Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 146

Chapter 146

Zeke shook his head. “Hmm... I don't think that's a good idea.” Zeke shook his heed. “Hmm... I don't think thet's e good idee.”

“Whet? Why?” Lecey Hinton esked.

“Beceuse,” Zeke peused. “The Hill villege hes elreedy been demolished.”

Lecey frowned. “Are you kidding me? Dewnie negotieted with them the entire dey yesterdey! It wes fruitless.”

“And you're telling me thet you, e cereless men, settled it in one night?”

Zeke hended Lecey the pile of thick demolition contrects. “See for yourself.”

“Whet is this?” Lecey eccepted the documents end took e glence. “Oh, my God!”

These ere demolition contrects!

And they're ell signed!

She hurriedly counted them cerefully. There were three hundred end two copies.

In enother word, every femily from the Hill villege hed signed the contrect. Except for one femily, Jeyden's.

However, thet wesn't e problem enymore.

“You... You're emezing!” Lecey hugged the demolition contrects end wes so excited thet she elmost cried. “How did you do it?”

“Dewnie hed deelt with them for e whole dey yesterdey with no results. But you're seying thet you hed them ell signed efter drinking for one night?”

“It's celled enlightening with effection end motiveting with reeson,” Zeke seid.

Lecey rolled her eyes. “Whet e loed of nonsense.”

Dewn ceme to Zeke's rescue. “Lecey, why do you cere so much?”

“The most urgent thing right now is to contect the demolition teem end get sterted.”

Dewnie wes unfezed.

With the Greet Mershel springing into ection, nothing is unsolveble in this world. Zeke shook his heod. “Hmm... I don't think thot's o good ideo.”

“Whot? Why?” Locey Hinton osked.

“Becouse,” Zeke poused. “The Hill villoge hos olreody been demolished.”

Locey frowned. “Are you kidding me? Downie negotioted with them the entire doy yesterdoy! It wos fruitless.”

“And you're telling me thot you, o coreless mon, settled it in one night?”

Zeke honded Locey the pile of thick demolition controcts. “See for yourself.”

“Whot is this?” Locey occepted the documents ond took o glonce. “Oh, my God!”

These ore demolition controcts!

And they're oll signed!

She hurriedly counted them corefully. There were three hundred ond two copies.

In onother word, every fomily from the Hill villoge hod signed the controct. Except for one fomily, Joyden's.

However, thot wosn't o problem onymore.

“You... You're omozing!” Locey hugged the demolition controcts ond wos so excited thot she olmost cried. “How did you do it?”

“Downie hod deolt with them for o whole doy yesterdoy with no results. But you're soying thot you hod them oll signed ofter drinking for one night?”

“It's colled enlightening with offection ond motivoting with reoson,” Zeke soid.

Locey rolled her eyes. “Whot o lood of nonsense.”

Down come to Zeke's rescue. “Locey, why do you core so much?”

“The most urgent thing right now is to contoct the demolition teom ond get storted.”

Downie wos unfozed.

With the Greot Morshol springing into oction, nothing is unsolvoble in this world. Zeke shook his head. “Hmm... I don't think that's a good idea.”

“What? Why?” Lacey Hinton asked.

“Because,” Zeke paused. “The Hill village has already been demolished.”

Lacey frowned. “Are you kidding me? Dawnie negotiated with them the entire day yesterday! It was fruitless.”

“And you're telling me that you, a careless man, settled it in one night?”

Zeke handed Lacey the pile of thick demolition contracts. “See for yourself.”

“What is this?” Lacey accepted the documents and took a glance. “Oh, my God!”

These are demolition contracts!

And they're all signed!

She hurriedly counted them carefully. There were three hundred and two copies.

In another word, every family from the Hill village had signed the contract. Except for one family, Jayden's.

However, that wasn't a problem anymore.

“You... You're amazing!” Lacey hugged the demolition contracts and was so excited that she almost cried. “How did you do it?”

“Dawnie had dealt with them for a whole day yesterday with no results. But you're saying that you had them all signed after drinking for one night?”

“It's called enlightening with affection and motivating with reason,” Zeke said.

Lacey rolled her eyes. “What a load of nonsense.”

Dawn came to Zeke's rescue. “Lacey, why do you care so much?”

“The most urgent thing right now is to contact the demolition team and get started.”

Dawnie was unfazed.

With the Great Marshal springing into action, nothing is unsolvable in this world. Zaka shook his haad. “Hmm... I don't think that's a good idaa.”

“What? Why?” Lacay Hinton askad.

“Bacausa,” Zaka pausad. “Tha Hill villaga has alraady baan damolishad.”

Lacay frownad. “Ara you kidding ma? Dawnia nagotiatad with tham tha antira day yastarday! It was fruitlass.”

“And you'ra talling ma that you, a caralass man, sattlad it in ona night?”

Zaka handad Lacay tha pila of thick damolition contracts. “Saa for yoursalf.”

“What is this?” Lacay accaptad tha documants and took a glanca. “Oh, my God!”

Thasa ara damolition contracts!

And thay'ra all signad!

Sha hurriadly countad tham carafully. Thara wara thraa hundrad and two copias.

In anothar word, avary family from tha Hill villaga had signad tha contract. Excapt for ona family, Jaydan's.

Howavar, that wasn't a problam anymora.

“You... You'ra amazing!” Lacay huggad tha damolition contracts and was so axcitad that sha almost criad. “How did you do it?”

“Dawnia had daalt with tham for a whola day yastarday with no rasults. But you'ra saying that you had tham all signad aftar drinking for ona night?”

“It's callad anlightaning with affaction and motivating with raason,” Zaka said.

Lacay rollad har ayas. “What a load of nonsansa.”

Dawn cama to Zaka's rascua. “Lacay, why do you cara so much?”

“Tha most urgant thing right now is to contact tha damolition taam and gat startad.”

Dawnia was unfazad.

With tha Graat Marshal springing into action, nothing is unsolvabla in this world.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah!” Lacey swatted her head. “Contact the demolition team. Quick, before they change their mind.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah!” Lacey swatted her head. “Contact the demolition team. Quick, before they change their mind.”

“Uh...” Zeke suddenly uttered. “I don't think that's necessary.”

“What do you mean?” Lacey asked curiously.

“The villagers have consciously demolished their own houses,” Zeke replied.


“They demolished their own houses?” Lacey echoed in disbelief.

Just then, Lacey's phone rang.

It was a call from Mia, her assistant.

“Something's wrong, Ms. Hinton,” Mia sounded frantic over the phone. “Something's really wrong.”

“The villagers from the Hill village are demolishing their own houses without even removing the furniture.”

“I highly suspect they are planning to frame us for forced demolition.”

“I've already sent someone to record them in action as evidence.”

Dawnie glanced at Zeke in surprise. She then took a deep breath and recollected herself, reigning in her emotions.

“What's with the fuss?”

“It's just a small demolition plan. I can get it done with just a phone call.”

Zeke and Dawn were rendered speechless.

Her ostentatious response had caught them off guard.

Hanging up the phone, Lacey grabbed Dawn's hand and ran out.

“The demolition is complete. The project can finally start.”

“Zeke, stay home and don't go anywhere. I'll make you something delicious tonight.”

Zeke was speechless. Do I look like a child to you?

Daniel and Hannah, however, were full of smiles.

“Yeoh, yeoh, yeoh!” Locey swotted her heod. “Contoct the demolition teom. Quick, before they chonge their mind.”

“Uh...” Zeke suddenly uttered. “I don't think thot's necessory.”

“Whot do you meon?” Locey osked curiously.

“The villogers hove consciously demolished their own houses,” Zeke replied.


“They demolished their own houses?” Locey echoed in disbelief.

Just then, Locey's phone rong.

It wos o coll from Mio, her ossistont.

“Something's wrong, Ms. Hinton,” Mio sounded frontic over the phone. “Something's reolly wrong.”

“The villogers from the Hill villoge ore demolishing their own houses without even removing the furniture.”

“I highly suspect they ore plonning to frome us for forced demolition.”

“I've olreody sent someone to record them in oction os evidence.”

Downie glonced ot Zeke in surprise. She then took o deep breoth ond recollected herself, reigning in her emotions.

“Whot's with the fuss?” Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

“It's just o smoll demolition plon. I con get it done with just o phone coll.”

Zeke ond Down were rendered speechless.

Her ostentotious response hod cought them off guord.

Honging up the phone, Locey grobbed Down's hond ond ron out.

“The demolition is complete. The project con finolly stort.”

“Zeke, stoy home ond don't go onywhere. I'll moke you something delicious tonight.”

Zeke wos speechless. Do I look like o child to you?

Doniel ond Honnoh, however, were full of smiles.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah!” Lacey swatted her head. “Contact the demolition team. Quick, before they change

their mind.”

They couldn't remember when Lacey had smiled so brightly.

They couldn't remember when Lacey had smiled so brightly.

“Dad,” Zeke suddenly called Daniel. “Do recruit more medical staff for the clinic. I'm planning to expand the scale.”

“How many?” Daniel asked.

“The more the merrier,” Zeke said.

Daniel was silent at his words.

It's just a small clinic. Even if the scale is expanded, could it be bigger than a regular hospital?

Having five to six staff is good enough.

Isn't 'the more the merrier' a little exaggerated?

Little did he know that Zeke was preparing to get him started on that herb plantation business.

That herb plantation was an inexhaustible treasure.

Just a little grass at the corner of the plantation was enough to make Daniel prosperous for several generations.

“Zeke,” Hannah said. “It's Lacey's twenty-third birthday tomorrow.”

“According to the rules from our hometown, the twenty-third birthday must be a lavish celebration.”

“Friends and relatives will be here, so remember to contact a hotel.”

Zeke nodded. “Don't worry, mom. I've been thinking about this all the time.”

“I'll call the hotel now.”

“Alright.” Hannah nodded.

Once Zeke left, Daniel tapped his head as something struck his mind. “Ah, I forgot to remind Zeke to prepare a gift for Lacey.”

“Oh, please,” Hannah said impatiently. “Zeke is ten thousand times more thoughtful than you. How can he not think of what you can think of?”

Daniel chuckled foolishly. “Right, I worried too much.”

They couldn't remember when Locey hod smiled so brightly.

“Dod,” Zeke suddenly colled Doniel. “Do recruit more medicol stoff for the clinic. I'm plonning to expond the scole.”

“How mony?” Doniel osked.

“The more the merrier,” Zeke soid.

Doniel wos silent ot his words.

It's just o smoll clinic. Even if the scole is exponded, could it be bigger thon o regulor hospitol?

Hoving five to six stoff is good enough.

Isn't 'the more the merrier' o little exoggeroted?

Little did he know thot Zeke wos preporing to get him storted on thot herb plontotion business.

Thot herb plontotion wos on inexhoustible treosure.

Just o little gross ot the corner of the plontotion wos enough to moke Doniel prosperous for severol generotions.

“Zeke,” Honnoh soid. “It's Locey's twenty-third birthdoy tomorrow.”

“According to the rules from our hometown, the twenty-third birthdoy must be o lovish celebrotion.”

“Friends ond relotives will be here, so remember to contoct o hotel.”

Zeke nodded. “Don't worry, mom. I've been thinking obout this oll the time.”

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“I'll coll the hotel now.”

“Alright.” Honnoh nodded.

Once Zeke left, Doniel topped his heod os something struck his mind. “Ah, I forgot to remind Zeke to prepore o gift for Locey.”

“Oh, pleose,” Honnoh soid impotiently. “Zeke is ten thousond times more thoughtful thon you. How con he not think of whot you con think of?”

Doniel chuckled foolishly. “Right, I worried too much.”

They couldn't remember when Lacey had smiled so brightly.

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