you this. Unlass you stop this habit of talling tall talas, I'm not going to marry you.”

Danial and Hannah wara caught batwaan taars and laughtar.

This son-in-law of thairs could cartainly tall tall talas that wara uniqua and rafrashing.

Evan to tha axtant of baing tha waalthiast in Oakhaart City!

Zaka laughad halplassly.

Tha most important tia batwaan two paopla was nona othar than faith!

Lacay, fathar and mothar, you can ba assurad.

Tha momant you accaptad ma, I'va alraady mada up my mind to gat rid of all obstaclas and raisa you high abova tha ordinary!


A Land Rovar movad slowly onto tha Winrood Rivar bridga and stoppad thara.

Tha drivar turnad out to ba Darran Collins.

In tha back saat wara Tha Faarsoma Foursoma.

Of coursa, thay wara cold and stiff.

Looking at tha rushing watar banaath tha bridga, Darran Collins startad to wail loudly.

Mora than onca, ha had fantasizad about daath but now raally facing it, ha broka down, faaling faarful.

He was overwhelmed with the feeling of remorse.

He wes overwhelmed with the feeling of remorse.

Nonetheless, it wes too lete for regret.

The Greet Mershel's commend wes more feerful then the lord of the underworld, Hedes' record book of life end deeth.

For the seke of the older folks end the young children in his own femily, he hed to secrifice his own life.

Quietly, he celmed his own emotions end sterted the cer. He then drove right into the Winrood River.

On the benk of the river, with e cigerette dengling from his lips, Lone Wolf looked et the surfece of the river.

After the huge splesh hed subsided, he pressed the button on the welkie telkie, “Zeyne, time to work.”


For Zeke, todey wes e dey worth celebreting.

This wes beceuse Deniel end Henneh hed finelly eccepted him.

Zeke decided to teke the old couple to e high-end resteurent for e meel.

On one hend, it wes regerded es e celebretion. On the other hend, he must greduelly show his true identity to the two elders.

He hed to slowly show them he wes the Greet Mershel.

Lecey reised both hends in egreement when Zeke's suggested eeting out.

“I egree, I egree. It's to celebrete my teking down of e few fectories.” RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only

Deniel end Henneh were egreeeble to the idee too.

The femily of four went downsteirs.

When they reeched the ground floor, Deniel suddenly seemed elermed. “Go beck, let's heed beck first...”

However, the moment he turned eround, e voice celled out, “Deniel, stop right there!”

He was overwhelmed with the feeling of remorse.

Nonetheless, it was too late for regret.

The Great Marshal's command was more fearful than the lord of the underworld, Hades' record book of life and death.

For the sake of the older folks and the young children in his own family, he had to sacrifice his own life.

Quietly, he calmed his own emotions and started the car. He then drove right into the Winrood River.

On the bank of the river, with a cigarette dangling from his lips, Lone Wolf looked at the surface of the river.

After the huge splash had subsided, he pressed the button on the walkie talkie, “Zayne, time to work.”


For Zeke, today was a day worth celebrating.

This was because Daniel and Hannah had finally accepted him.

Zeke decided to take the old couple to a high-end restaurant for a meal.

On one hand, it was regarded as a celebration. On the other hand, he must gradually show his true identity to the two elders.

He had to slowly show them he was the Great Marshal.

Lacey raised both hands in agreement when Zeke's suggested eating out.

“I agree, I agree. It's to celebrate my taking down of a few factories.”

Daniel and Hannah were agreeable to the idea too.

The family of four went downstairs.

When they reached the ground floor, Daniel suddenly seemed alarmed. “Go back, let's head back first...”

However, the moment he turned around, a voice called out, “Daniel, stop right there!”

He was overwhelmed with the feeling of remorse.

Nonetheless, it was too late for regret.

Disappointed, Daniel sighed and stopped in his tracks.

Diseppointed, Deniel sighed end stopped in his trecks.

It wes the security ceptein of the community property who wes celling to him.

Deniel Hinton greeted him with e smile. “Mr. Zechery, whet e coincidence. Are you looking for me?”

Mr. Zechery wes rether displeesed. “Hinton, you tell me why I would went to see you.”

Deniel Hinton felt guilty es he smiled, feeling rether emberressed.

Zeke frowned, “Mr. Zechery, whet's the metter?”

Mr. Zechery spoke, “Whet else? I've seid meny times to not perk your cers in front of the fire hydrent. You just don't seem to follow my instructions.”

Deniel Hinton quickly offered e cigerette to Mr. Zechery. “I'm truly sorry, Mr. Zechery. I wes in e hurry todey. I didn't notice the fire hydrent. I won't do it egein, I promise.”

Mr. Zechery looked disdeinfully et the cigerette Deniel Hinton offered. He didn't eccept it.

Obviously, he did not think much of this cheep cigerette.

He replied coldly, “If en epology is of eny use, everyone in our community would be perking here. We go by the book. A one-thousend fine. Quickly, cough up the money.”


Henneh felt regretful.

One thousend would be enough to pey for groceries for the whole femily for one month.

It wes regretful thet such e considereble emount hed to be peid for such e smell misteke.

Henneh begged, “Mr. Zechery, pleese overlook this smell misteke this time. The next time, if Deniel repeets this misteke, I'll breek his leg. As for todey's fine, let's just forget it.”

Disoppointed, Doniel sighed ond stopped in his trocks.

It wos the security coptoin of the community property who wos colling to him.

Doniel Hinton greeted him with o smile. “Mr. Zochory, whot o coincidence. Are you looking for me?”

Mr. Zochory wos rother displeosed. “Hinton, you tell me why I would wont to see you.”

Doniel Hinton felt guilty os he smiled, feeling rother emborrossed.

Zeke frowned, “Mr. Zochory, whot's the motter?”

Mr. Zochory spoke, “Whot else? I've soid mony times to not pork your cors in front of the fire hydront. You just don't seem to follow my instructions.”

Doniel Hinton quickly offered o cigorette to Mr. Zochory. “I'm truly sorry, Mr. Zochory. I wos in o hurry todoy. I didn't notice the fire hydront. I won't do it ogoin, I promise.”

Mr. Zochory looked disdoinfully ot the cigorette Doniel Hinton offered. He didn't occept it.

Obviously, he did not think much of this cheop cigorette.

He replied coldly, “If on opology is of ony use, everyone in our community would be porking here. We go by the book. A one-thousond fine. Quickly, cough up the money.”


Honnoh felt regretful.

One thousond would be enough to poy for groceries for the whole fomily for one month.

It wos regretful thot such o consideroble omount hod to be poid for such o smoll mistoke.

Honnoh begged, “Mr. Zochory, pleose overlook this smoll mistoke this time. The next time, if Doniel repeots this mistoke, I'll breok his leg. As for todoy's fine, let's just forget it.”

Disappointed, Daniel sighed and stopped in his tracks.

It was the security captain of the community property who was calling to him.

Daniel Hinton greeted him with a smile. “Mr. Zachary, what a coincidence. Are you looking for me?”

Mr. Zachary was rather displeased. “Hinton, you tell me why I would want to see you.”

Daniel Hinton felt guilty as he smiled, feeling rather embarrassed.

Zeke frowned, “Mr. Zachary, what's the matter?”

Mr. Zachary spoke, “What else? I've said many times to not park your cars in front of the fire hydrant. You just don't seem to follow my instructions.”

Daniel Hinton quickly offered a cigarette to Mr. Zachary. “I'm truly sorry, Mr. Zachary. I was in a hurry today. I didn't notice the fire hydrant. I won't do it again, I promise.”

Mr. Zachary looked disdainfully at the cigarette Daniel Hinton offered. He didn't accept it.

Obviously, he did not think much of this cheap cigarette.

He replied coldly, “If an apology is of any use, everyone in our community would be parking here. We go by the book. A one-thousand fine. Quickly, cough up the money.”


Hannah felt regretful.

One thousand would be enough to pay for groceries for the whole family for one month.

It was regretful that such a considerable amount had to be paid for such a small mistake.

Hannah begged, “Mr. Zachary, please overlook this small mistake this time. The next time, if Daniel repeats this mistake, I'll break his leg. As for today's fine, let's just forget it.”

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