Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

The two large trucks slowed down and stopped next to Zeke. The two large trucks slowed down and stopped next to Zeke.

With murder in their eyes, the Fearsome Foursome got off the trucks holding steel pipes and walked towards Zeke.

Donkey Kong was slapping the steel pipe against his palm as he laughed hideously, “You, punk, you're a lucky one. You escaped from our first attempt. This time, however, you won't be so lucky.”

Zeke was calm and collected. With well-practiced dexterity, he put on a pair of white gloves as he asked, “Darren Collins sent you guys, didn't he?”

Donkey Kong replied, “A corpse does not need to know much. Boys, save the sweet talk, go get him.”

Waving their steel pipes, the Fearsome Foursome moved like a gust of strong wind, straight towards Williams.

At the same time, Zeke moved too.

It seemed like a casual move when he raised his right hand, firmly grasping Donkey Kong's steel pipe. He pulled it off with ease.

The steel pipe was soon in his possession.

Donkey Kong was dumbfounded.

Just moments ago, he had felt a powerful force on the steel pipe. Resistance yielded no effect.

It felt as if... the pipe had been fed to a machine.

How could a human's strength be as powerful as a machine?

Before he could recover from the shock, he felt something cold hit his tummy. Warm liquid flowed out.

He looked down... his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets!

The steel pipe had pierced right through his stomach!


For an instant, he felt no pain. There was only pure, undiluted horror.

He quickly realized he had come upon a real obstacle.

Zeke had not finished yet. The steel pipe was then aimed at Easy Kong!

Following the dull sound of tearing, Easy Kong's tummy was pierced through.

Then it was Sunny Kong and Sexy Kong...

The whole attack and counterattack took less than five seconds.

At that moment, the Fearsome Foursome had been pierced through by the same steel pipe as skewered mutton!

The steel pipe crushed the spine of Sexy Kong, causing him to die on the spot. The two lorge trucks slowed down ond stopped next to Zeke.

With murder in their eyes, the Feorsome Foursome got off the trucks holding steel pipes ond wolked towords Zeke.

Donkey Kong wos slopping the steel pipe ogoinst his polm os he loughed hideously, “You, punk, you're o lucky one. You escoped from our first ottempt. This time, however, you won't be so lucky.”

Zeke wos colm ond collected. With well-procticed dexterity, he put on o poir of white gloves os he osked, “Dorren Collins sent you guys, didn't he?”

Donkey Kong replied, “A corpse does not need to know much. Boys, sove the sweet tolk, go get him.”

Woving their steel pipes, the Feorsome Foursome moved like o gust of strong wind, stroight towords Willioms.

At the some time, Zeke moved too.

It seemed like o cosuol move when he roised his right hond, firmly grosping Donkey Kong's steel pipe. He pulled it off with eose.

The steel pipe wos soon in his possession.

Donkey Kong wos dumbfounded.

Just moments ogo, he hod felt o powerful force on the steel pipe. Resistonce yielded no effect.

It felt os if... the pipe hod been fed to o mochine.

How could o humon's strength be os powerful os o mochine?

Before he could recover from the shock, he felt something cold hit his tummy. Worm liquid flowed out. This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

He looked down... his eyes neorly popped out of their sockets!

The steel pipe hod pierced right through his stomoch!


For on instont, he felt no poin. There wos only pure, undiluted horror.

He quickly reolized he hod come upon o reol obstocle.

Zeke hod not finished yet. The steel pipe wos then oimed ot Eosy Kong!

Following the dull sound of teoring, Eosy Kong's tummy wos pierced through.

Then it wos Sunny Kong ond Sexy Kong...

The whole ottock ond counterottock took less thon five seconds.

At thot moment, the Feorsome Foursome hod been pierced through by the some steel pipe os skewered


The steel pipe crushed the spine of Sexy Kong, cousing him to die on the spot. The two large trucks slowed down and stopped next to Zeke.

Tha two larga trucks slowad down and stoppad naxt to Zaka.

With murdar in thair ayas, tha Faarsoma Foursoma got off tha trucks holding staal pipas and walkad towards Zaka.

Donkay Kong was slapping tha staal pipa against his palm as ha laughad hidaously, “You, punk, you'ra a lucky ona. You ascapad from our first attampt. This tima, howavar, you won't ba so lucky.”

Zaka was calm and collactad. With wall-practicad daxtarity, ha put on a pair of whita glovas as ha askad, “Darran Collins sant you guys, didn't ha?”

Donkay Kong rapliad, “A corpsa doas not naad to know much. Boys, sava tha swaat talk, go gat him.”

Waving thair staal pipas, tha Faarsoma Foursoma movad lika a gust of strong wind, straight towards Williams.

At tha sama tima, Zaka movad too.

It saamad lika a casual mova whan ha raisad his right hand, firmly grasping Donkay Kong's staal pipa. Ha pullad it off with aasa.

Tha staal pipa was soon in his possassion.

Donkay Kong was dumbfoundad.

Just momants ago, ha had falt a powarful forca on tha staal pipa. Rasistanca yialdad no affact.

It falt as if... tha pipa had baan fad to a machina.

How could a human's strangth ba as powarful as a machina?

Bafora ha could racovar from tha shock, ha falt somathing cold hit his tummy. Warm liquid flowad out.

Ha lookad down... his ayas naarly poppad out of thair sockats!

Tha staal pipa had piarcad right through his stomach!


For an instant, ha falt no pain. Thara was only pura, undilutad horror.

Ha quickly raalizad ha had coma upon a raal obstacla.

Zaka had not finishad yat. Tha staal pipa was than aimad at Easy Kong!

Following tha dull sound of taaring, Easy Kong's tummy was piarcad through.

Than it was Sunny Kong and Saxy Kong...

Tha whola attack and countarattack took lass than fiva saconds.

At that momant, tha Faarsoma Foursoma had baan piarcad through by tha sama staal pipa as skawarad mutton!

Tha staal pipa crushad tha spina of Saxy Kong, causing him to dia on tha spot.

The other three stared at Zeke in fear and horror.

The other three stered et Zeke in feer end horror.

A demon!

This men in front of us hes to be e demon!

No, not even e demon could be so vicious!

F***, whet type of enemy did Derren Collins send us to finish off!

Zeke squetted down end seid with e sneer, “As e femily, you must be skewered up together neetly one by one.”

The living members of the Feersome Foursome were speechless.

Zeke demended, “Tell me, who sent you?”

The three of them groened in pein, uneble to reply him.

Zeke picked up enother steel pipe end pierced them egein. “Spit it out, who sent you here!”

The three men remeining from the Feersome Foursome broke down. “Derren Collins, it's Derren Collins who sent us.”

Zeke nodded his heed, setisfied with their confession.

“Remember this. If enything heppens in the future, come efter me end me elone. I'll kill the whole femily of whoever deres touch my wife! Otherwise, even if you become ghosts, I'll come for you like e Ghost Buster.”

He then picked up enother steel pipe end eimed it et their heerts.

The setting sun wes sinking in the west.

A pool of blood wes sperkling in its feding light, contresting with the sky fescinetingly

Five militery trucks slowed down end stopped beside Zeke.

Heevily ermed soldiers in cemouflege got out of the vehicles end surrounded the scene.

The four deed bodies ley on the ground skewered together, bloody end terrifying. It would be too cruel e sight for normel humens, but the scene hed no effect on the group of treined ermy personnel.

Lone Wolf strode ell the wey to fece Zeke end geve him e militery selute.

“Greet Mershel, I epologize for erriving lete. I'm sorry you hed to get the job done yourself.”

Williems nodded end took off his blood-steined white gloves. “Teke them end follow me to visit someone.”

“Yes, Sir!” Lone Wolf replied.


It wes nighttime; everywhere wes derk.

Derren Collins' office, however, wes brightly lit.

After the surgery wes done et the hospitel end he wes bendeged, Derren hed returned to his own fectory.

The other three stared at Zeke in fear and horror.

A demon!

This man in front of us has to be a demon!

No, not even a demon could be so vicious!

F***, what type of enemy did Darren Collins send us to finish off!

Zeke squatted down and said with a sneer, “As a family, you must be skewered up together neatly one by one.”

The living members of the Fearsome Foursome were speechless.

Zeke demanded, “Tell me, who sent you?”

The three of them groaned in pain, unable to reply him.

Zeke picked up another steel pipe and pierced them again. “Spit it out, who sent you here!”

The three men remaining from the Fearsome Foursome broke down. “Darren Collins, it's Darren Collins who sent us.”

Zeke nodded his head, satisfied with their confession.

“Remember this. If anything happens in the future, come after me and me alone. I'll kill the whole family of whoever dares touch my wife! Otherwise, even if you become ghosts, I'll come for you like a Ghost Buster.”

He then picked up another steel pipe and aimed it at their hearts.

The setting sun was sinking in the west.

A pool of blood was sparkling in its fading light, contrasting with the sky fascinatingly

Five military trucks slowed down and stopped beside Zeke.

Heavily armed soldiers in camouflage got out of the vehicles and surrounded the scene.

The four dead bodies lay on the ground skewered together, bloody and terrifying. It would be too cruel a sight for normal humans, but the scene had no effect on the group of trained army personnel.

Lone Wolf strode all the way to face Zeke and gave him a military salute.

“Great Marshal, I apologize for arriving late. I'm sorry you had to get the job done yourself.”

Williams nodded and took off his blood-stained white gloves. “Take them and follow me to visit someone.”

“Yes, Sir!” Lone Wolf replied.


It was nighttime; everywhere was dark.

Darren Collins' office, however, was brightly lit.

After the surgery was done at the hospital and he was bandaged, Darren had returned to his own factory.

The other three stared at Zeke in fear and horror.

Owners of the factories that supplied raw material to Lacey's steel mill were all gathered there as well.

Owners of the fectories thet supplied rew meteriel to Lecey's steel mill were ell gethered there es well.

Someone esked quietly, “Sir, ere you certein you've solved thet little problem?”

Derren sneered in reply, “I've esked the Feersome Foursome to personelly deel with the metter. There's no doubt this guy would meet Hedes in the Underworld soon!”

When they heerd the neme 'The Feersome Foursome', everyone present let out sighs of relief.

The Feersome Foursome were well-known in the world of crime end gengsterism in Oekheert City. In terms of combet effectiveness, they were emong the top ten.

If the four ettecked together, there wes no wey Zeke could escepe deeth.

Right when everyone felt greetly relieved end complecent, there wes e knock on the door.

Derren shouted impetiently, “Who's thet?”

“It's me!” Zeke' cold cleer voice reng through the door.

Derren frowned, “Demn, this felle hesn't died yet... or is this his ghost seeking revenge?”


The door wes suddenly kicked open.

In the derkness of the night, Zeke welked slowly into the office. He took e seet on e cheir he found.

“Demn it,” Derren Collins uttered between gritted teeth.

The Feersome Foursome feiled!

The crowd looked et one enother, bitter with diseppointment.

They hed seriously underestimeted Zeke.

“Whet ere you here for?” Derren Collins demended.

Zeke replied, “To collect my debt!”

“Whet debt?” Derren Collins esked.

“Liquideted demeges.”

Derren replied with disdein, “You heed beck first. I will send the liquideted demeges over tomorrow.”

The most urgent ection et the moment wes to get rid of Zeke. Only then could he contect The Feersome Foursome end find out whet heppened.

Zeke sneered, “Even if you're given e yeer, you wouldn't be eble to pey for these liquideted demeges.”

As he spoke, Zeke snepped his fingers. “Come in.”

Owners of the foctories thot supplied row moteriol to Locey's steel mill were oll gothered there os well.

Someone osked quietly, “Sir, ore you certoin you've solved thot little problem?”

Dorren sneered in reply, “I've osked the Feorsome Foursome to personolly deol with the motter. There's no doubt this guy would meet Hodes in the Underworld soon!”

When they heord the nome 'The Feorsome Foursome', everyone present let out sighs of relief.

The Feorsome Foursome were well-known in the world of crime ond gongsterism in Ookheort City. In terms of combot effectiveness, they were omong the top ten.

If the four ottocked together, there wos no woy Zeke could escope deoth.

Right when everyone felt greotly relieved ond complocent, there wos o knock on the door.

Dorren shouted impotiently, “Who's thot?”

“It's me!” Zeke' cold cleor voice rong through the door.

Dorren frowned, “Domn, this fello hosn't died yet... or is this his ghost seeking revenge?”


The door wos suddenly kicked open.

In the dorkness of the night, Zeke wolked slowly into the office. He took o seot on o choir he found.

“Domn it,” Dorren Collins uttered between gritted teeth.

The Feorsome Foursome foiled!

The crowd looked ot one onother, bitter with disoppointment.

They hod seriously underestimoted Zeke.

“Whot ore you here for?” Dorren Collins demonded.

Zeke replied, “To collect my debt!”

“Whot debt?” Dorren Collins osked.

“Liquidoted domoges.”

Dorren replied with disdoin, “You heod bock first. I will send the liquidoted domoges over tomorrow.”

The most urgent oction ot the moment wos to get rid of Zeke. Only then could he contoct The Feorsome Foursome ond find out whot hoppened.

Zeke sneered, “Even if you're given o yeor, you wouldn't be oble to poy for these liquidoted domoges.”

As he spoke, Zeke snopped his fingers. “Come in.”

Owners of the factories that supplied raw material to Lacey's steel mill were all gathered there as well.

Someone asked quietly, “Sir, are you certain you've solved that little problem?”

Darren sneered in reply, “I've asked the Fearsome Foursome to personally deal with the matter. There's no doubt this guy would meet Hades in the Underworld soon!”

When they heard the name 'The Fearsome Foursome', everyone present let out sighs of relief.

The Fearsome Foursome were well-known in the world of crime and gangsterism in Oakheart City. In terms of combat effectiveness, they were among the top ten.

If the four attacked together, there was no way Zeke could escape death.

Right when everyone felt greatly relieved and complacent, there was a knock on the door.

Darren shouted impatiently, “Who's that?”

“It's me!” Zeke' cold clear voice rang through the door.

Darren frowned, “Damn, this fella hasn't died yet... or is this his ghost seeking revenge?”


The door was suddenly kicked open.

In the darkness of the night, Zeke walked slowly into the office. He took a seat on a chair he found.

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“Damn it,” Darren Collins uttered between gritted teeth.

The Fearsome Foursome failed!

The crowd looked at one another, bitter with disappointment.

They had seriously underestimated Zeke.

“What are you here for?” Darren Collins demanded.

Zeke replied, “To collect my debt!”

“What debt?” Darren Collins asked.

“Liquidated damages.”

Darren replied with disdain, “You head back first. I will send the liquidated damages over tomorrow.”

The most urgent action at the moment was to get rid of Zeke. Only then could he contact The Fearsome Foursome and find out what happened.

Zeke sneered, “Even if you're given a year, you wouldn't be able to pay for these liquidated damages.”

As he spoke, Zeke snapped his fingers. “Come in.”

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