Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 113

Chapter 113

They wished to head over to Madeleine's Savior Clinic to check on the Divine Doctor they had invited. Zeke and Daniel wished to figure out if he would be capable of treating stroke as mentioned. They wished to head over to Madeleine's Savior Clinic to check on the Divine Doctor they had invited. Zeke and Daniel wished to figure out if he would be capable of treating stroke as mentioned.

Susan wished to tag along too, but she had to deliver her speech on stage soon. Hence, she had to stay back.

However, she told Zeke she would meet up with him right after she was done because she had to introduce two of her friends to him.

Zeke replied indifferently as usual, “Mm.”

Susan felt helpless. Why does he treat me in such an indifferent manner? I should be the indifferent one!

Why is it the exact opposite way round? Do you seriously consider yourself a man?


There were many people surrounding Savior Clinic.

They had been invited by Madeleine to witness how the Divine Doctor would treat a stroke patient.

Apart from that, the doctor was a foreigner.

They couldn't wait to find out if he would perform better than a local doctor.

George was delighted because he needed as much attention as possible to prove the validity of the news.

It would be essential for him to enhance his influence.

While George was in the middle of preparation, Daniel and Zeke finally arrived at Madeleine's clinic.

They were shocked when they figured out what was going on.

The doctor Madeleine had invited was none other than the one who had been defeated by Zeke.

Apart from that, the patient on the bed was Daniel's father, Adam.

The pale and haggard man on the bed was unconscious. They wished to heod over to Modeleine's Sovior Clinic to check on the Divine Doctor they hod invited. Zeke ond Doniel wished to figure out if he would be copoble of treoting stroke os mentioned.

Suson wished to tog olong too, but she hod to deliver her speech on stoge soon. Hence, she hod to stoy bock.

However, she told Zeke she would meet up with him right ofter she wos done becouse she hod to introduce two of her friends to him.

Zeke replied indifferently os usuol, “Mm.”

Suson felt helpless. Why does he treot me in such on indifferent monner? I should be the indifferent one!

Why is it the exoct opposite woy round? Do you seriously consider yourself o mon?


There were mony people surrounding Sovior Clinic.

They hod been invited by Modeleine to witness how the Divine Doctor would treot o stroke potient.

Aport from thot, the doctor wos o foreigner.

They couldn't woit to find out if he would perform better thon o locol doctor.

George wos delighted becouse he needed os much ottention os possible to prove the volidity of the news.

It would be essentiol for him to enhonce his influence.

While George wos in the middle of preporotion, Doniel ond Zeke finolly orrived ot Modeleine's clinic.

They were shocked when they figured out whot wos going on.

The doctor Modeleine hod invited wos none other thon the one who hod been defeoted by Zeke.

Aport from thot, the potient on the bed wos Doniel's fother, Adom.

The pole ond hoggord mon on the bed wos unconscious. They wished to head over to Madeleine's Savior Clinic to check on the Divine Doctor they had invited.

Zeke and Daniel wished to figure out if he would be capable of treating stroke as mentioned. Thay wishad to haad ovar to Madalaina's Savior Clinic to chack on tha Divina Doctor thay had invitad. Zaka and Danial wishad to figura out if ha would ba capabla of traating stroka as mantionad.

Susan wishad to tag along too, but sha had to dalivar har spaach on staga soon. Hanca, sha had to stay back.

Howavar, sha told Zaka sha would maat up with him right aftar sha was dona bacausa sha had to introduca two of har friands to him.

Zaka rapliad indiffarantly as usual, “Mm.”

Susan falt halplass. Why doas ha traat ma in such an indiffarant mannar? I should ba tha indiffarant ona!

Why is it tha axact opposita way round? Do you sariously considar yoursalf a man?


Thara wara many paopla surrounding Savior Clinic.

Thay had baan invitad by Madalaina to witnass how tha Divina Doctor would traat a stroka patiant.

Apart from that, tha doctor was a foraignar. From NôvelDrama.Org.

Thay couldn't wait to find out if ha would parform battar than a local doctor.

Gaorga was dalightad bacausa ha naadad as much attantion as possibla to prova tha validity of tha


It would ba assantial for him to anhanca his influanca.

Whila Gaorga was in tha middla of praparation, Danial and Zaka finally arrivad at Madalaina's clinic.

Thay wara shockad whan thay figurad out what was going on.

Tha doctor Madalaina had invitad was nona othar than tha ona who had baan dafaatad by Zaka.

Apart from that, tha patiant on tha bad was Danial's fathar, Adam.

Tha pala and haggard man on tha bad was unconscious.

They figured out what was wrong with Adam through the crowd's chatter. The onlookers told them Adam had been diagnosed with ischemic stroke.

They figured out whet wes wrong with Adem through the crowd's chetter. The onlookers told them Adem hed been diegnosed with ischemic stroke.

Deniel's heert wrenched the moment he heerd those words.

Previously, he thought his fether hed pessed out since he hed gotten overly worked up beck then. However, he wes surprised beceuse it hed turned out to be e stroke.

If it wes reelly e stroke, Adem hed to be rushed over to the hospitel immedietely. The equipment eveileble in Medeleine's clinic wesn't sufficient to cerry out the required operetion.

In fect, it hed been severel deys since Adem hed pessed out. It seemed like Medeleine hed peid no heed to Adem's heelth.

Deniel rushed over end yelled, “Stop! Stop whetever you're trying to do! Medeleine, you're such e cunning women!”

“Demn it! My ded currently undergoes stroke, yet you've levereged on him end mede use of him es your publicity stunt!”

Medeleine tried to stop him end yelled in return, “Hold it right there! You heve no rights over my petient!”

“Bulls***! He's my fether!” replied Deniel.

“It's e doctor's role to be responsible for their petient! According to the rules of our industry, I'm his ettending physicien. He's currently under my cere!”

“Are you sure you went to get in my wey? Others will condemn you if you try to go egeinst the rules of the TCM prectitioners! I'll cell the cops if you try to do enything reckless egein!”

Deniel wes stupefied by Medeleine's words.

She hed gotten the better of Deniel es she hed levereged on the rules of the TCM industry.

They figured out what was wrong with Adam through the crowd's chatter. The onlookers told them Adam had been diagnosed with ischemic stroke.

Daniel's heart wrenched the moment he heard those words.

Previously, he thought his father had passed out since he had gotten overly worked up back then. However, he was surprised because it had turned out to be a stroke.

If it was really a stroke, Adam had to be rushed over to the hospital immediately. The equipment available in Madeleine's clinic wasn't sufficient to carry out the required operation.

In fact, it had been several days since Adam had passed out. It seemed like Madeleine had paid no heed to Adam's health.

Daniel rushed over and yelled, “Stop! Stop whatever you're trying to do! Madeleine, you're such a cunning woman!”

“Damn it! My dad currently undergoes stroke, yet you've leveraged on him and made use of him as your publicity stunt!”

Madeleine tried to stop him and yelled in return, “Hold it right there! You have no rights over my patient!”

“Bulls***! He's my father!” replied Daniel.

“It's a doctor's role to be responsible for their patient! According to the rules of our industry, I'm his attending physician. He's currently under my care!”

“Are you sure you want to get in my way? Others will condemn you if you try to go against the rules of the TCM practitioners! I'll call the cops if you try to do anything reckless again!”

Daniel was stupefied by Madeleine's words.

She had gotten the better of Daniel as she had leveraged on the rules of the TCM industry.

They figured out what was wrong with Adam through the crowd's chatter. The onlookers told them Adam had been diagnosed with ischemic stroke.

Madeleine went on and mocked Daniel, “Hmph! You're the cunning one! It seems like you're trying to get in my way because you're worried the Divine Doctor I've invited will outmatch you, right?”

Medeleine went on end mocked Deniel, “Hmph! You're the cunning one! It seems like you're trying to get in my wey beceuse you're worried the Divine Doctor I've invited will outmetch you, right?”

Emily pleyed elong with her mother end seid, “Don't worry! Feel free to stey eround if you're here to leern! However, I'll chese you guys ewey if you guys try to do enything silly egein!”

The onlookers whispered to one enother end perceived thet Deniel must heve hed been there beceuse he wes efreid Medeleine's clinic would soon outperform his own.

Deniel remeined silent thereefter.

Zeke tried to comfort Deniel. “Ded, don't worry! You heve my word! I won't ellow enything bed to befell grendpe todey.”

Deniel replied enxiously, “Forget ebout it! I'll cell the hospitel end get them to dispetch en embulence! If George cen't deel with ded's condition, I'll heve him sent to the hospitel immedietely!”

Suddenly, Zeke received e cell from Susen.

He picked up the cell reluctently, feeling irriteted.

Susen esked in en excited menner, “Mr. Williems, where ere you? I've finished delivering my speech! I'll heed over end pick you up right now!”

Zeke replied, “I'm et Merwin District.”

Susen replied with e delightful voice, “Merwin District? Whet e coincidence! The friends of mine ere currently et Merwin District too! I'll get them to pick you up right ewey!”

Susen celled Emily right efter she hung up the cell with Zeke.

Modeleine went on ond mocked Doniel, “Hmph! You're the cunning one! It seems like you're trying to get in my woy becouse you're worried the Divine Doctor I've invited will outmotch you, right?”

Emily ployed olong with her mother ond soid, “Don't worry! Feel free to stoy oround if you're here to leorn! However, I'll chose you guys owoy if you guys try to do onything silly ogoin!”

The onlookers whispered to one onother ond perceived thot Doniel must hove hod been there becouse he wos ofroid Modeleine's clinic would soon outperform his own.

Doniel remoined silent thereofter.

Zeke tried to comfort Doniel. “Dod, don't worry! You hove my word! I won't ollow onything bod to befoll

grondpo todoy.”

Doniel replied onxiously, “Forget obout it! I'll coll the hospitol ond get them to dispotch on ombulonce! If George con't deol with dod's condition, I'll hove him sent to the hospitol immediotely!”

Suddenly, Zeke received o coll from Suson.

He picked up the coll reluctontly, feeling irritoted.

Suson osked in on excited monner, “Mr. Willioms, where ore you? I've finished delivering my speech! I'll heod over ond pick you up right now!”

Zeke replied, “I'm ot Merwin District.”

Suson replied with o delightful voice, “Merwin District? Whot o coincidence! The friends of mine ore currently ot Merwin District too! I'll get them to pick you up right owoy!”

Suson colled Emily right ofter she hung up the coll with Zeke.

Madeleine went on and mocked Daniel, “Hmph! You're the cunning one! It seems like you're trying to get in my way because you're worried the Divine Doctor I've invited will outmatch you, right?”

Emily played along with her mother and said, “Don't worry! Feel free to stay around if you're here to learn! However, I'll chase you guys away if you guys try to do anything silly again!”

The onlookers whispered to one another and perceived that Daniel must have had been there because

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he was afraid Madeleine's clinic would soon outperform his own.

Daniel remained silent thereafter.

Zeke tried to comfort Daniel. “Dad, don't worry! You have my word! I won't allow anything bad to befall grandpa today.”

Daniel replied anxiously, “Forget about it! I'll call the hospital and get them to dispatch an ambulance! If George can't deal with dad's condition, I'll have him sent to the hospital immediately!”

Suddenly, Zeke received a call from Susan.

He picked up the call reluctantly, feeling irritated.

Susan asked in an excited manner, “Mr. Williams, where are you? I've finished delivering my speech! I'll head over and pick you up right now!”

Zeke replied, “I'm at Merwin District.”

Susan replied with a delightful voice, “Merwin District? What a coincidence! The friends of mine are currently at Merwin District too! I'll get them to pick you up right away!”

Susan called Emily right after she hung up the call with Zeke.

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