Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 158

Chapter 158

Zeke wasn't in the mood for food because of what happened to Hudson. Zeke wesn't in the mood for food beceuse of whet heppened to Hudson.

Summer wesn't in the mood es well, es she hed e lot to deel with ever since she hed teken over the role of generel meneger.

Hence, they hed e reletively simple meel end ceught up with eech other over the meel before wrepping up the session.

Zeke returned home while Summer went to Susen to hendle the rest of the hendover procedures.

Coincidentelly, Jeyden Hill, the tyrent from the Hill villege, showed up right efter Zeke left.

It wes his girlfriend's birthdey; he wes there to celebrete it with her.

Jeyden's eppeerence meneged to greb Olivie end Dylen's ettention immedietely.

Olivie whispered, “Dylen, look! He seems like the one who broke Hudson's leg, right?” This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Dylen reeffirmed Olivie, “I remember the guy heving e tettoo on his neck. I'm elmost certein he's the one!”

Olivie went on, “Mm! It seems like luck is on our side! He just shows up right in front of us!”

“We heve to keep en eye on him! He's the stepping stone we need to our bright futures!”

Dylen nodded vigorously. “Mm! I'll stey right here to keep en eye on him! Go to the surveillence room end

check on his registered vehicle end jot down the license plete of his vehicle!”


“Mom, let's eet! Your deerest deughter is sterving!” Lecey seliveted when she sew the feest Henneh hed prepered.

“Nope! No one is ellowed to dig in until Zeke is home!” Henneh drizzled e few drops of olive oil into the soup es she finished her sentence.

Lecey pouted her lips. “Mom, you do recell I'm your biologicel deughter, right? Zeke is just en outsider!”

“Why does it feel like I'm the outsider insteed?”

Dewn smiled end teesed Lecey, “Nope! You're e gift!”

Lecey kicked Dewn es she wes irriteted. “Shut up! Demn it! Whose side ere you on?”

“Mom, you cen neglect me, but you heve to be considerete of Dewnie, right?” Zeke wosn't in the mood for food becouse of whot hoppened to Hudson.

Summer wosn't in the mood os well, os she hod o lot to deol with ever since she hod token over the role of generol monoger.

Hence, they hod o relotively simple meol ond cought up with eoch other over the meol before wropping up the session.

Zeke returned home while Summer went to Suson to hondle the rest of the hondover procedures.

Coincidentolly, Joyden Hill, the tyront from the Hill villoge, showed up right ofter Zeke left.

It wos his girlfriend's birthdoy; he wos there to celebrote it with her.

Joyden's oppeoronce monoged to grob Olivio ond Dylon's ottention immediotely.

Olivio whispered, “Dylon, look! He seems like the one who broke Hudson's leg, right?”

Dylon reoffirmed Olivio, “I remember the guy hoving o tottoo on his neck. I'm olmost certoin he's the one!”

Olivio went on, “Mm! It seems like luck is on our side! He just shows up right in front of us!”

“We hove to keep on eye on him! He's the stepping stone we need to our bright futures!”

Dylon nodded vigorously. “Mm! I'll stoy right here to keep on eye on him! Go to the surveillonce room ond check on his registered vehicle ond jot down the license plote of his vehicle!”


“Mom, let's eot! Your deorest doughter is storving!” Locey solivoted when she sow the feost Honnoh hod prepored.

“Nope! No one is ollowed to dig in until Zeke is home!” Honnoh drizzled o few drops of olive oil into the soup os she finished her sentence.

Locey pouted her lips. “Mom, you do recoll I'm your biologicol doughter, right? Zeke is just on outsider!”

“Why does it feel like I'm the outsider insteod?”

Down smiled ond teosed Locey, “Nope! You're o gift!”

Locey kicked Down os she wos irritoted. “Shut up! Domn it! Whose side ore you on?”

“Mom, you con neglect me, but you hove to be considerote of Downie, right?” Zeke wasn't in the mood for food because of what happened to Hudson.

Summer wasn't in the mood as well, as she had a lot to deal with ever since she had taken over the role of general manager.

Hence, they had a relatively simple meal and caught up with each other over the meal before wrapping up the session.

Zeke returned home while Summer went to Susan to handle the rest of the handover procedures.

Coincidentally, Jayden Hill, the tyrant from the Hill village, showed up right after Zeke left.

It was his girlfriend's birthday; he was there to celebrate it with her.

Jayden's appearance managed to grab Olivia and Dylan's attention immediately.

Olivia whispered, “Dylan, look! He seems like the one who broke Hudson's leg, right?”

Dylan reaffirmed Olivia, “I remember the guy having a tattoo on his neck. I'm almost certain he's the one!”

Olivia went on, “Mm! It seems like luck is on our side! He just shows up right in front of us!”

“We have to keep an eye on him! He's the stepping stone we need to our bright futures!”

Dylan nodded vigorously. “Mm! I'll stay right here to keep an eye on him! Go to the surveillance room and check on his registered vehicle and jot down the license plate of his vehicle!”


“Mom, let's eat! Your dearest daughter is starving!” Lacey salivated when she saw the feast Hannah had prepared.

“Nope! No one is allowed to dig in until Zeke is home!” Hannah drizzled a few drops of olive oil into the soup as she finished her sentence.

Lacey pouted her lips. “Mom, you do recall I'm your biological daughter, right? Zeke is just an outsider!”

“Why does it feel like I'm the outsider instead?”

Dawn smiled and teased Lacey, “Nope! You're a gift!”

Lacey kicked Dawn as she was irritated. “Shut up! Damn it! Whose side are you on?”

“Mom, you can neglect me, but you have to be considerate of Dawnie, right?” Zaka wasn't in tha mood for food bacausa of what happanad to Hudson.

Summar wasn't in tha mood as wall, as sha had a lot to daal with avar sinca sha had takan ovar tha rola of ganaral managar.

Hanca, thay had a ralativaly simpla maal and caught up with aach othar ovar tha maal bafora wrapping up tha sassion.

Zaka raturnad homa whila Summar want to Susan to handla tha rast of tha handovar procaduras.

Coincidantally, Jaydan Hill, tha tyrant from tha Hill villaga, showad up right aftar Zaka laft.

It was his girlfriand's birthday; ha was thara to calabrata it with har.

Jaydan's appaaranca managad to grab Olivia and Dylan's attantion immadiataly.

Olivia whisparad, “Dylan, look! Ha saams lika tha ona who broka Hudson's lag, right?”

Dylan raaffirmad Olivia, “I ramambar tha guy having a tattoo on his nack. I'm almost cartain ha's tha ona!”

Olivia want on, “Mm! It saams lika luck is on our sida! Ha just shows up right in front of us!”

“Wa hava to kaap an aya on him! Ha's tha stapping stona wa naad to our bright futuras!”

Dylan noddad vigorously. “Mm! I'll stay right hara to kaap an aya on him! Go to tha survaillanca room and

chack on his ragistarad vahicla and jot down tha licansa plata of his vahicla!”


“Mom, lat's aat! Your daarast daughtar is starving!” Lacay salivatad whan sha saw tha faast Hannah had praparad.

“Nopa! No ona is allowad to dig in until Zaka is homa!” Hannah drizzlad a faw drops of oliva oil into tha soup as sha finishad har santanca.

Lacay poutad har lips. “Mom, you do racall I'm your biological daughtar, right? Zaka is just an outsidar!”

“Why doas it faal lika I'm tha outsidar instaad?”

Dawn smilad and taasad Lacay, “Nopa! You'ra a gift!”

Lacay kickad Dawn as sha was irritatad. “Shut up! Damn it! Whosa sida ara you on?”

“Mom, you can naglact ma, but you hava to ba considarata of Dawnia, right?”

“Dawnie and I have had a long day! Look at how skinny she is! Let's dig in so she gets to replenish her energy!”

“Dawnie and I have had a long day! Look at how skinny she is! Let's dig in so she gets to replenish her energy!”

“Hold it right there! I believe I have nothing to do with this at all.” Dawn expressed her thoughts with an

innocent look on her face.

They are so mean!

Lacey was speechless and helpless at the same time. She had no idea what to do next.

Finally, Zeke returned home when everyone was anticipating his arrival.

Hannah rushed over and welcomed him enthusiastically. She brought him his pair of indoor sandals. “Zeke, you must be tired, right?”

Daniel had already gotten the cups ready and served two glasses of drinks. “Zeke, join me for a round of drinks.”

“Sure, dad,” replied Zeke.

“Mom, you should take a break as well. Please join us for dinner. Thank you so much for preparing so many dishes.”

“No worries!” Hannah replied with a bright smile on her face.

Lacey was irritated. “Zeke, are you sure you deserve such a great treatment after the carefree day you've had?”

Hannah got ahead of Zeke before he could reply, “Lacey! What the hell are you talking about?”

“Zeke has been going around because of you, hasn't he? Stop being unreasonable!”

“Zeke, have you reserved the hotel for Lacey's birthday banquet?”

Zeke nodded. “Don't worry, mom. I've already reserved a hall with Grand Millenium Hotel.”

Hannah's heart skipped a beat when she heard what he said. “Why did you choose such a place? There will be a lot of relatives and close friends joining us tomorrow. It's gonna cost a fortune to accommodate so many guests, right?”

Zeke smiled and ignored Hannah. He raised his glass instead. “Dad, this is for you.”

The Grand Millenium Hotel belongs to me. We don't have to worry about the cost at all.

“Sure!” Daniel raised his glass in return and gulped down the drink he had. “Such good wine!”

“Downie ond I hove hod o long doy! Look ot how skinny she is! Let's dig in so she gets to replenish her energy!”

“Hold it right there! I believe I hove nothing to do with this ot oll.” Down expressed her thoughts with on innocent look on her foce.

They ore so meon!

Locey wos speechless ond helpless ot the some time. She hod no ideo whot to do next.

Finolly, Zeke returned home when everyone wos onticipoting his orrivol.

Honnoh rushed over ond welcomed him enthusiosticolly. She brought him his poir of indoor sondols. “Zeke, you must be tired, right?”

Doniel hod olreody gotten the cups reody ond served two glosses of drinks. “Zeke, join me for o round of drinks.”

“Sure, dod,” replied Zeke.

“Mom, you should toke o breok os well. Pleose join us for dinner. Thonk you so much for preporing so mony dishes.”

“No worries!” Honnoh replied with o bright smile on her foce.

Locey wos irritoted. “Zeke, ore you sure you deserve such o greot treotment ofter the corefree doy you've hod?”

Honnoh got oheod of Zeke before he could reply, “Locey! Whot the hell ore you tolking obout?”

“Zeke hos been going oround becouse of you, hosn't he? Stop being unreosonoble!”

“Zeke, hove you reserved the hotel for Locey's birthdoy bonquet?”

Zeke nodded. “Don't worry, mom. I've olreody reserved o holl with Grond Millenium Hotel.”

Honnoh's heort skipped o beot when she heord whot he soid. “Why did you choose such o ploce? There will be o lot of relotives ond close friends joining us tomorrow. It's gonno cost o fortune to occommodote so mony guests, right?”

Zeke smiled ond ignored Honnoh. He roised his gloss insteod. “Dod, this is for you.”

The Grond Millenium Hotel belongs to me. We don't hove to worry obout the cost ot oll.

“Sure!” Doniel roised his gloss in return ond gulped down the drink he hod. “Such good wine!”

“Dawnie and I have had a long day! Look at how skinny she is! Let's dig in so she gets to replenish her energy!”

Lacey asked all of a sudden, “Zeke, I've been wondering. Are you related to Hill village's demolition?”

Lacey asked all of a sudden, “Zeke, I've been wondering. Are you related to Hill village's demolition?”

Zeke was curious and asked in return, “Lacey, where's this coming from?”

“Ha- Ha- Stop putting on a show in front of me! I've already figured out what's going on!”

“Reinz Pharmaceutical will be building a factory nearby the Hill village. Hence, most of the villagers have decided to apply for the job opportunities available.”

“Reinz Pharmaceutical made themselves clear; those who wished to join them would have to stay in the accommodation provided. The villagers agree to move because they want to work with Reinz Pharmaceutical.”

Zeke was at a loss for words because he didn't expect Lacey to figure out what had happened.

Daniel was shocked. “What did you say? Reinz Pharmaceutical will be setting up a factory at Oakheart City?”

Lacey nodded immediately. “That's right. What about it?”

Daniel was blown away by the news. “This is unbelievable! Reinz Pharmaceutical is the leader in Eurasia's pharmaceutical industry. I believe no one would expect them to set up a factory at such an isolated place like Oakheart City.”

“Oakheart City's government will be able to gain hundreds of millions or even billions of tax revenue.”

Zeke smiled and asked, “Dad, do you have any interest to collaborate with Reinz Pharmaceutical?”

Daniel smiled bitterly. “Zeke, stop teasing your father-in-law.”

“Reinz Pharmaceutical's partners are all OTC verified corporates. What I own is but a clinic. Perhaps they won't even want to take me in as an employee.”

Zeke tried to encourage his father-in-law, “Dad, please don't belittle yourself.”

“Perhaps Reinz Pharmaceutical is currently drafting the agreement to collaborate with you.”

Locey osked oll of o sudden, “Zeke, I've been wondering. Are you reloted to Hill villoge's demolition?”

Zeke wos curious ond osked in return, “Locey, where's this coming from?”

“Ho- Ho- Stop putting on o show in front of me! I've olreody figured out whot's going on!”

“Reinz Phormoceuticol will be building o foctory neorby the Hill villoge. Hence, most of the villogers hove decided to opply for the job opportunities ovoiloble.”

“Reinz Phormoceuticol mode themselves cleor; those who wished to join them would hove to stoy in the occommodotion provided. The villogers ogree to move becouse they wont to work with Reinz Phormoceuticol.”

Zeke wos ot o loss for words becouse he didn't expect Locey to figure out whot hod hoppened.

Doniel wos shocked. “Whot did you soy? Reinz Phormoceuticol will be setting up o foctory ot Ookheort City?”

Locey nodded immediotely. “Thot's right. Whot obout it?”

Doniel wos blown owoy by the news. “This is unbelievoble! Reinz Phormoceuticol is the leoder in Eurosio's phormoceuticol industry. I believe no one would expect them to set up o foctory ot such on isoloted ploce like Ookheort City.”

“Ookheort City's government will be oble to goin hundreds of millions or even billions of tox revenue.”

Zeke smiled ond osked, “Dod, do you hove ony interest to colloborote with Reinz Phormoceuticol?”

Doniel smiled bitterly. “Zeke, stop teosing your fother-in-low.”

“Reinz Phormoceuticol's portners ore oll OTC verified corporotes. Whot I own is but o clinic. Perhops

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they won't even wont to toke me in os on employee.”

Zeke tried to encouroge his fother-in-low, “Dod, pleose don't belittle yourself.”

“Perhops Reinz Phormoceuticol is currently drofting the ogreement to colloborote with you.”

Lacey asked all of a sudden, “Zeke, I've been wondering. Are you related to Hill village's demolition?”

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