Legally Bound To The Mafia Boss

Chapter 16

Luciano honestly didn’t care about her background, no one gives a fuck about things like that these days, and besides, her being poor would not be a problem for him because he had no plans on showcasing her after their marriage is done and he has gotten what he wanted, he damn well will dump her at one of his numerous mansions and make sure she barely have access to the real world, of course, he will make sure to care for her needs.

“That’s not a problem Yoey, it is not,”

“I don’t know, it feels like it will be, and what if Don doesn’t approve of her, you already wasted a lot of money, plus the debt that they didn’t pay,”

Yoey pointed out.

“Don wants me to get married, I am sure he won’t care who is it that I end up with, or do you want Stacy to be your new madam? Isn’t it better to get someone you can talk to and she will bow in fear?”

Luciano asked and Yoey shook his head, both of them knew that Stacy was not the right person, the bitch was so clingy and even go about telling people that they were dating when he hasn’t been with her for more than a year now, the crazy woman was unstoppable.


He said when Yoey didn’t say a word.

“I don’t think that lady is someone that will bow in fear, she is smart even if she is shy, just saying,

Yoey pointed out after a long pause.

“Yoey, I know you are concerned for me but you should know me that I don’t do anything without thinking it through, and yes, I know l the things you pointed out already, but that’s not stopping me, in as much as these things are a flaw, it is also great because, for one, I don’t need a woman that knows too much who would speak over me,”

Luciano pointed out checking his watch.

“I understand, I just wanted to make sure you are sure, I am sorry if I overstepped the boundary,”

He apologized.

“That’s okay,”

Luciano responded, he was tempted to call Martin to find out if the witch was back already, but he didn’t.

“Who and who is attending the party again? I sort of have forgotten the others, except the sheikh,”

He asked, he knew there are going to be a lot of top-class people at the party today, it was the launching party of a five-star hotel built by the prime minister’s younger brother, as much as he didn’t like the people going there, they were part of the reason his business is moving, so it was only right that he shows up, plus the Sheikh will be there too! his new business interest.

“A lot,”

Yoey said passing him the pad he had with him, Luciano looked through the names and frown when he saw two names, one his stupid cousin and the other, Dimitri Valenti, his biggest rival and one-time best friend, the one who taught him that humans aren’t to be trusted no matter what.

“When did Dimitri return to the country?”

He asked with a frown, the last person he wanted to interact with was Dimitri and the bastard have the nit of always seeking him out when they are in the same place.

“I am not sure but I think about the same time we came back, and I heard that he has been to see Don too,”

Yoey revealed.

“And you didn’t bother to tell me?”

He questioned as his frown grew even deeper, his grandfather for some weird reason still liked Dimitri even though he had betrayed him and stolen from their family, Luciano hated him and hated that he still associates with his family.

“I am sorry, I didn’t think it was important,”

“Everything is important Yoey, you should know, you have been working with me for years, you know just what Dimitri did, why is Don still associating with that loser?”

He groaned in anger, he knew the answer to his question, Dimitri’s family and his family had been friends for decades, they grew up together and used to be inseparable, yeah, his biggest mistake was trusting him.

“I want information about their meeting, don’t keep anything from me,”

He added.

“Yes sir,”

“And check if there has been any association with Mako,”This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

Luciano added, he knew Mako and knew he would want to associate with Dimitri too now that they were no longer on good terms, that bastard would befriend anyone who he dislikes just to provoke him.

“Yes sir,”

“That’s all for now,”

Luciano said dismissing him.

“Yes sir,”

Yoey said and walked out of the room, left on his own, Luciano closed his eyes and rested his head on the chair, he had a lot of things he needed to do, and he still hadn’t been able to talk to Don about the huge threat to their family and empire, it was Don’s fault because he said he won’t listen to whatever Luciano has to say until he gets a wife, such a stubborn man.

All he had to do was present a wife and he was going to do that, Martin hasn’t called back so that means they have seen her already, he needed her to be at the party tonight for a whole lot of reasons, his most important reason of showing up was to speak to sheikh Omar who is just as conservative as his grandfather and believes a serious man is one who has a woman, he needed to get his hands on the fertile land that the sheikh has, he already had big plans for it but the adamant man wasn’t giving him a listening ear even though he was willing to pay ten times more of whatever other buyers have agreed to pay, another reason taking a wife became so important to him.

He shook off the thoughts and checked his time, got off the chair, and walked out of his office, he needed to get fit for the party later, he stopped by the reception and gave out instructions to the receptionist, and walked towards his car, his bodyguards and Yoey were beside him in seconds.

“Yoey, no need to come with me, go get her, and make sure she is ready before time, I don’t want to be late,”

He instructed as he took the keys from the driver.

“But sir?”

“No buts, do as I say,”

He said as he got into the car and zoomed off, leaving his shock aids behind, they should be used to him by now, he hasn’t been to his main house for a while now and he needed to walk out and take things off his mind.

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