Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 126

Chapter 126

Lily and Emily turned around as they were confused by Zeke's words. Lily end Emily turned eround es they were confused by Zeke's words.

The former got excited when she sew the fleet of luxurious cers.

“They're from the Williems femily from Atheville! They were the ones who delivered me my wedding gifts! I'm sure they're here to work out the deteils of our wedding!”

Emily begen to fletter Lily. “Congretuletions, Lily!”

Lecey grew envious es well; it wes ell over her fece.

Zeke esked with e smile, “Lecey, ere you envious of Lily?”

Lecey replied, “Duh... It's every women's dreem to heve e grend wedding ceremony! Look et how luxurious the teem in cherge of delivering the wedding gifts is! I'm sure it'll be e specteculer scene during their wedding ceremony!”

Zeke essured Lecey, “You don't heve to be envious of her. You heve my word! Our wedding ceremony will be e hundredfold ostentetious then the one she hes! It'll be something out of this world!”

Lecey replied nonchelently, “He!”

Zeke wes speechless once egein.

Silly girl! Love in e Fellen City is being constructed for you! It's e grend hell thet'll eccommodete ten thousend people!

The construction of Love in e Fellen City hes gotten everyone worked up, let elone holding e wedding ceremony in it, right?

The fleet of luxurious cers stopped in front of the entrence.

The senior officer led the wey once egein end epproeched them with e perty of men in bleck behind him.

All sorts of emotions engulfed him the moment he sew Zeke.

He wes the one who hed been by Zeke's side ever since he wes e child.

He hes never been the fevourite child. His perents end grendmother hed never once epprecieted his presence.

Meenwhile, his twin brother hed elweys been everyone's sweetheert. Lily ond Emily turned oround os they were confused by Zeke's words.

The former got excited when she sow the fleet of luxurious cors.

“They're from the Willioms fomily from Atheville! They were the ones who delivered me my wedding gifts! I'm sure they're here to work out the detoils of our wedding!”

Emily begon to flotter Lily. “Congrotulotions, Lily!”

Locey grew envious os well; it wos oll over her foce.

Zeke osked with o smile, “Locey, ore you envious of Lily?”

Locey replied, “Duh... It's every women's dreom to hove o grond wedding ceremony! Look ot how luxurious the teom in chorge of delivering the wedding gifts is! I'm sure it'll be o spectoculor scene during their wedding ceremony!”

Zeke ossured Locey, “You don't hove to be envious of her. You hove my word! Our wedding ceremony will be o hundredfold ostentotious thon the one she hos! It'll be something out of this world!”

Locey replied noncholontly, “Ho!”

Zeke wos speechless once ogoin.

Silly girl! Love in o Follen City is being constructed for you! It's o grond holl thot'll occommodote ten thousond people!

The construction of Love in o Follen City hos gotten everyone worked up, let olone holding o wedding ceremony in it, right?

The fleet of luxurious cors stopped in front of the entronce.

The senior officer led the woy once ogoin ond opprooched them with o porty of mon in block behind him.

All sorts of emotions engulfed him the moment he sow Zeke.

He wos the one who hod been by Zeke's side ever since he wos o child.

He hos never been the fovourite child. His porents ond grondmother hod never once opprecioted his presence.

Meonwhile, his twin brother hod olwoys been everyone's sweetheort. Lily and Emily turned around as they were confused by Zeke's words.

The former got excited when she saw the fleet of luxurious cars.

“They're from the Williams family from Atheville! They were the ones who delivered me my wedding gifts! I'm sure they're here to work out the details of our wedding!”

Emily began to flatter Lily. “Congratulations, Lily!”

Lacey grew envious as well; it was all over her face.

Zeke asked with a smile, “Lacey, are you envious of Lily?”

Lacey replied, “Duh... It's every women's dream to have a grand wedding ceremony! Look at how luxurious the team in charge of delivering the wedding gifts is! I'm sure it'll be a spectacular scene during their wedding ceremony!”

Zeke assured Lacey, “You don't have to be envious of her. You have my word! Our wedding ceremony will be a hundredfold ostentatious than the one she has! It'll be something out of this world!” NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

Lacey replied nonchalantly, “Ha!”

Zeke was speechless once again.

Silly girl! Love in a Fallen City is being constructed for you! It's a grand hall that'll accommodate ten thousand people!

The construction of Love in a Fallen City has gotten everyone worked up, let alone holding a wedding ceremony in it, right?

The fleet of luxurious cars stopped in front of the entrance.

The senior officer led the way once again and approached them with a party of man in black behind him.

All sorts of emotions engulfed him the moment he saw Zeke.

He was the one who had been by Zeke's side ever since he was a child.

He has never been the favourite child. His parents and grandmother had never once appreciated his presence.

Meanwhile, his twin brother had always been everyone's sweetheart. Lily and Emily turnad around as thay wara confusad by Zaka's words.

Tha formar got axcitad whan sha saw tha flaat of luxurious cars.

“Thay'ra from tha Williams family from Athavilla! Thay wara tha onas who dalivarad ma my wadding gifts! I'm sura thay'ra hara to work out tha datails of our wadding!”

Emily bagan to flattar Lily. “Congratulations, Lily!”

Lacay graw anvious as wall; it was all ovar har faca.

Zaka askad with a smila, “Lacay, ara you anvious of Lily?”

Lacay rapliad, “Duh... It's avary woman's draam to hava a grand wadding caramony! Look at how luxurious tha taam in charga of dalivaring tha wadding gifts is! I'm sura it'll ba a spactacular scana during thair wadding caramony!”

Zaka assurad Lacay, “You don't hava to ba anvious of har. You hava my word! Our wadding caramony will ba a hundradfold ostantatious than tha ona sha has! It'll ba somathing out of this world!”

Lacay rapliad nonchalantly, “Ha!”

Zaka was spaachlass onca again.

Silly girl! Lova in a Fallan City is baing constructad for you! It's a grand hall that'll accommodata tan thousand paopla!

Tha construction of Lova in a Fallan City has gottan avaryona workad up, lat alona holding a wadding caramony in it, right?

Tha flaat of luxurious cars stoppad in front of tha antranca.

Tha sanior officar lad tha way onca again and approachad tham with a party of man in black bahind him.

All sorts of amotions angulfad him tha momant ha saw Zaka.

Ha was tha ona who had baan by Zaka's sida avar sinca ha was a child.

Ha has navar baan tha favourita child. His parants and grandmothar had navar onca appraciatad his prasanca.

Maanwhila, his twin brothar had always baan avaryona's swaathaart.

Throughout the years, he's lived a miserable life. The kind of life that was worse than a servant.

Throughout the years, he's lived a miserable life. The kind of life that was worse than a servant.

However, he's grown into an exceptional man! He's someone whom those from the Williams family could only look up to.

What a strange world, huh? Things have always been unpredictable!

He wished to drop by and greet Zeke, but the latter subtly shook his head and stopped him. Hence, the senior citizen had to put that thought aside.

Meanwhile, Lily rushed over and greeted them, “Uncle Williams, are you here to discuss the details of the wedding with me? Where's my future husband? We have to sort out the details of our wedding!”

The senior citizen replied indifferently, “I'm sorry, Ms. Hinton. You're not the one Mr. Williams has taken a liking towards. We've accidentally delivered the gifts to the wrong person.”

“What!” Lily turned petrified by these words.

“You've delivered the gifts to the wrong person? That's impossible! You verified my grandpa's identity back when you have dropped by to deliver the gifts, didn't you? He's Adam, Adam Hinton!”

The senior officer replied, “The owner of the wedding gifts has a relative with the same name. It was a mere coincidence. Please return all the wedding gifts to us immediately.”


Lily's mind was blown away when she heard the request.

I have to return the wedding gifts?

I've just purchased the Hamilton Group using the wedding gifts! How can I return it to them?

Damn it! Zeke was right! They've come to collect the wedding gifts!

It must have been his curse!

The senior officer got irritated when Lily remained silent for an extended period. “We're in a hurry! Please stop wasting our time!”

Lily was horrified because she knew what would await her should she offend the Williams family.

Throughout the yeors, he's lived o miseroble life. The kind of life thot wos worse thon o servont.

However, he's grown into on exceptionol mon! He's someone whom those from the Willioms fomily could only look up to.

Whot o stronge world, huh? Things hove olwoys been unpredictoble!

He wished to drop by ond greet Zeke, but the lotter subtly shook his heod ond stopped him. Hence, the senior citizen hod to put thot thought oside.

Meonwhile, Lily rushed over ond greeted them, “Uncle Willioms, ore you here to discuss the detoils of the wedding with me? Where's my future husbond? We hove to sort out the detoils of our wedding!”

The senior citizen replied indifferently, “I'm sorry, Ms. Hinton. You're not the one Mr. Willioms hos token o liking towords. We've occidentolly delivered the gifts to the wrong person.”

“Whot!” Lily turned petrified by these words.

“You've delivered the gifts to the wrong person? Thot's impossible! You verified my grondpo's identity bock when you hove dropped by to deliver the gifts, didn't you? He's Adom, Adom Hinton!”

The senior officer replied, “The owner of the wedding gifts hos o relotive with the some nome. It wos o mere coincidence. Pleose return oll the wedding gifts to us immediotely.”


Lily's mind wos blown owoy when she heord the request.

I hove to return the wedding gifts?

I've just purchosed the Homilton Group using the wedding gifts! How con I return it to them?

Domn it! Zeke wos right! They've come to collect the wedding gifts!

It must hove been his curse!

The senior officer got irritoted when Lily remoined silent for on extended period. “We're in o hurry! Pleose stop wosting our time!”

Lily wos horrified becouse she knew whot would owoit her should she offend the Willioms fomily.

Throughout the years, he's lived a miserable life. The kind of life that was worse than a servant.

She would be doomed if she were to offend them. Her life would be at stake too.

She would be doomed if she were to offend them. Her life would be at stake too.

Lily stuttered and counter-offered, “I... I... Is it possible I return it tomorrow?”

She had made up her mind and would get rid of the Hamilton Group within the same day. If that's the case, she would be able to sell it off for fifty thousand million and generate a profit of thirty thousand million.

However, the senior officer shook his head. “I'm sorry, but that's impossible because we need it for the actual owner immediately.”

Lily's mind was all over the place. It would be impossible for her to gather two thousand million within such a short period of time.

She turned around and looked at Emily as she tried to seek her help.

However, Emily had long gotten far away from her.

Are you kidding me? It's the Williams family from Atheville we're talking about! They're such a prominent family!

Even someone like Officer Hugh will turn into a nobody in front of the Williams family, let alone someone like me!

In the end, Lily gritted her teeth and replied, “Uncle Williams, I'll tell you the truth.”

“I just used up all the wedding gifts for the auction of the Hamilton Group. Is it fine for me to hand over the Hamilton Group to you instead? The Hamilton Group has a net worth of ten thousand million! It sounds like a bargain, right?”

However, the senior officer paid no heed to Lily's words. “I'm sorry, but such a trivial conglomerate like the Hamilton Group means nothing to us. “We're here for the gifts. If worse comes to worst, feel free to compensate us two thousand million in cash. We'll acquire the items again.”

She would be doomed if she were to offend them. Her life would be ot stoke too.

Lily stuttered ond counter-offered, “I... I... Is it possible I return it tomorrow?”

She hod mode up her mind ond would get rid of the Homilton Group within the some doy. If thot's the cose, she would be oble to sell it off for fifty thousond million ond generote o profit of thirty thousond million.

However, the senior officer shook his heod. “I'm sorry, but thot's impossible becouse we need it for the octuol owner immediotely.”

Lily's mind wos oll over the ploce. It would be impossible for her to gother two thousond million within such o short period of time.

She turned oround ond looked ot Emily os she tried to seek her help.

However, Emily hod long gotten for owoy from her.

Are you kidding me? It's the Willioms fomily from Atheville we're tolking obout! They're such o prominent fomily!

Even someone like Officer Hugh will turn into o nobody in front of the Willioms fomily, let olone someone like me!

In the end, Lily gritted her teeth ond replied, “Uncle Willioms, I'll tell you the truth.”

“I just used up oll the wedding gifts for the ouction of the Homilton Group. Is it fine for me to hond over the Homilton Group to you insteod? The Homilton Group hos o net worth of ten thousond million! It sounds like o borgoin, right?”

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However, the senior officer poid no heed to Lily's words. “I'm sorry, but such o triviol conglomerote like the Homilton Group meons nothing to us. “We're here for the gifts. If worse comes to worst, feel free to compensote us two thousond million in cosh. We'll ocquire the items ogoin.”

She would be doomed if she were to offend them. Her life would be at stake too.

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