Kidnapped and Rejected – The Return of Alpha’s Luna by Moon Claw

Chatper 178

Chatper 178

Chapter 178

The cord snapped with a sharp cracking sound.

The entire bridge fell off and crashed down into the river. Paul and Hellen screamed in terror, but their

voice was immediately swallowed by the raging turbulence.

Janet and Morgana stood on top of the tower and looked down.

The remains of the bridge floated down the river. Blood painted part of the water red.

Janet placed a hand on Morgana’s shoulder, feeling the tremble of that body under her touch.

“You did the right thing,” she said to Morgana quietly.


Morgana took in a deep breath, “They left me in that hospital to die. I guess 20 years.

isn’t a very long time for me to have my revenge.”

“Congratulations,” Janet smiled.

“Thank you. But what about Harper? Did she escape?”

Janet let out a cold snort, “She can’t. I won’t let that happen.”

She gazed in the direction where Harper had taken.

Yet now there was a question-

With the drawbridge fallen, the only way that linked the tower to the back mountain. was gone.

If she took a detour, that would take a long time, and Harper would be long gone.

She needed to find a way to cross this 30–foot wide gap. Quickly.

“Come onto my back.”

Janet turned around and found Daran striding out of the door.

“But Layla-”

“Kass is with her. Layla won’t get away. I am coming with you to get Harper.”

Daran stretched his body and shifted into his wolf.

The giant black wolf lowered its back and let Janet climb up.

With a long howl to the moon, the wolf pushed the ground with its rear legs and leaped forward!

Janet clung tightly to the wolf’s fur as they soared gracefully across the gaping chasm, the cold wind

biting at Janet’s cheeks.

The depth underneath her was daunting. If they slipped, they would absolutely crash

and die.

Yet Janet was not afraid.

Because she knew that she was safe with Daran. He would never let them fall.

The wolf landed on the other end safely. Janet gazed into the forest ahead. The twisted branches and

tangled vines created an impenetrable darkness.

“Hold tight,” Daran warned her.

Together they dashed into the woods.

The moon cast a silver glow, revealing the glistening snowflakes that danced through the air. The

rhythmic crunch of snow beneath the wolf’s powerful paws echoed in the silent night.

The snowfall had intensified. The flakes settled on the wolf’s black fur and Janet’s hair.

This blizzard helped in their case.

Because they had found footprints left by Harper on the snowy ground.

“Follow the footprints!” Janet whispered to the wolf’s perked–up ears.

They ventured deep into the woods. In the distance, the soft echoes of footsteps reached their ears.

Janet’s gaze sharpened as the wolf suddenly picked up its speed and spurted forward.

They had spotted their target, Harper, who was trudging clumsily through the blinding snow.

Harper looked back and let out a horrified cry.

She tried to pick up her pace, move around swiftly.

but the snowfall had made it extremely difficult to

The wolf jumped and tackled Harper to the ground. The wind knocked out of her as she landed hard on

the snow–covered forest floor. She struggled against the wolf’s grip, but he was too strong. was



Janet sat straight on the wolf’s back and loomed over Harper, a cold smirk on her face.

“Just give up already. You are not getting anywhere,” Janet said. Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

She slid off the wolf’s back and walked up to Harper with the sharp blade in her hand.

Harper backed on the ground, quivering violently, her eyes full of fear and horror. “No…No don’t!” she

cried with tears streaming down her face. “Please, don’t kill me! I don’t pose any threat to you anymore!

Lance is doomed. The entire Grace Ruin. is ruined. You have your win already. Just let me live-”

Janet kicked Harper’s shoulder and knocked her down.

Harper struggled to pull herself up again.

But Janet stepped on her shoulder and pinned her on the cold ground.

“I have given you a chance already, back in Riverside Pack. I thought even a rotted soul like you

deserved a chance to start over.”

Janet looked down at her frightened face and snorted, “But what did you do? You ganged up with

Lance, killed Veronica, and fled the city. You are beyond help, Harper. Today is the day you DIE!”

She held the blade with both of her hands stabbed down!

Harper screamed, rolling to the side, and narrowly dodged this one strike.

The blade made a deep cut on her cheek. Blood poured out and spilled on the ground,

making a striking contrast to the white snow.

Harper breathed heavily.

The desire for survival gleamed in her eyes.

“DARAN!” she cried abruptly. “Daran are you going to just stand there and let her kill me?!” → Their

Warrior Luna Update to [Chapter One–Thirty–Two]. Tap to read now>>

The giant wolf stood silently a few steps away, its fur blending seamlessly with the shadows.

Janet let out a cold sneer. She raised her blade to stab one more time. Yet Harper roared again:

-I saved your life once, Daran! When we were both children, remember?! Now it is time for you to pay

back that debt!”

Janet’s hands froze in the air.

Harper sensed a slim chance of survival. She quickly got up, shoved Janet aside and crawled to Daran

on her knees.

“R–Remember? When you were a small kid… You got lost in the forest one time and nobody could find

you, not even the soldiers. You almost froze to death…I–It was me who brought you home. You

wouldn’t become a great Alpha as you are not if it weren’t for me!”

Daran shifted back to human.

His body became stiff when Harper grabbed the hem of his pants.

“Remember that day? It was a snow day…Just like tonight.”

Harper looked up at him. Tears mixed with blood and streamed down her face, “You must remember

what it felt like to freeze…and the joy when you realized that you were saved! Daran, you owe me! You

owe me a FUCKING LIFE!”

Daran let out a shaky breath.

He did remember that day.

He was 4 years old.

He went into the forest alone to explore this so–called forbidden place and got lost. The snow kept

falling mercilessly and soon buried him. He remembered passing out near a stream, his heart filled with

loneliness and fear.

He thought that he would definitely die.

Yet when he opened his eyes again, he found himself on the back of another person. That person

carried him tightly and trudged across the snow–laden woods, going back home.

He didn’t take a clear look at that person’s face.

He only remembered that person’s tiny shoulder and the sense of security that surged up in him at the


He blacked out again on that person’s back.

When he woke up a couple of hours later, he was back in his bedroom, with Harper by his bedside.

Harper told him that it was her who found him and brought him home.

From that day onward, Daran started to treat Harper in the most special manner, which was why

Harper dared to call herself the “Princess of Riverside Pack.”

Yet oddly he never experienced the same kind of security with Harner ever again.

Yet oddly, he never experienced the same kind of security with Harper ever again.


Now… Harper was using this as leverage to beg for his mercy.

Should he let her live?

Daran narrowed his eyes, his face unreadable.

Janet suddenly let out a loud laugh.

“You saved him? Are you sure?” she asked Harper icily.

“Of course I am sure! I was there myself-”

“OK. Then let me ask you this.”

Janet walked up to her and grabbed a hand of her hair, pulling her head up.

“Where did you find him in the forest?” Janet asked.

Harper hissed at the pain coming from her scalp. “I–I don’t fucking remember! It was so long ago-”

“It–It is ” Harper panicked, “It is a tree! Yes, I found him underneath a tree!”

Daran snapped his head up.

Disbelief flickered across his eyes.

“Are you sure?”

The icy smile on Janet’s lips grew wider, “Do you want to take another guess?”

“I…A tree, or maybe a cave! I…I don’t remember…”


Janet pointed the blade at Harper’s throat and said in a freezing voice, “The right answer is near a


Daran’s heart skipped a beat as he stared at Janet, unblinkingly.

“How do you know what the right answer is!” Harper cried.

“Because the person who saved him decades ago-”

Janet smiled.

-was me.”

Harper rounded her eyes in shock.

She couldn’t believe this.

But…But Janet?!

Janet saved Daran?

Janet saved Daran?

How was this possible-

Harper didn’t finish that thought because the cold blade had sunk into her throat the

next second.

Blood gushed out.

Harper held her bleeding throat, her eyes widened with horror and slowly crushed to the ground. Died.

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