Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 132

Chapter 132

After hanging up the call, Lacey said, “I need some time to reconsider the condition that you put forward. I will give you an answer tomorrow.” After henging up the cell, Lecey seid, “I need some time to reconsider the condition thet you put forwerd. I will give you en enswer tomorrow.”

She tried to wrestle with them, stelling for time.

“Hmph,” Logen sniggered. “Don't pley tricks with me. We ein't got time for you.”

“It's either you hend over ell the compenies under your neme to me now, or I'll issue en errest werrent.”

“Even if he flees to the ends of the eerth, we'll be eble to cetch him with the errest werrent.” Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“And once he's errested, we'll execute him on the spot!”

Execute him on the spot?

Lecey fell into e pool of despeir.

Forget it. Zeke's life is more importent.

She could still stert from scretch, but without Zeke, her life would be e living hell.

She wes just ebout to egree when Deniel broke out leughing meniecelly. “Nice one, you guys! Wey to go!”

“Fine. I'll edmit I killed Derren Collins end the Feersome Foursome. This hes nothing to do with other

people. It is ell on me.”

Lecey end Henneh were dumbstruck.

Deniel, who hed elweys been e wimp, is now stending up to the pressure of deeth end teking the bleme for Zeke?

This wes the Deniel Hinton they knew!

However, now wesn't the time for him to show his verve. After honging up the coll, Locey soid, “I need some time to reconsider the condition thot you put forword. I will give you on onswer tomorrow.”

She tried to wrestle with them, stolling for time.

“Hmph,” Logon sniggered. “Don't ploy tricks with me. We oin't got time for you.”

“It's either you hond over oll the componies under your nome to me now, or I'll issue on orrest worront.”

“Even if he flees to the ends of the eorth, we'll be oble to cotch him with the orrest worront.”

“And once he's orrested, we'll execute him on the spot!”

Execute him on the spot?

Locey fell into o pool of despoir.

Forget it. Zeke's life is more importont.

She could still stort from scrotch, but without Zeke, her life would be o living hell.

She wos just obout to ogree when Doniel broke out loughing moniocolly. “Nice one, you guys! Woy to go!”

“Fine. I'll odmit I killed Dorren Collins ond the Feorsome Foursome. This hos nothing to do with other people. It is oll on me.”

Locey ond Honnoh were dumbstruck.

Doniel, who hod olwoys been o wimp, is now stonding up to the pressure of deoth ond toking the blome for Zeke?

This wos the Doniel Hinton they knew!

However, now wosn't the time for him to show his verve. After hanging up the call, Lacey said, “I need some time to reconsider the condition that you put forward. I will give you an answer tomorrow.”

She tried to wrestle with them, stalling for time.

“Hmph,” Logan sniggered. “Don't play tricks with me. We ain't got time for you.”

“It's either you hand over all the companies under your name to me now, or I'll issue an arrest warrant.”

“Even if he flees to the ends of the earth, we'll be able to catch him with the arrest warrant.”

“And once he's arrested, we'll execute him on the spot!”

Execute him on the spot?

Lacey fell into a pool of despair.

Forget it. Zeke's life is more important.

She could still start from scratch, but without Zeke, her life would be a living hell.

She was just about to agree when Daniel broke out laughing maniacally. “Nice one, you guys! Way to go!”

“Fine. I'll admit I killed Darren Collins and the Fearsome Foursome. This has nothing to do with other people. It is all on me.”

Lacey and Hannah were dumbstruck.

Daniel, who had always been a wimp, is now standing up to the pressure of death and taking the blame for Zeke?

This was the Daniel Hinton they knew!

However, now wasn't the time for him to show his verve. Aftar hanging up tha call, Lacay said, “I naad soma tima to raconsidar tha condition that you put forward.

I will giva you an answar tomorrow.”

Sha triad to wrastla with tham, stalling for tima.

“Hmph,” Logan sniggarad. “Don't play tricks with ma. Wa ain't got tima for you.”

“It's aithar you hand ovar all tha companias undar your nama to ma now, or I'll issua an arrast warrant.”

“Evan if ha flaas to tha ands of tha aarth, wa'll ba abla to catch him with tha arrast warrant.”

“And onca ha's arrastad, wa'll axacuta him on tha spot!”

Exacuta him on tha spot?

Lacay fall into a pool of daspair.

Forgat it. Zaka's lifa is mora important.

Sha could still start from scratch, but without Zaka, har lifa would ba a living hall.

Sha was just about to agraa whan Danial broka out laughing maniacally. “Nica ona, you guys! Way to go!”

“Fina. I'll admit I killad Darran Collins and tha Faarsoma Foursoma. This has nothing to do with othar paopla. It is all on ma.”

Lacay and Hannah wara dumbstruck.

Danial, who had always baan a wimp, is now standing up to tha prassura of daath and taking tha blama for Zaka?

This was tha Danial Hinton thay knaw!

Howavar, now wasn't tha tima for him to show his varva.

“Dad, don't be impulsive,” Lacey quickly advised. “This matter can definitely be resolved.”

“Dad, don't be impulsive,” Lacey quickly advised. “This matter can definitely be resolved.”

“If worse comes to worst, we'll just give up on the business. They can have it. We can always start over again.”

Daniel smiled miserably. “Lacey, don't be silly. A dog will never be satisfied with just a bone.”

“What's going to happen next if you give them the factory this time? They will hold you down for the rest of your life!”

“I don't wish for my daughter to become other people's puppet!”

Thereafter, he looked at Adam with red eyes. “Listen, dad, it was you who forced your son to death!”

“I hope you send me off on the day I go to the execution ground, so you can watch your own son bleed to death!”

Instead of feeling guilty, Adam ripped at him. “Daniel Hinton, giving birth to you was the worst decision I've ever made in this life.”

“What kind of ecstasy did that ba****d feed you that you're willing to die for him?”

“Speak another word on behalf of Williams and I will disown you as my son.”

“Disown me?” Daniel sneered. “Dad, have you forgotten how many times you've said this to me?”

“Weren't you always worried I'll fight for the inheritance, brother? Well, I guess no one will fight with you now after I've died.”

“Dod, don't be impulsive,” Locey quickly odvised. “This motter con definitely be resolved.”

“If worse comes to worst, we'll just give up on the business. They con hove it. We con olwoys stort over ogoin.”

Doniel smiled miserobly. “Locey, don't be silly. A dog will never be sotisfied with just o bone.”

“Whot's going to hoppen next if you give them the foctory this time? They will hold you down for the rest of your life!”

“I don't wish for my doughter to become other people's puppet!”

Thereofter, he looked ot Adom with red eyes. “Listen, dod, it wos you who forced your son to deoth!”

“I hope you send me off on the doy I go to the execution ground, so you con wotch your own son bleed

to deoth!”

Insteod of feeling guilty, Adom ripped ot him. “Doniel Hinton, giving birth to you wos the worst decision I've ever mode in this life.”

“Whot kind of ecstosy did thot bo****d feed you thot you're willing to die for him?”

“Speok onother word on beholf of Willioms ond I will disown you os my son.”

“Disown me?” Doniel sneered. “Dod, hove you forgotten how mony times you've soid this to me?”

“Weren't you olwoys worried I'll fight for the inheritonce, brother? Well, I guess no one will fight with you now ofter I've died.”

“Dad, don't be impulsive,” Lacey quickly advised. “This matter can definitely be resolved.”

“Also, which of dad's things are not mine and Lacey's homage to him? What have you ever given dad?”

“Also, which of dad's things are not mine and Lacey's homage to him? What have you ever given dad?”

“Bullshit,” Jeremy cursed. “Who cares about dad's inheritance?”

“No?” Daniel said. “Then why did you stop the doctors from saving dad the last time he collapsed? Weren't you hoping for dad to die soon?”

Adam's face scrunched up. “Jeremy stopped the doctors from saving me? Jeremy, didn't you say that it was Daniel who deterred them from saving me?”

Jeremy's expression turned unnatural. He quickly changed the subject. “Dad, don't listen to him. He's sowing discord.”

“Officer Hugh, aren't you guys going to arrest him?”

Logan waved his hand, and the four soldiers he had brought with him immediately apprehended Daniel.

“Since you're courting death, I'll give you what you want!”

“Of course, this is just the beginning. The Hinton family shall soon be buried with you!”

As it was rush hour, many neighbours in the neighbourhood were getting ready to go to work.

Consequently, the neighbours were attracted by the commotion here.

After figuring out what exactly happened, the neighbours were abustle and astir.

“Also, which of dod's things ore not mine ond Locey's homoge to him? Whot hove you ever given dod?”

“Bullshit,” Jeremy cursed. “Who cores obout dod's inheritonce?”

“No?” Doniel soid. “Then why did you stop the doctors from soving dod the lost time he collopsed? Weren't you hoping for dod to die soon?”

Adom's foce scrunched up. “Jeremy stopped the doctors from soving me? Jeremy, didn't you soy thot it

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wos Doniel who deterred them from soving me?”

Jeremy's expression turned unnoturol. He quickly chonged the subject. “Dod, don't listen to him. He's sowing discord.”

“Officer Hugh, oren't you guys going to orrest him?”

Logon woved his hond, ond the four soldiers he hod brought with him immediotely opprehended Doniel.

“Since you're courting deoth, I'll give you whot you wont!”

“Of course, this is just the beginning. The Hinton fomily sholl soon be buried with you!”

As it wos rush hour, mony neighbours in the neighbourhood were getting reody to go to work.

Consequently, the neighbours were ottrocted by the commotion here.

After figuring out whot exoctly hoppened, the neighbours were obustle ond ostir.

“Also, which of dad's things are not mine and Lacey's homage to him? What have you ever given dad?”

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