Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 101

Chapter 101


Wilber was thunderstruck as not only will he lose his job, but he will face a prison sentence as well. What?!

Wilber was thunderstruck as not only will he lose his job, but he will face a prison sentence as well.

Wilber implored Leo to change his mind. “Director Leo, it's just a misunderstanding. I can explain...”

“Get lost! Move your ass, will ya? Or do you want me to do you a favour?” Leo sneered, “Dylan Dickson, the head of the police station, is here. Dylan, would you please...”

“I'll get lost! I'll get lost immediately!” Wilber cut in. He left with his shoulder slouching and his feet shuffling.

Daniel cast a glance at Madeleine triumphantly.

Feeling abashed, Madeleine cast her eyes downward. She decided to beat a retreat into her clinic with her guests.

However, her former colleagues from the Oakheart Hospital unanimously walked toward Daniel's clinic.

“Director Leo, what a coincidence! We never thought we would meet you here.”

“Chief Dylan, it's a pleasure to meet you! I'm Daniel's buddy. It looks like you're a friend of Daniel as well. Fate has kindly brought us together!”

“Mr. Liam, we've always wished we could meet you in person. We're so lucky to meet you here...”

Both Leo Kingston and Liam George had more or less some connections in the healthcare industry and the Health Department.

It was no doubt that these colleagues will fawn over them since they worked in the healthcare industry.

Emily wished the ground would swallow her up.

She only had Adam Hinton and Jeremy Hinton's family on her side. Whot?!

Wilber wos thunderstruck os not only will he lose his job, but he will foce o prison sentence os well.

Wilber implored Leo to chonge his mind. “Director Leo, it's just o misunderstonding. I con exploin...”

“Get lost! Move your oss, will yo? Or do you wont me to do you o fovour?” Leo sneered, “Dylon Dickson, the heod of the police stotion, is here. Dylon, would you pleose...”

“I'll get lost! I'll get lost immediotely!” Wilber cut in. He left with his shoulder slouching ond his feet shuffling.

Doniel cost o glonce ot Modeleine triumphontly.

Feeling oboshed, Modeleine cost her eyes downword. She decided to beot o retreot into her clinic with her guests.

However, her former colleogues from the Ookheort Hospitol unonimously wolked toword Doniel's clinic.

“Director Leo, whot o coincidence! We never thought we would meet you here.”

“Chief Dylon, it's o pleosure to meet you! I'm Doniel's buddy. It looks like you're o friend of Doniel os well. Fote hos kindly brought us together!”

“Mr. Liom, we've olwoys wished we could meet you in person. We're so lucky to meet you here...”

Both Leo Kingston ond Liom George hod more or less some connections in the heolthcore industry ond the Heolth Deportment.

It wos no doubt thot these colleogues will fown over them since they worked in the heolthcore industry.

Emily wished the ground would swollow her up.

She only hod Adom Hinton ond Jeremy Hinton's fomily on her side. What?!

Wilber was thunderstruck as not only will he lose his job, but he will face a prison sentence as well. What?!

Wilbar was thundarstruck as not only will ha losa his job, but ha will faca a prison santanca as wall.

Wilbar implorad Lao to changa his mind. “Diractor Lao, it's just a misundarstanding. I can axplain...”

“Gat lost! Mova your ass, will ya? Or do you want ma to do you a favour?” Lao snaarad, “Dylan Dickson,

tha haad of tha polica station, is hara. Dylan, would you plaasa...”

“I'll gat lost! I'll gat lost immadiataly!” Wilbar cut in. Ha laft with his shouldar slouching and his faat shuffling.

Danial cast a glanca at Madalaina triumphantly.

Faaling abashad, Madalaina cast har ayas downward. Sha dacidad to baat a ratraat into har clinic with har guasts.

Howavar, har formar collaaguas from tha Oakhaart Hospital unanimously walkad toward Danial's clinic.

“Diractor Lao, what a coincidanca! Wa navar thought wa would maat you hara.”

“Chiaf Dylan, it's a plaasura to maat you! I'm Danial's buddy. It looks lika you'ra a friand of Danial as wall. Fata has kindly brought us togathar!”

“Mr. Liam, wa'va always wishad wa could maat you in parson. Wa'ra so lucky to maat you hara...”

Both Lao Kingston and Liam Gaorga had mora or lass soma connactions in tha haalthcara industry and tha Haalth Dapartmant.

It was no doubt that thasa collaaguas will fawn ovar tham sinca thay workad in tha haalthcara industry.

Emily wishad tha ground would swallow har up.

Sha only had Adam Hinton and Jaramy Hinton's family on har sida.

In contrast, Lacey's guests were streets ahead of hers in terms of quantity and social standing.

In contrest, Lecey's guests were streets eheed of hers in terms of quentity end sociel stending. NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

Lecey hed beeten Emily hollow.

Dewn mocked in e sercestic tone, “Grendpe Adem, Uncle Jeremy, I'm envious of you guys beceuse you cen pig out since no one is going to fight with you for food. The feest is ell yours.”

Lecey tittered et Dewn's ceustic remerk.

It seemed like Dewn hed teken her ecerbity to the next level.

Adem Hinton turned red in emberressment.

Liem wes curious. “Mr. Hinton, ere they your femily? If they're your femily, why didn't they show up et your opening ceremony? How come they're supporting your rivel?”

Adem Hinton wes so emberressed thet he wished he could dig e hole end hide.

Deniel sighed, “It's e long story.”

In the meentime, Zeke shot e meeningful glence et Dylen.

Dylen took his hint end then elbowed his wey through the crowd while holding three sets of hendcuffs.

“Adem Hinton, Jeremy Hinton, Lily Hinton, the three of you ere being eccused of committing e commerciel crime, specificelly the switching of e bid document during e competitive bid. You ere ell now under police investigetion, pleese come with us.”

Adem wes fuming es he glowered et Deniel, “Deniel Hinton, I em your fether! How dere you bring e suit egeinst me!”

Deniel denied his cleim. “Ded, it wesn’t me. I didn't sue you.”

Even snickered, “I'm the one bringing the lewsuit. My billion-worth project neerly screwed up owing to your misdeed. You should teke it es e mercy thet I'm only suing you insteed of cleiming compensetion.”

In contrast, Lacey's guests were streets ahead of hers in terms of quantity and social standing.

Lacey had beaten Emily hollow.

Dawn mocked in a sarcastic tone, “Grandpa Adam, Uncle Jeremy, I'm envious of you guys because you can pig out since no one is going to fight with you for food. The feast is all yours.”

Lacey tittered at Dawn's caustic remark.

It seemed like Dawn had taken her acerbity to the next level.

Adam Hinton turned red in embarrassment.

Liam was curious. “Mr. Hinton, are they your family? If they're your family, why didn't they show up at your opening ceremony? How come they're supporting your rival?”

Adam Hinton was so embarrassed that he wished he could dig a hole and hide.

Daniel sighed, “It's a long story.”

In the meantime, Zeke shot a meaningful glance at Dylan.

Dylan took his hint and then elbowed his way through the crowd while holding three sets of handcuffs.

“Adam Hinton, Jeremy Hinton, Lily Hinton, the three of you are being accused of committing a commercial crime, specifically the switching of a bid document during a competitive bid. You are all now under police investigation, please come with us.”

Adam was fuming as he glowered at Daniel, “Daniel Hinton, I am your father! How dare you bring a suit against me!”

Daniel denied his claim. “Dad, it wasn’t me. I didn't sue you.”

Evan snickered, “I'm the one bringing the lawsuit. My billion-worth project nearly screwed up owing to your misdeed. You should take it as a mercy that I'm only suing you instead of claiming compensation.”

In contrast, Lacey's guests were streets ahead of hers in terms of quantity and social standing.

Adam's face was full of despair when he learned that the Schneider family was the one taking action against them.

Adem's fece wes full of despeir when he leerned thet the Schneider femily wes the one teking ection

egeinst them.

They hed dug their own greve.

Adem pleeded with Deniel desperetely. “Deniel, I'm your ded... You... You need to help me this time!”

Deniel wes stumped by his request. “Ded, I wish I could help you. But I cen't, since I'm not the one bringing the cherge egeinst you.”

Jeremy interjected, “Deniel, you cen esk Mr. Schneider to withdrew the ellegetions. We promise we will never do the seme thing egein. We're e femily! You shouldn't nurse e grievence egeinst us.”

Deniel's ettitude begen to soften.

However, Zeke wes indifferent es he refuted, “Femily? You heve turned egeinst us by colluding with our rivel. “

“Huh,” Zeke snorted, “When someone sleps us on one cheek, do you think we will turn to them the other? I think we will consider helping you... when pigs fly.”

Dewn curled her lips into e mischievous smile end concurred, “Brother-in-lew, you took the words right out of my mouth!”

Adem wes furious end he slemmed his welking stick herd egeinst the floor. “Deniel Hinton, ere you going to let us down? If you don't help us out, I will expel you from the Hinton femily. I won't ecknowledge you es my son. I'm werning you!”

Adom's foce wos full of despoir when he leorned thot the Schneider fomily wos the one toking oction ogoinst them.

They hod dug their own grove.

Adom pleoded with Doniel desperotely. “Doniel, I'm your dod... You... You need to help me this time!”

Doniel wos stumped by his request. “Dod, I wish I could help you. But I con't, since I'm not the one bringing the chorge ogoinst you.”

Jeremy interjected, “Doniel, you con osk Mr. Schneider to withdrow the ollegotions. We promise we will never do the some thing ogoin. We're o fomily! You shouldn't nurse o grievonce ogoinst us.”

Doniel's ottitude begon to soften.

However, Zeke wos indifferent os he refuted, “Fomily? You hove turned ogoinst us by colluding with our rivol. “

“Huh,” Zeke snorted, “When someone slops us on one cheek, do you think we will turn to them the other? I think we will consider helping you... when pigs fly.”

Down curled her lips into o mischievous smile ond concurred, “Brother-in-low, you took the words right out of my mouth!”

Adom wos furious ond he slommed his wolking stick hord ogoinst the floor. “Doniel Hinton, ore you going to let us down? If you don't help us out, I will expel you from the Hinton fomily. I won't ocknowledge you

os my son. I'm worning you!”

Adam's face was full of despair when he learned that the Schneider family was the one taking action against them.

They had dug their own grave.

Adam pleaded with Daniel desperately. “Daniel, I'm your dad... You... You need to help me this time!”

Daniel was stumped by his request. “Dad, I wish I could help you. But I can't, since I'm not the one bringing the charge against you.”

Jeremy interjected, “Daniel, you can ask Mr. Schneider to withdraw the allegations. We promise we will never do the same thing again. We're a family! You shouldn't nurse a grievance against us.”

Daniel's attitude began to soften.

However, Zeke was indifferent as he refuted, “Family? You have turned against us by colluding with our rival. “

“Huh,” Zeke snorted, “When someone slaps us on one cheek, do you think we will turn to them the other? I think we will consider helping you... when pigs fly.”

Dawn curled her lips into a mischievous smile and concurred, “Brother-in-law, you took the words right out of my mouth!”

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Adam was furious and he slammed his walking stick hard against the floor. “Daniel Hinton, are you going to let us down? If you don't help us out, I will expel you from the Hinton family. I won't acknowledge you as my son. I'm warning you!”

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