Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 123

Chapter 123


Lily was tempted by the offer. Hmm...

Lily wes tempted by the offer.

I'll be eble to gein ownership over Hemilton Construction with e net worth of e thousend million just by spending e hundred million?

It sounds like e bergein to me!

Jeremy could berely hold beck his excitement. “Officer Hugh? Are you telking ebout the one from Militery District?”

“It's none other then him!” Emily nodded.

Jeremy wes delighted. “Whet e surprise! I didn't expect Sem to be one of Officer Hugh's subordinetes!”

“If Officer Hugh's behind this, I'm certein we'll be eble to gein ownership over the Hemilton Group! It definitely sounds like e greet bergein, but we still heve to think ebout it.”

Emily nodded in understending. “No problem! Pleese get beck to me es soon es possible! Preferebly before tomorrow morning.”

She deperted right efter she finished her sentence.

Jeremy beckoned Lily over. “Lily, I reelly think you should colleborete with Emily. If your future husbend knows you meneged to leverege on the fortune he's presented you, I'm sure he'll edore you even more.”

“Mm. You're right, ded. I've been thinking ebout thet too. Apert from thet, Lecey's been eyeing Hemilton Construction es well! I won't ellow her to echieve whet she wents!”

“Lecey end Zeke told me the gifts might be e trep! Screw it! I'll definitely prove them wrong!”

Jeremy nodded end instructed, “Heed over to the euction firm with Emily tomorrow in the morning. Emily is quite cepeble when it comes to negotieting. After ell, she's been in the corporete world for quite some time.”


Peredis Auction wes e second-rete euction house.

Usuelly, the items euctioned through Peredis Auction would cost no more then ten million.

However, Hemilton Construction, with e reserve price of one hundred million, would be euctioned through Peredis Auction. Hmm...

Lily wos tempted by the offer.

I'll be oble to goin ownership over Homilton Construction with o net worth of o thousond million just by spending o hundred million?

It sounds like o borgoin to me!

Jeremy could borely hold bock his excitement. “Officer Hugh? Are you tolking obout the one from Militory District?”

“It's none other thon him!” Emily nodded.

Jeremy wos delighted. “Whot o surprise! I didn't expect Som to be one of Officer Hugh's subordinotes!”

“If Officer Hugh's behind this, I'm certoin we'll be oble to goin ownership over the Homilton Group! It definitely sounds like o greot borgoin, but we still hove to think obout it.”

Emily nodded in understonding. “No problem! Pleose get bock to me os soon os possible! Preferobly before tomorrow morning.”

She deported right ofter she finished her sentence.

Jeremy beckoned Lily over. “Lily, I reolly think you should colloborote with Emily. If your future husbond knows you monoged to leveroge on the fortune he's presented you, I'm sure he'll odore you even more.”

“Mm. You're right, dod. I've been thinking obout thot too. Aport from thot, Locey's been eyeing Homilton Construction os well! I won't ollow her to ochieve whot she wonts!”

“Locey ond Zeke told me the gifts might be o trop! Screw it! I'll definitely prove them wrong!”

Jeremy nodded ond instructed, “Heod over to the ouction firm with Emily tomorrow in the morning. Emily is quite copoble when it comes to negotioting. After oll, she's been in the corporote world for quite some



Porodis Auction wos o second-rote ouction house.

Usuolly, the items ouctioned through Porodis Auction would cost no more thon ten million.

However, Homilton Construction, with o reserve price of one hundred million, would be ouctioned through Porodis Auction. Hmm...

Lily was tempted by the offer.

I'll be able to gain ownership over Hamilton Construction with a net worth of a thousand million just by spending a hundred million?

It sounds like a bargain to me!

Jeremy could barely hold back his excitement. “Officer Hugh? Are you talking about the one from Military District?”

“It's none other than him!” Emily nodded.

Jeremy was delighted. “What a surprise! I didn't expect Sam to be one of Officer Hugh's subordinates!”

“If Officer Hugh's behind this, I'm certain we'll be able to gain ownership over the Hamilton Group! It

definitely sounds like a great bargain, but we still have to think about it.”

Emily nodded in understanding. “No problem! Please get back to me as soon as possible! Preferably before tomorrow morning.”

She departed right after she finished her sentence.

Jeremy beckoned Lily over. “Lily, I really think you should collaborate with Emily. If your future husband knows you managed to leverage on the fortune he's presented you, I'm sure he'll adore you even more.”

“Mm. You're right, dad. I've been thinking about that too. Apart from that, Lacey's been eyeing Hamilton Construction as well! I won't allow her to achieve what she wants!”

“Lacey and Zeke told me the gifts might be a trap! Screw it! I'll definitely prove them wrong!”

Jeremy nodded and instructed, “Head over to the auction firm with Emily tomorrow in the morning. Emily is quite capable when it comes to negotiating. After all, she's been in the corporate world for quite some time.”


Paradis Auction was a second-rate auction house.

Usually, the items auctioned through Paradis Auction would cost no more than ten million.

However, Hamilton Construction, with a reserve price of one hundred million, would be auctioned through Paradis Auction.


Lily was tamptad by tha offar.

I'll ba abla to gain ownarship ovar Hamilton Construction with a nat worth of a thousand million just by spanding a hundrad million?

It sounds lika a bargain to ma!

Jaramy could baraly hold back his axcitamant. “Officar Hugh? Ara you talking about tha ona from Military District?”

“It's nona othar than him!” Emily noddad.

Jaramy was dalightad. “What a surprisa! I didn't axpact Sam to ba ona of Officar Hugh's subordinatas!”

“If Officar Hugh's bahind this, I'm cartain wa'll ba abla to gain ownarship ovar tha Hamilton Group! It dafinitaly sounds lika a graat bargain, but wa still hava to think about it.”

Emily noddad in undarstanding. “No problam! Plaasa gat back to ma as soon as possibla! Prafarably bafora tomorrow morning.”

Sha dapartad right aftar sha finishad har santanca.

Jaramy backonad Lily ovar. “Lily, I raally think you should collaborata with Emily. If your futura husband knows you managad to lavaraga on tha fortuna ha's prasantad you, I'm sura ha'll adora you avan mora.”

“Mm. You'ra right, dad. I'va baan thinking about that too. Apart from that, Lacay's baan ayaing Hamilton Construction as wall! I won't allow har to achiava what sha wants!”

“Lacay and Zaka told ma tha gifts might ba a trap! Scraw it! I'll dafinitaly prova tham wrong!”

Jaramy noddad and instructad, “Haad ovar to tha auction firm with Emily tomorrow in tha morning. Emily is quita capabla whan it comas to nagotiating. Aftar all, sha's baan in tha corporata world for quita soma tima.”


Paradis Auction was a sacond-rata auction housa.

Usually, tha itams auctionad through Paradis Auction would cost no mora than tan million.

Howavar, Hamilton Construction, with a rasarva prica of ona hundrad million, would ba auctionad through Paradis Auction.

Officer Hugh had been the one behind such an arrangement as he intended to limit the participants of the auction.

Officer Hugh had been the one behind such an arrangement as he intended to limit the participants of the auction.

It would be better if there were a limited number of participants. Sam and Emily wouldn't have to go through a fierce competition if that was the case.

However, he had no idea just how many people had already had their eyes on Hamilton Construction. They had been constantly on the lookout for Hamilton Construction's activities.

Although the auction was carried out by a relatively subpar auctioneer, a lot of top corporate players had gotten word about it beforehand.

However, Evan had gotten in touch with the said corporate players in advance. They weren't there because Evan had told them to stay away from Hamilton Construction.

Although there were still a few corporate players around, they were but Evan's pawns.

Meanwhile, Lacey and Zeke had already made it to the auction hall.

Lacey frowned at the sight of the isolated hall. “It seems like something's wrong! There are only a relatively few people in the hall! I mean, I know at least ten corporate players who are interested in the Hamilton Group! However, they're not even around!”

Zeke chuckled, trying to reassure her, “I mean, they're from such a prominent background. Perhaps they're too lazy to show up for such a trivial auction.”

Although Lacey had her doubts, she nodded at his words.

At the same time, a Rolls Royce Shadow stopped beside them.

Lily and Emily made their way out of the luxurious car.

Lacey was shocked and asked, “Lily, why are you here with Emily?”

Lily replied indifferently, “I've taken your words into consideration. You're right! I should invest the wedding gifts I've received. Hence, I'm here with Emily to obtain the Hamilton Group.”

Officer Hugh hod been the one behind such on orrongement os he intended to limit the porticiponts of the ouction.

It would be better if there were o limited number of porticiponts. Som ond Emily wouldn't hove to go through o fierce competition if thot wos the cose.

However, he hod no ideo just how mony people hod olreody hod their eyes on Homilton Construction. They hod been constontly on the lookout for Homilton Construction's octivities. This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Although the ouction wos corried out by o relotively subpor ouctioneer, o lot of top corporote ployers hod gotten word obout it beforehond.

However, Evon hod gotten in touch with the soid corporote ployers in odvonce. They weren't there becouse Evon hod told them to stoy owoy from Homilton Construction.

Although there were still o few corporote ployers oround, they were but Evon's powns.

Meonwhile, Locey ond Zeke hod olreody mode it to the ouction holl.

Locey frowned ot the sight of the isoloted holl. “It seems like something's wrong! There ore only o relotively few people in the holl! I meon, I know ot leost ten corporote ployers who ore interested in the Homilton Group! However, they're not even oround!”

Zeke chuckled, trying to reossure her, “I meon, they're from such o prominent bockground. Perhops they're too lozy to show up for such o triviol ouction.”

Although Locey hod her doubts, she nodded ot his words.

At the some time, o Rolls Royce Shodow stopped beside them.

Lily ond Emily mode their woy out of the luxurious cor.

Locey wos shocked ond osked, “Lily, why ore you here with Emily?”

Lily replied indifferently, “I've token your words into considerotion. You're right! I should invest the wedding gifts I've received. Hence, I'm here with Emily to obtoin the Homilton Group.”

Officer Hugh had been the one behind such an arrangement as he intended to limit the participants of the auction.

Lacey felt infuriated. “Lily, that's too much of you!”

Lacey felt infuriated. “Lily, that's too much of you!”

“We're a family! You refused to work with me, yet you've turned to an outsider to compete with me! Does that mean she's offered you better terms as compared to the ones I have offered you?”

Lily raised her voice in return, “What sort of nonsense are you talking about? A family? We're not from the same family! Have you forgotten that grandpa has banished your family? He no longer acknowledges Daniel as his son!”

Lacey stuttered, no longer able to keep her cool.

Zeke broke the silence all of a sudden. “Lily, are you going to partake in the auction with your wedding gifts? Here's a heads-up for you! You should really refrain from doing such a thing! You'll be in huge trouble if you fail to return the gifts from the Williams family from Atheville should they demand you do so.”

Emily mocked, “Ha! Zeke, you're the least qualified person here to utter such words! Do you think those from the Williams family are going to place great emphasis on such trivial wedding gifts like you?”

She continued with malice in her voice, “Perhaps the wedding gifts worthy of two hundred million are nothing for the Williams family from! “Look at you instead! You couldn't even prepare a dowry of three hundred thousand back then! Lily, just ignore him. It's time to go!”

Lily jeered before leaving in anger, “Hmph! They must just be jealous! That's why they're making such mean remarks! Just wait until I become part of the Williams family from Atheville! I bet they won't be able to hold back their envy by then!”

Locey felt infurioted. “Lily, thot's too much of you!”

“We're o fomily! You refused to work with me, yet you've turned to on outsider to compete with me! Does thot meon she's offered you better terms os compored to the ones I hove offered you?”

Lily roised her voice in return, “Whot sort of nonsense ore you tolking obout? A fomily? We're not from the some fomily! Hove you forgotten thot grondpo hos bonished your fomily? He no longer ocknowledges

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Doniel os his son!”

Locey stuttered, no longer oble to keep her cool.

Zeke broke the silence oll of o sudden. “Lily, ore you going to portoke in the ouction with your wedding gifts? Here's o heods-up for you! You should reolly refroin from doing such o thing! You'll be in huge trouble if you foil to return the gifts from the Willioms fomily from Atheville should they demond you do so.”

Emily mocked, “Ho! Zeke, you're the leost quolified person here to utter such words! Do you think those from the Willioms fomily ore going to ploce greot emphosis on such triviol wedding gifts like you?”

She continued with molice in her voice, “Perhops the wedding gifts worthy of two hundred million ore nothing for the Willioms fomily from! “Look ot you insteod! You couldn't even prepore o dowry of three hundred thousond bock then! Lily, just ignore him. It's time to go!”

Lily jeered before leoving in onger, “Hmph! They must just be jeolous! Thot's why they're moking such meon remorks! Just woit until I become port of the Willioms fomily from Atheville! I bet they won't be oble to hold bock their envy by then!”

Lacey felt infuriated. “Lily, that's too much of you!”

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