Judas kiss

Chapter 65: Sing for on your knees.

Chapter 65: Sing for on your knees.

She was happy.

Happy that she had a stronger relationship with Andre and there was progress... sad that her mom.

Yes, Marcela was bitchy but it would have been nice to have her around still. Della doubted Marcela

would approve of Andre infact knowing her mother very well, Marcela would call her stupid.

A week after missing period, she immediately bought a pregnancy test.

It said she wasn't pregnant.

She was very disappointed but it's not as if Andre had stopped making love to her. It had to happen

eventually. They didn't call it baby-making, Andre thought of it as him just enjoying every moment with

her. It wasn't just Leo that he had missed in six years. Della had started to be worried that what if she

was now barren? What if she couldn't conceive? She just had so many questions. Was she now too

old? She was only in her late twenties. It also surprised her how she had not been to her apartment for

two full months, the exact time her mother had been in a coma.

"Is Darren me?" Andre said very suspiciously at Della as he held her manuscript. Yes, they had went

back to their habit of reading together. Della always felt comfortable giving Andre her work unlike when

she gave Leith. Andre had always managed to give her a none-biased opinion.

Della didn't know how to respond to that.

"...not exactly." Della said embarrassed, she knew Andre was smarter than that.

"I think Darren Blake is me." He said, his expression was unreadable.

"Did you hate me that much?" He questioned.

Della felt bad as she looked out the balcony sliding door, the rain was pouring heavily.

"I wrote most of it when I was pregnant and angry.." She paused. "I just took it all out on paper."

"Mhm, you wished me a painful death.." He teased but it was true. When Della was pregnant she wrote

all the horrible things she wished would happen to Andre but those were the first few chapters after Leo

was born.. that hate sort of dissolved. She suddenly only cared about her new bundle of joy now and

she didn't have as much time to write anymore. Thanks to the Nana she met at the community Centre.

She had agreed to take care of little infant Leo. Della had to go back to work immediately if she

planned on not being homeless again. It hurt that every time she got home from her shift at around

midnight, Leo would be asleep. She didn't have time to sit and be angry anymore. She didn't have time

to write about Darren Blake the evil male lead.

Her big break was when they renovated a new building and it was later called the Ritz-Carlton hotel.

They were looking for employees from accountants to cooks to maids to managers. Things started to

look up, she remembered her first pay.. she spent it all on Leo.? The greatest thing about this was it

was very close to where she stayed, meaning instead of her money finishing as transport, she was able

to save a little.

"I was just angry.. besides it's not like I could go to a therapist." Della defended herself. "I also think the

old Adela would hate me for being with you right now and allowing you to make me pregnant for the

second time."

Andre laughed at her snide comment.

"I mean, I can sense anger but there is love hidden." He said softly. "This is actually the most realistic

book you have ever written or maybe I just haven't read your writings in a long time. I guess it hurts that

Darren who is me dies a tragic death but.. I love it. This would be a Best New York Seller." Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Della smiled.

"I hope you aren't just saying that."

"No.." he chuckled. "Personally, this is something I would buy and thoroughly enjoy reading." He said

coming closer to her side of the bed.

"Mr Levetté are you trying to seduce me." She giggled at Andre who was now hovering over her.

"I mean your book was pretty shit but maybe you could change my mind.." Andre teased, his blue eyes

had a shade darker. That always happened when—

"How? Do you want to read my other manuscript?" Della acted innocent which Andre absolutely loved.

"No.. maybe I will understand it all better when I'm in the depths of you." He smirked, Della was going

absolutely crazy, Andre was always such a dirty talker. With the rain in the background, this seemed

like the perfect time to allow Andre to be in her depths.

He puckered her lips, as she laid on the soft pillow. He couldn't wait to devour her. Leaning in for

another kiss, she let her hand wrap around his neck. Andre pressed his huge bulge on the front of her

panties. She wore a dress and it had hiked up. She could feel how iron rigid his member was. It gave

her immense pleasure thinking about how he would stretch her out leaving absolutely no space to

breath. He would unmercifully clog her until she gives in. Andre was the best love maker.

"That's so unprofessional." She played along in between the kisses they had shared.

"It could be worse Mrs McCarthy." He said in a husky tone, nuzzling her earlobe and giving her a lick

here and there. That made her vulva release an unimaginable amount of Lava. Her breasts both pointy,

she was ready to take it all in.

"Do I have to beg you on my knees for you to like my manuscript?" She questioned as they joined for

another soft kiss.

"... depends maybe you could sing for me on your knees, I have a mic."

This made Della burst out laughing.

"You're so dirty Andre.." She playfully hit his chest. He just smirked.

"Do you still want to sing? Or you want me to play the flute."

"Stop being ridiculous, who even taught you that?" Della laughed wholeheartedly making Andre laugh

as well.

"It was in magazine.. that I read during a boring flight." He said defensively.

Andre noticed how Della tensed as she push him off her. With her hand on her mouth, she sprinted for

the bathroom. Andre immediately went to be of aid as she threw up. He held her hair and rubbed

circles on her back. They both knew what this meant, Andre couldn't stop the grin that formed on his


He was going to be a father again.

Or Della was just feeling sick.


Mila felt self conscious, her little belly bump had formed and she didn't know how to feel. She wore

Alfredo's grey hoodie and tights. It covered up well considering she wasn't that big.

"Are you ready?" He asked her, she was just merely standing on the mirror, just staring at herself.

"Fredo.." she called him with the new nickname she had given him.

It made him smile.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"Am I fat?" She said observing herself.

"No Mila.." he assured her then she smiled taking her handbag and phone so they could leave. After

fighting in front of the doctor a week ago. When it was time to make a decision. The doctor suggested

they needed couple therapy and he immediately signed them up. They had only went for four sessions

and it was of great help.


"Now... Ms Rivera how did it make you feel when your family said you needed to get an abortion..?"

The therapist asked holding her notebook and a pen. Alfredo squeezed Mila's hand telling her that it

would be okay. The both sat on the couch opposite the therapists chair.

"Sad.." Mila answered.

"You really didn't want to do it?" Mrs. Norman questioned softly. Mila was on the verge of crying.

"No." Mila answered, atleast she had actually been answering unlike most sessions.

"Did you talk to someone about this?"

"No." She blatantly replied. "People started to distance themselves from me.. they said I had been

cursed. It just got so bad that my parents decide it was best I leave.."

This was the first time she had actually talked.

"Does this pregnancy remind you of that?"

"...being with Alfredo reminds of that. I feel as if just being with him makes me a much bigger

disappointment to my family and people from my village would surely shun me for this.. even more that

I'm pregnant with his first child, his potential heir."

Alfredo felt remorseful for putting her through all that.

"So it seems it has been instilled within you that being with Alfredo or even being merely touched by

him is wrong correct?"

She nodded.

Alfredo rubbed circles on her hand with his thumb. It was soothing.

"Let's have a lighter conversation now.. Mr Molinero what are the qualities that you love about her?"

Alfredo smiled.

"She is fierce and bold. She always speaks her mind and mostly puts me in my place because no one

ever does that."

Mila felt butterflies all inside her stomach.

"Did you know that Ms Rivera?" Dr. Norman said with a smile.

Mila shook her head.

"I just always thought he loved the way I look and the sex.." she confessed.

"What are the qualities that you love about him?" Dr. Norman asked.

"He looks scary but he is actually the most sweet and generous being. He is very caring.."

"Is he like that with everyone or just you?"

Mila realized, Alfredo only acted this way with her because he head over heels inlove with her.

"What qualities would you love your child to inherit from the father.. if you decide to keep the child.."

I'm keeping my baby.?- Mila's heart said almost immediately. She couldn't think about giving her baby


"Can I start with looks?" Mila smiles this made Alfredo and Dr Norman have a hearty laugh as well.


"I want my baby to have Alfredo's nose, lips, grey eyes and—"

"It seems you love a lot about him." The doctor said thoughtfully.

Without thinking, Mila said.

"I love him."

Alfredo's heart steadily skipped a beat.

"How does that feel to say out loud?"

"Good." Mila replied.

The session ended within the next thirty minutes. There was progress..

Mila entwined her hands with Alfredo, she felt at peace with him. Close to forgiving him. Letting it all

go.. the hatred she had kept for so long.

"Can we go pick cute little clothes..?" Mila said excitedly when Alfredo asked what she wanted to do.

"We're keeping the baby?" He asked a feeling of euphoria bracing his whole body.

"Yes, our baby." She hugged him and still a bit confused and shocked he hugged her back. It started

drizzling making them laugh as Felipe opened the door to the black SUV open for them.

The puzzle seemed to be getting together.

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