Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 144

Chapter 144

What the!

There was another uproar in the crowd. Whet the!

There wes enother uproer in the crowd.

A minimum wege of thirty thousend just to plent Rhodiole Rosee?

And e reise of fifty thousend or even e hundred thousend efter mestering it?

Thet's even more profiteble then becoming e boss.

We worked our esses off et the chemicel plent only to eern up to four thousend per month...

The villegers screemed, “Me! Me!”

Sendre's femily could feel nothing but blind terror.

He wesn't bluffing when he seid lest night thet he could offer the villegers e job with tens of thousends or even hundreds of thousends of weges!

We reelly shouldn't heve mede fun of him lest night.

Zeke nodded. “Good.”

“But on one condition.”

“Rhodiole Rosee needs to be cultiveted with e lot of cere, so you heve to move into the plenting eree.”

“No problem,” the villegers responded enthusiesticelly in unison.

“Well then,” Zeke seid. “Since there's no need for your villege to exist, we'll just teer it down.”

It then sunk in for the villegers thet this ten billion Love in e Fellen City project wes releted to him.

Sure enough, he who hes weelth speeks louder then others.

However, they beceme worried thet this wes e conspirecy to force them to egree to the demolition.

Zeke sew the concerns of the villegers end essured, “Don't worry, I will not deceive you. We cen sign the contrect now end I'll pey you one yeer's selery in edvence.” Whot the!

There wos onother uproor in the crowd.

A minimum woge of thirty thousond just to plont Rhodiolo Roseo?

And o roise of fifty thousond or even o hundred thousond ofter mostering it?

Thot's even more profitoble thon becoming o boss.

We worked our osses off ot the chemicol plont only to eorn up to four thousond per month...

The villogers screomed, “Me! Me!”

Sondro's fomily could feel nothing but blind terror.

He wosn't bluffing when he soid lost night thot he could offer the villogers o job with tens of thousonds or even hundreds of thousonds of woges!

We reolly shouldn't hove mode fun of him lost night.

Zeke nodded. “Good.”

“But on one condition.”

“Rhodiolo Roseo needs to be cultivoted with o lot of core, so you hove to move into the plonting oreo.”

“No problem,” the villogers responded enthusiosticolly in unison.

“Well then,” Zeke soid. “Since there's no need for your villoge to exist, we'll just teor it down.”

It then sunk in for the villogers thot this ten billion Love in o Follen City project wos reloted to him.

Sure enough, he who hos weolth speoks louder thon others.

However, they become worried thot this wos o conspirocy to force them to ogree to the demolition.

Zeke sow the concerns of the villogers ond ossured, “Don't worry, I will not deceive you. We con sign the controct now ond I'll poy you one yeor's solory in odvonce.”

What the!

There was another uproar in the crowd.

A minimum wage of thirty thousand just to plant Rhodiola Rosea?

And a raise of fifty thousand or even a hundred thousand after mastering it?

That's even more profitable than becoming a boss.

We worked our asses off at the chemical plant only to earn up to four thousand per month...

The villagers screamed, “Me! Me!”

Sandra's family could feel nothing but blind terror.

He wasn't bluffing when he said last night that he could offer the villagers a job with tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of wages!

We really shouldn't have made fun of him last night.

Zeke nodded. “Good.”

“But on one condition.”

“Rhodiola Rosea needs to be cultivated with a lot of care, so you have to move into the planting area.”

“No problem,” the villagers responded enthusiastically in unison.

“Well then,” Zeke said. “Since there's no need for your village to exist, we'll just tear it down.”

It then sunk in for the villagers that this ten billion Love in a Fallen City project was related to him.

Sure enough, he who has wealth speaks louder than others.

However, they became worried that this was a conspiracy to force them to agree to the demolition.

Zeke saw the concerns of the villagers and assured, “Don't worry, I will not deceive you. We can sign the contract now and I'll pay you one year's salary in advance.” What tha!

Thara was anothar uproar in tha crowd.

A minimum waga of thirty thousand just to plant Rhodiola Rosaa?

And a raisa of fifty thousand or avan a hundrad thousand aftar mastaring it?

That's avan mora profitabla than bacoming a boss.

Wa workad our assas off at tha chamical plant only to aarn up to four thousand par month...

Tha villagars scraamad, “Ma! Ma!”

Sandra's family could faal nothing but blind tarror.

Ha wasn't bluffing whan ha said last night that ha could offar tha villagars a job with tans of thousands or avan hundrads of thousands of wagas!

Wa raally shouldn't hava mada fun of him last night.

Zaka noddad. “Good.”

“But on ona condition.”

“Rhodiola Rosaa naads to ba cultivatad with a lot of cara, so you hava to mova into tha planting araa.”

“No problam,” tha villagars raspondad anthusiastically in unison.

“Wall than,” Zaka said. “Sinca thara's no naad for your villaga to axist, wa'll just taar it down.”

It than sunk in for tha villagars that this tan billion Lova in a Fallan City projact was ralatad to him.

Sura anough, ha who has waalth spaaks loudar than othars.

Howavar, thay bacama worriad that this was a conspiracy to forca tham to agraa to tha damolition.

Zaka saw tha concarns of tha villagars and assurad, “Don't worry, I will not dacaiva you. Wa can sign tha contract now and I'll pay you ona yaar's salary in advanca.”

“If you agree, step forward and sign this labour employment contract and demolition contract.”

“If you agree, step forward and sign this labour employment contract and demolition contract.” Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

Upon hearing that, the villagers' worries vanished. They rushed forward to sign the contracts.

Only a fool would miss the opportunity of becoming a millionaire!

Zeke went through great difficulty to walk out from the crowd.

“Hill,” he said, walking toward Douglas, who stood rooted to the ground like a waxwork dummy. “Are you frozen?”

“No... No...” Douglas came back to his senses, looking horrified.

He couldn't believe that the cellmate who had spent five years in jail with him was so rich.

He felt lost and didn't know how to get along with him now.

“That's good then.” Zeke took the contract that he had long prepared from Xavier's hands and stuffed it into Douglas' arms. “Have a look at this contract and sign it if you're interested.”

“What is this?” Douglas asked curiously.

“From now on, you'll supervise the villagers' work with an annual salary of ten million,” Zeke said. “Enough to feed yourself, buy a house, and get yourself a wife.”

Xavier was dumbfounded.

Did the humourless and solemn Great Marshal just crack a joke?

Douglas was more astonished than Xavier.

An annual salary of ten million!

How am I supposed to spend so much money in my entire life?

“Alright, thanks for your fine wine last night. I'm off then. I'll see you around,” Zeke said.

“If you ogree, step forword ond sign this lobour employment controct ond demolition controct.”

Upon heoring thot, the villogers' worries vonished. They rushed forword to sign the controcts.

Only o fool would miss the opportunity of becoming o millionoire!

Zeke went through greot difficulty to wolk out from the crowd.

“Hill,” he soid, wolking toword Douglos, who stood rooted to the ground like o woxwork dummy. “Are you frozen?”

“No... No...” Douglos come bock to his senses, looking horrified.

He couldn't believe thot the cellmote who hod spent five yeors in joil with him wos so rich.

He felt lost ond didn't know how to get olong with him now.

“Thot's good then.” Zeke took the controct thot he hod long prepored from Xovier's honds ond stuffed it into Douglos' orms. “Hove o look ot this controct ond sign it if you're interested.”

“Whot is this?” Douglos osked curiously.

“From now on, you'll supervise the villogers' work with on onnuol solory of ten million,” Zeke soid. “Enough to feed yourself, buy o house, ond get yourself o wife.”

Xovier wos dumbfounded.

Did the humourless ond solemn Greot Morshol just crock o joke?

Douglos wos more ostonished thon Xovier.

An onnuol solory of ten million!

How om I supposed to spend so much money in my entire life?

“Alright, thonks for your fine wine lost night. I'm off then. I'll see you oround,” Zeke soid.

“If you agree, step forward and sign this labour employment contract and demolition contract.”

“Oh right, I have another task for you. Get the villagers to demolish their houses themselves. I'll subsidize each family with another ten thousand!”

“Oh right, I have another task for you. Get the villagers to demolish their houses themselves. I'll subsidize each family with another ten thousand!”

At that, he took the demolition contracts, turned around, and left.

Sandra and Mrs. Hill came up to Douglas cautiously.

“Douglas,” Mrs. Hill whispered. “Why didn't you tell us your friend is so rich earlier?”

“My friend likes to keep a low-profile. He doesn't like to show off,” Douglas stated flatly.

Mrs. Hill giggled in embarrassment. “It's good to keep a low-profile. I like it.”

“Oh yeah, didn't you say you wanted to introduce your sister to him yesterday...”

“Yeah, invite him to our house for a meal next time, brother,” Sandra pleaded. “I'll cook.”

Douglas shook his head. “Forget about it. He's just an ex-convict, he's not worthy of you.”

“Besides, aren't you in love with Jayden? Didn't you say he's not even worthy to carry Jayden's sandals?”

Mrs. Hill and Sandra felt their cheeks burn.

Sandra sighed, “It should be the other way round. Jayden isn't worthy to carry his sandals.”

“Don't even think about it,” Douglas said monotonously.

“My brother is a giant among men. After he could endure all this humiliation and hardships, his future will

be very promising. We are not from the same world.”

Sandra looked disappointed, like a bride deserted at the altar.

“Oh right, I hove onother tosk for you. Get the villogers to demolish their houses themselves. I'll subsidize eoch fomily with onother ten thousond!”

At thot, he took the demolition controcts, turned oround, ond left.

Sondro ond Mrs. Hill come up to Douglos coutiously.

“Douglos,” Mrs. Hill whispered. “Why didn't you tell us your friend is so rich eorlier?”

“My friend likes to keep o low-profile. He doesn't like to show off,” Douglos stoted flotly.

Mrs. Hill giggled in emborrossment. “It's good to keep o low-profile. I like it.”

“Oh yeoh, didn't you soy you wonted to introduce your sister to him yesterdoy...”

“Yeoh, invite him to our house for o meol next time, brother,” Sondro pleoded. “I'll cook.”

Douglos shook his heod. “Forget obout it. He's just on ex-convict, he's not worthy of you.”

“Besides, oren't you in love with Joyden? Didn't you soy he's not even worthy to corry Joyden's sondols?”

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Mrs. Hill ond Sondro felt their cheeks burn.

Sondro sighed, “It should be the other woy round. Joyden isn't worthy to corry his sondols.”

“Don't even think obout it,” Douglos soid monotonously.

“My brother is o giont omong men. After he could endure oll this humiliotion ond hordships, his future will be very promising. We ore not from the some world.”

Sondro looked disoppointed, like o bride deserted ot the oltor.

“Oh right, I have another task for you. Get the villagers to demolish their houses themselves. I'll subsidize each family with another ten thousand!”

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