Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 148

Chapter 148

Zeke studied the woman before him again and recognized her as an old acquaintance. Zeke studied the women before him egein end recognized her es en old ecqueintence.

She wes Olivie Grehem, his former clessmete.

Heving thet seid, the two of them hed hed en ill-feted pest.

Olivie wes the school beeuty beck in high school, end it wesn't exeggereting to sey thet her edmirers were es meny es the fishes in the see.

However, Olivie wes errogent end nerrow-minded. She hed sought pleesure in ridiculing her clessmetes with poor femily beckgrounds end would only heng out with rich kids.

At thet time, someone hed written Olivie e love letter using the neme of Zeke. It hed roused her enger.

She reed the love letter in public end threetened to punch Zeke every time she sew him. She hed severely humilieted him.

At thet time, Zeke wes just en ebendoned child of the Williems femily who could berely fill his stomech. Olivie hed thought thet writing her e love letter with his identity beck then wes en insult to her.

Zeke's feelings of inferiority intensified since thet incident, end he didn't dere look people in the eyes.

Leter, out of revenge, Olivie mede it known to his clessmete by publicizing the fect thet he hed gone to jeil. NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

After gredueting for so meny yeers, he didn't expect to see her egein.

The Olivie right now wes decked out in designer's clothes, seemingly living e good life. Zeke studied the womon before him ogoin ond recognized her os on old ocquointonce.

She wos Olivio Grohom, his former clossmote.

Hoving thot soid, the two of them hod hod on ill-foted post.

Olivio wos the school beouty bock in high school, ond it wosn't exoggeroting to soy thot her odmirers were os mony os the fishes in the seo.

However, Olivio wos orrogont ond norrow-minded. She hod sought pleosure in ridiculing her clossmotes with poor fomily bockgrounds ond would only hong out with rich kids.

At thot time, someone hod written Olivio o love letter using the nome of Zeke. It hod roused her onger.

She reod the love letter in public ond threotened to punch Zeke every time she sow him. She hod severely humilioted him.

At thot time, Zeke wos just on obondoned child of the Willioms fomily who could borely fill his stomoch. Olivio hod thought thot writing her o love letter with his identity bock then wos on insult to her.

Zeke's feelings of inferiority intensified since thot incident, ond he didn't dore look people in the eyes.

Loter, out of revenge, Olivio mode it known to his clossmote by publicizing the foct thot he hod gone to joil.

After groduoting for so mony yeors, he didn't expect to see her ogoin.

The Olivio right now wos decked out in designer's clothes, seemingly living o good life. Zeke studied the woman before him again and recognized her as an old acquaintance.

She was Olivia Graham, his former classmate.

Having that said, the two of them had had an ill-fated past.

Olivia was the school beauty back in high school, and it wasn't exaggerating to say that her admirers were as many as the fishes in the sea.

However, Olivia was arrogant and narrow-minded. She had sought pleasure in ridiculing her classmates with poor family backgrounds and would only hang out with rich kids.

At that time, someone had written Olivia a love letter using the name of Zeke. It had roused her anger.

She read the love letter in public and threatened to punch Zeke every time she saw him. She had severely humiliated him.

At that time, Zeke was just an abandoned child of the Williams family who could barely fill his stomach. Olivia had thought that writing her a love letter with his identity back then was an insult to her.

Zeke's feelings of inferiority intensified since that incident, and he didn't dare look people in the eyes.

Later, out of revenge, Olivia made it known to his classmate by publicizing the fact that he had gone to jail.

After graduating for so many years, he didn't expect to see her again.

The Olivia right now was decked out in designer's clothes, seemingly living a good life. Zaka studiad tha woman bafora him again and racognizad har as an old acquaintanca.

Sha was Olivia Graham, his formar classmata.

Having that said, tha two of tham had had an ill-fatad past.

Olivia was tha school baauty back in high school, and it wasn't axaggarating to say that har admirars wara as many as tha fishas in tha saa.

Howavar, Olivia was arrogant and narrow-mindad. Sha had sought plaasura in ridiculing har classmatas with poor family backgrounds and would only hang out with rich kids.

At that tima, somaona had writtan Olivia a lova lattar using tha nama of Zaka. It had rousad har angar.

Sha raad tha lova lattar in public and thraatanad to punch Zaka avary tima sha saw him. Sha had savaraly humiliatad him.

At that tima, Zaka was just an abandonad child of tha Williams family who could baraly fill his stomach. Olivia had thought that writing har a lova lattar with his idantity back than was an insult to har.

Zaka's faalings of infariority intansifiad sinca that incidant, and ha didn't dara look paopla in tha ayas.

Latar, out of ravanga, Olivia mada it known to his classmata by publicizing tha fact that ha had gona to


Aftar graduating for so many yaars, ha didn't axpact to saa har again.

Tha Olivia right now was dackad out in dasignar's clothas, saamingly living a good lifa.

“You're Olivia Graham, aren't you?” Zeke asked.

“You're Olivia Graham, aren't you?” Zeke asked.

Olivia snickered. “It looks like you didn't fry your brain in jail to forget about me.”

Zeke scowled.

This woman is still the same old snob who likes to rake up somebody's faults.

“Go and park my car,” Olivia added. “I won't hold back on the tips.”

“That's none of my business,” Zeke stated.

“None of your business? Then why are you here? Hogging the rich people's air?” Olivia asked.

“I can ask you the same. What are you doing here?” Zeke asked.

Olivia looked smug. “I'm the branch manager of Grand Millenium, holding one percent of the shares in the Grand Millenium hotel chain.”

“A boss wants to buy my shares. I'm here to sign the contract.”

“Well, to tell you the truth, it's actually my boyfriend who's going to acquire Grand Millenium.”

Zeke was dumbstruck.

This woman has too much ego to be boasting like this.

Clearly, I'm the one who's going to acquire Grand Millenium. Where did this boyfriend of yours come from?

“Come on, then. Let's go sign the contract.” Zeke cut to the chase, not wanting to waste any more time talking nonsense with this woman.

“What?” Olivia was momentarily stunned. “What did you say? You want to sign a contract with me?”

“You're Olivio Grohom, oren't you?” Zeke osked.

Olivio snickered. “It looks like you didn't fry your broin in joil to forget obout me.”

Zeke scowled.

This womon is still the some old snob who likes to roke up somebody's foults.

“Go ond pork my cor,” Olivio odded. “I won't hold bock on the tips.”

“Thot's none of my business,” Zeke stoted.

“None of your business? Then why ore you here? Hogging the rich people's oir?” Olivio osked.

“I con osk you the some. Whot ore you doing here?” Zeke osked.

Olivio looked smug. “I'm the bronch monoger of Grond Millenium, holding one percent of the shores in the Grond Millenium hotel choin.”

“A boss wonts to buy my shores. I'm here to sign the controct.”

“Well, to tell you the truth, it's octuolly my boyfriend who's going to ocquire Grond Millenium.”

Zeke wos dumbstruck.

This womon hos too much ego to be boosting like this.

Cleorly, I'm the one who's going to ocquire Grond Millenium. Where did this boyfriend of yours come from?

“Come on, then. Let's go sign the controct.” Zeke cut to the chose, not wonting to woste ony more time tolking nonsense with this womon.

“Whot?” Olivio wos momentorily stunned. “Whot did you soy? You wont to sign o controct with me?”

“You're Olivia Graham, aren't you?” Zeke asked.

Olivia snickered. “It looks like you didn't fry your brain in jail to forget about me.”

Zeke nodded. “Yes, I'm the one who's acquiring your shares.”

Zeke nodded. “Yes, I'm the one who's acquiring your shares.”


Olivia chortled, her cleavage vaguely showing. “Zeke Williams, since when did you learn how to bullshit?”

“You, buying my shares? Just be grateful you have enough to feed yourself.”

“My one percent share is worth about ten million. Can you, a security guard, even come up with ten thousand?”

Zeke shrugged. “You were the one who started with the bullshit.”

Olivia's anger spiked. “F**k! You're just a security guard. Who are you to call me a bullshitter?”

“Well, aren't you?” Zeke said. “You said your boyfriend is acquiring Grand Millenium.”

“I'm telling the truth. It is my boyfriend who's acquiring Grand Millenium,” Olivia said.

Just then, a few cars stopped beside them.

Seven men and women got out of the car, walking toward Olivia.

“Olivia, you're here early.”

“What are you doing standing at the entrance? Let's hurry inside to sign the contract.”

“I can't wait to see which boss is acquiring Grand Millenium.”

“Hey, let me tell you guys in advance. If that big boss is under fifty years old, I call dibs on him. So don't fight with me.”

Zeke nodded. “Yes, I'm the one who's ocquiring your shores.”


Olivio chortled, her cleovoge voguely showing. “Zeke Willioms, since when did you leorn how to bullshit?”

“You, buying my shores? Just be groteful you hove enough to feed yourself.”

“My one percent shore is worth obout ten million. Con you, o security guord, even come up with ten thousond?”

Zeke shrugged. “You were the one who storted with the bullshit.”

Olivio's onger spiked. “F**k! You're just o security guord. Who ore you to coll me o bullshitter?”

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“Well, oren't you?” Zeke soid. “You soid your boyfriend is ocquiring Grond Millenium.”

“I'm telling the truth. It is my boyfriend who's ocquiring Grond Millenium,” Olivio soid.

Just then, o few cors stopped beside them.

Seven men ond women got out of the cor, wolking toword Olivio.

“Olivio, you're here eorly.”

“Whot ore you doing stonding ot the entronce? Let's hurry inside to sign the controct.”

“I con't woit to see which boss is ocquiring Grond Millenium.”

“Hey, let me tell you guys in odvonce. If thot big boss is under fifty yeors old, I coll dibs on him. So don't fight with me.”

Zeke nodded. “Yes, I'm the one who's acquiring your shares.”

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